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THE FIftST NATIONAL It the State of South Carotin* at the Charter No. M41 * ^ " RKSOUl Loans aM discounts, Including redlscc Notes and hills rediecounted with F?? at Rwcm Bank (o^her than t ,f acceptances sold) ....s Overdrafts, unsecured \... U. 8. Government Securities owned: Deposited to sseure olrculatlou (U. value).. .. Ail other United States Government t Other bonds, stocks. securities, etc. . . Furniture and Fixtures . Cash In vault .. Lawful reserve with Federal Reserws Net amounts due from national banks Net amounts due from hanks, bankers the United States Checks on other banks in same city o Checks on banks located outside of bank and other cash items Redemption fund with U. S. Treasu -Treasurer .. .. - Total LIABIl Capital stock paid In Surplus fund Undivided profit* Reierved for intercut and accrued taxc Reserved for unearned discount.. I*m current expenses. Interest and t Circulating notes outstanding Amount due to Federal Reserve Ba Cashier's checks on own bank outata Individual deposits subject to check- . Total of demand deposits (other t posits) subject to Reserve Certificates of deposit (other than for i Other time deposits * Total of time deposits subject to U. S. Government Securities borrowed.' Bills payable, other thkn with Federa Ing all obligations representing n than rediscounts Hllla payable with Federal Reserve Ba Tbtal State of South Carolina, County of To I, W. T. Barron, Cashier of the wear that the above statement Is tru belief - Subscribed and sworn to before n Correct Attest: i J. T. YOUNG, | | J. B. MILLS, E. R. PATTERSON, Directors. " THECIT i > Upper Main Street, Fort N < [ serving meals or short ord (i hurry. We make every efl i If you are in town for a si < J care to trouble to go home i " glad to have you try our sei !> JOHN S. BA' mrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmm ?? ? I ROCK HILL FURN I Funeral I a C. K. Chreitzberg, 1 t New York State License No. 4694 | JESSE HARF IDay Phone 603; Nigh ROCK HILU MOTOR EC LEAKNINO TO READ. ?# ?"*?? Villa, once the scourge of Mexico, is becoming a man of letters. He is learning to read and write on his ranch in C'anutillo. When dictator of Mexico he sent, to Washington diplomatic notes that would have done justice to the pen of American diplomats, but these were prepared by his secretaries, aids, generals and even correspondents. But having no flock of secretaries to lean on now he has taken up the "three rV' as strategically as he ever led his followers into action. Visitors to Villa's 200,000 acre ranch bring back the information that the former hAndit is work in o from sunrise to dark; but he is stil! cautious and fearful of his life, When he goes motoring two truck loads of soldiers are behind [vl him. The strictest discipline is raain.tained by Villa in his colony off 1,000 people at Canutillo. Not a drop of liquor is permitted on the place, and everybody works. His headquarters are in the Canntillo cathedral, the only structure in the town left intact by years of revolution. The former bandit's home is a low. one story building next door to the cathedral. ??i BANK. AT FORT UELL, of bunlneca on April II. 'lMli ' feeMrv* XMstHct No. tf *CE8. .nnfta BBAi ? 4B e<l .aa-HKm ?d?r ank w" ' ' '> '/ ' "* ( . . t88.?76.7I--9306.471.82 , 8.884.18 , ] 8. bonds par . $46,668.69 Securities 13,906.00? 63.900.00 1.600.60 j . .........T 8.860.66 v 8.844.01 Bank ... 10.836.16 ] ' h 360.32 and trust companies In v 4.906.08 r town as reporting bank 906.31 city or town of reporting 3rf*.17 irer and due from tJ. 8. I 2,000.00 , % *387.848.04 1 .ITIE8 * 40,000.00 10,000.00 .$10,358.76 r ' s 1.600.00 - I 618.13? 17.476.88 , nxe? |>ald .. 6.398.31? 12.078.67 40.000.00 ' k (deferred credit** .... 3,161.15 ndlng 097.71 . 61.062.77 hnn bank de 61,062.77 money borrowed ,. . . 36.261.79 161.736.05 reaerve .... $196,997.84 8,8 50.00 f Reserve Bank (includtaney borrowed other . ' 5.000.00 nk ,10.000.00 . . $387,848.04 >rk, as.: above named bank, do solamnljr in to the beat of my Jffiowledge and 1 " w. T. BARRON, Cashier. 1 no this 7th day of May, 1921. C. 8. LINK, Notary Public. 1 t , V 1 \ \% \ 1 ; I I x _ _ i. ? m m . i l Y CAFE till, makes a specialty of # 1 ers to those who are in a J | fort to please our patrons, a ( tort time only or do not # , it meal time, we would be ? rvice. 2 1 VNE, Manager * i 1 ITURE COMPANY j , Directors jceiued Embalmer j, ; South Carolina License No. 141 <, US, Assistant || t Phones 212 and 126 < ? ( SOUTH CAROLINA j' IU1PMENT ]; STATEMENT Of Um conditio* mi the Savings Bonk of Fort Mill, located at Fort Mill. S. C? at the dote of basinet* Doc, 31, 1920. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $ 91,096.47 Overdrafts 612.67 Bonds and Stocks owned by bank 10,000.00 Furniture and Fixtihres 3,610.42 Due from banks and bankers, 6,424.36 ; Currency . 11,180.001 Silver and other minor coin.. 602.11! Total, $122,624.92 IJ ABILITIES. Capital Stock paid in $25,000.00 Surplus fund 12,000.00 Undivided profits, leas current expenses and taxes paid.... 400.66 Individual deposits subject to * check 9 84,952.69 Cashier's checks . 171.68 85,124 27 Total 1 $122,624.92 State of South Carolina, County of York. S. S. Before me came W. B. Meacham, president of the above named bank, who, being duly sworn, says that the above ana foregoing statement is a true condition of said bank, aa shown by the books ot said bank. W. B. MEACHAM. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 6th day of lfay. 1921. W. B. MEACHAM, Jr., Correct Attest: Notary Public. J. M. GAMBLE, 1 S. L. MEACHAM. Directors. J. HJ McMUR&AY, ) * Y ; by Said Commission. ffv- I Whereas, the Town Council of.. * Fort Mill, by an ordinance adopt* ' ed the 3rd day of May, 19fli Pro" J vided for \ the issue and! sale of rhirty Thousand Dollars <b Street 1 Bonds for the purpose of improv- 1 ing the streeta of the Town of * Fort Mill, and t. WhereaB, the Legislature of the ; State of South Carolina, by an Act approved the 5th day of March, ' 1920. created a Street Commission of the Town of Fort powers and duties therein defined and set forth, and t Whereas, the said Town Council of tile said Town of Fort Mill is desirous that the proceeds of the bond issue referred to herein as being authorized by ordinance passed on the 3d day of May, 1921, shall be expended by said Commission. and the work of improving the streets of the Town of Fort Mill be carried on under its direction and control, Now.therefore, be it ttrdained, by *the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fort Mill in council assembled and by authority of the same: Section 1. That L. A. Jl^rris, J. L. Spratt, and Nile Carothers are hereby constituted the Street Commission of the Town of Fort Mill, with such powers, duties and privileges as are set forth in an Act entitled "An Act to Empower the Town of Fort Mill to Issue Bonds for Street Improvements not to Exceed Thirty Thousand Dollars; to Create a Commission for the Expenditure of the Proceeds Thereof; and to Provide for a Sinking Fund." approved the Mh day of March, 1920. Section 2. That said Commission shall use the proceeds of the sale t)f any bonds issued by the Town of Fort Mill for street improvements, for the improvement of the streets and sidewalks of the said town, except that the same need nAt hn AAmnln^A/l ~ O*?a. I "v ww|>icicu uciurr (lie 01m day of Decerober, 1922; that there shall be paid over to aaid Commission by the Treasurer of the Town of Fort Mill all funds received by him from the sale of any bond issued for. stroot improvement; end that said Commission is hereby constituted the agent of the Town of Fort Mill, with power to make = contracts, employ engineers, purchase material, and do whatsoever else is necessary to carry out the improvement of the streets and sidewalks of the said Town. Done and ratified in council as sombled this 9th day of May, 1921. F. E. AUDREY, Mavor. P. S. LINK. Town Clerk. 666 cures Chills and Fever. Lots of new goods just arrived at Massey's at new prices, which are much lower. Don't fail to see the new Shoea nt Ma RHP v'a Our nnw ipiho-i ? ^ ? - f - I lower. j 666 cures a Cold quickly. 1 New Hats -for ladies and chil- -= dren just arrived at Masesy's at 25 cents to $4.50. Save half your money. ^ 666 cures Dengue Fever. For Final Discharge. Notice is hereby 'given that 1 e, have made my final return to the Probate Court of York county as administrator of the Estate of |n Miss (irace Krwin. nnd nn W<wt. iv?? day, June 1, 1921, I will make I J application to said Court for my , discharge from further liability ^ in connection with said administrution. 7 A. O. JONES, Administrator. Fort Mill. S. C.. April 26, 1921. " 5tMay26 LET ME REPAIR YOUR I SHOES : M Bring your 8hoef to ft. M. Hood for good work mud reasonable ol prices. Terms, oash. ti Shoes and Hosiery for sale, as u usual, at bargain prices. " Oome to see me. J R. M. HOOD " TBI ?HOB MAM. ? vvy,.- *. +4 ? . Hcttcr Ki i Why not get ^ and really less SCHLOSS CLO ft )M V j have stood th* they are bette ; BOYS' NEW serges, worste from . . . ITS TO ? * We have a ful Unde.rwear. Shirts and Dr Boys' Union 5 HI i Schloss Suits, Shirts?We se meed in the hands of the inagis ates of the several townships for tosecution. All of the banks of the county re offering their accommodations nd facilities to taxpayers who lay desire to make use of the une, and I am taking pleasure in iving prompt attention to all corspondence on the subject. Ail taxpayers appearing at my < Wee will receive prompt attenon. i Note?The tax books are made t p by townships and parties writ- ] ig about taxes will always expe- ) ite matters if they will mention ?e township or townships hi rhich their property or proper " es are located. . J HARRY E. NEIL. Treasurer of York County. I PA1 You Can By Tradin, We wish to call the attenti thing in GROCERIES on w where in thie section. V ourselves, and we help oun Because of quick turn-over to consider. And we guars numb? Wis 159. Fort Mill ] TAX EXTENSION. ffic# of the County Treasurer of York County. York, 8. C., March 1, 1921. Pursuant to the Act of the Genral Assembly notice isN hereby iven that the time for the payent of taxes due be'tween Octo;r 15 and December 31, 1920, has pen , extended to May 1, 1921, ith a three per cent penalty aded to all payments made after [arch 1. From May 1 to May 15, )21, there will be a penalty of per cent, and after May 15 all rtpaid taxes will go into execuon. Unpaid poll taxes will be i ? ,"" Lr"1 nd for Les& fmmmmw mm - < I ffi' % \ the best when it cos i in the end? . THES FOR MEN AND e test for a half centu r at the price than eve ' SPRINCi SUITS ds and cassimeres, si IE TO CHANG \ 1 line of Men's and Bo Union Suits / . . awers >uits . . . ... . IRE'S QUALI Stetson Hats, Crossel ill 'em. * TERSO Save Marr g at the Cooperati on of the public to the fact t hich a better price can not be 7j6 are in business to help th selves better when we help th< s our stock is always fresh, intee quick deliveries and effici Cooperative E.S. PARKS, Manager. Prices Plain We have adopted t hi many of the large eveiy article in our st a tag giving the price < system lessens the cht a convenience to the ci one price to all?that i first class, fresh Groc< We also offer FIVE ? every dollar spent wit B. C. FER PHONI Tomato Plants, all varieties. r?Oc >er hundred, $2 per thouaaml; ransplanted, $1 per hundred, ieady now. Phone 125-B. Medin Plant Farm, Fort Mill, S.C. J4 p READ THE TIMES FOR HOME NEWS }.'f g v-'v \ ^ ? P-' >: -?11? s Money % . ? -.j ?" ts no more, YOUNG MEN ry. Today :r, $20 to $39. in all .wool zes, 6 to 18, . $5 to $15 .E 'EM \ys Summer . . 98c up 50C and 75C 50c and 75c r tt Shoes, Ide N'S ' Sti =====?? _ ? 1 Y Dollars fve Store hat there is hardly anysecured here than elsee consumer as well as > consumer best, which is something else tent service. Our phone 5 Store ly Marked he system in vogue cities of putting on ore as far as possi* of the article. This ince of mistakes, is jstomer and insures the lowest at which sries can be sold. MER CENT OFF on h us. GUSON I 29 j =J UNERAL DIRECTOR MID FUNERAfl^H EQUIPMENT MOTOR HEARS I FOR I MILL, S. (JH| J