University of South Carolina Libraries
f ->-r .3 - : V LANCASTER SKILLS CLOSE. Notice Folowv Demands of Textile Union. ? :'A Lancaster special i' of Tuesday says that the Lancaster cotton mills, employing qjbout 1,800, operatives and having 140,000 K spindles and 3,000/ looms, will close dowp indefinitely next Tuesday to ayenrfi friction with tttc textHs^/fchion. according to | an bfl&tfial notice posted by the management Tuesday which read ? as follows: "The textile union having made demands upon the Lancaster cotton mills which cannot be grant ed, therefore to avoid friction ibis mill will close down indefinitely one week from this date." The posting of the notice followed a conference Tuesday between a committee representing the local textile workers' union and the officials of the company, at which demands decided upon by the union at a meeting Monday night were presented and rejected. The nature of the demands was not made public. Col. Leroy Springs is president of the Lancaster cotton mills. He also is president of the Fort Mill Manufacturing company, which operates the two local cotton ' mills. " Officers Seize Whiskey. Horace Johnson, State constable, and V. 1). Potts, Fort Mill police officer, Saturday afternoon ' seized 12 1-2 gallons of corn whisk y which they found hidden in the woods near Bailes' bridge, two miles south of town. The whiskey was in half gallon fruit jars and was valued at about $250, according to the price at which similar whiskey is now sold, said Officer Potts. Saturday Constable Johnson was in Rock Hill and while there he saw a man he had reason to suspect was a liquor runner from across the line in North Carolina. Later in the day he came to Fort Mill and after a conference with Officer Potts they decided to search the woods near Hades' bridge. The liquor was located in p. few minutes. No arrests ^ ' have been made in connection with the seizure. Rev. R. K. Timmons Now D. D. A copy of the Hatesville (Ark.) ?. i .i- ? ? " viiiuiu rrcfiuiy receiveu 111 r on Mill .contains ? picture of the Hev. R. K. Timmons, 1). 1)., former pastor of the Fort Mill Presbyterian church, who is now dean of the College of Arkansas, at Jatesville. Dr. Timmons is filling the chair of theology and Spanish language at he college. The newspaper contains a full account of the recent closing exercises of the college, a feature of which was the conferring of the degree of 1). I), upon Mr. Timmons. Church Telephone at Bedside. Tli^ Berean Sunday school class of the Fort Mill Baptist church recently has had installed in the church a telephone with trimsmitfer which connects with the bedside of Mrs. R. G. Kendrick, invalid, at her home on Claiborne street, so that she may hear the sermons of the pastor and the music of the choir und congregation. For several years Mrs. Kendrick has been unable to attend church services. Rub-My-Tiam cures sores. NOTICE OF ELECTION. Obedient to a petition signed by a majority of the freeholders of the TqWu of Fort Mill, as shown by the tax books, and filed by arid freeholders with the Town Council, praying thut a special election be ordered for the pur pose of submitting to the quaili'ied electors of the Town or Fort Mill the question of the issuance of the bonds as hereinafter set forth, and it* accordance with the law, notice Is hereby given that a special election of the qualified voters of the said Town of Fort Mill be held 011 Tuesday, the fifth day of July, 1921, between the hours of seven A. M. and four P. M., at Voting & Wolfe's store in Fort Mill, S. C., at which election there will be . submitted to the qualified voters tbe following question: "Whether for the purpose of paying outstanding indebtedness ^*hd for permanent street improvement, the Town of Fort Mill, S. C., shall issue coupon bonds, as provided by law, to an amount not exceeding Ten Thousand Dollars, same to bear interest at the rate oftaix per cent per annum, payable semi-annually." The ballots shall be prepared in accordance with law, and shall 8$S cures Malarial Fever. fife '' c - . " * , f ggg? I 666 curi Dengita Fever. contain thereon the following: 4 4 For the issuance - of street bonds." 44Yes or No." Those voting in favor df the isClio aVi all #|At>4VAti ? U?11 m*U1. ?lt? "11V ntiaii urj/voi 1 U UOIIUl Willi lur word "No" erased thereon; and those opposed to the issue shall deposit a ballot with the word "Yes" erased thereon. Books of registration will t>c open in the office of the Clerk and Treasurer, on Trade street, in the Town of Fort Mill, on the 15th day of June, 1921, for the registration of the qualified electors of the Town of Fort Mill, and will remain open until and including the 4th day of June, 1921. The following are appointed managers of the said election: Herbert Harris. J. M. Belk. and J. C. Saville. A. L. PARKS, Mayor Pro Tem. Attest.? C. S. LINK, Clerk. W. B. WILSON, Chairman. W. P. BOYD, J. I). SMITH, Commissioners of State and County Elections for York ('ounty. " ' v ?r Dr. L. E. .Johnson, of Bethune. formerly a pharmacist in the employ of W. B. Ardrey, visited fri?>iwl? ill Vnrt Afill ftniMiirr tl.u I pHRt. week. LISJEN! Baker'r is the Barber Shop that baked the prices, but it didn't do it ait the expense of service. Hair Cut.... ; 25c Shampooing, plain 25c Singeing 25c Tonic 25e Shave 15c Massage, plain 25c Come and see us. We will save you money and send yo\f away smiling BAKER'S BARBER SHOP. HOME FUI "Fron Cheapest t to V Best that VATT1T/1 n iuunuo THE FORT MILL I i J ^ P mmMm Kiirflj '" - -~*Srv' -- . ' * - FORT MILL TIMES, Pyramid Paint Shop I ROCK HTTJs S. a PAINTIMr. f 8 MINGS the # hat's Good ? % r the V H 's Made" V t' V V C WOLFE I1 c FURNITURE MEN. r V t S 11 ( o I ; = _1 ( . -%t "%' v I - If your car needs painting we will pgint It for you and do It In such a way that youjvtll be surprised at the differuice' It makes in the looks of your old car. Our corps of pajnters are the best that can be obtained jind only those who are experienced in car painting are on our force. The looks of your car Is just like the looks of yoir person. It goes a lang way. JAMES A. JOHNSON. Proprietor. SOUR STOMACH INDIGESTION TVeJferfs BUck Dra?fkt Highly RecouMaM by a Teueuet Grocer for Treaties Resulting front Torpid Lifer. y Zest Nashville, Tsnn.? The efflotency of Thedford's Black-Draught, the fNBulne, herb, llrar medicine, la vouched fur by Mr. W. N. Parsons, a grocer 01 mis city. . "It IS Without doubt the best lirer medicine, sad I don't believe I could got along without It I take It for sour stomach, headache, bad liver, indigestion, and all other troubles that are the result of a torpid liver. "I have known and used It for years, and can and do highly recommend it to every one. I won't go to bed without it in the house. It will do all It claims to do. I can't say enough for It" Many other men and women throughout the country have found BlackDraught just as Mr Parsons describes ?valuable in regulating the liver to its normal functions, and in cleansing the bowels of impurities. Thedford's Black-Draught liver medicine Is the original and only genuine. Accept no imitations or substitutes Always ask for Thedford's g. * FOET MILL, 8. 0. . gagggsggggaag?? PA1 P. S.?We carr} dies and ChildrenYou Can By radin We wish to call the attenti thing in GROCERIES on w where in this section. \ ourselves, and we help our Because of quick turn-ovei to consider. And we guar; number is 159. Fort Mill - ? University of South Carolina SCHOLARSHIP & ENTRANCE1, EXAMINATIONS The examination for the award j a' vacant scholarships in the I'm-i ersitv of South Carolina ami for dmission of new students will he leld nt he County Courthouse, uly 8. 1921, at 9 a.m. Applicants | iiuki noi ue less man if> years oi ge. When scholarships are vaunt after July S, 1 hev will lie i warded to those making the liighst average at examination, prodded they meet the eonditions ;overning the award. Applicants or scholarships should write to 'resident Currell for scholarship pplication hlauks. These blanks iroperly filled out by tlie appliant should be filed with l)r. Cur ell by July 5. Scholarships are I'orth $100. free tuition and fees, otal $158. Next session will open lept. 14, 1921. For further indorsation write ' President W. S. 'urrell, University of South Car Una. Columbia. S. C. Mr. and Mrs. I. F. Smythe, who luve been living at Covington. , for some time, are visiting ] heir relatives in Fort Mill. They 1 xpeet soon to move to Gastonia. J. C., where Mr. SnT> the will go , nto business. S66 cures Chills and Fever. &i / ^f ' ? ^ )THEF ourselves out th< children? : any garment y so low a cost th your very life 01 ham dresses at 98c u] " SI.50 xiits at S2.00 up. ts at 98c. at 50c and $ 1.00. 50c and $ 1.00. >0c, 7 5c and $ 1.00. r- r\ its at DUc. Hool Summer U or the family at ew? Get it her 1TERSC j a full line of Sanitai ?Aprons, Pants, Etc. Qovrrx liyi kjavc lviau < g at the Cooperai Lo 11 of the public to the fact hich a better price can not b< Vc arc in business to help tl selves better when we help Hi s our stock is always fresh, antec quick deliveries and effi< i Cooperativr E. S. PARKS, Manager. Prices Plair We have adopted in many of tiie large every article in our s a tag giving the price system lessens the ch a convenience to the c one price to nll---that tirst class, fresh (iroc We also offer MVK 1 every dollar spent \vi B. C. FER I * w m. 1 rnuiN Tomato Plants, all varieties, 50c ;>er hundred. $2 per thousand; ransplanted. $1 per hundred. Ready now. Phone 125-II. .N^editi Plant Farm. Fori Mill. S.C. 14 j Beautiful huporteil Voiles in 5 rani ?>ai terns, rcguhir $1 value, it 50 cents. a ltd fine 75 cent French Ginghams at 21) cents at [assey's. ' V^-'V ? ' 4l>.' ~ % LS! _ _ ^ * v ^ ese hot days ou may need at you cannot at sewing. p. UD. * N % # nderwear for small cost. e---Ready-to)WS ry goods for La y Dollars live Store that there is hardly anyej secured here than elsehe consumer as well as ic consumer best, which is something else iieilt servicfi. Our nhnno e Store ily Marked the system in vogue cities of putting on tore as far as possiof the article. This ance of mistakes, is aistomer and insures the lowest at which cries can be sold. PER CENT OFF Oil th us. 1GUSON E 29 A. Li. PARKS, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FUNERAL EQUIPMENT - MOTOR HEARSE FORT MILL, S. C. MC Why tire?y sewing for the You can get ready-made at afford to work Children's Ging Misses Misses' Middy t Boys' Wash Suil Boys' Rompers ; Boys' Blouses at Boys' Pants at f Boys' Union Sui i We have ( every member So, why s wear.