Fort Mill times. (Fort Mill, S.C.) 1892-current, May 19, 1921, Image 2

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? ^ a _ ^ The Times Invites contributions on live subjects but does not tfry to . publish more than 200 words on any subject. The right Is reserved to edit every communication submitted for publication. On application to the publisher, advertising rates are made known to those Interested. . Telephone, local rd Hong distance. Entered at the postofllce at - Fort Mill. 8. C., as mall matter of the second class. THURSDAY. MAY 18, 1921. Congressman H. P. Fulmer, the new representative oi tne i Columbia district, made a splendid speech in the house of representatives a few days ago in opposition to the big* increase the Republicans finally adopted to the navy bill. Mr. Fulmer probably knew that he could do little if anything .to stop the onrush of useless and extravagant .expenditure the majority was bent upon, but if there were in Congress a hundred other * representatives tvho would speak the sentiments * of their constituents in opposition to lbe ever increasing burden of taxation as he did the Rypubli( tills snnil wnnlil lw> In trivo heed to their protests. Here we ure, less than three years away from the close of the World war, the most destructive conflict man ever waged against man, which we were assured on every hand was fought to end war. struggling wi.ii England and Japan for tin , mastery of the seas. Why? No informed man thinks there is th> least likelihood of war between the United States and England because there is nothing for thr two countries to ftght about. It the poverty stricken .Japanese wish to further impoverish themselves by building a bigger navy which they will not dare under take to use against this country, iei huhb ?o so. 'jLna united states can afford to ait back and laugli at the Japanese for their folly. The truth i$, the United States has entered this mad race for naval supremacy not because the country is likefy to become engaged in war with either Englund or Japan, but because it means mill ions In the pockets of the big steel concerns of the North, who are asking to be repaid for helping the Republicans win the elections last fall. in many sections of the North there is a more or less general impression that the South is a land of ignorance and darkness, and in those sections the ideu obtains that the people down here are so far behind the times that they have few newspapers aud that the public schools are run by teachers who have had no educational advantages. The South is ? in position to flout such lack of information, for miAiy of the best newspapers the country boasts are published in this section and our people are taxing themselves heavily to provide educational facilities for the young that compare favorably with the educational facilities of other*"" sections of the country. But granting that th^re is a certain amount of iemnrs?in??? in th.? ? -r ' ?" South, it doetfli t lie ill the mouth oi' the North to talk about it, for in the whole South there isn't u community in which such crass ignorance and stupidity ever has been displayed as press dispatches noted in Chicago a few days ago, where sharpers fleeced hun- , dreds of victims by selling them stock in the League of Nations, which the victims were assured w ould pay handsome dividends in ;? short time. Wouldn't such credulity'jar the creases out of one's corduroy trousers! Aud it happened in Chicago, home of The Tribune, which never finds anything quite mean enough to , My about the South. j ti? at test t heir inters! in work donfr during the session by the pupils and teachers. The exercises. weft rendered, consisted of the following program: "School Days" ? Primary department. "Love in a Cottage"'?Local talent. Reports and announcements. * "The Old Ttfaids' Club"?The school. The schUbL reports for the last vcar show^a marked increase in both enrollment and average attendance; Misses Shuler and Parlor "have been reelected to teach the school for the next session. Biff Days for Charlotte. Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week will be gala days in Charlotte in a commerced sense. The occasion will be Charlotte'8 May merchandising festival, which will be staged under the auspices of the Charlotte Merchants association. The idea behind this big sales event is to illustrate Charlotte's supremacy as a trade center, us a style center and as a value-giving center. The sales events put on under the auspioes of the merchants association have won for the association the fuvor of a host of customers living beyond the city limits but withii} accessible distance of the town. There has been a decided slump in the price of cottonseed meal and hulls during the last* two weeks. A belter grade of meal ihan was sold in Fort Mill two weeks ago for $2.25 per sack is low selling at $1.25 and nnsacked hulls at ilie car are bringing 60 cents per hundred against the orice of 85 cents a fortnight ago. The price of sacked hulls is 90 fi ts; the price two weeks ago was $1.20. 666 curci ChilU and Pavar ? Sixth shipment of Ladies' and Children's llats juKt received at Mcssey's. The prices now are ibunt half off. Berth tiffil Ifff^rtetPVoileffln .T yard patterns, regular $1 value, at 50 cents, ami fine 75 cent French Ginghams at 29 cents at Massey's. For Sale?Several suits second hand Clothing in first class condition. at bargain prices, to satisfy laborer's lien. Sale to commence after ten days' notice to debtors. I'at Rogers. ____ Rulj-My-Tism kills pain. TistenY Baker's is the Barber Shop that baked the prices, but it didn't do it at the expense of service. Hair Out 25c Shampooing, plain 25c Singeing 25c ronic 25?n Shave 15c Massage, plain 25c Come and see us. We will s^ve you money and send you away smiling BAKER'S BARBER SHOP. WEAK, NERVOUS, ALL RUN-DOWN MiwNri UHy SaHered Uetfl SU Tried Cerdei.?S?y? "knk VM 1L?4el? ** -* Flae, Became Norma] and Healkkj. Springfield ifc.-Tlj back tree ae wek I could hardly stand tp, mad I would bars bearing-down pains and vie net well at any time," an Mrs. D. V. Williams, wife of a well-known fanner on Rente I, this place. "I kept getting headaches and baring to go to bed." continues Mrs. Williams describing the troubles from which she obtained relief through the use of Cards!. "My kosband, baring heard of Cardul, proposed getting It for mo. "J saw after taking same Oardut ... that I was tmprorlng. The result was surprising. I felt like a different person. "Later I suffered fiem weakness and weak back, and felt all run-down. I did not rest well at night. I was so nerrous and cross. My husband said he would got see some Cardul, which ho did. It strengthened me . . . My dsctor said I got along fine. I was In food healthy condition. 1 cannot say too much for tt." Tfcoucands of women hare suffered as Mm Williams describes, until they found relief from the use of Cnrdut. iueo it bus helped so many, you should not hesitate to try Cardul If troubled with woaauuly aliments 9fcr sals aiiqvMih / Daily Delive v Our wagons are now leries of Ice. Give ua and avoid the bother < CULP BR( PHONI \ 0 -A-- 0_ JO GOOD THI ' f Oraoortn, Market, Country I'm)?IU<V. Phone Fourteen. y , :i . Prices Cut Repair i ? u I We hitv?> nuide a big reduction J aiul truck repairing, along will ;; our complete stock of automobi j; ? aioney on your repair biHs Oi * I than the prices of city garages. \*f We are the authorized agents f J l and Ford Parts?the genuine 1 Do not forget that we carry a :t flu in Tires, two of the best ? H HEATH Mi '* l | ROCK.HILL FURNI ; Funeral 1 1C. K. Chreitzberg, Li New York State License No. 4694; JESSE HARR Day fchone 503; Night ^ ROCK HILL. I MOTOR EQ *4M?O<?O<8'O?+aO0e?eOS;<>????e'M STARNESA Get the pep in that Autc ing your Repair Work doi Electric Starters, Genera The Best of Servii STARNESA A. R. Starnes, Gen'l. Mgr. For Final Discharge. j Notice is hereby given that 1 ! have marie my final return to the Probate Court of York county as administrator of the Estate of Miss Grace Krwin. and on Wednesday, June 1. 1921. I will make application to said Court for my discharge from further liability in connection with said administration. A. O. JONES, Administrator. Fort Mill. S. ('.. April 26. 1921. p j 5tMay26 * - j Genuine Porto Rico Potato y Plants. Mr. Farmer, we are sell- 1 ing potato plants, not promises. ? If you want planta, try us. If i< you want promises, try the other t< fellow. Acres of ail leading veg- * etable plants. Phone 125-B. Medjlin Plant Farm. 3tJu2 ries of Ice making daily deliv yuui sictiiuing oruei | jf ordering daily. | ' i: OTHERS E 15 ~ < * 3STESS NGSTO EAT on Auto ;li Work il: il II ill prices on all automobile li a general cut in prices on ile parts. We can save you iir prices are much lower ] J or this section of Ford Cars cind. < full stock of Goodyear and ?? makes on the market. < > < 3TOR CO. < TURE COMPANY i )lrectors 1 censed Embftlmer i South Carolina License No. 141 [| IS, Assistant | Phones 212 and 126 | SOUTH CAROLINA | UIPMENT I lOTORCO. |! t imobile of yours by hav le at Starnes Motor Co itors, Magnetos Repaired b? Guaranteed. IOTOR CO. I W. J. Steele, Machinist. Pyramid Paint Shoo " 4 4 ROCK IIILL, H. O. J ? PAINTING : ? A If your car needs painting we will 4 >alnt it for you and do it in auch a 1 1 ay that you will be aurprlaed at the \ Iffercnce it makes in the tooka of j < our old car. Our corps of painters ' re the brat that can be obtained and 1 < nly those who are experienced In < ar palntlnK are on our force. The ' ooks of your car is just like the. < >oks of your person. It goes a lang < ray. JAMES A. JOHNSON, FtUfttolW. 4 '# * : '* V jr V' - . v' '' * ' s : V , The Res ? i Not what you ? inheritance, not wh in life, but what yoi what will successful. What better conditions? saving? Accumulc ture needs by starti cc unt HERE?NO1 4 PER CENT ON SA\ First Nati( Capital and Surplus This Week' Offered at ? Flour per 100 lbs Sugar per lb Meat per lb Lard per lb Salmon per can Old crop Irish Potato* Good Loose Coffee, 3 Cheese per lb \ll other goods pro The nearest point to < est telephone. B. M. PHONE > ?? ? ?* < ? ? > ? *?! Greater Are to be found for THE CAS > need of anything in any line o I help you get it if we happen r Givo us your Grocery and Dry will be surprised at the many few weeks. If you need a pair of SLIPPE at GREATLY REDUCED PR at the new prices, which are ] Phone f THE CAS J S. A. LEE and T. I | CATHOLH : Sent FEES on application. G hand. Questions answered bj [ REV. W. A. TOBIN, P. 0. Bi oeoeeeeoe?e?otete?e?o?o?ee< ._i / . O il Test ===== ' > * H * < jet by chance or ii at you start with i; : u gain by honest I make you truly | are you doing to | What are you $ ite tunds tor tu- t ng a savings ac- | w. , 1 1 i'INGS ACCOUNTS \ 1 >nal Bank | ... $ 50,1)00.00 i 1/1 1 II s specials Iradfordis $4.75 ? 10c t f 15c - 15c 15c tis peck 35c lbs 50c 30c portionatcly cheap. #ur store is the nearA PFORD NO. 113 <> Values < < 4 > * > H, all the time, and when in *; f merchandise we will gladly ?> tot to have it. o i Goods Business and you \ ( dollars you will save in a ?; * > f > !1 i RS we will sell them to you \ \ ICES, as we are selling them *' lower. ?> < > < vio. 8. *'t 4 STORE ?\ LYTLE, Mgra. i: < > i * ? > C BOOKS f let your information first- j r mail. Write to u 202, Rock Hill, S. C. I we?>?to?oe?eMmoo?>t?? V