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V: ' EBP . ' v TAMPICO ? WHERE PROFIT. BERING DIED HARD. "Americans who saw prices skyrocket at home and who saw j themselves and their neighbors j nearly lose their sense of money values would have felt thorough- I ly at home in Tampico, the great Mexican oil town, during the last few years," says a bulletin ot the National (Jeorgraphic society, issued from its Washington In ardquarters. This was the port to which United States gunboats were sent recently when the closing down of American oil wells and refineries becaue of heavy Mexican taxes threw thousands of men out of work, and disorders were j feared. "Tampico, long a port of no great importance lias liatl a mushroom growth in the last 1~> . years," continues .the bulletin, "its population increasing from | less than lT.UUtJ in 1900 to well j over 100,000 today. Ami the explanation for this great stride forward can he given in the one word?oil. The biggest gusher j the world has ever known was drilled near Tampieo in 1908 and scores of other huge streams of oil have been opened up ill the same vicinity since. I lundrcds of millions of gallons of oil have passed through Tampieo. ami the town has been the financial and business headquarters for fields many miles away. "Money flowed easily into the pockets of a large number of American mninnrei's mul teclmi en I workers who were brought it*. and into the hands of Mexican landowners, inerehants and day laborers. The World war raised the demand for liquid fuel to unheard of heights and it seemed that everyone in Tampieo was becoming wealthy. Conditions closely paralleled those in the oil towns of the United States. Silk shirts were not the vog't" that they were among the loungers along every American Main street but in their way Tampieaus hecame equally as proficient spenders. There was little inclination to 'count the change.' Tic cost of all articles of food and apparel rose tremendously, (tents soared until ordinary accommodations for Americans could not lie obtained for less than $'J00 to .*">00 per month. "Because the after-the-war industries of the world required . . .4 I _ 1 A I I * ? I I ptM 1 Oll'lllll III) less III,III Mill ill' tunics of i In* injr nations of tlio world. Tampieo's prosperity eontinned after most other communities whose Inisiness was quickened l?v the war was experiencing a setback. Now. belatedly, the city is undergoing tin readjustment that came to the rest o^' the world. "Although Tnmpieo owes ils prosperity predominantly to oil. it has other factors that contribute to its importance. Thanks to 11 railroad from Monterey, connecting with the mining region I of north-central Mexico, and to excellent harbor improvements, the town is an important port of entry and export. It has surpassed Vera Cruz in the hulk of | commodities handled, though the | A Tonic g X For Women k K| "I was hardly able to drag, I DC kJ was so weakened," writes Mrs. L W. F. Ray, of Easley, S. C. [l [j "The doctortreated me for about fj W two months, still I didn't get M mt any better. I had a Urge fam- M m ily and felt 1 surely must do U UU something to enable me to take IZ LJ care of my little ones. I had Q X| heard of W ICARDUI m The Woman's Tonic S "I decided to try It," con- IX] n Mnuc* Mrs. Ray ... "1 took rj W eight bottles in all ... I re- M M gained my strength and have Mj i U had no more trouble with wo- U ** XJ manly weakness. I have ten UE yj children and am able to do all V my housework and a lot out- yf nj doors ... 1 can sure recom- ^ M mtnd CarduL" W Q Take Cardui today. U may Q W be Just what yod need. M 1 J5 Jatter city is probably the port of entry for products of greater aggregate value. "The city of Tampico is not directly on the seacoast, but is situated a few wiles up the Panuco river, which is broad and deep ami affords anchorage for a large number of ocean-going ships. At the mouth of tlie stream at L& Harm is a supplemental harbor. Near the latter place is one of the finest sea beaches to be found. I *111 iI Tainpico found its buried treasure and shook off its lethargy it was an exceedingly unhealthy place, often being subject to epidemics of yellow fever. Drainage and. the application of other modern methods of sanitation have greatly improved the health conditions. The families ot numerous American and Kuglish employees of the big oil companies have moved in and a thriving Knglish-speaking colony exists in the higher western part of the eitv." Don't be satisfied with an or Ititary phonograph while you can jfi't a lirunswiek at same price That is superior in quality and tone at Massey's. SWEET POTATO CANDY. Value of Syrup Established by Recent Experiments. Interesting; experiments in the making; of eaiuly from lite syrup ?? sweet potatoes are reported from Kit/.jjerald. (lit. 'I lie feeijto follows: Three clips stijrar. three-quarter eup potato :.yruj?. hotter si/.e of walnut, onehalf eup eoeoa. one-half eup water. flavoring extract to suit teste. .Mix sugrar and eoeoa. add syrup and water. I'm mixture on a very slow hunter until the sttgjaj" is completely melted; then l< t it hoil hard until it forms a rather firm hall when dropped in eohI water. St ir mixt tire occasionally hot It before and after it Imils. Add butter, then the flavoring extract. Cool quickly in a lar<;e pan of cold water, which makes the fudjre thick and eliminates the necessity of heating. I'our in a deep hollered dish. nUlUJHi 1U UUiNf\tiUJCiKAI\ti VETERANS. There will i ;i mooting of the Confederate Veterans of York County hold at the Court House .-i York on Monday. August St I?. at 11 o'eloek A. M. The olijorl of the mooting is to oloot a Counts I'eusioii IioaI'd. whiehthe law requires to ho done very two \ oa rs. I'loaso lot us have a full attend < nee as this is verv important. \Y. S. WILKKKSON. Chairman York County Pension 1 toaitl. I BUY A Ford Toi $207 Gash?Balance in Uido as you pay. N ? use w cash for that Ford Tom ing on tonus as attraetive us w? Why not give yourself and tires afforded by a ear diirin moonlight nights? 1" islioor liiiil'inir fiiini ii' l-.ii. can all lie enjoyed at small monthly payments. We are selling; ears as last is no reason for YOl to \va hongrht so easily. Let us talk the matter o\ el HEATHM t ROCK HILL FURN i Funeral I ^ C. K. Chreitzberg, : 1 New York State License No. 4tWt JESSE HARI Day Dhone 508; Nij;l ROCK HILL. MOTOR E( ? > FORT MILL TDOM AT EVENING. At evening 1 walked along fa miliar ways Of a boyhood home. Here a brief time ago V.'e played and learned throughout the fleeting days That we might take our place where duty bids us go. The old hills stood as then, an endless row on row, A' memory from which the merry life had fled; All else was changed. No gay tails running to and fro; No lowing cuttle passed with midenced tread. I miss the playmates who are laIwirinir litii'.l Back in the market place, the farm, the mine. Ami the little mounds there in the dim churchyard, Where slumber others till the end of time. When solemn dusk crept down the green clad hills A sense of other loss came with the dew. For gone from me were the old time leaping thrills. Of love and beauty?the dear little girl 1 knew. "Spinner." 200 pairs Summer Shoes, value up to +(?.">(). take your choice for $1 .">(), at Massey's. Burr Clover Seed -Fifty bushels for sale. Applv to Karl Faris. Fort Mill. S. C. All Summer (ioods must go regardless of cost at Massey's. MEN'S COTTON SOX All colors, regular 2f> cent vol lies. Special Be Cohen's Outfitting Store. NOTICE OF ELECT ION. Notice is hereby given that an election will be held ill the town of Fort Mill. S. (on Tuesday, the Kith day of August. 1921, at the store of Young & Wolfe for tin* purpose of electing ail Alderman from Ward 4. and that .1. T. Young. .1. (Saville and ?I. M. It.Ik are appointed managers of he said election. The hooks of registration will he opened at the ofiiee of the Town Clerk for the purpose of registering voters on the loth .lay of .Inly. 1921. and will remain open until and including the lilt day of August. 1921. Ity order of Town Council, this 12tli dav of Julv, 1921. V. K. AKDKKY. Mayor. Attest: C. X. LINK, Clerk. An Ad in The Times would held your business. Try it. I NEW iring Car Small Monthly Payments ailing until you can pay all i 1 I. .. , I I 1 I . A \ iir worn uiey ram or noujiiu aire offering. your i'iiinilv tlir many pleas r the long suminrr days and r and your summer varation I rust, both in initial and as wr rereive thmu and there it lonjjer. when they ran to with you. OTOR CO. IITURE COMPANY ? Directors t Licensed Lmbalmer ^ i; South Carolina License No. 141 ^ RIS, Assistant ^ it Phones 212 and 126 SOUTH CAROLINA $ jUIPMENT | I FORT MILL, 8. O. ] Some Si Look ( Best grade 36 incF now ^ Best grade Dres hams Good grade Dre hams 75 cent Voiles to . ... 1 7 5 cent Organdies fered at the low y 50 cent Curtain G on sale at A general cle see these offerings Our extremel all our Ladies' anc own price. Yov PA1 You Can By Trad in We wish to call the attent thing in GROCERIES on v where in this section. ^ 1 J i i ourselves, anu we neip oui Because of quick turn-ovei to consider. And we guar number is 159. Fort Mil] Pyramid Paint Shop ROCK 1111.1., S. C. PAINTING I If your car needs painting wo will paint It for you and do it in such a way that you will be surprised at the difference it makes in the tooks of your old our. ?>ur corps of painters inre the best that can be obtained and I only those who are experienced In car painting ure on our force. The looks of your ear is Just like the I looks of your person. It goes a lung , way. JAMES A. JOHNSON. Proprietor. I LISTEN! j Baker's is the Barber Shop that 'baked the prices, but it didn't do : il at the expense of service. J Hair ('ut 25c j I Slliininiiniiiop nhiiti l'r>" ' r,,l>>> I Singeing 25 cI Tonic 25c Shave 15c | Massage, plain 25c Come and aee us. We will save ! you money ami send you away smiling BAKER'S BARBER SHOP. If you have anything to sell, an advertisement in The Times I will find a purchaser for you. I jecials Th J?1914 Pi i Percals, 25 cent 15c at is Ging- All Silks, 15c gette i ss Ging- price ai 10c House D: reduced nos at \ OA * 1 1 r? ovc iviiddy ; now of- Muslin ar Drice 39c at half oods put Children*! . 25c es at h< an-up of everything. ; to appreciate the val y low prices on Shoes J Children's Hats an irs for Lower Prices, CTERSC tv/i? uavc iticx.11 ig at the ion of the public to the fact rhich a better price can not b iVe are in business to help t rselves better when we help tl rs our stock is always fresh, antee quick deliveries and etti I Cooperative E. S. PARKS, Manager. Fine Alumi At Hal We haw iiia?l?* arruiigi'ineii AM KKK'AN MAID A LI'Ml issue a eertifieate to our en purchase that enables them t 11 tiin ware at HALF IMilt'K. frua ran teed ami the pieces a sent direct l>v the mannfaeti post prepaid, from Danville, tory in every respect tin pi funded when the ware is ivh We have samples of the wai windows and will he plcasci which places this fine Ware ers at Half I'riee. B. C. FEF PHOI* HEAl) THE TIMES EVERY WEEK EOR HOME NEWS Vk % psp Arp WWW A 11 rices Curtain Goods . . . 10c Crepes and Georeduced to half id less. resses and Kimolalf price. . l ir lies at nair price, id Silk Underwear price. 3 Gingham Dressalf price. You will have to ues. 5 continues. Also i on sale at your >N'S ______________________________ y Dollars live Store that there is hardly anye secured here than elsehc consumer as well as le consumer best. , which is something else cient service. Our phone e Store num Ware f Price Is with tin- ni;nnitacttit'ors of NTM WAKK by w lib-It \\?istoim-rs wit 11 rai'll $10 rash '?> on In- this ( ?*11it111 A1 iiini Tin- quality of 1 )i? watv is rv of t?**ii ut i f ii I <|rsi?ru. It is mvis to your holm*, parrrl Va.. ami if it is not snlisfnc Iivlljist* IIHllK'V will 111' IVirni'il. re on display in our show d to I'Xplain fully llic plan in tin* hands of our oustoin l/>tl LUU3UIN JE 29 A. 1m. PARKS, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FUNERAL EQUIPMENT - MOTOR HEARSE FORT MILL, S. C.