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v , ;\ .' v :* ' - ; % - i "J| fity* ? r' n 'i PANAMA ? WHERE EAST I SEEMS WEST. The Republic of Panama, which was described in recent news dispatches as experiencing strained relations with the neighboring republic of Costa Rica over a boundary dispute, is the subject of the following bulletin isued by the National Geographic society from Washington: "The Isthmus of Panama, which now almost exactly corresponds to the Republic of Panama, has Tlfnhflhlv Vl orl oa mn?tr f ?www.y.j uuu .?o iuoiij tiirum tu the square foot as any other section of the earth of similar size. They have ranged from the ignoble to the noble, from the drunken debaucheries of bloodthirsty pirates as they sacked the prosperous cities of the country, to the feelings of Balboa as he stood the first white man to view the waters of the pacific, and those of the American engineers who saw the completion there of the world's greatest engineering feat. And through it all large tracts of the little country have remained much as they were when Oolumbus first set foot there in 1502, and happy to find a part of a real continent after seemingly interminable islands, named it 'Terra Firine.' "Panama perpetrates one of the greatest of geographic jokes on those who visit it. It very convincingly makes east west. From Panama C\ty the sun rises out of the Pacific, which to most Amerinnti triin/lc io fliA . ? MO ftuivio in Lliv; J/1U|K-I |Man* HM Kcttinp amis only. And he who sails throuph the canal from the Atlantic to the Pacific travels not from east to west, hut from west to east, or more accurately, from northwest to southeast. One pets the impression, as one writer has phrased it, that 'there is sotnetliinp crooked about this.' The crookedness is found to be in the isthmus which runs predominantly east and west instead of north and south, and in addition makes a double curve like the letter.' S. so that at one place the Atlantic waters are actually west of those of the Pacific. "It may seem a fur cry from the lay of the land at Panama to y the South sen, but because of the' east and west trend of the isthmus the popular name for that y huge, inland-dotted ocean has s Inrpely tuken the place of the *,* more nearly eorrect 'South Pacitic.' When Balboa stood on an vv isthmian mountain crest in 151*3 ' ami discovered the great ocean v stretching off to the southward v he naturally named it 'El Mar del ; ,Sur'?the South sea. A few days : later when he had won his way v. to the newly discovered ocean he Waded into it and made the singularly modest claim for the king ? of Spain to sovereignty over the *' sea and- all lands and islands bordering on it, 'from pole to pole, 4, until judgment day.' "Since a few years after Bal1 boa's discovery the Isthmus of Panama?for a long time called Darien?has been the gateway for commerce between the East and West and between Pacific South Americu and Europe. The old city of Panama was founded as . . the entry port on the Pacific side in 1518, more than a hundred years before the Pilgrims landed ih Massachusetts. Portobello, known to all readers of pirate tales, was the Atlantic port, and between them was constructed a paved trail. At the height of Spanish colonial power gold and silver from Peru were carted across the old trail like ^ordwood. "Such great wealth was an irresistible attraction to the buccaneers who infested the Caribbean. Time after time they swooped down on the isthmus from their strange island commonwealth near Haiti. Old Panama was entirely destroyed in 1671 by such an expedition under the leadership of the notorious Henry Morgan, later Sir Henry. On other occasions, Portobello, in spite of its formidable fortifications, was taken, and even occupied by the pirates as a base for months at a time. One of the old forts of Portobello, useless to the village to which the one-time opulent port had shrunk, -was demolished duru.. ing the building of the Panama canal and its stones crushed to make material for concrete. "Politically the Republic of Panama is a thing apart. Tt was lormely a State of the Republic of Colombia, in South America, but gained its independence in 1903. Geographically it is a part of Central America, but it has been left out of the. recently formed Union of Central America. This isolution is no doubt due in large part to the existence of the I _ v'" Canal under United State* ownership extending through Panama territory. "The little republic is shaped like a section of waving ribbon or of a squirming snake. It is 31 miles across at its narrowest point and not much over 50 miles wide throughout most of its 450 miles of length. It is about the. size of South Carolina. The greater part of the Atlantic side is occupied by jungles. The population is between a half and a third of a million. * Some pure Indians occupy the central mountains and a part of the Atlantic coast toward South America. There is a large negro element in the population. The remainder are of Spanish extraction and of mixed blood. The majority of tlie more civilized and progresive inhabitants live on the Paeific side of the Island, and are cincentrated noticeably in the western end toward the Costa Rican border. Since tbe cession of the canal zone to the United States, Panama has had no army but has depended solely upon its national police force." Help Your Home Paper. Frequently solicitors for job printing canvass various towns in south Florida in which there arc located newspapers doing job printing of all kinds, says a newspaper published in that section. They generally secure more or less work, not because their work is any better or because their pri1 ees are any cheaper, but because the customer litis not the nerve to tell the solicitor be believes in patronizing home industry. He fails to remember that the local newspaper is every week giving publicity to the town and putting forth every effort to advance the interests of the merchant, the artisan, the workingman and every person in the community. The advertising patronage of the pa per <loos not pay for the issue, and the publisher must then make up the deficit from the receipts of his joh department. The outof-town-printer gives the business man 110 publicity whatsoever, and the exclusive job shop is not in position to give any publicity. History of White House. The White.House at Washington, home of the president of the United States, received its name from the fact that it was built of white free stone. The site of the building was chosen by President Washington and Maj. L'Enfant when they laid out Washington in 1791. Its architect was dames llobau of Dublin, who modeled the structure after the padaee of the Duke of Leincester. The corner stone of the building was laid cn October Id, 1792, and Its first occupants were President and Mrs. John Adams, who moved in during November of 1800. After it. was burned by the British in 1814 the original architect returned and supervised its reconstruction. Wood?Dry Stove Wood ready for the stove, $3.50 two horse load, cash on delivery. Phone us your order. We don't deliver with gas. but we will get there on time. Phone J25-B. Gt SOUR STOMACH INDIGESTION Thedford's Black-Draught Highly Recommended By a Tennessee Grocer for Troubles Resilting from Torpid Liver. \ East Nashville, Tenn.? The effloi lency of Thedford's Black-Draught, the genuine, herb, liver medicine, la vouched for by Mr. W. N.f Parsons, a grocer of this city. "It Is wtthont doubt the best liver medicine, and I don't believe I could get along without It. I take It for sour stomach, headache, bad liver. Indigestion, and all other troubles that are tho result of a torpid liver. "I have known anil m./i if i?. ??? and can and do highly recommend It to every one. I won't go to bed without It in the honae. It will do all It , clilms to do. I can't say enough for | ItMany other men and women throughout the country hare found BlackDraught 3net as Mr Parsons describes ?valuable In regulating the liver to its normal functions, and in cleansing the bowels of impurities. Thedford's Black-Draught liver medicine is the original and only genuine. . Accept no Imitations or substitutes. I v Always ask for Tfcegord'a, g,a \ - ' . , FORT MILL T11H "%i <i <i ^ Qt | FORT MILL, S. C. | GENERAL INFORMATION. CITY GOVERNMENT, v F. E. ARDREY Mayor C. S. LINK.! .Clerk A. L. OTT Police Judge V. D. POTTS Chief of Police DEPARTURE OF TRAINS. i No. 35 Southbound 6:19 a. m. ? No. 31 Southbound 8:07 a. m. NOT 86 Northbound 8:23 a. m. J No. 113 South bound.. 11:38 a. m. I No. 114 Northbound..11:55 a.* m. i , , No. 27 Southbound 5:32 p. m. , , No. 32 Northbound 6:35 p. m. No. 28 Northbound 7:48 p. m. I MAILS CLOSE. . ] For train No. 27 5:10 p. m. [ For train No. 28 7:20 p. m. 1 I For train No. 35 8:00 p. m. I For train No. 36 8:00 a. m. \ Note?No mail is dispatched on ? trains 31, 32 and 114. Trains 27 e I and 28 do not handle mail Sunday. J P0ST0FF1CE HOURS. \ I Daily 8:00 a. m. to 7:00 p. m. i Sunday 9 to 9:30 a. a., 4:80 to 5 p. n. & , W. B. AUDREY, Postmaster. i WHITE LEGHORN EGGS? Purebred White Leghorn Eggs from healthy, prolific layers for sale at $1 per setting. J. ?T. Cunnup, Port Mill, S. C. New lot Buster Brown Hosiery just arrived at Massey's. Prices about, half as last, year's. Miss Estelle Massey has opened a Milliilent' Parlor at her home on llaJl street to make and ret rim hats, which means a great saving to you. Miss Massey has had much experience in this Hue in Fort Mill and elsewhere and will be pleased to serve you. Fine .lap. Matting Kugs 9 by 12 feet and Grass Kugs 8 by 10 feet $5.90. Massey's. Ford for Sale at Bargain?$200 buys Ford touring car in firstclass condition; new tires all way round; IUIV model. *J. F. Moore, R.F.I). 3, Fort Mill, S. C. 2t See the new Oxfords, Pumps and Keds_ at now prices at Massey's. "Do Rats Talk to Each Other?" Asks Mr. M. Batty, R. I. *'I got five cakes of Rat-Snap and threw pieces around (ccd store. Got about half a dozen dead r.its a day for two solid weeks. Suddenly, they got fewer. Now we h.iven't,any. Who told them about RatSnap." Rats dry up and leave no smell. Three sises: 35c, 65c, $1.25. Sold and guaranteed by L.YTL.E imiJG CC>. THE CASH STOKE. Tomato, Pepper, Lettue, Collards, Onion and Celery Plants in season. Phone us your plant order. Medlin Plant Farm, Phone 125-B, Fort Mill, S. C. (it Mrs. Crandall (Iowa) Tells How She Stopped Chicken Losses "Last spring, rats killed all our baby chicks. Wish I'd known about Rat-Snap before. With just one large package we killed swarms of rats. They won't get this year's hatches. I'll bet." Rat-Soup is guar, an teed and sells for 35c. 65c. $1.25. Sold and guaranteed by I,I 11,1', L>KUU UU. THE CASH STOKE. Mr. Farmer, tuirn your King Cotton into King Porto ltico Potatoes ami watch the South graw. Wo have bedded 400 bushels pure Porto ltico potatoes grown from vine cuttings. We buy the best seed that money can buy. Therefore we can give you the best potato plants on the market. Give us your order early and avoid the rush. We have been in the business ten years and know how. Medlin Plant Farm, W. A. Medlin. Owner and Manager. Telephone 125-B, Fort Mill, S. C. 6t Better Than Traps For Rata Write* Adam* Drug Co.. Tear.* They lay:" RAT-SNAP la doing the work and th j rat undertakers are oj busy ae pop corn on a hot atovc." Try item your tut*. RAT-SNAP is a "money hack" guaranteed sure killer. Comes ready for usd : no mixing witb other foods. Cats and down won't touch it. . Rata dry up and leave no smelL Throe aizos: 86c for ono room; 66c for bouse or chicken yard ; SI.26 for barns and outbuildings. Start killing rata today. ^ bbbs Sold and Guaranteed by LYTI.E HIlUG CO. THE CASH STORE. Pyramid Paint Shop HOCK 11ILL, S. C. PAINTING If your car needs painting we will pnint it for you and do It In such a way thnt you will bo surprised at the difference it makes in the looks of, your old car. Our corps of painters are the best that can be obtained and only those who are experienced in , car painting are on our force. Thfv looks of your car Is Just like the looks of your person. It rocs a lang way. JAMK8 A. JOHNSON, Proprietor. a, tort mill, s. a NEW For Spi , New Spring Co; the Return of Lov In our Suit Dep more attractive tha range from $25 to To those who a display presents a will be a pleasant Our line of Sprii | men and Children inspection. There is no rnoi # of the new seeson is the store that sh< at remarkably low / PA1 i You Can By Trad in We wish to call the attcnti thing in GROCERIES on w where in this section. \ ourselves, and we help our Because of quick turn-over to consider. And we guar number is 159. Fort Mill TAX EXTENSION. Office of the County Treasurer of York County. York, S. C., March 1. 1921. Pursuant to the Act of the General Assembly notice is hereby given that the time for the payment of taxes due between October 15 and December 21, 1920, has been extended to May 1, 1921, with a three per cent penalty added to all payments made after March 1 Prntn \Tjiv 1 to \T??\ 15 1921, there will be a penally of 7 per cent, ami after May 15 all unpaid taxes will go into execution. Unpaid ^oll taxes will be placed in the hands of the magistrates of the several townships for pi osecut ion. All of the banks of the county are offering their accommodations and facilities to taxpayers who may desire to make use of the same, and I am taking pleasure in giving'prompt attention to all correspondence on the subject. All taxpayers appearing at my office will receive prompt attention. Note?The tax books are made up by townships and parties writing about taxes will always expedite matters if they will mention ;the township or townships in which their propert) or proper ties are located. HARRY E. NEIL. Treasurer of York County. HHK':;' i 1 " ' fl^=5gBSS?SgSSggS^^ TASH ring and Si r> . <* i ats, ouits, Uxtords am t Prices. artment the models n they are this seas ? $60. re thinking of a new n unusual opportunil surprise to the purcha rig and Summer Shoe in all the latest styles fa (nffir*/-* ~1 ? 1? lilting wcxy vja LClCL than with our Spring ows you the latest Mi prices. TERSC Save Man g at the Cooperai ion of the public to the fact liich a better price can not h Ve arc in business to help t selves better when we help tl s our stock is always fresh, antce quick deliveries and effi. I Coonerativi E. S. PARKS, Manager. < * <>N- \ t. The attainment o dence of being- fit There is merit t< * old and tried. 1 ^ and merit and York County's C THF. SAVINGS 1 4 MILL. I i * If it's minus whiskers you want to be Take the matter up with me. A haircut, shave and shineAll these things make one fed fine. TAKER'S BARBER SHOP Good service, prices right. On the Porch next to Savings Bank. . . ' ffL. ? . . ; v' ' * s : "* * IONS nmmer d Millinery Mark have never been on, with a price Spring Coat our ty at prices that ser. $20 to $40. for Men, Wois ready for your >rating the beauty ; Millinery. This illinery Styles and >N'S y Dollars ! live Store 1 that there is hardly any- jp e secured here than else- *1 he consumer as well as B ic consumer best. , which is something else cicnt service. Our phone I e Store 1 I f age is good evi .7 to live. > things that arc . here is both age ? strength behind ? >!dest Bank? o BANK OF FORT f % ' > A Q> i READ THE TIMES FOR HOME NEWS I