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&gp? '~- KIWI ABOPKD TOWH. Abort Storiaa Pidkod Up bj Tho s-v x Times Reporter. The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Reed of Chatham, VaM are guests this week at the home of Dr. J. B. * Elliott. Mrs. Robert Bryant of Wilmington, N. C., was a guest for several days last week at the home of her brother, J. J. Bailee, in Fort Mill. Mr. and Mrs. Osmond Barber left Tuesday for a visit to Mrs. Barber's father. Col. R. W. Hamilton, at Jonesville, Union county. P. P. Hamilton, manager of the Ni W Orleans district of the Southern Bell Telephone company, spent Sunday in Fort Mill as the guest of his sister, Mrs. Osmond lh.rber. Unmindful of the misfortune which some think has come to the cotton growers who have placed their cotton in storage warehouses, Will James, negro, undertook to store a quantity of whiskey in a cotton warehouse. He was caught by Officer V. I). Potts and fined $25 bv Recorder Ott. During the illness of the pastor, the Rev. J. B. Black, the officers of the Fort Mill Presbyterian church expect to arrange to have services practially every Sunday. One of the officers stated yesterday that the Rev. J. B. Swan, D. 1)., probably would preach for the congregation next Sunday after1 noon. S. S. McNinch, Charlotte citizen well known in Fort Mill, who was a candidate in the primary election Monday for mayor of Charlotte, was badly beaten, receiving only 91 votes in a total vote of over 6.000. James O.Walker was the successful candidate for mayor. Capt. W. E. Younts, formerly of Pineville, several days ago vi'hdrew from the race for mayor Friday. May 27, is the date set for the closing of the Fort Mill graded school for the 1920-21 ses hioii, uner wnicn, ior tiie vacation season at least, the boys who make their headquarters on Main street will not be subjected to the annoyance of having to be away l'or even a part of the tiiue from thi stores, postoftiee and "hot dog" places during school hours Next Saturday is the last day on which State and county taxes can be paid without the 7 percent penalty provided in the act of the Legislature extending the time for tax payments fVom March 1 to May 1. Between May 1 and May 15 the' 7 per cent penalty will be collectible, after which executions against ' property on which tuxes have not been paid will be issued. It is said that there are numerous property owners in'Fort Mill township who are yet to settle with the State and county. W. B. Meacham, Sr., president of the Savings Bank of Fort Mill, yesterday said his bank was exporting to receive at once front tll*? tinilitnr nf Yf/\i*Lr /muwfv oh an lr o in payment of the State pension of Confederate veterans and the widows of Confederate veterans living in Fort Mill township. Payment of the pension money this year has been delayed several weeks by the failure of the pension boards of several counties in the State to make ptompt returns to the pension department in Columbia. People who use the public road between Steel creek and Springs' overhead bridge in Fort Mill township are fearful that unless the bridge on the road near the overhead bridge is repaired a disastrous accident will occur there sooner or later. The bridge, 15 feet in length, spans a ravine in .the road about 12 feet deep. The , supporting timbers at one end of the bridge have fallen down and if an automobile or horse-drawn vehicle should attempt to cross the bridge the structure would give way and perhaps result in a serious accident. The condition of | the bridge may be seen during 1 the day and the short road that has been opened around it used, but there is no obstruction across the road to warn night travelers cf the danger. CARD ir THANKS. We wish to acknowledge our ! deep appreciation of the many J arts of kindness and the words of < sympathy of our friends and ? neighbors in the illness and { death of Mrs. J. P. Billue. The ; helpfulness extended us and the * many consoling words spoken to < us will ever be a source of great < comfort. * J. P. BILblJE & FAMILY. < Beautiful uew Voile Waists 90 J cents to $1.00, and Silk and < Georgette Waists at $2.50 to $3.25 4 just arrived at Massey's. < K -A . ip " ' Furniture, ? Househoi 1 Kitchen I Matting, A Rugs, Lac< Clocks Sewing l\ Pianos, Mortor Car, wasn oj fc YOUNG THE FORT MILL TA) < > | Saturday, April 3( | on which taxes ca | the 7 per cent pen | We have copies ol | books for Fort M I for Indianland Tov I amount of each in* | ioacs. ; These books have I our own expense ; glad for the people || to make use of the I > cilities which thii i \ Bank offers. \ First Nati< Capital and Surplus THE FORT MILL TMK8, T< P 'name/ware, Id Goods, Turniture, rt Squares, e Curtains, Trunks, Machines, Organs, Accessories r Credit It WOLFE FURNITURE MEN.. flnB ' l (ES ~~ .! I )th, is the last day * n be paid without I alty. the Treasuer's tax ill Township and mship showing the * dividual taxpayer's ? | been prepared at | and we shall be | of the community ^ :m, and all the fa- i n . ? - 5 Strong National | < > < > ? > < > < > if i onal Bank i * ... $ 50,000.00 < > < \ i i v; ?' v ' DRT MILL, SOUTH CAROLINA * Co^ 1 ^21 r & Ma^ Here's Somi Coats are 1 i coat openin i Here's Som 1 I i > W^e've pric > clothes verj > ' values in to > > I $30, $35 Park HOME OF IIAR I Main St. % T KA (IIK KS' KX A MIN AT I ON. The regular examination for teachers' certificates will he held in the court house at York on Saturday, May 7, beginning promptly at II o'eloek A. M.* This examination will cover tin; usual subjects and the papers will he for warded to Columbia for grading. The State Hoard of Examiners rules that under no circumstances will a second permit lie issued to the same person. It will therefore In* necessary for all holders of permits to take the examination if they expect to teach next year. Full instructions will be given at the opeuing hour ami those who come in after that time will work at a serious disadvantage. JOHN E. CARROLL. Superintendent of Education. f \ " * . ^ / "? '.'>** . . : 4 VY ' * v ''v X ( b Style News Fo noser; shoulders are more gs are lower; the lines are e Money - Savin ed our Hart Schaffner r low; we're offering the p wn at these figures? d1 A d* A r , VptrU, ai ? er-Smoak T SCHAFFNER & MAR] % Rock f n 4 trices Plainly We hevc adopted the j in many of the large citiv every article in our store < a tag giving the price of tl system lessens the chalice a convenience to the custoi one price to all?that the I lirst class, fresh Groceries Let us supply you with B. C. FERG1 , . PHONE 29 \ m i ir Spring jfr f. square; simple. ig News i Marx greatest nrl JSO Co. X CLOTHES mi, s. c. ft Marked system in vogue :s of putting on us far as possiic article. This of mistakes, is mer and insures owest at which . can be sold. Ice this summer LJSON