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txmptr 1 ; i * * ' ??? , I?? MEWS AROUND TOWN. ~ Short Stories Picked Up by The Times Reporter. *? J. Mi Brmckett and his family are again living in Fort Mill, after having made their home in Huntersville, N.?., for the hut two yesrst Mrs. George Hall of Charlotte, N. C., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Crane of Fort Mill, is a patient* at a Charlotte hospital, where she was operated upoq for appendicitis a few days ago. An address which pleased about 100 farmers of the community was delivered in the Fort Mill town hall Saturday afternoon bv Dr. N. E. Winters of Clem son college, who in an expert on soils and fertiliser. The Fort Mill ball team Saturday afternoon connected with the minor end of a 6 to 1 score in a game with Great Falls on the latter team's grounds. To poor fielding was attributed the loss ot the game. The next game of the locals is scheduled for Saturday afternoon with the Pinevllle team of the Mecklenburg County league in Fort Mill. J. Lee Capps has given up the place he has held for several years with the Fort Mill Lumber company and left yesterday morning for Jacksonville, Flu., where he will spend several days with his two brothers who live in that citv. Mr. Capps said it was not improbable that he would later move with his family to J acksonville. Sacrament of the Lord's supper will be observed at the Fort Mill Presbyterian church next Sunday morning. In the absence of the pastor, the Kev. J. B. Black, who is ill at a Charlotte hospital, the officers expect to have a memx ber of the faculty of the theological seminary in Columbia preach the communion sermon. MisB Nora ourke and S. G. BassinIfPl*. VUiinirpniinU frnm ( 'horlnffo M f ' were married by Magistrate J. R. Haile Saturday afternoon. Mr. Bassinger is said to have Rtated in a low tone of voice that he and his bride came to South Carolina to he married to escape a possible display of mother-in-law objection to him. The Christian Endeavor society of the 1 Fort Mill Presbyterian church plans to till Sunday evening the hour usually given over to the evening service with a special program to which the congregation and the public generally are invited. It iB expected that the principul address will be made by a member of the faculty of the Columbia Theological j seminary. Announcement of an engagement of local interest which has just been made is that of Clarence S. Link, Jr., of Laurens, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Link of Fort Mill, to Miss Ruby Lucile Anderson of WiHiamston, who are to be married in June. Miss Anderson is the daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Anderson and at present is teaching in the Abbeville public school. The linotype is both a labor-saving and time-saving machine for newspaper composition, but it sometimes breaks as do other machines and causes things to go awry in the office. Such has been the experience of The Times this week. Monday the burner on its machine gave out and a new one was not to be had this side of New Orleans, forcing the paper to return to hand-set type for its local news this week. The military bureau of the war department has approved the report made on the condition of the Tom Hall Guards by Maj. B. F. Ristine, following his inspection of the company on March 22. Among other complimentary references to the comuany, which received a good rating, is the statement that Fort Mill is a community of only 2,000 people and that "the company has for many years been a matter of general interest and pride. This has been increased by the service of the company in the World war." ~ ~ - r r-* a ssmi . ?- ai liters ui rori mm township are planning to plant several hundred acres of their landB this year to velvet beans. One shipmentof t?0 bushels of the beans was received /by farmers of the lower section of the township a few days ago independent of many smaller shipments which have recently been received for local planting. Velvet beans are highly recommended as a forage crop and are usually grown with corn or cflne, but "they ain't specially good for folks to eat" in the opinion of a negro inmate of an insane asylum who was seen masticating a mouthful of green ones. Three hours and thirty minutes were consumed Tuesday evening in the hearing in Magistrate J. R. Hade's court of a case against White Baker. Oscar Parks, Allen Knight end Zeb Gordon, all of Fort Mill, on the charge of disorly conduct before the jury returned a verdict of not guilty. The warrant was sworn out by W. H. McKinney. Another warrant, sworn out by Eld McKinney, charges Allen Knight with assault and battery with intent to kill. This case is yet to be disposed of by the magistrate. Both cases grew out of a disturbance Sunday afternoon two mile* north of town. Petitions addressed to the board of 1 ? commissioners of York county asking that the road recently opened by Sena- : , tor S. E. Bailes in Fort Mill tbwnship be accepted as a public road are being i , circulated among the freehold voters of | the township. The road begins in Fort Mill township at Bailes' bridge and intersects the Do bey's bridge road a mile and a half south of town. If the county takes over the road, it is ' said efforts will then be made to have the government declare it a poet road. The public roads through the Pleas- ( " ant Valley section are now being im-; proved by the Lancaster county chaingang. It is said to be the pnrpoee of the Lancaster authorities to sand-day the road from the North Carolina line 1 jBj * to the town of Lancaster, a distance of T1 % Furniture, Ena Household < Kitchen Fui Matting, Art Rugs, Lace C Clocks, Tr Sewing Ma< i N Pianos, Or M or tor Car Ac C or Ct / YOUNG & THE FORT MILL FURf i SUCCESS, begun pAILURE to save ha hopes of many rr wide trail of despair a its wake. The folly < | dismal tragedy o fac men unwittingly elect t) ; Avert the danger j some of your earning 5 an account in our ii ment. One dollar wi that first dollar the firs i pendence. "Success ? o ? Saving. 9 4 PER CENT ON SAVIN* t $ | First Nation | Capital and Surplus . ^ v DE TOET MILL TUCKS, 1 I imelware, finnHc niture, Squares, iurtains,unks, chines, gans, cessories edit MIFF rv vjui Ju sin URE MEN. } by Saving j \ <% is shattered the % $ len and l^ft a j ind disaster in | of failure is a e. Yet many to face it. I by diverting j s and opening | iterest depart- | 11 do it. Make | it step to inde- \ N K^onn kv ii ? " 7 is ACCOUNTS < < al Bank | . $ 50,000.90 MM # * s ORT MILL, SOUTH OAEOUHi t=i > The Be Suits that For t (tCrt A iui <pjv;, or u $20, $25,a This showing if event. We hove | assortment of suits figures as further fact that elothing store are "right." I considerably mor < prices. We liave all sty] in fine all wool Gra Blues; fast eoloriugi sut.isfv or monov lui ? ' MANHATTA1 SHIRTS Parker-S Main St. HOME OF HA III PA ? ==)l =11 SnilR STOMAM wwwu v i vivinvii indigestion; TbeJforJ't Bfock-Draofkt Highly ReeoiueiM by * Tumimi Gckit for Triable* IU ahiif from Torpid Lhror. East Nashville, Tenn.? The efficiency ef Thedford's Black-Draught, the genuine, herb, liver medicine, la vouched for by Mr. W. N. Parsons, a grocer of this city. "It is without doubt'the best llvsr medicine, and. I don't believe I could get along without It. I take It for sour stomach, headache, bad liver. Indigestion, and all '.her troubles thaV are the result of a torpid liver. "1 have known and used It for years, and can and do highly recommend ltp to every one. I won't go to bed with* j out It in the house. It will do all It claims to do. I can't say enough for. It." Many other men and women throughout the country have found BlackDraught Just as Mr Parsons describes ?valuable In regulating the liver to Its normal functions, and in eloansing the bowels of Impurities. The*ford's Black-Draught llrer medicine 1* the original and only genuine. Accept no Imitations or substitutes. , Always ask for Thcdford's. gg Beautiful new Voile Waists 90 cents to $1.00, and Silk and Georgette Waists at. $2.50 to $3.25 just arrived at Mnssey's. N LISTEN! Baker's is the Barber Shop that baked the prices, but it didn't do it at the expense of service. Hair Cut 25c Shampooing, plain.. ...*... 25c Singeing .. 25c Tonic A 25c Shave J. 15c Massage, plain \ .. .. 25c Come and see us. Wlr'will save yon money and Mm^iway 4 \ " * L ? ? =? ?F ?== II = st Buy in merly Sold. lore, Now ind $30 ? a very special J priced this tine at these special J|Si evidence of the jinvrs 'it i in?* fl They are worth ? e than these les anil all sizes iys, Browns and s; guaranteed to lek. ropyripbt i q ii ? M V UNI moak Cloth Roi ' SCHAFFNKR A MAI V OA^H?('ASH FAYS Ell IC '(= Jl =Z - |l!FC2) ll (3'! PA! R0>/ ?Tll E r has broken away from screen stories and lie rip-roaring comedy ^ different-full of actior . it - with love - ncn with si a tremendous wallop delightful - extraordin< Majestic Th Next Monday at Open 4 p. m.? i t THE CITY i | l> Upper Main Street, Fort Mill, [ serving meals or short orders > hurry. We make every effort > If you are in town for a short J care to trouble to go home at it I glad to have you try our servic< JOHN S. BAYNI & a. Xsa.- . ^. . 1 * 1 ' '' ^ 1 ? 4 X# ' ' - ml wTl - "-1 11 ^5sasaf !V.!l Mart Sclirffoer & Mars . I ARSITY )ERWEAR ing Co. ck Hill, S. C. UX CLOTHES * \ I II -H-? . I \HKS sJUT" the traditional is produced a /hi/~k if AnfII'^III 15 t^iii ii ciy i - dominated irprises that pack > -wholesome ? aiy amusement. eatre id Tuesday tegular Prices. CAFE t makes a specialty of f to those who are in a ^ to please our patrons. ? time only or do not # . teal time, we would be J a i /