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a?** - naBBBg^8rjmiL The Tlm? Invites contributtons on live subjects but does not agree to publish more than 900 words on any subject. The right is reserved to edit every communication submitted for publication. * On application < to the publisher advertising rates are maije known t<those interested. ' Telephone, local and long distance N N?- "* 1 Entered at the postoflloe at Port Mill, 8. C.. as mall ' matter of tht second class. ? THURSDAY, MAY 19, 19*1. "Judging by the amount of money 4he people are spending t lr 4 mtrwO , I /> ??ni kaaim kntt/. i i*\ iiuK .i uii iiui n?-*-ui bu imm after all.**?Yorkville Enquirer. .Much of it coming The Enquirer's way ? The order issued Tuesday b> President ilarding modifying tincivil service ruloR affecting the selection of / first, second aact ? third class postmasters to the extent that any one of the firs*, three on the eligible list may be selec 4d for appointment ineam that the Republicans intend (< grab the jobs and that the merit / system is in the discard so far atthe choice of postmasters is concerned. The order puts Democrats on notice that they need not Hitiiut The civil service examination with any hope of being appointed if there are Republican applicants for the office. The country last fall said it wanted a government of, for and by the> Republican party and we are in foi four years of it. One is safe ill guessing that of the 12.00. post offices affected by the ordei of the president, 12.000 will be filled by Republicans and that in the South at least many of this number will be men objectionabh to the people thev are to serve. , Congressman McSwain of South Carolina must have felt about as important as a plugged peiui> when the Republican house Monday got through with the amendment he proposed to the army appropriation bill providing for u big increase for vocational training. Congressman Greene of Vermont bowled over McSwain and his amendment with the statement that '"the army is organized for fighting, not for going to school." McSwain"s amendment proposed a wuste of public funds and the Republicans very properly reject I Let ?8 hope that the report coming out of Columbia that the R. O. T. C. ^ ill be abolished at .the State university within the next year is true. There has been 110 reason for the maintenance at the university of the military department since the close of the world war. On the other hand, ? there was reason why it should have long since been abolished. The, department is out of harmony with the aims and purposes of the university. Boys do not go to the university to obtain military instruction, but the course has been compulsory. The time the students are forced to devote to the course is time wasted ard for months the department has been a jbke. Not only that, the R. O. T. C. officers are occupying 1 some of the best quarters on the j k university campus, quarters which M should be .open Xft students for For Sale?One nice Jersey Milk Cow with second calf. Would & trade for dry cattle. 8. R. Bailee. : - 'us For ?0lQ Several suite second ^^^Kftsud Clothing in first elass condi fcti<-nr at bargain prices, to satisfy ^^^^Bjtabore*'s lien. Bale to commence ten days' notice to debtors. and eifixens generally 1 Visit to ! wake the following statement re- ! garding the * proposed $14,000 I joint issue: Waterworks Bonds. It is proposed to issue $4,000 waterworks bonds. The proceeds of these bonds are to be used in paying off the indebtedness con tracted for th'e extension of lho waterworks system. There have been several of these extensions made during the pust few years for the purpose of giving as far as possible all .citizens the benefit of water service. Since it was put in the waterworks system has just paid expenses and it is useless to expect to pay this debt ih any way except by selling bonds. The town will save $180 per year in intercut by selling six per cent bonds instead of borrowing monev at eight per cent. Other Bonds. It i8 proposed as an entirely separate proposition to issue $10.XX) bonds, the proceeds to be used to aid as far as may be necessary in the permanent paving to be put down by the paving commission. Thirty thousand dollars of bonds were voteddast year for this tot-pose, to be supplemented b\ $? 0,000 government aid. This government aid was later withIrawu ami the commission has been unable to do the work outlined with* $30,000. Labor and material have come down to the I point where the commission can low do this paving with some assis tan co from the council. It is th? refore proposed to supplement this $30.(KK) ot bonds with such mrt of the .$10,000 as may be necessary and use the balance toward paying off the floating debt of he town, now about $5,000, on which the town also is paving eight per cent interest. Taxes. These $14,000 of bonds will only nerease .the debt of the town by s (*5.000. since it already owes and has owed for some years the balance. The interest on .the $9,000 wc now owe at eight per cent is H720. The interest on the $14,000 >ondu at six per cent will be $840, ir.d' the levy will not have to be raised to take care of this small imount.. Since this proposition puts the own finances in much better bape ami insures the speedy completion of the permanent pav iiipr at very small cost without in crease in the levy, the council ha? recoininemled this action to tintaxpayers and voters and will have the petitions circulated. P. JR. ARDREY. It* Mayor. -l Pocketbook Found?1 wish to thank Mrs. ,T. M. Parks. Route 16. Pineville, N. C., for her kindness and courtesy in returning to me a pocketbook which I lost on the highway near Pinevelle. Sunday. April 24. Mrs. Allen Knight. Rub-My-Tism cures sores. Beautiful new Voile Waisrs 90 cents to $1.00, and Silk and Georgette Waists at $2.50 to $3.25 just arrived at Massey's. Rub-My-Tism kills pain. LISTEN! Baker's is the Barber Shop that baked the prices, but it didn't do it at the expense of service. Hair Cut 25c Shampooing, plain 25c Singeing 2$c Tonic : ? 25e Shave 15c Massage, plain .. 25c Come and see us. We will save you money and send you away smiling BAKER'S BARBER SHOP. Pyramid Paint Shop ROCK HILL, 8. iX PAINTING It your car needs painting we will paint It (or you and do It In such a way, that you will be surprised at the difference It makes In the looks of your old car. our corps of pointer* are the beet that can be obtained and only those who aro experienced in car painting are on our force. The looks of your car la Just like the : looks of your person. It goes a lang ; way. * | JAMES A. JOHNSON, Proprietor. J \ PAINT f |jlj| 11 * Do You FeelJTired vous? If so, take ? I MERI t It is a system purif on a money-back g 1 Hutcinso t PHC t ? * -A.. O. 0"C GOOD TE (<nH?iiCM, Market, Cout?tr> Pitxluco. I'ltuiiL* Fourteen. Daily Deiiv * Our wagons are no eries of Ice. Give t and avoid the bothe CULP Bl PHC v I Prices Cu h < Repaii I * { J; We have made a big reducti \ | -anti truck repairing, along \ | our complete atock of autou J | money on your repair billa \ | than the price* of city garai | | We are the authorized agen II and/Ford Par?? the genuii jI | l)o not. forget that we carr 1 I I 5lichelin Tires, two of the 1 < > ' . HEATHH * > If you find better paint? I "we^ll give you this paint free! 1 Hrrt'% the offer: ML I T>AINT ball your housa with Hw y JL Devoe; paint the other halt MB I with any ether paint you choose. Bjjltt If Devoe doesn't lake fewer gallons M|| I and cost less money, we will make M I no charge tor Devoe. ffjlja U if Devoe doesn't wear a year or fl J two or three years lonjcr-'wjrr 1 mud kH:tr?nc will give you enough I ? Devoe to do the fob over. 1^ Cm you afford to pass this offer without mvtfstigjtiou? H 111 DSVOI PitoOUCTS ere tim?-lritcd>nd H fT proven.?backed by 166 y<?> expert eace at the oldest petal maaulaclurinj ^ cooperate(b?\J.S Founded 17i4. nL Sou by the P.nrot Agent art Mill, S. C. I I, Run-down or Ner\ bottle of f TONE. I r ier of real merit. Sold guarantee by . 4 mm 1 s rnarmacy 11 )NE 91 | ^ 33STES IINGS TO EAT ' ; /; _ I eries of Ice [ w making daily delivis your standing order :: r of ordering daily. i; MOTHERS >ne is I; t on Auto jjf p Work on in prices on all automobile V, ^jj with a general cut in prices on W mm lohile parts." We can save you Our prices are much lower 1! ges. ts for this section of Ford Cars oj i?e kind. ? > V a full stock of Goodyear and < > best makes on the market. v . Your home is v ever before. Dot J condition. It is ? ' repairs than it is long in having ref We give excep past experience i You will find tha needs and that qi / a bit of expense a f If your old hom are planning to bi We will estimate you a cent. Let Fort Mill Lu FORT MIL! =" n f f="== This Week'; Offered at Bi % Flour pojrJQP lbs, Sugar per lb ? Meat per lb Lard per lb Salmon per can Old crop Irish Potatoes Good Loose Coffee, 3 1 Cheese per lb All other goods prop< The nearest point to ou est telephone. B. M. BRA mrr\%Tn *.-! rnuiNJii rs Cotton ? / m We have a good assorti different sizes, which we wil All kinds of Tools, Ha: amelware, Cutlery, Roping, ] line of all kinds of good thi: give you good goods, at r prompt delivery. Call on ui Phone No T HFr.A CM S. A. LEE and T. F. STARNES M Get the pep in that Autom ing your Repair Work done Electric Starters, Generate The Best of Service STARNESM A. R. Startles, Genl. Mgr.?\ J^'V . > vj 1 %*: ' -[ ' ' i"-*'' ; [ . ' 'I Us About if our Building u (I rorth more to you now tli&n I l't let it get in a run-down I much easier to make minor a big job. Don't delay too 1 >air work done. >tional repair service. Our 1 ' qualifies us for such work, r t we ciin supply all of your ir suggestions will save quite I ad annoyance for you I ie needs remodeling, or if you j uild be sure to give us a call. | on tlie job and it won't coat I us know when you want us, | imber Co. a s. c. 'I? ; ! Specials radford's ? $4-. 7 5 - 10c* ^ 15c - ? 15c 15c i peck- 35c hs. 50c - 30c urtionately cheap, ir store is the nearl DFORD O. 113i O * * Hoes. < ?> <? neiit of Cotton Hoes, V, ? , 1 be glad to show you. o i < > rdware, Tinware, En- y Etc., as well as a big' y ngs to eat. We will y easonable prices, and ? o s. 4? i. 8. ij ' STORE LYTI.E, Murs. V, ' < OTOR CO. * tobile of yours by hav at Starues Motor Co >rs, Magnetos Repaired Guaranteed. OTOR CO. V. J. Steele, Machinist. 4"