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V ' r-?V V" ' ? NfeWS FROM MANY PLACES Washington. May 3. ?Germany will be forced to yield completely to the allied demands for reparations and probWashington. May 2?Unless Panama acts voluntarily wihtin "a reasonable time," the Vniteo States will * take measures to compel her to transfer > jurisdiction of the disputed Co to territory to Costa Rica, Secretary Hughes says in a recent note to the Panama govern ftietit. The text of the docu ment was made public today at the State Impart ment. "This government believes that it would be inadmissible to interpret its obligations to the republic of Panama as embracing an obligation to support any claims for adjoining territory which might be advanced by the government of Panama, no matter whs* the opinion of this government might be as to tl^e validity or justice of these claims." the note says. The Panama claim that its title to . the disputed territory had been un challenged since colonial timet*, the note holds a.- in no way "entitling the government of Panama to demand the occupation of territory which ^s not a part of the republic of Panama nnd hns been conclusively adjudged to belong to Costa Rica." "That territory which was adjudged to be a portion of the territory of the* republic of Costa Rica," the note declares, in aei-ordanee with a boundary line which the republic of Pannnia had formally declared clear nnd indisputable "still remains in the opinion of the American Government the .territory of Costa Rica.," and is to be respected as such. Washington, May 3.?-Strikes and lookouts now in font* are costing the workers nearly n million dollars a day in wagse lost, it was estimated here today on the Imsis of reports to the lalmr department. These rejairts indicate that at liyist a hundred thousand men and women arc unwilling to work pending May Ihiv negotiations with employers on wage scales. The losses sustained by the employers ns a result of the cessation of work is estimated at four times those of the workers. Paris, May .'1.?French troops today swept toward the Rhine. The fervor of 1014 was awakened as soiuiers gathered everywhere for transportation to the German border under mobiliznt ion orders. The only provinces not contributing to the new army were the devastate*! regions in northern Franca. The elans of 1JHJI was railed up and I .'So.OTH) men were provided for. ready for a quirk dash into the Ruhr valley. The armies _of oreupation are organir./ing under the command of General I)egouette. Washington, May 3.?Business men of the I'nited States will not know until the latter part of the year what their federal taxes will be for 1021). Although this uncertainty is one of the factors of the business depression, it was definitely determined today that, notwithstanding the letter of recommendation from Secretary of tile Treasury Mellon, congress will adhere to its "tariff first" program. with taxation revision to follow. It will likely be several months before the revenue bill is adopted. New York, May 3.?An early settlement of the marine strike mid eotnnlote victory was being claimed hv both sides in the controversy here today. The union leaders claim that practically the entire strength of the union is on a strike, this approximating 175,(KK) men. The owners declared that only a few hundred were out. The Prices Plaii We heve adopted in many of the largt every article in our : a tag giving the pric system lessens the c a convenience to the one price to all?tha first class, fresh Gro We also offer FIVE i, every dollar spent \v B. L. hfcl* PHO * ?? ? #>>? * ? ??????? | ROCK HILL FURf1 Funeral o C. K. Chreitzberg, ' i New York State License No, 468 JESSE HAR & , < i: Day Phone 503; Nigl |jk ;; ROCK HILL, Hfc :! MOTOR E< Rl < V > - \ i \ \ ^ ?i ; . v ; beat neutral figure* obtainable are that 3,000 are out in New York and 15,000 out on the Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific coasts. Washington. May 3.?President Harding today notified all members of his cabinet that they must keep the e*pen- j ditures within tjie amounts appropriated by congress for the conduct of their several departments. In a letter-sent to each secretary,the president deplored the "dangerous tendency" of governmental departments to exceed the amount* congress has allowed them and then put in requests for more money. Berlin, May 4.? Seventeen persons were killed at Antonien Huette, upper Silesia, yesterday by Polish rioters, according to report* received here today. The district is said to have been quiet ed by Italian troops, who suffered some casualties. The disturbance grew out of false reports that certain portions of upper Si-? lesia had been awarded to Polahd by the allied supreme council, the message stated. Washington.May 4.?President HHrd: ing today won the contest of house leaders to delay action on the disarmament pro|M>sals now pending in congress. The proposed hearings on the Rogers resolution. which proposed an international disarmament conference, will be called off as a result of the agreement between the president and the sponsors of the resolution, who will make no attempt to push it until the president indicates be is ready. ? Despite the announcement of the president's position. Senator Borah today offered in the senate his resolution authorising and directing the president ta call a naval disarmament conference, to be participated in J?y the I'nited States, Knglnnd and Japan. Seattle, Wash., May 3.?Nine persons were missing and one is known to have perished, following the sinking of the Japanese steamer Tokn Yo Mam, 4"i miles off the month of the Columbia river. oiAtY'inv *ur%i??irn |?n*Kt*u ii|? bv the transport Buford. The vessel caught on fire and was abandoned by the 70 members of the erevv ami five passengers before the lluford arrived. Columbia. May 3.?The first interCollegiate Track Meet ever held in South Carolina will be staged on the ! FORT MILL, S. C. 1 1 GENERAL INFORMATION. CITY GOVERNMENT. ' F. E. ARDREY.. * Mayor I C. S. LINK Clerk A. L. OTT Police Judge V. D. POTTS Chief of Police I' DEPARTURE OF TRAINS. ( i > No. 35 Southbound 6:19 a. m. No. 31 Southbound 8:07 a. m. I No. 36 Northbound 8:23 a. in. '( No. 113 Southbound 11:38 a. m I No. 114 Northbound 11:55 a. m. | , , No. 27 Southbound 5:32 p. m. ,, No. 32 Northbound 6:35 p. m. I ' No. 28 Northbound 7:43 p. m. i MAILS CLOSE. ( I For train No. 27 5:10 p. m. 1 For "train No. 28 7:20 p. m. j For train No. 35 8:00 p. m. I I For train No. 36 8:00 a. m. Note ?No mail is dispatched on ( trains 31, 32 and 114. Trains 27 ! and 28 do not handle mail Sunday. j \ POSTOFFICE HOURS. 5 I # Daily 8:00 a. in. to 7:00 p. m. / J s Sunnav 9 to 9:30 a. 4:30 to 6 p. . t I I W. B. ARDREY, Postmaster. J | a I nly Marked 1 the system in vogue ; cities of putting on store as far as possie of the article. This hance of mistake^, is customer and insures t the lowest at which ceries can he sold. PER CENT OFF on ith us. tGUSON NE 29 ???????????? S* ? I IITURE COMPANY | Directors Licensed Embalmer !! 4; South Carolina License No. 141 I! RIS, Assistant j| it Phones 212 and 126 \ \ SOUTH CAROUNA J; EQUIPMENT I > ,i/ v 1 i ;i|* *? % ** ' >?.: ' ?.'v ~ yoet mill mm athletic flekl of the Univdi^lty of South Carolina Saturday of thisweek, the 7th ?with five colleges of the state participating, the University of South Carolina; Wofford College, at Spartanburg; Presbyterian College of South Carolina, at Clinton; Clemson College, and Fur- 1 man University, Greenville. The program of track events will be ; announced later,, There will be a team j of approximately ten men from each of j the collges. Following the events on | the track the University will tender the men a banquet in the mess hall on Green street. ThiR meet promises to be of considerable interest throughout the state.Next year it is expected more colleges will participate, and it is likely it will be made an annual event. "THE NUT" IS COMING. If you were in loye with a girl and the gii^ was in love with an idea? what wnillH vmi rln' Ynn micrht Ho cide, as Charlie Jackson did, that the best way to a girl's heart is through her hobby ?and bend all your energies to help her develop it. And if?in a fire?you got caught in the streets in your B. V. D.'s?had to carry out yonr own corpse and i%trying to trick your sweetheart?balled up the traffic of a great city?got yourself suspected of murder and "wanted" by the policewould yoil think the price too high? Charlie Jackson didn't, and because he didn't he earned the reputation of being "The Nuf." "Doug" Fairbanks in "The Nuf" will be the attraction at the Majestic Theatre on next Monday and Tuesday, the show opening each afternoon at 4 o'clock. Lots of new goods just arrived ut Massey's at new prices, which are much lower. Don't fail to see the new Shoes ' at Massev's. Otir new prices are lower. New Hats for ladies and children jnst arrived at Masesy's ut 25 cents to $4.50. Save half your money. To Debtors and Creditors. All persons indebted to the estate of S. 1*. Blankenship, deceased, arc hereby notified to make payment to the undersigned .it once and persons having claims against said estate are advised to present the same, properly prov within the time prescribed by In w. V. B. BliANKKNSillP, .1. S. BLANKENSHIP. A. S. Bl.ANKKNSIUP. 4tAp2rt Executors. For Final Discharge. Notice is hereby given that 1 ? have made my tinal return to the Probate Court of York county as administrator of the Estate of Miss Grace Krwin. and on Wednesday, June 1. 1921. 1 will make application to said Conrt for my discharge from further liability n connection with said adminisration.. A. O. JONES, Administrator. Port Mill. S. <\. April 26. 1921. 5t May 26 If vmi Vulva ?.nvf.Vi?r?tr fnr saU ? j ? ?j a ? ???vi he Fort Mill Times can help you find a purchaser at very small cost. .The Times is read in practically every substantial home in this section and is trusted by all. - ?? - , Pyramid Paint Shop [ ROCK HILL, S. O. PAINTING \ If your car need* painting we will paint It for you and do It in such a 1 .cuv that you will be surprised at the ?r III Terence It makea in the looks of ^ ; in old cur. Our corps of painters . - t * I lie best that can be obtained and ' "lily those *ho are experienced in " ar painting are on our force. The \V 1 ??>ks of your oar is Just like the (J b'Obs of your person. It goes a lang *< oay. ' 1! ' .1 AMES A. JOHNSON. Proprietor. 7 II - ti LET ME REPAIR YOUR ; SHOES : in sa Rrlncr wnnr fikn?a a V If UaaJ l?i ? - k f V?f ? MMVVO w Mm, VAl MWU " rc for good wark and reasonable prices. Terms, cash. Shoes ind Hosiery for sale, as usual, at bargain prices. Com- > to see me. <li i r ' / th R. M. HOOD TH* SHOE MAM. " N :rr.. : \ . ' \ \ . POT MILL, 8. C. Better Ki f, Why not get and really less SCHLOSS CLO have stood th< they are bette BOYS' NEW serges, worste from IT'S TI1V We have a ful Underwear. Shirts and Dr, Boys' Union 5 HE Schloss Suits, Shirts?We se PA1 You Can By Tradin; We wish to call the attenti thing in GROCERIES on w where in this section. V ourselves, and we help our Because of quick turn-over to consider. And we guari number is 159. Fort Mill r J -"TAX EXTENSION. fflce of the County Treasurer of York County. York. S. March 1,1921. Pursuant to the Act of the (jlciiral Assembly notice is hereby iven that the time for the payleut of taxes due between Octoer 15 and December 51. 1920. has pen extended to May 1, 1921, , ith a three per cent penalty ad ed to all payments made after larch 1. From May 1 to May 15, )21, there will he a penalty of ]?er cent, and after May 15 all npaid taxes will go into ex ecu on. Unpaid poll taxes will Inlaced in the hands of the magisates of the several townships for roseeution. aii oi tlie nanus oi Ilie county < c offering their accommodations ^ id facilities to taxpayers who < ay desire to make use of the ^ ime, and I am taking pleasure in 1 ving prompt attention to all cor- < spondence on the subject. < All taxpayers appearing at my fice will receive prompt attenon. f Note?The tax books arc made t i by townships and parties writ- | g about taxes wilt always expe- | ite matters if they will mention le township or townships in hioh their property or proper- l ps are located. HARRY E. NEIL, 1 Treasurer of York County. J li'iMfcgflf i n < \ I1 11 =^==-B 1 nd for Les the best when it co< i in the end? IHES FOB MEN AND s test for a half centi r at the price than evi < SPRING SUITS, ds and cassimeres, s IE TO CHANC 1 line of Men's and Be Union Suits awers iuits RE'S QUALIT Stetson Hats, Crosse ill 'em. TERSC ? Save Man * g at the C on of the public to the fact hich a better price can not b< ITe are in business to help tl selves better when we help tli s our stock is always fresh, intee quick deliveries and etlh Cooperative E. S. PARKS, Manager. I Bankers, of a that money to 1 be carefully sc | soil. j rt service, cou > experience of ; century of exp< > to you consult I cers and Dire > in years of lonj I ice. j We would be > you make fre ; Bank find its O SAVINGS BA1 ; MILL. f Tomato Plants, nil varieties, 50c >er hundred. $2 per thousand; ransplaiited, $1 per hundred, ieady now. Phono 125-B. Medin Piant Farm, Fort Mill.K.C. 14 i_ 1 ^ . i 1 READ THE ITIMES FOR HOME)NEWS 1J : \P ' f * - f . I ' ^ Iff s money sts no more, YOUNG MEN iry. Today er, $20 to $39. in all wool izes, 6 to 18, . 55 to $15 ;E 'EM }ys* Summer . . 98c up 50c and 75c 50C and 75c Y tt Shoes, Ide IN'S y Dollars live Store that there is hardly anyi secured here than elselie consumer as well as ie consumer best, which is something eise iient service. Our phone e Store 1 11 men, know | >ear fruit must t >wn in tested * pled with an nearly a half * erience, offers * ation of Offi- S ctors schooled ^ active servglad to have ^ e use of this * fficers. THE * SK OF FORT i % A. L. PARKS, % FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FUNERAL EQUIPMENT - MOTOR HEARSE FORT MILL, S. C.