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NO rOED AND 40 ACRES. Union County, N. C.t Man There fore Quit His Wife. Claiming that W. Henry Bake; of Union county, N. C., had failet to give him 40 acres and a Ford which he said was promised hin if he would marry Baker's adopt ed daughter. Clarence Simpson also of Uuion county, charge* with abandonment, declared ii the suprior court at Monroe. N a few days ago that lie wouh go to the roads before lie wouh again live with his wife. 0 Although found guilty by tin jury, the presiding judge did no sentence Simpson as he said In desired more time to study tin case. The 40 acres ami the Ford. am a recital of the many domcstii difficulties between Simpson am his wife, in vol vin<r a cow, ehiek ens ami a ho*; ami the allege! pinning of a bompiet on tie lured man's coat by Mrs. Simp son. threw the court into a tin* moil. The mentality of the prosecn trix was questioned by eouiise for the detjyise. but a few ques tinus seemed to satisfy the jmlg< that she was of sound mind am the ease proceeded. When the defendant went upot the stand lie declared that he lini been offered 40 acres and a For* by linker to marry the girl, did " lie said, "and Baker liasn* v lived up to his contraet. I hnv received neither the 40 acres no the Ford." Baker then swore he did no want bis adopted daughter t< marry Simpson. "I gave Mrs Simpson a lioir." he said "Im Simpson sold it. pocket in?r tic money. The couple owned several chickens. Three of tliein wen claimed l?y Simpson and three In Mrs. Simpson. "I sold them all." Simpson admitted. "What caused you to ahnmloi your wife?" Simpson was asked "She pinned a bouquet on tli hired man's coat." was the re Spouse. Simpson. however. returner Mrs. Simpson's cow to her afte keeping it several days. "11 found he couldn't milk her." re marked one of the attorneys. A mule swap was at the hot ton of the prosecution. Simpson said He was unable to pay the differ etice he owed on the trade am his creditor had him prosecuted he said, "to ?ret even." ^ " Don't be satisfied with an ot dinar.v phonograph while you ca t?et a Brunswick at same pric that is superior in quality an tone at Massey's. Notice to Debtors and Craditori All persons indebted to .1. 1 ( oil harp. deceased> are request e< to make payment to the nutlet signed as administrators of hi estate, and all creditors of sail estate, will present their claim duly approved to the undei si?rned. S. |j. COLTHARI\ \V. .!. ('OLTl IA Ul\ Administ rators. Fort Mill. S. Aug. 10. 1021 WEAK, NERVOUS, ALL RUN-DOWI Missouri Lady Suffered Until Si Tried Cardni.?Says " Result Was Surprising?Got Along Fine, Became Normal and Healthy. Springfield Mo.?"My back was t WMk I could hardlv lUnri tin and would hove bearing-down pains at was not well at any time," aajte Mr B. . Williams, wife of a well-know farmer on Route 6, this plare. kept getting headaches and having i go to bed," continues Mrs. Willlan describing the troubles from wtatc she obtained relief through the use < Cartful. "My husband, having heat of Cardul, proposed getting it for m "X saw after taking some Card ... that I was improving. The resu was surprising. Ifelt like a dlfferei person. "Later 1 suffered from weaknei and weak back, and felt all run-dow I did not reet well at night. I was i nervous end cross. My husband sa ks would get me tome Cardul, whl< he did. It etrengthened me ... N doctor said I got along fine. I was good healthy condition. I canm a any too much for It." Thousands of women have suffer* as Mrs. Williams describes, until th< fbund relief from the uee of Cardt Since It has helped so many, y< should not hesitate to try Cardul troubled with womanly ailments. Far sale ever/whaTS. K. FORT MILL TIMES, West, has accepted the position , ind will take up his duties with lie college this fall. Universal ring-shaped casings; and ring-shaped tubes?Mien-; elin Young & Wolfe. j Perfect four yard Sheeting, in whole pieces, 1) cents a vurd. or Hi cents a pound, at Mussey's. Milch Cow ?Four gallon .Jersey , milch cow with beautifully market! heifer calf sired by registered Holstein for sale. W.E.Bradford. The fastest selling tire in America? Firestone. Young & Wolfe. JIM) pairs Summer Shoes, value Good Thing for Charlotte. 1 The people of York, and espe- j - cially of Bethel township, are to | be congratulated upon their eu- ; r terprise in cooperating with 1 1 Mecklenburg county (North Car. jomiu) in the building of a bridge i across the Catawba which will - shorten nie lru\eling distance be. ; a ten i orit and < iiariolle from . I -? > to dO iniies. but it seems that i i In- Yorkists would prefer to . make a detour anyway, in order i 1 to x'Tsit Hock Ilill. says The State. ( I i Kxeept one have urgent pri- J ' vale business or a sweetheart or i' ) cousin in Charlotte, the citizens t of York would find Hock llill a it | more attractive city, i'' However, more to be eongratu- | I luted than all others are'the peo- , 1 I pie of Charlotte, who. when the r j bridge is built, will have York I [easily accessible. There is noth- j -ling in North Carolina eompara1 , i !? with York, except Flat Hock, i' \\ I ieli is the summer location of - I Ward 1 and Ward 2 of Charles- 1 1 . - MM:. 1 - CI arlot'te Passes Up Encampment 1 Aenie shortage oL' Imusii:;; !ariiities and i 11 ji 1 ?iIi 1 v loseetir'e 1 lie i i? let it of army tents wet t assigned 1 s tlie reasons for tin* withdrawal Monday of an invitation the i lolly of ('harlotte extended last I September to the Wild ?'a* \"^fr I | ereiis'assoi-iation to |iold its next I j ai itifll reunion in that ''it -. j New Head for Erskine. r The Ivev. K. ((Jrier. pastor ol till' A ssoeia t e Unformed I'esbv1 teviau ehnri'h in ('olnmhia v.'t?> n \\ S.S last WeeU eleeted to the jil'esi. ideiiey td' Krskine nd'eure. I >! ?' ' ooooooooooooo< ,! 8 I DON'T F o i X' That Culp Brother 1 V , . ^ ?% O grade ot Lirocerie: O line, Ke rosene and ' 1 CULP BH "' O ^^I0^e9a^c anc* 5.1 oocoooooooooo< I BUY Ford Tor $207 Cash-Balance in L Kiilc as you pjiy. N.? use w: cash for ilull l?'oril Touiin<r < on tonus as attractive r.s w o Why not jrivu yours?!f ami \ tiros affortlutl by a car ?1 urinj moonli?rhl nights? ' | Kishinir. tourin?r. picnic kin?r an all In- onjoyetl at small monthly payinonts. Wo aro solliujr oars as fast ? is no mason for VOI to wai | hnujrht so easily. io Lot us talk 1 ho ma! tor o\ur I i\ HEAT ;; i _ n ? of 't t ROCK HILL FURN ?! I Funeral 1 " J C. K. Chreitzberg, L Id ? Now York Stair IjroiiHi- No. MUM :h 7 !J * JESSE HARF >? t Day Phono f>0;J; Nigh By ? ROCK HILL. 'SiI MOTOR K(, up to $(>.">(). take your choice tor id.fiU, at Massey's. All Summer (ioods must go regardless of cost at Massey's. NOTICK OK ELECTION. Notice is hereby given that an election will lie held in the town of Fort Mill. S. (on Tuesday, the Kith day of August. 1921. at the store of Young & Wolfe 1*411* till* IIIII'IIIIVII lit* 111 ir Sill A I i!criii;m from \yard 4. anil that .1. T. Younjr. J. ('. Saville and .1. M. 1 'Ik arr appointed tuanatrers of t lit* sai? 1 election. Tin' hooks of registration will he optpied at the ofliee of the Town Clerk for the purpose of registering voters on the loth day of .Inly. 1921. ami will remain open until and including; the 1th day of August. 1921. Hy order <>t* Town Council, this 121 li day of !ulv, 1921. V. K. AUDREY. Mayor. Attest : C. S. LINK, Clerk. >COOOOOOOOOOO< ORGET | Q Kanrllp fh kpef v is w ? iveeivr 111t*iii ami 11***r?* ! I >n;r?'i\ whiMi tliov can be willi von. OTOR CO. ITU^ECOMPANY |! Directors i iconsed Embalmer ^ ; South Carolina License No. 141 ^ ! tlS, Assistant | t Phones 212 and 126 SOUTH CAROLINA lUU'MKNT ti L/ A & A V>? A Vy 1.1 IV/ k-/ L s, Coal, Ice, Gaso- V Motor Oil. Q [OTHERS | Phone 15 9 5 o r>ODOOOOOOOOOO< l NEW ring Car Small Monthly Payments tili11?r until you can pny all 'ai' when tin v can he bought arc olTerinjj. .our family the many pleasir the lun?r summer days and' ami your summer' vacation cost. hotli in initial and i FORT MILL, 8. 0. Some S] Look \ Best grade 36 inc\ now Best crade Ores hams Good grade Dre hams 75 cent Voiles to . ... 7 5 cent Organdies fered at the low } 50 cent Curtain G on sale at A general cle see these offerings O, l y~ pvfrom ol V U1 v.. All V 1 1 1 V I all our Ladies' an< own price. Yoi PA1 You Can By Tradit We wish to call the attent thing in GROCERIES on \ wnere in tnis section, ourselves, and we help ou: Because of quick turn-ove to consider. And we guai number is 159. Fort Mill Pyramid Paint Shop ! HO('K HIM., S. C. PAINTING If your cur needs painting we will puint It for you and do It in such a way that you will be surprised at the difference it makes in the looks of your old cur. ??ur corps of painters are the best that can be obtained and only those who are experienced in car painting are on our force. The looks of your car Is just like the looks of your person. It goes a lung way. JAMES V JOHNSON, Proprietor. LISTEN! linker's is the Barber Shop that linked the prices, hut it didn't do it nt the expense of service. Hair Cut . Shampooing, plain 25c Singeing ! 25c Tonic 25? Shave 15c Massage, plain 25c Come and see us. We will save you money ami send you away smiling BAKERS BARBER SHOP. If you have anything to sell, an advertisement in The Times will find a purchaser for you. nr.1 I. I -im ??. jecials Th i J?1914 P i Percals, 25 cent 15c at ' P*. A II O'll ;s vjing- /All OliKs, 15c gette ] ss Ging- price ai 10c House D Veduced nos at 1 39c Middy Si ? now of- Muslin ar Drice 39c at half oods put Children': . 25c , es at hi * ^an-up of everything. 5 to appreciate the val y low prices on Shoe* J Children's Hats an irs for Lower Prices, rTERSC J, Save Man r\ ig at the Cooperai .ion of the public to the fact vhich a better price can not b We are in business to help t rselves better when we help tl rs our stock is always fresh antee quick deliveries and effi I Cooperativ? E. S. PARKS, Manager. Fine Alumi At Hal We have made itiTniijrniwu AM Kill CAN MAID A LI.Ml issue a certit'ica 1 e to our ci purchase that onahlos them 1 ii it in ware at 1IALK I'lilCK. trilii Hill toed and till* pieces a sent direct hy tlio inanut'aot post prepaid, from Danville, torv in every respect tli pi funded when the ware is reti We have samples of the wa windows and will he please which places this fine Ware rrs at Half l*ricc. B. C. FEB PHor HEAD TIIE TIMES EVERY WEEK FOR HOME NEWS : \ 9 4 \ ese Are rices Curtain Goods . . . 10c Crepes and Georreduced. to half ad less. rpccpc un A V i rv-> I . V U11U 1 VilllW" ialf price. lits at half price. id Silk Underwear price. s Gingham Dressall price. You will have to ues. / 3 continues. Also s on sale at your ti >N'S t .... ?r> i Iff iv of I? *?!111 ifill ilosijrn. Ii is umrs in your houir. pnrrrl Va.. iiinl if it is not siitisfnclivliasr IllolirV will In* I'riirio'il. re on display in our show || In rxplnili fully tin* plan iii tin* luiiuls of our rust inn iGUSON IE 29 J A. Li. PARKS, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FUNERAL EQUIPMENT MOTOR HEARSE FORT MILL, S. C. y Dollars live Store that there is hardly anye secured here than elsehe consumer as well as 10 consumer best. , which is something else cient service. Our phone e Store inum Ware f Price ts wit 11 th?> 111 ;i 1111!";?i* t tnvrs of IN'I'M WAKH l?y which wo 1st outers with ouch $1(1 cash lo onler tliis < <?*ii it iiit* AI ii in i 'rii.. Hi.' ..f ii... -