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i| the cost of government?national, State, county and municipal? according to- figures made public in Congress by Representative * Knight of Ohio. " Appropriations that have been made and those which must dp made for the federal budget Jffr" for the coming year cannot be ' less than 61-2 billion*,'' said Mr. Knight. '"Illis will be about $60 for every man, woman and child in the United States, or from $250 to $300 for every family. If we add to this State, county and municipal taxes we arrive at a situation which is amazing, as then the taxes will reach a total of $82 per capita, or about $350 for each family." Of Interest to Fort Mill. "The best bid we could get for moving common earth in connection with our road operations a year ago," said W. T. Benmguard, chairman of the King's Mountain township road commission, to a reporter for the Yorkville Enquirer, "was 69 cents a cubic yard, and we had to make that bid ourselves to establish a price. The lowest bid submitted to the West roud commission for the same work. I notice, was 25 cents, which seems to indicate that things are getting back to normal with a vengeance." Pyramid Paint Shop ROCK HI LI S. C. PAINTING If your car heeds painting we will paint It for you and do it In Buch a way that you Will be surprised at the difference It/makes In the looks of your old car. Our corps of pulnters are the best that can be obtained and only those who are experienced In car painting are on our force. The looks of your car is Just like the o. . looks oi your person. It goes a lang way. JAMES A. JOHNSON. Proprietor. 666 cures Dengue Fever. NOTICE OF ELECTION. Obedient to a petition signed by > a majority of the freeholders of the Town of Fort Mill, us shown by the tax books, and filed by said freeholders with the Town Council, praying that a special election be ordered for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of the Town of Fort Mill the question of the issuance of the bonds as hereinafter set forth, and in accordance with the law, notice is hereby given that a special election of the qualified voters of the said Town of Fort Mill be held on Tuesday, the fifth day of .July, 1921, between the hours of seven A. M. and four P. M., at Young & Wolfe's store in Fort Mill, S. C., at which election there will be submitted to the qualified voters the following question: "Whether for the purpose of paying outstanding indebtedness and for permanent street improvemeYit, the Town of Fort Mill, S. C.f shall issue coupon bonds, as provided by law, to an amount not exceeding Ten Thousand Dollars, same to bear interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, FO PRICES AGAl Another .reduction has been types of Ford Cars and Ford ? - *' aieiy. me list prices, t. o. b., TOUEINO CAE EUNABOUT COUPE SEDAN CHASSIS TEUOK-CHASSIS ... . TEAOTOE The big reductions last fall > low material costs which thi ling the benefit of, and this I manufacturing efficiency and for Ford Cars, particularly di permitting maximum produc price reduction possible. Can you offord to be withou Fords are selling at these lov now why you should delay f Truck or Fordaon Tractor. HEATH M( i i i?rr Tim LLL iua What Packard me mobile world, LEE world. Made in all typesCord Puncture Puncture-ProOj Why worry aboi blow-outs? Equip your car \ TURE-PROOF T yourself of the g ' motordom. Yes?they cost mo of absolute safety use of these tires r< interest. Once you use LE can gain your cons Let us demonstrate YOUNG 8 THE FORT MILL F payable semi-annually.'' The ballots shall be prepared in accordance with law, and shall contain thereon the following: "For the issuance of street bonds." "Yes or No." Those voting in favor of tHh issue shall deposit a ballot with the word "No" erased thereon; and those opposed to the issue shall deposit a ballot with the word "Yes" erased thereon. Books of registration will be open in the office of the Clerk ar\d Treasurer, on Trade street, in the Town of Fort Mill, on the 15th day of June, 1921, for the registration of the qualified electors of the Town of Fort Mill, and will remain open until and including the 4th day of June, 1921. The following are appointed RD I IN REDUCED made in the list price of all I Trucks to tHke effect immeI)etroit,are now as follows: _ v....$415.00 1370.00 .$695.0U _ .. -- .. ,....$760.00 $346.00 . v $496.00 *OZD.UU vere made in anticipation of e* manufacturers are now get'act, together with increased the unprecedented demand uring the past three months, tion. have made another t a car any longer when v prices! There is no reason uirchasing a Ford Car. Ford 0 TOR CO. 4 ES LEAD A v*?V- * : . ; J . . ;. . . . . : / . .?M' 'Jv ' ?. FT.* ans to the automo1 " . means to the tire , . \ * % r * -Proof\ Fabric f, Cord, Fabric. ut punctures and vith LEE PUNCIRES and relieve reatest trouble of re, but that feeling derived from the spays the cost with ES, no other tires j ?ideration. fc 4 L* < WOLFE URNITURE MEN. managers of the said election: Herbert Harris. J. M. Belk, and .T. G. Suville. A. L. PARKS, Mayor Pro Tem. A4. iCS! .? C. S. LINK. Clerk. W. B. WILSON, Chairman, W. P. BOYD, _I 11 iMITU V . I'. MilLl 111, Commissioners of State and County Elections for York County. Rub-My-Tism kills infection. WEAK, NERVOUS, ALL RUN-DOWN 4 Afbsosri Lady Saffered Until Ska Tried Cardni.?Says " Retail Was Surprisiaf."?Gat Alaag Fine, Became Normal and Heakky. Bprlniflald Mo.?"My back vu ee wwk I coold hardly stand ap, and I would hart beartnf-down pains and ? ant wall .t ~ ? *- "? ? - ? ? MM/ UHV) MTV Kn. D. Y. William, ?Ut of a well-known farmer ea Route I, this place. "I kept getttag headaches and having to go to bed." continues Mrs. Will lama describing the troubles from whleh she obtained relief throagh the aae of OarduL **lfy husband, ha ring heard of Oardnl. proposed getttag it far M. *1 saw after tab lag ohme Oardvt ... that I was Improving. The reoalt was surprising. I felt like g dlffereat HSSer 1 suffered from weak?i and weak back, and felt all rtiden. I did net reat well at sight, I wae as aerreoa and eroea. My husband aatd he would get me eome Cardui, whleh he did. It streagtheaed me ... My doctor said I get along fine. I wae la good healthy condition. I cannot nay too nraoh for It." Thousands of wetncn hare suffered as Mrs. Williams describes, aatll they found rellsT from the uee of Oeidat Since It has helped ee maay, yea should set hesitate is try Oscdal if troubled with womanly all? Ibr sale >reij[she|*? VI 5c--. " ' .**v J> *7$*" '" ' ( i1 ' '? Madai \ If 1 . True Stt, ?is more or less j proper corseting. Because they are < / * give true style and c cause they always fit MADAME GRACE are the choice of (lis women who truly siuurtuess in dress. Our corsetiere will p you the new models, i ly fit you without oh , i a r/i You Can * By j We wish to call the attentic thing in GROCERIES'on wl where in this section. W ourselves, and we help ours Because of quick turn-overs to consider. And we guara number is 159. Fort Mill ' ? 1921 ROAD TAXES NOW DUE. Payments Must Be Made on or " Before July 1. The attention of all concerned is called to the fact that the Commutation Roud Tax of Three Dollars is now due. and payable on or before July 1. 1921, after which date no Commutation Tax money can be accepted under the law. In remitting by mail always indicate the township in which you live. Persons failing to pay the $3 Commutation Tax on or before July 1. will be liable to Five Days' service on the roads. II. E. NEIL. Treasurer of York County. LISTEN! Baker's is the Barber Shop that baked the prices, but it didn't do it at the expense of service. Hair Cut 25c Shampooing, plain 25c Singeing 25c ?. Tonic 25c Shave 15c Message, plain 25p Come and see us. We will save I1 yon money and send you away smiling BAKER'S BARBER SHOP. 866 cures Chills and Fever. i . " ,, '} -? I I ne Grace C * : * > w u ? r 'i j Your 1 ,le Yc a matter of. The mature her youthful , . I look well to 1 iesigned to > matter how u omfort?be- ! ^elf on u yc ' unless your properly, j corseted, it \vi CORSETS ! Pn88i,1K -V,,ars MADAME < ^criminating are so popuh appreciate men anil won young. Skill secret of tliei [ladly show | models are i " . I Let our corse mul correct- ,he mal (ligation. : splendid cors TTERSOfi Save Mair t at the Cooperat m of the public to the fact lich a better price can not be e are in business to help tl elves better when we help th i our stock is always fresh, ntee quick deliveries and *ffic Cooperative I. S. PARKS, Manager. Prices Plain We have adopted in many of the large eveiy article in our si a tag giving the price system lessens the cli a convenience to the c one price to all?that tirst class, fresh Groc We also offer FIVE 1 every dollar spent wil B. C. FER PHON tEAD THE TIMES EVERY WEEK i'OH HOME NEWS i+ ' ? ' ' ' ' ~ \ "m * i ' ^ S I . fOrseis *igure Tells >ur Age woman, proud of appearance, should ier figure lines. No uieh you pride yourmthful complexion, figure is properly J 11 quickly betray the . That is why GRACE CORSETS ir among young woleu who always keep [fill designing is the r success. The new especially charming, tiere fit you and exiv features of these lets. rs y Dollars ive Store that there is hardly any> secured here than else le consumer as well as e consumer best, which is something else ient service. Our phone 5 Store ily Marked the system in vogue cities of putting oil :ore as far as possiof tilt? artirlt1 Thic ance of mistakes, is ustomer and insures the lowest at which cries can he sold. 4ER CRM OFF on til us. GUSON E 29 ? / J A. L. PARKS, UNERAL DIRECTOR AND FUNERAL EQUIPMENT - MOTOR HEARSE FORT MILL, S. C.