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ghojt Storks Picked Jfp by Ai Tim* Report*-. J. W. Johnston a j<? day sgn moved with. his family from Port Milljio Rock Hill. The Rev. R. Q. Kendrivand family of Kaeford, N? C., visited friends and relatives in Fort Mill last week.' / " Miss Corrie Lea Howard of New jSf berry was a guest Tuesday anu Wednesday at the home of the Rev# W. R. Bouknight. B? E. Patterson of ParmWUe. N. C., spent Saturday and Sunday; at the home of his father, J. H. Patterson, in Fort Mill. William Erwin, recent Clemsou graduate, left Fort Mill Monday inojning for Lynchburg, Va., to accept a position with a textile corporation. ' Arthur Young, son of Mr. ? and Mrs. J. T. Young, will matriculate at Washington and Lee university, Lexington, Va., at the opening of the session next September. knlthrt Prvtfo u fnu? Ju VQ flffd a i % VI to O iv V WUJ n W(S" returned ta his home in the Port Mill community after finishing the first year of his studies in the, law school of Washington and.. Lee. university, Lexington,. Va. M iss Elisabeth Buchanan and Miss Mary Harris of Charlotte were guests last week of,Mrs. W. F Harris at the Palmetto hotel. Miss Lillian Whiting of Liunberr ton, N. C., was auother receut guest of Mrs. Harris. The first Fort Mill township cotton bloom of the season,, reported to The Times was brought to the office Saturday morning byTom Allraan. farmer of the Flint Hill neighborhood. Since then cotton blooms have been found in a number of fields in the township.. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Link left Fort Mill Tuesday, mnrniinr for Williamfiton to be present Wednesday evening at the marriage of their son, Clarence S. Link of Laurens, to Miss Ruby Anderson, daughter of the Rev. Mr. Anderson, pastor of the Williamstou Methodist church. The congregation of Philadelphia Methodist church Saturday afternoon gave their pastor, th'l Rev. W. R. Bouknight, an oldfash ioned *4 pounding,' * consist ing of choice groceries and other "good things to eatr' for which Mr. Bouknight expressed gratitude to the committee which delivered the supplies. Although generous showers have fallen over practioally all of the eastern section of York county in th^ last week, there is a strip of territory in the upper section of -Fort Mill township which has had no rain for more than six weeks. This strip includes the farm of W. L. Hall unit tint rtlil Snrin ira in the Flint Hill neighborhood. Cotton on the two places is not suffering noticeably for lack* of rain, but the drought is retarding the growth of the corn. Writing to a friend in Fort Mill under date of .Tune 26. .T. Capps, who-moved with his family from Fort Milt to Jacksonville. Fla., a few weeks ago, says he has found it impossible to rent the sort of home he wants and that he has decided to buy and build in an attractive section of the city. Mr. Capps says Jacksonville recently has. been extremely hot. hut Fort Mill citizens who read the statement will wonder whether the Florida metropolis has had anything on this section in the way of hot weather. Char lea A. Mots Dead. Charles A. Moss, former Fort Mill citizen who moved from here to Hock Hill ten years ago, died at his home in that city Wednesday night and Thursday morning the body was brought to Fort' Mill and interred in New- Unity cemetery, following funeral services at the home by the Rev. John S. Speake of the Methodist lr. i r uuurcu. wir. moss w?s /4 years old. He had been in ill health for Reveral weeks and hope for his recovery had been given up. He was a kind hearted man and true friend who was held in high esteem by his neighbors and friends. Mr. Moss ia survived by his widow and a number of children. two of whom, W. Slade Moss and George W. Moss, are Fort Mill citizens. Convicts Repair Road. A considerable amount of valuable work has been done during the last ten days on the public road between Fort Mill and Catawba river by a squad of prisoners from the county chaingang. The road was first plowed up and then rolled and scraped and is now in better condition tb&n it has been in for some time. ^ '' Hmf ford li>Mn| toBuj Mmtii ituiprtn. - Henry Ford is pfepm'iitg -to complete the economic cycle of Jris^ industrial empipe-by buying the government's 100 million dollar. nitrate' plant at Muscle Shoals, Ala. This plant is still incomplete and idle> lacking an appropriation of 15 million to finish it and pat it into -operation. Ford plans to transform this white elephant into a paying proposition in the same way in which his wisardy changed the D.^ T. & I. railroad from a $200.000 a month loser to a moneymaker. Ford's first step in setting up an industrial empire was to establish his own "parts" factories in Detroit for hiR auto and tractor plants. His second step was to purchase outright his sources of raw materials. His third step was to buy the D., T. & 1. railroad to transport much of these materials to hiR factories. Now he is taking his fourth step?negotiating for the purchase of the great nitrate plant. Why! To provide cheaper nitrates for farm fertilizer; thus to improve the farms and increase the farm market for tractors aud automobiles. Tribute to J. H. Coltharp. The Yorkvitle Enquirer pays the lollowinv tribute to the memory of Josiah H. t'oltharp. who died at his home iu Fort Mill township on Friday, June 17: "Every inch a gentleman anil all-round good citizen was Josiah 11. i on harp, who passed away at his home in Fort Mill township lust Friday at the ripe old uge of 87. He was a native of Fort Mill township and lived within a few miles of the spot on which lie was born all his life except during the four years he spent in the war. He was never rich and never wanted to be, but owned his own farm and lived on it in comfort, and happiness, notwithstanding a stroke of paralysis that troubled hiiu during the last 2t> years of his lift*. He was a man of large intelligence, correct principles and a never failing fund of wholesome humor that made things pleasant for all with whom he came in contact. He was always against evil of whatever nature, there was never any question of where he stood as to matters involving morals, and no man in his neighborhood stood higher in the estimation of all the people." Speaks Well of School. The Fort Mill school district has a friend in John E. Sweariogen, State superintendent of education. In a letter of June 25 to John E. Carroll, superintendent of education for York county, Mr. Swearingen says "that the checking of the equalizing application for Fort Mill school has been completed. The application has been approved for $1,928." In another letter Mr. Swearingen soya, referring to the amount allowed the Fort Mill school, "It is a pleasure to do all 1 can to aid this district because of the effort of the community to develop a good school." The fund of $1,928 which the State board has set aside for the li\/?ul o/kll AaI wir mil Ka f\*\r?l!r\.l 4 4 1% ?? I Hi avuuui 11 in hi- <i |jj?iH-ii 111 i inpayment of teachers' salaries un-.j dor the provisions of the act of the General Asesmbly of 1920 providing a minimum salary for public school teachers. Died in Bergdoll's Place. Russell C. Gross of Philadel- I phia, the man who took Grover C. ' Bergdoll's place when the con- ' victed slacker, now a fugitive in Germany, failed to answer the I call, died a hero in the Argonne forest after being cited for bravery. Gross was a private in Company E, 328th infantry, and was killed by bullets from a German machine nest'. The fact that he was slaiu after taking the place of the slacker Bergdoll was revealed by the Overbrook post, American Legion, of Philadelphia. The post announced it would change its name to that of the fallen hero. Gross, who was 23 years old. was the first man called bv the draft board after Bergdoll failed to respond. He went overseas with his command on May 1, 1918. The citation by Brig..Gen. Lindsay shows that he was killed ! on October 24 of the same year in the Mense-Argonne offensive. R. D. Nunn is the ony Kort Mill man drawn to serve on the jury during the first week of the July term of court for York county. iii NOTICE OP EJECTION. Obedient to a petition signed by a majority of the freeholders of the-Town of Port Mill, as-shown by the tax books, and filed by bp id freeholders with the Town Council, praying that a special eicetioh be ordered for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of the Town of Fort Mill the .qucsliou of. the issuance of the bonds as hepeinnfiHr forih, and in accordance with the Uw, notice is hereby given thut a special election of the voters of the said Town of Fort Mill be held on Tuesday, the fifth ! day of July, 1921, between the hours of seven A. M. and four 1\ M., at Young & Wolfe's store in Fort Mill, S. at which election there will be submitted to the qualified voters the following question: 11 Whether for the purpose of paying outstanding indebtedness of the Town of Fort Mill, incurred for extensions and additions to the waterworks system of said town of Fort Mill, shall issue emi. pon bonds as provided by law, to an amount not exceeding Pour Thousand Dollars, same to bear interest at six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually." The ballots shall be prepared in accordance with law. and shall contain thereon the following: 4'For the issuance of waterworks bonds." "Yes or No." Those voting in favor of the issue shall deposit a ballot with the word "No" erased thereon; and those opposed to the issue shall deposit a ballot with the word "Yes" erased thereon. Books of registration will he open in the office of the Clerk and Treasurer, on Trade street, in the row 11 of Fort Mill, on the 15th day of .June, 1921, for the registration of the qualified electors of the Totvu of Fort Mill, and will remain open until and including the 4th day of June, 1921. The following are appointed managers of the said election: Herbert Harris. J. M. Belk, and J. C. Saville. A. L. PARKS, Mayor Pro Tew. .i4tes! ? C. S. LINK. Clerk. \Y. B. WILSON, Chairman, W. P. BOYD, J.D.SMITH, Commissioners of State and County Elections for York i 'aiimIv ' """V 666 euro Biliouaneaa. New lot Ladies' and Children's Hats at half price just arrived at M assay's.. ? 666 cures a Cold quickly. University of South Carolina SCHOLARSHIP & ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS The examination for the award I of vacant scholarships in the University of South Carolina and for admission of new students will he held at he County Courthouse. .July 8, 1921, at 9 a.m. Applicants must not be less than 16 years of age. When scholarships are vacant after .July 8, they will be on arded to those making tlie;highest average at examination, prosided they meet the conditions governing the award. Applicants for scholarships should write to I 1 ! 1 ^ it >1 ? ? ? ? * I i~ remit em i urreu ior scnoiarsiup application blanks. These blanks properly filled out by the applicant should be filed with I)r. Currell by duly 5. Scholarships are worth $100, free tuition and fees, total $lf?8. Next session will open Sept. 14. 1921. For further information write President W. S. Currell, University of South Carolina. Columbia. S. C., Winthrop College SCHOLARSHIP A ENTRANCE EXAMINATION The examination for the award of vacant Scholarships in Winthrop College and for admission of new students will be held at the County Court House on Friday. July 1, at 9, a. m. Applicants must uot be less than 16 years of Wh."ll wnliAluruliina "? 1.. ? ^,, ,, .? .? avt*\/i??niiipn QIC f O" cant after July 1 they will be awarded to those making the ! highest average at this examination, provided they meet the conditions governing the award. Ap- ' plicants for scholarships should write to President Johnson before t4ie examination for Scholarship examination blanks. Scholarships are worth $100 and free tuition. The next session will open September 14th 1921. For further information ana catalogue. address Pres. I). B. John- [ son. Rock Hill, S. C. 3t ' Rub-My-TUm cures UciMtiti. N f<? ' ' ' * rWf.^Wffi^rni* 1 - - ' ' M| mm pi IM THEE CHAIN S r; I 1 I * . CONTI THRO ' v SATURDAY The Second Week of Chain Sale Will Be a Many Respects. The is Being Wielded by a F This Gigantic Sale an Advantage of the Ms 4 Found Here. > t? Come to This Great Morning and Fridi Will Be the Biggest i i ma uf cdi adic> Great Bargains?Y( f ^ 8 appointed. I EFII r DEPARTME i ROCK HI] * * ? % FIRD 1 - ' Oil C oflLt f # % NUES f UGH I f, JULY 2d TTllie TVAtVI a 1110 A A ^lliuiiuuua | in Eventful One in Price Cutting Knife faster Hand During d You Should Take my Bargains to Be 1 Sale. Thursday i y and Saturday t Days. Come to Come Expecting ou Won't be Dis* IDS NT STORE w LL, S. C.