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living in a tumbledown shack in Pallas, Texas, refused to become excited when told that she had Won het suit in the Louiftiftna supreme court and established her title, so far as State' courts are concerned, to what her attorneys declared is the biggest producing lease in the great Homer (La.) oil fields. The land, about three miles from the town of Homer, already has produced about $5,000,000 worth of oil, according to the lawyers representing the woman, and the court's decision has made her the richest negro woman in the United States. ine woman 8 ngnt lor tne fortune centered about land in Claiborne parish she had abandoned as worthless. She moved off it. after inheriting it from her paI rents, and, according to claims in the suit, George West, another negro, squatted on it on alleged' pretense of title. It was West the woman fought in the courts. Two of the greatest oil companies in the Homer field are in' volved by th$ suit. The Gulf Refin ig company leased the land 'from West and has been producing oil. On the strength of the woman's claim, the Caddo Central secured a lease from her. , The exact amount of money the woman will receive when the litigation is ended is not known, but it will be from 8 to 15 million dollars. V Last Sunday for the first time in mouths there were no evening services at any of the Fort Mill churches. The Baptist church was closed on account of the ab iwuce 01 ine pastor, tne Kev. J. W. H. Dyches, who was in Chattanooga Attending the annual meeting of the Southern Baptist convention ; no serv'ces were held at the Presbyterian church because of the illness of the Rev. J. B. Black, and the Sunday evening " services of the Methodist church wore discontinued some months ago. when work was 1>egun on the new church building. 666 cucua Cold .quickly. L.?J. Massey says he is selling k more goods than ever before, and it is no trouble to sell goods whep the prices are right. 666 cures Dengue Fever. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness during the recent illness and at thp funeral of our little aon, Joseph Caldwell Patterson MR. & MRS S. J. PATTERSON. J Rub-My-Tism cures sores. { ~Z SOHOOL FUNDS! I All school claims for the current J year Rhould be forwarded to this . oflflce at once. They will be filed { and paid in regular order as the < money comes in. Deferred pay- < nients on account^of the tax ex- < tension should be taken care of { on or before June 10th. { JOHN E. CARROLL, J Supt. of Education. < CLEMS SOUTH CAROLINA'S .C 1571 ACTORS OF LAND. VALU] OPRRAT DKQRKK (X)lltSKK Agriculture, (Seven Majors). Architecture. Chemlatry( Chemical Engineering. Civil Engineering. Electrical Engineering. Mechanical Engineering. Textile Industry. Industrial Education. Oeneral Science. s SHORT CO IT RKES Agriculture. Textile Industry, Pre-Medical. SIMMER NTHOOOL June IS?-July as Agricultural Teachers. Cotton Graders. N College Make-up. Removal of Entrance Conditions. Agricultural Club Roys. R. O. T. C.?Clemson Is a memb< R. O. T. C. students receive flnancl year during the Junior and senior cl b'HE REGIST APPLICATIONS \ f HOME FUI "Fron Cheapest tl to I Best that YOUNG & % THE FORT MILL F ?-? ( I .1 I THE CIT ? Upper Main Street, Fort M J serving meals or short ord< I hurry. We make every efl p If you are in town for a sh || care to trouble to go home a > glad to have you try our set [ JOHN S. BX) {ON COI OLLEGE OF ENGINEERINl W. M. RIGGS, ^President F. OF PI. A NT OVER $2,S00,000.00 I El) UNDER KTRI <T MILITARY l>IS VAftt'K OF A TECHNICAL EDUCATION A technical education in the Lest inaurance against hard times. In earning capacity it may equal un estate of $60,000. For the untrained ure the positions of poverty and obscurity. Times are hard in South Carolina, but the coat of an education at Clcinaon College is comparatively low?sufficiently low to bfc wunin tno reach of uny ambitious young man In Houth Carolina. Scholarships, free tuition and the payment by the United States to It. O. T. ,C. students, still further reduce the cost. Do not allow the financlnl difficulties to keep you from entering college this fall to prepare yourself for the opportunities that lie ahead. ?r of the senior division of the Heserx e al assitance from the Federal Govern asses. PVIX INFORMATION WltlTK OR W RAR, GLEMSON COL FILL BE OON8IDK RED IN THE OR / a " ^ L:;J 1NISHINGS i the fiat's Good the 's Made" WOLFE URNITURE MEN. \ , ?'ffp 9~rr+*ftpr- '?*n > r I - - - i I . . y CAFE til ? - till, makes a specialty of ers to those who are in -p ort to please our patrons, tort time only or do not it meal time, we would be vice. fNE, Manager LLEGE i AND AGRICULTURE KX IIOLV.MEXT HU4. K1PI.INE. SCHOLARSHIPS AND EXAMINATIONS Tlie college maintain* one bun died and seventy four-year achol urr-hlps In the Agricultural ant Textile Course*. ""Each scholarshii means 1400 to help pay expense) and $160 for tuition apportlonec equally over the four years. Also fifty-two scholarships It the One Year Agricultural Course the.?e scholarships are worth $10( and tuition of 140. The scholar ships must he won hy competitive examinations which are held bj each County Superintendent oi Education on July 8th. It Is wnrtl your while to try for. one of thesi scholarships. ttrodlt for examinations passe< at the county seat will be given t< those who are not applying foi scholarships hut entrance. Officers Training Corps. A merit, this reaching about $200 p IRK: .LEGE, St C# DER RRCKIVKD. ' x d* toer?ukS<k ' Better^ * t f ^ ' Why not get and really les 1 SCHLOSS CLQ have stood th they are bettf % BOYS' NE^JI serges, worst* from . . ITS TIB We have a fu Underwear. Shirts and.Di Boys' Union J Hl Schloss Suits, Shirts?We s< * I . PA1 V ; You Can ? By Tradin %Z t We wish to call the attent i thing in GEOCEEIES on * > :> iui. is? * r wuoio &u ww auuLiun. ' i ourselves, and we help oui # Because of quick turn-ovei J> to consider. And we guar number is 159. j Fort Mill STATEMENT Of tho condition of kho Stvingi Bank of Fort Mill, locatod at Fort Mill, S. C.,at tko doc* of businoM April 28, 1921. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts .$ 91,095.47 Overdrafts 612.67 Bonds and Stocks owned by bank 10,000.00 ? Furniture and Fixtures 3,610.42 Due from banks and bankers, 5,424.35 Currency. 11,180.00 Silver and other minor coin.. 602.11 Total, $122,524.92 | LIABILITIES. , C.snifnl naiH in tOR nnn nn r #u>?rw,W i Surplus fund 12,000.00 I Undivided profits, less current expanses snd taxes naid 400.66 Individual deposits subject to 1 check $ 84,962.59 Cashier's checks.. 171.68 85,124 27 Total $122,524.92 * State of South Carolina, ' County of York. S. S. Before me came W. B. Meacham. J president of the above named bank, who, being duly a worn, aays that the above ana foregoing statement is a 1 true condition of saia bank, as shown > by the books ot said bank, r W. B. MEACHAM. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 6th day of May. 1921. ~ W. B. MEACHAM, Jr., 1,1 Correct Attest: Notary Public. ?r J. M. GAMBLE, ) S. L. MEACHAM. Directors. J. H. McMURRAY, \ ' Lota of new Qinghams. Cham' brays. Poplins, Voilea, Organdies, Cheviots, etc., at lower prices just J'arrived at Massey's. \ -Ill-'-" "I?II indfor Less the best when it costs 1 s in the end? "?4k PV ITHFS m MFII Akin vm w w ifahn nnv I W1 e test for a' half century. ;r at the price than ever, $ 7 SPRING SUITS, in ;ds and cassimeres, sizes AE TO CHANGE 11 line of Men's and Boys' Union Suits .... awers 50 > ?. ? mi? 0. r nnivj, manager. Prices Plainly We have adopted the in many of the large citi eveiy article in a tag giving the price of t system lessens the chanci a convenience to the custci one price to all?that the first class, fresh Grocerie We also offer FIVE PER every dollar spent with ui B. C. FERG PHONE 29 Tomato Plants, all varieties. f>Oo per hundred. $2 per thouaand; ? transplanted, $1 per hundred. Ready now. Phone 125-B. Medlin Plant Farm, Fort Mill, S.C. |4 pjjtypg READ THE TIMES mv FOR HOME NEWS F K . f suits . . . . . 5U iRE'S QUALITY Stetson Hats,'Crossett S ill 'em. ? s rTERSOP Save Many ig at the Cooperative ion of the public to the fact that rhich a better price can not be sec Ve are in business to help the c< rselves better when we help the coi rs our stock is always fresh, whi< antee quick deliveries and efficient I Cooperative i r ct u advc m m ? r 7 ^ ! no more, 1NG MEN Today 20 to $39. all wool > 6 to 18, $5 to $15 'EM Summer . 98c up C and 75c C and 75C hoes, Ide rs Dollars i Store there is hardly anyured here than elseen tv* /v?? " ? ?.^11 ~ ? mauiuci ao WUU UB asamer best. ?h is something else service. Our phone Store Marked system in vogue es of putting on as far as possihe article. This e of mistakes, is mer and insures lowest at which s can he sold. CENT OFF oil s. USON I .. Li. PARKS, AL DIRECTOR AND FUNERAL PMENT - MOTOR HEARSE ORT MILL, S. C.