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NEWS ABOUND TOWN. Short Stories Picked Up by The Times Reporter. Miss Margaret War lick of Charlotte visited friends in Fort Mill during the last week. Miss Margaret Bradford of Charlotte is spending the week with relatives in Fori Mill. Miss Kaehael Harris of Mooresviile, N. and Miss Mary Me- I Maekin of Koek Hill are guests | of Mr. and Mrs. I-]. W. Kimhrell. j * Price Karis .of (ireenwood is speipling several days with his I brother. Karl Faris. in the Hold 11:11 eomhiniiity. Mrs \v;?li..i'u .....I !...! 11 Ullli'sou and daughter arc guests tliis week at the home of Mrs. Masscy's parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Bradford. Mrs. Clarence llougland and her little daughters of ljadili. N. are visitin^r at the home of j Mrs.. 11 Oakland "s parents. Mr. J and Mrs. .1. C. Lee. The annua! picnic of the Kort Mill l'reshyterian Sunday school j is being held today two miles south of town in a grove "on the hanks of Steel creek. Cor the second time in as many years, rain last l-riday broke up the Brown's shop picnic for which preparation had been made by (!o Id Hill farmers. Mr. and Mrs. Manly S. Young and their son have returned to their home in Concord. N. C.. after a visil of several days lo re I atives in Cor I Mill. Mrs. (Jeorge Cisli and her daughter. Miss Dorothy Bergstroni. have returned to their j Iio|111a in l-Wi .Mill from 21 visit to j ivlM ivos. in I forehestor. M;iss. (J. 'I\ TIlOlllpSOII. i|CI'OIII|?illli?'l| !?v 11is children 21ml .Miss M211111 i?* (''.ilp. motored to Port ^lill from (ivoi iislioro. N. ('.. I21SI S21111 i'tl21 y fpr 21 visit to Mr. 21ml Mrs. \Y. M. Culp. Mr. 21114I Mrs. .lolm S. Potts uihI their children left Sunday | morning in their ear for 21 visit to ! Mrs. Potts' parents. Mr. 21ml Mrs \Y. II. Cov. at Sanlord.N. C. Miss Kathleen lliill of Prove 1 1I1 'i e tow nship. MeeUleiihur.;: county, returned home yesterday i spending several diiys with her aunt. Mrs. W. h\ Harris. 211 the Palmetto hotel. J. II. Me.Murrjiy ami his datijrh 4.... vj : i.v.ii. \ * \ -a irr, hiss ivsilier .\1 e .\l iiitji v, v*' i returned home from rdaekshurg. I where they recelly spent several days visiting Mr.' and Mrs. Joe. J 11. MeMurrav. 1 * Dr. J.* W." II. left Moil- ! i day morning fur < >i*jiryr to 1 ill (? lid tile U i* 111 iilllllliil session o!" j ? the South ( iirolma S.ate eoiineil |l Junior (tnler I oiled Aineriean D M? ehailies. of wliie'i he has heel' j; eluiplaiu for the hist live years. Colli raet for i lie eons! met ion ? <d the York Meekleiihtirg hrnitv j1 in loss the Catawlm river ;it tin1 ; Duster lloyd siie 1:1 miles north- i west of h'ort Mill was awarded a ( few days ago to the llardaw.iy i| eousl ruet ion eompany for +! (>.- | till. i The Kev.S. D. Iliiir of fountain Iiiii. piistor several years ago of | tin h'ort Mill ;.ud f lint Ilill Dap-I* lis! ehurehes. will preaeli in evau- j gelistie serviees at f lint Ilill M ehureli beginning next Suuda\ i and eonlinning throughout the i w eek. I Kthvnl't! I*'. !, i*;e .Ill I his ..III! I ily of (Ireenvillc will* pilosis !;isl L I riiliiy and Saturday of M:?n? 1 | .M I'M. .1. I?. I'ro.i;11i;i \. M iss A11nio Mny lirnadunx i*-?iI i?? (ireenvillc willi Mr. 111> 1 Mis. | lh>otle ; 11111 will spend some 1 line , with them in that city. (Iiarles II. fradford a l'r\v ' days a;;o I'-rcivi'il a 1 ? 51 ?*i* from , (uivi'i'iior ('ooper s ollice hi t'oluinliia statin*; thai 11? <ro\cruor , had awarded him tin* filth d *' trict scholarship at tli" Medical ; Cdllcjfe of South t 'arol.iia f ?r tin* ( 1PJ I J'J SCSSHVI. i | An interest in*; play. "A Ken- i tlM'kv I telle, will he *;iveii tomorrow (Kridax eveiiinir jit The Observer school house, just across the State line in Mecklenhtirjr county front fort Mill township. A small admission fee w ill he charged and the proeeeds will j?o to the school piano filial. 'I he Uev, \\ M.issey, I >. I>.. professor of iheolo?ry at llamp,1. .. v. .!....? ....ii : ... i . . II.-tt \ ... n-m*. ? i i f; 111 ill. is ;i jrursl of his paronts. Mr. Jim! Mrs. Iv II M;iss,.\ in Fort Mill. Sunday |)l*. Massoy fillotl tin* pulpit ui tlio morn in ir xorvioe of tho First lYoshytorinn cliuivli in ('harlot t?>. Tlio How A. Fitn-li. former |?:is tor of tlio Fort Mill Itnplist i churoli. will fill tlio pulpit of that ohurolt noxt Sunday mornin^. Mr. Kiuoli also will assist the pastor, the Kev. J. \V. 11. 1 ? ' I Dvelies. iii revival serviees at J I'leasant Valley Itaptist eliureli lex I week. M iss Kair Lee of < "harlot to. Iaii<rhter of Mr. anil Mrs. .1. I*'. j t t of I 'orl Mill, left t'liarlottoi s.lurtlay for Washington to join j . loiirinjr party to visit New \ oi k. Canaatla. < 'ineinnat i ami ither Northern plaees. She will nrii August l.~> ami will speml i ft w tlays w ith her parents. 1?. II. Stril)|iii?r. siiperintemlent li:tin<r the 11 >120 l! 1 session of the; i* tot Mill jrraileil sehool. spent 1 ft I'Vitlay ami Satnrilav in town eitli friemls. Mr. Striblinji was un- 11111 * * ?i^tv nrnni >u|miiii ; i? udeut of tlit* t'ross Anchor school in Spartnnbur<jr county and Moioljiy nioriiinjr bejjan his du- : Iks as IicjkI of the school when | I lie fail I session opened. I'.axter Karis of l'ittsvillc. Ala., former well known former of the I I mid Ilill seclion of Korl Mill 0 ,\ nsliip. arrived a few days a?ro j for a visil to his relatives and I friends in this community. Mr. J I". lis' home is in the section of A'almiiiii which was invaded s?w yeiirs a?ro hy the l?oll weevil M.d lie says that the farmers 1 hi re have learned to combat it '.in'cessfully to some extent. \. Ii. .t'a rot Iters, snperintendrilt. ailliollliees that Children's I ?.iy exercises will he held next Si nday afternoon from d to ."? n clock by the Massey School Sunday school. An interesting pr? jjrain prepared for the ocrasiou includes a number of short lal1 s to be made oil subjects per Ij.iiiiiijr to Sunday school work. 1 Mr. ('arothel's extends a cordial invitation in tlii' pitl?lit* tn attend till* I'Xt'l'l'iM'S. \V. (I ,p|is ill' 'Titt*|itiii Springs. Fin.. yesterday ret11rn<*? 1 to l.nniI nit on. N. (from ?t sliurt visit to Fort Mill, to complelo it stay o! two works at tin- liottir o|" liis fail Iter. S. A. I'.pps. ill thai town.' Mr. F.pps s;iys thai tlir principal industry ill Tarpon Springs, mi I lo1 gull roast of Florida. is sponge j?j11tiering. in which ltinstly (irrrks arc engaged. The work is hazardous and not a few of the1 dpii's ranged in it lose their lives hy drowning. Sergt. Kohl. Ik White, from! I nri Morgan. Ala., urived in Fort , Mill Sunday morning to spend a I HE FORT MILL TIMES. FOR "!! ? aill" ?, -, f^ir?^ T7TTT) 1 Ul> "From the chc that's made." We can furnis parlor to kitcl your I V4F- irT - - nwr 3 A-Janr*)! iia - _I _r~ JJJ BASEI Ex-Serv v Tom Hal TUESDAY Game Starts Proir Benefit Tom Hall ( 15 and 2 11? *11111 s leave of ahsenee from Ins eomiiiaml with It is brothers ami sisters at their home near I *?\ n. Serjrt. White has heen ill :lie regular army for inan\* years ami hieks only one term of eiilis' nteiit of three years until lie is iI?rihIe for reiirnieiil from the ser\ iee w ith full pay. lie already lies served more than the lime iv11iiivd fi.r retirement, hut sevei. 1 years ajjpi dropped out of the army for some time and tlieivhy In*; ke Ih?? coniiimity of his service. PLEASANT VALLEY NEWS. Interesting Items From Progres sive Community. Miss \\ A. Neil of Rock Hill is \:sitin<r Mr. and Mrs. 1?. .1. Alexander. Robert Potts visited relatives in the Harrison section of Mecklenburg county a few duys ago. T MILL, SOUTH OABOLPTA * \ :niti japest that's goo >h your home co len. (G & W( I I BALL! I ice Men - ' I ! 1 Guards i ( AUG. 16 iptly at 5:30 P. M. Guards. Admission !5 Cents. I >;in Us I'aterson of (iol?l liill spent a few ilays <?t* last week will his relatives in litis coimniinity. Mrs. K. L. Kirven ami her Utile son ami .Miss Novice Kirven of St. Charles are visitin?; .Mrs. Kirven *s parents. Mr. ami Mrs. I >. O. Colts. .Miss Knola I?; 11*11?* 11?* of Hook 11:11 is visi. injr her sister. Mrs. K. M. Toils. l-'owler Spinks of Slatesville. N I'.. is on a \ isil to his sister. Mrs. W. K. Hail. Mrs. K. K. Sadler of Hock 11 ill was a jrnest of Mrs. h. K. Pattorson dnrinjr tin* last week. Mrs. F. (i. Potts lias returned from an onling at Ocean View. Va.. and will spend sonic time with Mr. and Mrs. (). \Y. Potts, ('apt. I*'. (J. Potts has returned to Camp .lackson ami is }frraii?in^ to be transferred in the near iBi^l JRE d to the best mplete from ^ H )LFE OS! LEAD & ZINC PAINT ^ IP-I ; LYTLE DRUG CO., Fori fillnr?> lit iinol Inr jinny post. Mr. Jiinl Mrs. Toil Smith of j i ii;iriot 11* rrrrutly spoilt <1 tVw | ilijys wit li ivljitivi-s in this ooiii | liiiinitv. A sue in I i* v ?'ii t nl 11n* u i'i'k \\ ;i - 1 ( .1 pjirly jrivi-ii I?y Miss UcImtcji ( I ill 11 lit III' linlilt' fit' luT piil't'llts. ! Mr. mi.I Mrs. \V. I!. I lull. A mini ] i*r nl young; proph' woiv pivsoiit iiiul tlu> i-vi'iiiiii' nrovi-il :i most r* ! blight t'nl him- for all. 1 ollowing a week of inteiisoK i lioi dry wealhoi*. tin* crops oftliis , sod ion wci'r liilloli rofroslioil a | fo\v days ago l?y good rains. banners of lliis sod ion aro busy < saml-clayinjr the Kort Mill mail < from tlio Kind's highway to ; T.ailos bridge. The improvement I of tli is road wliieli is now timid* : way has been a long I'olt need ami will add much to tin* com- ; j fort ami safoty of public travel. ' Beginning on August 14 tin* 1 i r MB i anm mm '; v TT-ra i *? illpl' |\ AI |M jag 0P= bi?'i /e'll give you this paint free! IL P'VINT li.ilf your house with B ( I )cvoc doesn't take fewer gallons Rjjl'jl till cos! loss noiitoy, wo vmII make I7v'. '?: i: VI I wear :l \Cir or "i'J A'o or lilies yi .ri tourer I M ?r? ii'Wi'f-ttt will^ivj ynu cnoU|{h fl t >cvuc to Jo t! c y?b over. S ' .1 you ain.,.1 to pus* tins uip.r H (hoot m vcsoiptiou? 8 1)1: V< ? I'HKIH i . - jrr tunc (olrJ an J H liruvi'ii,- l>\ liiO >c til?' i'\|iciI- E L'lii ' of (tic ultic? I pjinl in iiiuljwlui in* I I'.iK^niinllitll S I'uunJcil l<S4 ^Jl |J^ bulj by the Uotn ^ ifi ycur community Ar I? ?". A. I**i11? 11. former piisior. will III ill! ;i M-rirs ill' moot illjjs at;ui' N'iilli-y i:.i|.iist church. A' flu- f i*rli 1 si r\ iri-s. special mu-c will In o i \ ,'H |?v ill** church 1'iiir ;i in I :i iMU'iliiil in \ itiitiou in v m *i h I ? < I lilt* | mi I m it* tn ?i 11 * *t 111 the m r\ hts. I.ast \\ riliii' joint <'liililri'ii s I \ i-xi-reises mill a Suinlay -.ebool Jii. 111 * \n-iT In-Ill at l*lea>? ti Mill Mi-lhodist ? 111,**i-Ii. The 1:1.1 i I*i-I I s i|ay i-Xi-ri-isrS We IV ex i p'lonaI|y interesting ami the t.-ai hers an* to In- eoiiipliinenteu ' >ti 'In- I fit i 11 i ii ?r jri veil l lie little an s. In tin- a It einooii a baseball ira tne was played between I Menslit Valley and (Sold Mill whieh the loeals won by a 12 to 9 0^ stole. There was a lar?fe crowd present for the day's exercises itid dinner was plentiful. All M-eineiI to have had u pleasant time. "Spinner."