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I Chi I ^ . I Anal sfr>: . - . . * A, V, - ' ' . t , i .v V ": ' \ V % k , k '_; / *v5>'' > Ch NEWS ABOUND TOWN. Short Stories Picked Up by The Times Reporter. T. F. Lytle' has Hold to J. J. Bailcs a lot on upper Main street in Whiteville park for $100. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Uoililaril ol' rati on, Mass.. are guests of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Potts in Fori Mill. ' i^Iiss ('arietta Smith of Asheville, N. 1'., is a guest of her sistdV, Mrs. J. B. Bluck, at the Presbyterian manse. Dr. J. B. Elliott leaves this week for Mobile, Ala., where he will attend the annual convention of Southern railway surgeons. Mrs. Agnes Harris and Miss Mary Harris of Charlotte were guests-Sunday of Mrs. W. F. Harris at the Palmetto hotel. Dr. J. B. Elliott is again able to attend to his practice, after being confined to his home several days last week by illness. rphA U... tir a ? mi- ivt-v. w. a. loom, pastor^ of the Catholic church at Rock Hill, spent Tuesday and Wednesday morning with friends in Fort Mill. Miss Mary Howie left Tuesday afternoon for a visit of severul days to friends in the Weddington section of Mecklenburg county, N. C. Fort Mill will be represented in the graduating class at Cleinson college a few days hence by William Krwin, who will receive the A. B. degree. Alfred Jones of Fort Mill will bo one of the graduates of the Presbyterian College of South t > 1:? . v <11(11111(1, \ union, at the coiniiienpement exerClsea to be held Rub-My-Tism kills infection. <4 tMSSSSHSiHSSsHSMSMm ^ Do You Feel Tired, vous? If so, take a 1 I MERI < i V It is a system purifie on a money-back gu < ' . : Hutcinson's \ PHor o irlotte's i J V^a _1 KB tner Big in v 4' * To ddemonsti ' m For this big together an . .L!-L ?1 wmcn mey1 of people h< arlotte 1 i ifcr-*1. , ^ < next Week. Thomas Black of Norfolk. Pa., was a guest of the Rev. ami Mrs. .1. 11. Black nt the Presbyterian manse for several days this week. Air. Black returned to his home \\ ednesdav morning. iViiss Bulow Massey. daughter nf 1 *1 * ** lur. UIIU iUrs. U. >!. AiaNKfV, returned Tuesday morning from Mitchell college, Statesville, N. C., whore she had been a student, during the session which closed this week. Sunday afternoon for the see01 d successive Sunday the Rev. Alexander Martin, 1). 1)., pastor of Oakland Avenue Presbyterian church, Rock Hill, preached for the congregation of the Fort Mill Presbyterian church. Roach Baker, weaver ut mill No. 2. Fort Mill Manufacturing company, got his right hand caught in u loom while at work Friday and before he could extricate it two of his fingers were so badly mashed that amputation w as necessary. Prof. R. M. Smith, who taught 1 he class in agriculture at the session of the Fort Mill graded school which is to end next week, expects to be connected with Mississippi Agricultural and Mechanical college during the 192122 session. W. F. Stevens of Charlotte. N. C appraiser for the Federal Land bank in Columbia, was in Fort Mill this week to appraise the value of lands in this community v hich have been offered to secure loans through the operation of the farm loan act. A Ilolstein calf weighing 93 pounds was horn Snnday on the Rub-My-Tism cures Rheumalism. Run-down or Ner bottle of | tone! . | r of real merit. Sold arantee by | Pharmacy t 4E91 I ??nm?niuMtninii>tw HPhS? h.%' - - : ''V" ' ': '''*f 1 . ' $ ' * t . J \ "t ^ Nt \ . Play Plei ade Event F( t v '*?Y ' " % * . : i 4 v >. * ? rate again Chark Center and a Vali three-day event t assemblage of n will offer at pric< V jre to shop from T * . ' . *vr' if Merchant \\ 666 cures Bilious Fever.. t ^ plantation of Osmond Barber, near Fort Mill. The calf belongs ( to W. L. Blaekwelder, and he j vouches for the accuracy of the ^ weight. Calves that weigh so r much as .">() pounds ut birth are , generally considered large speci- * mens. , The cool weather which has marked the present spring as one ol* the most nnseasonable through which this section has passed for many years continued Sunday, j Monday dnd Tuesday and had the effect of further retarding! the J giowth of vegetation. The April ^ planting of cotton which is up ,j has grown little and corn and < vegetables have been likewise af feV'ted by the cool weather. 1 m m m * * Winthrop Graduates Big Glass. 1 One hundred and seventy-nine t young women will compose the ? graduating class of Winthrop col- I lege this year. The commence- H inent exercises at Winthrop be- \ gin Sunday evening. May, 29v and c conclude with the graduating ex- f ercises the following Tuesday ? evening. The address to the grnd- f totting class is to hp Kv 1 |Governor ('ooper. t 666 cures Malarial Fever. f NOTICE OF ELECTION i li? Forf Mill Township, in the ? Question of Issuing Bonds to a the Amount of Seventy-five c Thousand Dollars, for the lm- S provement of Roads in Said F Township. t State of South Carolina. c County of York. a WHEREAS, under the pi'ovis- t icns of an Act of the General As- I sembly of this State, entitled " An 11 Act to Rnablo Townships in York ? County to Issue Bonds for Roads," v approved March 11th, 1919, peti- * ticns purporting to be signed by I one-third of the resident freehold I electors of Kort Mill Township c were presented to the County n Board of Cotninissionera of York e County, praying that an election t Ik* ordered in said Township for s the purpose of voting on the Question of issuing Seventy-five Thou- ti sand Dollars in Serial Coupon t Bonds, for the purpoes of iraprov- e ing the roads of said Township, ti and alleging that said sum of Sev- I onty-five Thousand Dollars did fr not exceed eight per centum of J " i i i ' i r 666 cures Biliousness. ] ??H* 'v -q chandisi >r Charlotte )tte'as a Trade lie-Giving Cent< he Merchants h iew seasonable is that will attr? ?11 iL- P ail uvci inc Ua ts Assoc * I he assessed taxable property of mid Fort Mill Township; ami. Whereas, upon thorough examnation into the facts the County ioard of Commissioners of York bounty. South (Carolina, at their egular session on the 4th dav of Hay, 1921, passed the foljowing >rder and resolution, to wit: 'Office of County Commissioners, York County, South Carolina. May 4th, 1921. Petitions having this clay been >resented to the Board of County 'commissioners of York County, mrporting to he signed by onehird of the qualified, resident, 'rcehold electors of For Mill rcwnship, in said County and >tate, and the petition containing the affidavit of the Supervisor >f Registration of York County n the effect that, if the signaures were genuine, the petition tontnined more than one-third of he qualified resident electors of aid Fort Mill Township, and the >etition containing the affidavits if responsible citizens to the efect that the said signatures were genuine, and the County Auditor if York County, South Carolina, laving certified that said petiioncrs were resident freeholders if said Township, and that Sevntv-five Thousand Dollars dbes tot exceed eight per centum of the issoHsed taxable property in the aid township, the County Board ?f Commissioners of York County, hath Carolina, find that the said ictition docs contain one-third of he qualified resident freeholders it! said Fort Mill Township, and mid petition praying for an eleeion on issuing serial coupon tends for the construction of pubic highways in said Township, aider the provisions of an Act entitled 44 An Act to Knable Townihips in York County to Issue ?cnds for Roads." approved March 11th. 1919. to the amount if Seventy-five Thousand Do'lars. vhich Raid sum does not exceed light per centum of the assessed nxable property of said Townhip. The said County Board of Cotniiisaioners do hereby order an eleeion to be held in said Township i* the precincts provided by law, ind under the laws governing the lolding of general elections in the Itate, under the provisions of saifl Kct, above referred to, on Thurslay, the 2nd day of June, A. D. 1921, the said election to be con # , fp ' f ' ? ' 1 * V .' . . . ^ -. \ /" * . \ L V *' ' '<y V*1 *> -' ' ; r s; ' ' , > i ing Festi , May 19-2< \ Center, Style jr. lave gathered merchandise ict thousands rolinas. nation, 1 \ ducted by managers appointed by the State and County Commissionoi'? Rliuitimi nf Vai-1? ('niintv South Carolina. HUGH G. BROWN, Supervisor; L. J. LUMPKIN, Commissioner. JOHN 0. K1RKPATR1CK, Commissioner. Constituting County Board of Commissioners of York County, S. C. Now, therefore. Notice is herein given that a speciaP election will be held at the voting Precincts prescribed by law in Fort Mill Township, in the County and State aforesaid, on Thursday. June 2nd, 1921, for the purpose of determining whether said Fort Mill Township will issue Seventyfive Thousand Dollurs worth of serial coupon bonds for the purpose of road improvement in said Township. irniv (nullified resident electors of said Township can vote on said election, and the Managers of election shall require of every Elector offering to vote in said election, before allowing him to vote, the production of his Registration Certificate and proof of the payment of all taxes assessed against him and collectible during the year 1920. The production of Certificate or the receipt of the Officer authorized to collect such taxes shall be conclusive proof of the payment thereof. The ballot used by Electors on this occasion shall be of plain white paper, clear and even cut, white paper, clear and een cut, without ornament, designation, mutilation, symbol or mark of any kind whatsoever, except the words hereinafter prescribed, and shall be so folded as to conceal the contents thereof, and so folded shall be deposited in the ballot ho* fur_:_i i *? ** - " n im11 ( i me managers ot Election foi this purpose. On the one ballot shall he printed: "For Permanent Road Bonds?Yes." On the other: "Eor Permanent Road Bonds?No." Electors in favor of said bond issue will vote the first described ballot. Electors opposed to said bond issue will vote the second described ballot. Before the hour fixed for open iry the Polls. Managers and Clerks must take and subscribe the Constitutional oath. The Chairman of the Board of Managers can ad a?atasamemmmmmmm?mm* . val 0-21 i ?. \ ^ i 4 \ I I w \ \ Inc. ,< iminister the oath to the other members and to the Clerk. A Mots ry Public must administer the oath to tl\e Chairman. The Managers at eaeh precinct elect their own Chairman and Clerk. Before permitting any elector to deposit his ballot in the ballot box. in addition to requiring such elector to produce his Registration Certificate and to furnish proof tiiat he has paid all taxes assessed against him the previous year, the Managers w ill administer an oath to mien elector to the effect that In- is qualified to vote in th:h election according to tlie Constitution r.iul laws of this State, and has not voted before in this election, and they shall further require the Elector to satisfy them that he is a resident of Fort Mill Township. in said County and State. Polls at each voting place must be opened at seven o'clock A. M., and closed at four o'clock P. M. The managers have the power to till a vacancy, and if none of the managers attend, the citizens can appoint from among the qualified resident electors the malingers. who. after being sworn, can conduct the election. At the elose of the election, the Managers and Clerk must proceed publicly to open ballot boxes and count the ballots therein, and continue without adjournment until the same is completed, and make si written statement of the result, and sign same. "Within three days thereafter, the Chairman of the Hoard of Managers, or some one designated by the Board, must deliver to the undersigned Commissioners of Elecetion the poll list, the box containing th? ballots, and 21 written statement of the result of the election The following Managers of Election have been appointed to eonduct this special election at the various precincts in Fort Mill Township, to wit: Fort Mill: Huhh Harris. J. M. Belk. W. M. Wilson. < Mr. John E. Carroll is Ciork of the Board, and the Managers will get their boxes, tickets and blanks from him at his office in the Court House on or before Noon Tuesday. May 31st, 1921. W. B. WIUSON, Chairman; W. P. BOYD. J. I). SMITH. Commissioners of State and County Elections for-York County, s. c. __ ' :: V