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SttL ^ *VWJN ' ^ , Sunday in Chester at the home of j Fort Mill Confederate veterans HbK. who attended the county reunion in York Tneadav were S. H. Epps, Sr.. ,J. P. flpps and A. H. Merritt. l)r. and Mre. John I. Barron, Mrs. Louise Barron and Ben Barron of York were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Barron at tlieir home on Hall street. Mrs. O. T. Culp was called to her old home at Santuc. Union county, one day lost week by the s? rious illness of her father, J. P. Jeter, whose condition has since materially improved. Miss Lucy Fish is expected to return to Fort Mill th latter part of a I 1- r* 1 - < i iii" w?m!k, imer mi auseuee 01 several weeks in New England. She will be accompanied home by her sister. Mrs. Winifred Hansom. Ira (1. Stay the. Confederate veteran, was stricken with a Herious attack of acnte indigestion at his houie in Fort Mill a few days ago and for several duvs alarm was felt by his family over his % condition. Yesterday his condition was reported considerably improved, however. A banquet which was greatly enjoyed hv the 20-ryld guests was ;given Monday evening at Crane's hotel by Capt. Fred Nims and Lieut. A. ('. Lytic of the Tom Hall Guards to the non-commissioned officers of the company. . Short talks by numerous members of the company followed the banA thunderstorm whieh en me up about 7 :J0 o'clock Wednesday morning prevented the delegates from St. John's and Pleasant Hill fcs Methodist churches from at tend . ii.g the quarterly conference :?f the Rock Hill district in Rlacks* ; burg yesterday. The delegates had planned to make the trip ^ s through the conn fry by motor. VI. ? A ln? > nJn. PI I a in- mr * ? aii Aniiun iuni nil, 1/ D., pastor of Oakland Avenue Preabyterian church. Hock Hill, occupied the pulpit of the Port Mill Presbyterian church .Sunday morning in the absence of the pastor, the Rev. J. B. Black, who is-awav from home on account of illness. At the conclusion of the regular services, the sacrament of the Lord's supper was observed. The baseball team of the"Trort Mill post. American Legion, went to York Thursday afternoon and took a game from the Legion post of thnt town. 11 to 9; but in Port Mill Tuesday afternoon the exfierviee men of York turned the tables on the former Port Mill mm ( tHMiurm n\ vinril I lll^c llll'lll I TO ? ^ Hurley Steven* pitched n pood frame for the Port Mill hoys, hut his work was more than offset by the numerous errors of his buddies. ,?j>; The Woman's Missioary union of the Port Mill Baptist church lu ld its regular monthly meeting at the church Monday afternoon. Following the business meeting a social hour was enjoyed when several toasts were responded to by members of the union and reft eshments of ice cream and cake were served. The union had as jEg^Sfciti' guests a number of members of the missionary society of the Fort Mill Presbyterian church, a number of the cicles being thus j PORT?m.L,S. c. pllr 8ENEAAL INFORMATION. I filTY OOVBRNMF.NT \ K. E. ARDftEY Mayor Tl C. S. LINK Clerk I A. L. OTT Police Judge V. D. POTTS Chief of Police DEPARTURE OP TRAINS. No. 86 Southbound 6:19 a. m. No. 81 Southbound 8.-07 a. m. fuMo. 114 Northbound .11:66 a. m. Kf S ' i Ho. 37 Southbound . 5:32 p. m. , , Northbound 6:86 p. m. M f Mo. 38 Northbound 7:48 p. in. Pot tnfcrNo. 27 6:10 p. m. No. 28..v...7:20 p. m. I ? UjIl N? 86 8 00 hl Lb patched on to not handle mail Sunday. a. m. to]i*)Q p. m. MHiBMfi||t8 to930 4 i90 to 6 p. ry "* '"? j'i V' W&gm s ,\V-f ^ gj I I N I n NOTICE or ELECTION In Port Mill Township, in the - Question of laming Bonds to the Amount of Seventy-fine Thousand Dollars, for the Im. provement of Roads in' Said Township. State of South Carolina, County of York. - ' whkkkas. nnder the provision* of an Act of the General Assembly of tbiR State, entitled 44 An Act to Enable Townships in York County to Issue Bonds for Roads." approved March 11th, 1919. petitions purporting to be signed by one-third of the resident-freehold electors of Port Mill Township were presented to the County Board of Comurissibners of York County, pray frig that an election hi ordered in said Township for the purpose of voting on the question of issuing Seventy-five Thousand Dollars in Serial Coupon Bonds, for the purpoes of improving the roads of said Township., and alleging that said sum of Seventy-five Thousand Dollars did not exceed eight per centum of the assessed taxnble property of said Pqrt Mill Township: and. Whereas, upon thorough examination into the facts the County Board of Commissioners of York County. South Carolina, at their regular session on the ItJi day of Mav. 1921. passed the following order and resolution, to wit: "Olfiee of County Commissioners. York County, South Carolina. May 4th, 1921. Petitions having this day been presented to the Board of County Counnissioncrs of York County, purporting t?> be signed bv onethird of the qualified, resident, freehold electors of For- Mill Township, in said County nmt State, and thy petition containing the affidavit >of the Supereis?>?of Registration oT York County to the effect that, If the signatures were genuine, the petition ' ontained more than one-third of the qualified resident electors of said Fort Mill Township, and the petition containing the affidavits ot responsible citizens-to the ef> feet that the said signatures wen genuine, and the County Auditor o .1? in i ui i\ \ umu v, nuimi * fii iniiKi having certified that said petii ioners wore resident freeholders of said Township, and that Thousand Dollars does not exceed eight per centum of th?; assessed taxable property in tinsaid township, the County Board of Commissioners of York County. S? uth Carolina, find that the said petition does contain one-third of the qualified resident freeholders of said Fort Mill Township, and said petition praying for an elee tion on issuing serial coupon bonds for the construction of public highways in said Township under the provisions of an Act entitled "An Act to Enable Townships in York County to Issue Bends for Roaids," approved March 11th. 1919. to the amount of Seventy-five Thousand DoUars. which said sum docs not exceed eight per centum of the assessed taxable property of said Township. rne saiu county Hoard ot commissioners do hereby order nn election to lie held in said Township ar the precincts provided hv law. and under the laws governing the holding of general elections in the State, under the provisions of sn.Tl Act. above referred to. on Thurs dav. the 2nd .day of June, A. D. 1021, the said election to be conducted by managers appointed by the State and County Commissioners of Election of York County. South Carotina. HUGH O. BROWN, Supervisor; L. J. LUMPKIN, Commissioner. JOHN C. KIRKPATR1CK. Commissioner. Constituting County Board of Commissioners of York County. S. C. Now, therefore, Notice is hereby given that a special election will be held at the vntini* Pre ^ - ? -;r y eiiicts prescribed by law in Fort Mill Township, in the County am? State aforesaid, on Thursday, dune 2nd. 1921. for the purpose of determining whether said Fort Mill Township will issue Seventyfive Thousand Dollars worth of serial coupon bonds for the purpose of road improvement in said Township. Only qualified resident electors of said Township can vote on said election, and the Managers of elec. ] tion shall require of every Elector , offering to vote in said election. < before allowing him to vote, the , production of his Registration j Certificate and proof of the payment of all taxes assessed against him and collectible during the i year 1920. The production of Certificate or the receipt of the i Officer authorized to collect such , f v . taxes shall be conclusive proof of the payment thereof.'' The ballot used by Electors OS; this occasion shall be of .plain white paper, clear and even cut, white papei% clear and eon cut, without ornament, designation, mutilation, symbol or mark of any kind whatsoever, except the words hereinafter prescribed, and shall be so folded as to conceal the contents thereof, and so folded shall ln> deposited in the ballot box furnish ed the Managers of Election foi this pnrpose. ;< On the one ballot shall be printed : 4' For Permanent Road Bonds?Yes." On the other: 44For Permanent Road Bonds?No." . ^lectors in favor of said bond issue will vote the first described ballot. Electors opposed to said h< nd issue will vote the second described ballot. Before the hour fixed for open ii.y the Polls. Managers and Clerks must take and subscribe the Constitutional oath. The Chairman Oi the Board of Managers can administer the oath to the other members and to the Clerk. A Note rv Public must administer the oath to the Chairman. The Managers at each precinct elect their own Chairman and Clerk. Before permitting any elector to deposit his ballot in the ballot box, in nddition to requiring such finuir 10 proeiucc ms Registration Certificate and to furnish proof that he has paid all taxes assessed against him the previous year, the Managers will administer an oath to sueh elector to the effect that lie is qualified to vote in this election according to the Constitution and laws of this Rtate, and has not voted before in this election, and they shall further require the said Elector to satisfy them that he is a resident of Fort Mill Township, in said County and Rtate. Polls at each voting place must he opened at seven o'clock A. M.. and closed at four o'clock P. M. The managers have the power to fill a vacancy, and if none of I he managers attend, the citizens ' nn appoint from among the qualified resident eleators the managers. who, after bejng sworn, can conduct the election. At the close of the election, the Managers and Clerk must proceed publicly to open ballot boxes :ind count the ballots thorein unit continue without adjournment until the same is completed, and .make a written statement of the result, and sign same. Within three days thereafter, the Chairman of the Roard of Managers, or some one designated by the Board, must deliver to the undersigned Commissioners of Elecetion the poll list, the box containing the ballots, and a written statement of be result of the election The following Managers of Elecion have been appointed to conduct this special election at the various precincts In Fort Mill Township, to wit: Fort Mill: Hubh Harris. J. M. Balk. W. M. Wilson. Mr. John E. Carroll is Clerk of he Hoard, and the Managers will ret their boxes, tickets and blanks 'rnm him at his office in the Conrt House 011 or before Noon Tues!?.. O 1 nm IIIT, .Till T TINI, 19ul a W. B. WILSON. Chairman; W. P. BOYD. J. D. SMITH. 'oinmissioners of State and County Elections for York County. S. C. $30,000.00 TOWN OF FORT MILL. SOUTH CAROLINA, SIX PER CENT STREET IMPROVEMENT BONDS. Sealed bids will be received by the Mayor and Aldermen of the town of Fort Mill at the office of he undersigned until 12 o'clock M?- Friday, May 27, 1921, for the purchase of one or more of $30,300.00 St reet Improvement Bonds of said town, maturing $1,000.00 Ten. 1.1923 to 1932, and $2,000.00 lull. 1. 1933 to 1942. Alt 1--. 1 I * * * - - /\n doiuir uaieti flan. 1. lHiJl; denomination $1,000.00; principal and semi-annual interest (six per ent J. and .1. 1st) payable in New York City. Bonds are to he delivered as soon as printed. All bonda are Teneral obligations of the town of Fort Mill, and an unlimited tax for their payment haa been provided by law and ordinance. The right to reject and and all bids is reserved. Bids moat be accompanied by certified check on some hank or trust company in South Carolina for $600.00 as evidence of good faith, payable to C. S. Link, Treasurer. F. E. AUDREY. Mayor. 0. 8. LINK, Clerk and Treasurer. Rxib-My-TUm kills infection. AH ORDINANCE Declaring the Result of an RlecL lion to petermine Whether the Town tof Fort Hill Should Issue i $30,000.00 of Coupon Bonds for the Purpose of Paying for Improvements Upon the Streets of the Town of Fort Mill, to Au thorixe the Issuance of Said Bonds, and to Provide for the Bonds, and to Proide for the k Payment of the Interest and Principal Thereof. Whereas, petitions were filed by more than a majority of the freeholders of the town of Fori Mill to submit to the qualified voters of said town the question of issuing bonds of the town of Fort Mill in the sum of Thirty Thousand Dollars for the purpose of paying for improvements upon the streets thereof; and. Whereas, such election was duly CAlled and thereafter held on the 16th day of April, 1920, and at s?:id election more than a majority I of the qualified electors of said town voting at said election upon I til*} r% uout inn rvf V* ?9 i ciiv ui i iir irw^uciiiuc Ui said bonds \oted in favor thereof. Now. therefore, be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the town of Fort Mill. S. C\. in council assembled, ami by author, ity of the same: Section 1. That the aforesaid election is hereby declared t? have resultM in Favor of the issuance of Thirty Thousand Dollars of bonds of the town of Fort Mill for the purpose of paying for improvements upon the streets of said town. Section 2. That there shall be issued negotiable coupon bonds of the town of Fort Mill in the amount of Thirty Thousand Dollars. consisting of thirty bonds of One Thousand Dollars each, and numbered one to thirty inclusive. Said bonds shall be dated January 1st. 1921. and shall bear interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually on f Ki. fitHif rl uuo ??* ! T--1 ? . ..? ,?DI uu,l rt ui uuuuni V UI1U .1 11IV of ouch year; said bonds and interest shall be payable in any legal currency of the United States, and shall mature in annual series as follows: One Thousand Dollars on .January first of each year from 1923 to 1932, inclusive; Two Thousand Dollars on the first day o;' .January of each year from 1933 to 1942, inclusive. The said bonds shall be numbered in the order of the dates of maturity. The form of said bonds and coupons shall be substantially as follows: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF YORK, TOWN OF FORT MILL. STREET IMPROVEMENT BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS. That the Wn of Fort Mill, in the County of York and State of South Carolina, is Justly indebted and promises to pay to the bearer the first day of January. 19?, the principal sum of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS with interest, thereon, at the rate o! six (6) per centum per annum, payable July 1st. 1921, and semiannually thereafter on the 1st days of January and July of each year. upon the presentation and surrender of the attached interest coupons as they severally become tue. Both principal and interest of this bond are payable at the Hanover National Bank, New York City, State of New York. For the prompt payment hereof, both principal and interest, as the same shall become due,- the full faith, credit and resources of said town are hereby irrevocably pledged. This bond is one of an issue of thirty bonds of like date, aggregating Thirty Thousand Dollars, numbered one to thirty, which bonds are issued for the purpose of paying for improvements upon the streets of said town, under the authority and in full compliance with OftKft 1 onn ? '' t?ivn Mwtiuu iu miu ouui oi in<* Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1912, and pursuant to a vote of a majority of the qualifed electors thereof upon the issue of said bonds at an election duly called upon petition of a majority of the freeholders of said town as shown by . its tax books, held on the 16th day of April, 1920, and an ordinance duly adopted by the Mayor and Aldermen thereof. It is hereby certified and recited that all acta, conditions and things required to exist or be done precedent to and in the issuance of this bond by the laws and oonstitution of the State have duly happened and been performed; that provision has been made for the levy and oollection of a direct annual tax upon all taxable property in so;d town sufficient to pay the interest and principal of this bond as the same shall become due; and that the total indebtedness of said town 866 cures BiHomnts. k including this bond, does not ex-11 ASAll _OM?* ? ?A ? A? I vvvm wuomhiuuuiu ur atatutory limitation. IN WITNESS WHHEREOF said town has caused this bond to be i signed by its MayOr, and attested 1 by its Clerk and Treasurer under its corporate seal, and the interest coupons hereto attached to be signed by the facsimile signature ol said Mayor and* Clerk anu Treasurer as of the first day of January, 1921. . t Mayor. 9 Clerk and Treasurer. COUPON. No. $30.00 On the town of Fort Mill, South Carolina, will pay to the bearer at the Hanover National Bauk. New York City, the sum of Thirty Dollars, being the semi-annual inter | est due that day on its street improvement bond, dated .lauy. 1st. 1921, and numbered . ?__ - , Mayor. f Clerk and Treasurer. Section 3. That in each year while any of said bonds shall be outstanding there shall be levied and collected upon all taxable property within the town of Fort Mill, a direct annual tax sufficient to meet the payment of the interest and principnl of said Thirty Thousand Dollar bonds, as the same shall become due. Section 4. That the Mayor and Treasurer of the town of Fort Mill are hereby directed to cause a notice to be published in the Fort. Mill Times, and in the Columbia State, calling for sealed bids for the bonds herein authorized to be ? rteeived at 12 o'clock M. on the 20th day of May, 1921, said notice to he published in said newspapers at least fourteen (14) days before the date of receipt of said bids. A ^certified cheek for $G00.00 may be deposited with each bid, payable to C. S. Link, ? M F urniture, E Househol Kitchen F MattingAi Rugs, Lace Clocks, Sewing A Pianos, < M or tor Car > * Cash or YOUNG & THE FORT MILL F V" i - -iyf - \ Treasurer, as an evidence of good ' faith. The right shall be reserved to reject any and all bids. Done aiul ratified in council assembled this 3rd day of May, 1921. P. E. ARDREY, Iff jnuyur. C. S. LINK. Clerk. 666 cures Malarial Fever. -LLU-LlJiil-yl ??BHfgg J WJJWBP* I ATonic I DO For Women n QD "I was hardly abla to dra?, 1 DE U was so weakened," writes Mrs. y 2| W. F. Ray, of Easley, 8. C. Ql fj "Thedoctortreatedmeloraboaft H M two months, still I didn't gat M M any better. I had a large tam- M U ily and felt 1 surely must do U QU something to enable me to take DD H care of my little ones. 1 had Q x| heard of nF CARDUI Xj The Woman's Tonic K jfl "I decided to try it/* con- yf n tinues Mrs. Ray ... "I took Fl vQ eight bottles in all ... I re- M m gained rn V ?tr.noth _ _ w j ? " All VI 1UITC had no more trouble with wo- U Jy manly weakness. 1 have tea UL l j children and am able to do all ^ my housework and a lot out- fir ^ doors ... I can sure recom- fij M mend Cardui." M W Take Cardui todky. 11 tatf 1^ M be just what yod need. M M At all druggists. M 666 cures Bilious Fever. I I 4 namelware, d Goods, urniture, ft Squares, i Curtains, Trunks, Machines, Organs, \ ccessories Credit WOLFE / URNITURE MEN. t