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SP?8MB?MM8HMHEH1HSE58S5SHBHHHB5HH!KS! | BKYOMD. It seemeth such a little way to me? Acroew to that strange country?the Beyond; And yet, not strange, for it has grown to be The home of those of whom I am so fond. They make It seem familiar and most dear. As journeying friends bring distant | regions near. So close it lies, that when my Bight is clear. I think I almost see the gleaming strand. i Know i reel those wno nave gone from here Come near enough sometimes to touch my hand. I often think, but for our veiled eyes. We should find Heaven right round about us lies. I cannot make it seem a day to dread. When from the dear earth 1 shall journey out To that still dearer country of the dead. And join the lost ones, so long dreamed about. I love this world, yet shall I love to go And meet the friends who wait for me, I know. ^ I never stand above a bier and see The seal of death set on some well loved face , But that I think: One more to weleome me When I shall cross the intervening space Between this land and that one "over there;" One more to make the strange Beyond seem fair. And SO for Til O thsr? Ik nn allntr ?n I death. And so the grave has lost Its victory. It is but crossing?with a bated bieath? And white, set face--a little strip of sea To find the loved ones waiting on the shore. Store beautiful, more precious than before. ?Ella NVheeler Wilcox. Democrats at Work. The Democrats in the senate anil house at Washington are making a great record, says The Commoner. They have reduced the army against the protest of _ Seretary of War Weeks; they have reduced the navy appropriation against the protest of Secretary of the Navy Denby ami they have aided in the passage of the Borah resolution requesting the president to call a conference of the leading nations to start disarmament. Tlfat is a ftiight.v * good Btart. Of course, they could have done nothing without the ?:j ~c : a n if t dlU U1 llllSlUgt'lll Ut'pUDlHMIUSylMIl the DemocratK furnished tlit* largest number of votes. Now for the amendment of the federal reserve aet. and the reduction of taxes. The reactionaries want to relieve the big taxpayers first ; the Democrats insist upon protecting the small taxpayers?and the Democrats will win. Candy Kitchen Doors Locked. With the disappearance of the proprietor, Harry Carros, the doors of the Fort Mill Candy Kitchen were locked Wednesday afternoon under order of the sheriff. There are said to be n number of creditors of the business. Nothing has been seen of Carros in Fort Mill since Sunday j morning. 666 cures a Cold quickly. [Tired | "I vu weak and ran-down," jA elates Mm. Eula Burnett, of 4 Dal ton, Go. "I was thin and , |uat felt tired, all the time. JB i | > I didn't reet well. I wasn't IB H ever hungry. I knew, by U S this, I needed a tonic, and A as thar* Is tinna h?H*r than? R ! ICARDUII n Tho Woman's Tonic S S ... I began using Cardul," V < Ji continues Mr*. Burnett. tig "After my first bottle, I slept K| M better ui ate battar. I took U A tour bottlaa Now I'm wall, A H faal Just Ilia, aat and sleep, K H mj skim la clear aad I kare til w stead aad sura faal that B Cardul Is tfca bant tonlo aver K ssada" 9A Tkousaads of other women V M here found Cardul Just as A ? Mrs. Burnett did. It should K U help jrau. fA K S niirnnTir'n <gr*sr*"? .. i j b 666 cure* Chills and Fever. J " ri~ SSfiUSflE^MfLc mmmmmmmmmmmmmmrnrnm I VACATION II To enjoy your t vacation to the ffl fullest you I should have the proper luggage. ? We shall be pleased to show you the full line to be n found in our new stock. i YOUNG & | THE FURNITUI Philadelphia Batter Made Specially for anteed to Last Twel $27.( Alao FORDS, FORD PARTS SORIES Always in Slock. HEATH MO | ROCK HILL FURNIT I Funeral Dl | C, K. Chreitzberg, Licer ^ New York State License No. 4694; tk>i | JESSE HARRIS, Day Phone 503; Night Ph I ROCK HILL, . - tm I MOTOR EQU t*-* . ' ? . FORT MLL TIlDgg imekereI 0 ' \ iB ?? [ 1 I v / have just received a new >ment which we are offering ess than former prices. ^ ffmfi ~ Hg_ WOLFE RE MEN ?J . Storage ies v Fords. Guarve Months? DO % and FORD ACCESTOR CO. 1 URE COMPANY | Irectorsr < * > ised Embalmer J | ith (Carolina License No. 141 < , Assistant ; J ones 212 and 126 SOUTH CAROLINA J; IPMENT i: 1 ? ma ' jgjg il >V TO a * 1 v-ili 1 1 5 Pairs Men's - good styles, val fJ Price, .... *;:lt ^ 75 Pairs, worth i < 1 38 Pairs of La | u to $8.30, Close-out :sf 56 Pairs-of Ladi $14.00, to close 01 Ofie lot Ladies (mostly small sizes Our entire stock Hats at HALF PF Don't fail to see PA 7 You Can By Tradin, We wish to call the attenti thing in GROCERIES on w where in this section. V ourselves, and we help ouri Because of quick turn-over to consider. And we guan ^number is 159. ' Fort Mill i 1" 666 cures Biliousness. Pyramid Paint Shop ROCK HILIi, S. O. PAINTING If your car needs painting we will paint It for ycu and do It In such a way that you will be surprised at the difference It makes In the looks of your old car. Our corps of painters are the best that can be obtained and only those who are experienced In, car painting are on our force. The looks of your car Is just like the looks of your person. It goes a tang way. JAMFJ* A. JOHNSON. Proprietor. LISTEN! Baker's is the Barber Shop that baked the prices, but it didn't do it at the expense of service. Hair Cut 25c Shampooing, plain 25c I Singeing * 25c I Topic 25c I Shpve .. . 15c . Massage, plain - .. .. 25c Come and see ua. We will save i you money and send you away ' smiling BAKER'S BARBER SHOP. Rub-My-Tism kills infection. J i ' - * ~ ''>. %s*v ' ' *&? ^^'^^y---,?^>.'-.^,/.v?t'fc'.v'l i ^ ^ -' "/*' '* *~ 1' i?*^ - ** ? - - ^ * ^v? * : i ^ t ^i- - . ?ef joes lifts walk easy" (? MM MM | * LOSE OUT QUI FOR CASH \ 5 Fine Oxfords, black 2 lies up to $8.00, Spc up to $1 5, Close-out Pi dies' Oxfords and Pur t Price ies* Oxfords and Pumps it for only .... Oxfords and Pumps, >) to close out quick, 96 ; of Ladies', Misses' < LICE and LESS. the Bargains. "TERSOP / Save Many g at the Cooperativ on of the public to the fact tha hich a better price can not be ac 7e are in business to help the selves better when we help the c s our stock is always fresh, wh intee quick deliveries and eflicien Cooperative F ? PADVQ IVX ? mi w> m lTICHin|(Cr> Fine Alumim At Halt I ) We have made arrangements \v AMERICAN MAID ALCMINITI issue a certifieate to our custon purchase that enables them to or nura ware at HAhF PRICK. Th< guaranteed ami the pieces are ol sent direct tiv tli?? manutu??ni?u?i post prepaid, from Danville, Va.. tory hi every respect the purclif funded when the ware is returnei We have samples of the ware < windows and will he pleased to which places this fine ware in tl era,at Half Price. B. C. FERC PHONE 5 HEAD THE TIMES FUNI EVERY WEEK FOR HOME NEWS it,*;r v . -?$. e * ; & &! & ,& ':- vi: r \ Mr" "V i. ' ' *A"t?v' ' ? ,- ' , , ' on r . -V : ; * ''U . ' r?SiV> if mSS*-7 '... ? 1 . I _ fl ^ mr rcK > V v , \v . i ' V i'-i ind brown, all icial Close-out . . $3.95 ice . $5.95 nps, wwth up 5, worth up to . . $5.95 , broken sizes \C and $1.98 and Children's J'S Dollars e Store - i t there is hardly any)cured here than elseconsumer as well as onsumer best, ich is something else t service. Our phone Store um Ware Price !iL . 1 ? " mi me manuiacturers oi d WAKK by which we lers with each $10 cash 'tier this Genuine Aluinii* quality of the ware is f beautiful design. It is i to your home, parcel and if it is not satisfacise money will In* reI. >u display in our show explain fully the plan le hands of our custom1USON !9 IL. L. PARKS, JUL DIRECTOR AND FUNERAL I1PMENT MOTOR HEARSE % FORT MILL, S. C. *