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' ft .-S' PI / "* ' ' r-f:^ . -V ' ?& THE FORT MILL TIMES Democratic?Published Thursdays. Wm. R. Bradford. Editor and Publisher. Tho Times invites contributions on live subjects but docs not agree to publish more than 200 words on any subject. Tho right is reserved to edit overy communication submitted 1 or publication. , On application to tho publisher, x advertising rates are made known to those Interested. Telephone, local and long distance. No. 112. Entered at' the postofllco at Fort Mill, S. C., us mail matter of the second class. THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1021. Pretty soon there will be n Kilkenny scrap on among tin-1 senate Republicans. With cotton seed?from which there is n popular impression cottonseed hulls arc taken as one of the relatively unimportant byproducts?selling at 25 cents per bushel, why is it the public has to pay $1.25 cents per hundred for cottonseed hulls? One explanation is that the the cotton oil mills have not yet learned that the fine art of gouging was supposed to be confined to the war ' era. Now for a peep at the daily papers which inflict a mult it urinous number of hand-me-down features which nobody ever reads. Next Sunday we shall go t?> church or spend an hour looking through the same papers for the stray items of news obscured by the "social." When The Times becomes a daily it will contain few "features" and no "social"?.which latter stuff is worse reading than most fake medicine tt stimonials. The service the weather bureau furnishes the country lacks much of being worth the price. For instance, Sunday we were told by the bureau that thi* cold siiap i>* .prospect for the first of the v. eck would ^ause no discomfort. People in this section yeiterduy suffered as much from cold as on ary day during the winter. The weather bureau is unreliable more than half the time. While it may he true that the Non-Partisan League has ruined North Dakota financially, it certainly is true that the League will never be ruined by Kansas citizens who resort to violence in opposing those who are pushing the party's interests in that State. Former soldiers who are credited with forcing two speakers for the League to apply to themselves a uuitim^ 01 iar iiiiti 111 o11 running them out of the county were in disreputable business to say the least. The Non-T'art isan League may even be worse than its opponents say it is, but Mistreatment of its members will not stay iis growth in Kansas or elsewhere. "F.or ye have the poor always with you." There are poor poo- | pie in South Carolina, to be sure, just as there are poor people in every section of the country. Some, a considerable number, of those in this State who have never succeeded in getting a foothold on the path that leads to comfortable living apparently have themselves to thank for their unhappy condition. Adversity has fallen on others and these are not to be censured for their failure to grasp the opportunities that knnnk nearly every man's door in 8011th Carolina. Nature has been kind to this State and here there is more thjfn a chance for one to fro forward in life. With a climate unsurpassed anywhere 011 the face of the globe and with soil from which may be coaxed food for man and beast with a minimum of effort, truly South Carolina is one of the favored States of the American union. ? , v * ..*. . V. 'x CASE STILL IN COURT. Hearing of Big McNinoh Damage Suit Not Yet at End. Trial of the or S. S. MeNinch. former owner of the Charlofte brick works, at Grattan. two miles south of Kort Mill, ngainst the American Trust company of Charlotte, in which damages of $100,000 are sought by' Mr. McNinch, was still vin progress in the superior court in Char lotto yesterday and there was said to be little prospect, of the completion of the heating before the end of the week. The ease was taken up more than ten days, ago. Mr. MeNinch is asking for a verdict against the trust eompa* ny on the ground that it sold the brick plant and 7(H) acres of adjoining land in Fort Mill township. which it held in trust, at much less than the actual value of the property and at a,great loss to hint, in violation of an agreement he had with the company. The trust company, it is stated, held a mortgage on the brick plant and land, which were sold for $40,000. A considerable portion of the land was bought at the sale by Dr. .1. 1j. Spratt'of Fort Mill, who afterward sold it to Hamilton Carbartt. The brick plant was dismantled and the machinery shipped awav from Fort Mill. The following Fort Mill citizens lu.vo appeared or will appear as witnesses in the ease: .1. J. Dailes. T. H. Spratt, ?T. L. Sprat t, 1*. lUaiikviixhin mime w \r White. K. It. White, .1, II. Sutton. A. C. Sutton. Fred Wilson. W: H. Ardrey, L. A. Harris, -S. P. Wilson. .1. T. Harrison, S. |j. Garrison County League to Play Eall. Pineville, l'aw Creek, Dixie. Iluntersville, Matthews, North Charlotte, Atherton and Cornelius or lloskins will this year have teams in the Mecklenburg County Itaschull league, whose season is to open May 14 and run through September :l, with 21 games for caeh team, it was decided Saturday at a meeting in Charlotte of 1 h?i promoters of the league. During the season each team will meet the other teams^tJiree times and after August 10 two games will he played each week, on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Two umpires are to officiate at each game. The cost of the franchise for each team in the lague was set at $20 and each team also must put up $10 to guarantee completion of the season. W. M. dames of Pii;oville is secretary-treasurer of ihe league. Robert Potts Wrestler. Robert C. Potts of Fort Mill has an enviable record as captain of this year's wrestling team at ! ^ ' ? * ^ iisiiiii?rion ami nee university, LOOK TO CULP BROS. t for your Groceries, Coal, Ice, Gasoline. Kerosene and Motor Oils. CULP BROS. PHONE 15 "It's the Chapest Thing; I Ever Bought," Writes Mrs. J. Mason, Va. "I paid $1.25 (or five cake* of Rat-Snap and judgI fog by the large number of dead rat* we've picked up. I reckon we've save.I hundreds of dollars in chicks, eggs ami feed." Your pets won't touch it. Rats Uiy up and leavs do smell. 55c. 65c. Si J3. Sold sad guar so teed by LYTL.B ItDUO CO. Tllli CASH STOUK. FORT MILL TIM1 Lexington, Va., , according to o dispatch received by The Times a day or two ago. Mr. Potts v:yesties in the tmlinrited class and has the distinction-of receiving recently a decision over a noted army wrestler named Qrecrt. In this bout, however, Mr. Potts sustained a broken rib which compelled him to be on the sidelines during the recent niect of Washington ami Lee with Davidson. He also won his bout by decision at Virginia Tech and has demonstrated versatile ability as a mat artist. Mr. PottfT'is a star foothall player, being picked tortthe All-Carolinas team of 'ID. lie was ineligible for the 1920 fw*>1hall team of Washington an 1 Leo because of the six mouths' rule. Steel Creek Woman Office Holder. The first woman office holder in this setion of the country will be Mrs. R. M McDowell, who, on an?a i ;* to i... itpi ii i, in ?\i uixumv <i juaiiuc *'i the peace in Steel creek township. Mecklenburg county. N. C. Mrs McDowell will be one of 2.r> new justices of the peace appointe?I during the recent session of the North Carolina Legislature lor Mecklenburg county, three of lite others being L. II. Robinson a id li S. Knox of Providence township and R. It. Johnson of Pincville township. A third justice of the peace for Providence township is Itadger l'.ryant, hold-over. KERO 20 CI What are you Best Selfrising Flor Shorts (Hog Feed For quick servi prices, phone youi e. m. br PHONE j O. JC GOOD TH CI rooorit's, Mnrkct, Country I'rmliuv. I'lionc Fonrtoon. I "Rat-Snap Kills 48 Rats" I Writes Inrin Nerhood, Peaosylruia no says: "Af tor rising one largo package. I w? counted 48 dead rata." RAT-SNAP I kills 'em. dries up tho carcass, and leaves I nosmelL Cats ond doss won't touch it. Comes in eonvenion size cakes; no mixing with other food. Get a package today. Three sires: 85c for kitchen or cellar: 65c for chicken houao or corn crib; $1.26 for barns nnd outbuildings. Your money back if RAT-SNAP doesn't do tho work. |/iii?n*T?-jj??y mo sun. t?SjB2Q2 I.YTI.IO DRUG CO. THIO CASH STORE. LET ME REPAIR YOUR SHOES i Bring your Shoes to R. M. Hood for good wark and reasonable prices. Terms, cash. Shoes and Hosiery for sale, as usual, at bargain prices. Come to see me. R. M. HOOD | THE SHOE MAN. ? ' as, fort bull, s. 0. who received his first commission several years ago from Governor Kitchen. In North Carolina justices of the peace are apponted for six years and it is a matter for local determination whether aspi- i fnr tlln 1 ' >?c umcr are rw|uimi to }ro in the 'Democratic primary. Stefansson in Charlotte. Vilhjnlmus Stefansson, noted Arctic explorer, is to speak in Charlotte on April .1, under the auspices of the parent-teacher associations of that city. Mr. Stefansson is heralded as the conqueror of the frozen north. The subject of his address will be "My Five Years in the Arctic." When Mr. Stefansson went into the regions of the north pole he carried with him provisions to i?i?i one year, out lie returned to the United States late in 1918 hale and hearty after five years in the land of the frigid zone. During his .stay in the Aretie he found new islands, one of which was as large as Great Britain. A year after his departure Mr. Stefansson and his party were given up as dead. Our second shipment of Millinery just arrived at Massey's. Save half your money. Cabbage Plants for immediate shipment. $1.75 1.000, postpaid. Medlin Plant Farm, Phone 125-B. | Fort Mill, S. 0. SENE ENTS paying for it? ir, 50 lbs $2.35 ). sack . $2.00 II ce and the lowest " orders to? ADFORD NO. 113 I )3STES INGSTO EAT I Shoe Repairing Men's Shoes Half-soled . . $1.00 Women's Shoes Half-soled -. .75 Men's Shoes, Soles Sewed . 1.25 Women's Shoes, Soles Sewed 1.00 My business is run on a Cash ' Basis and all work must be paid for when delivered.' Jobs* left 30 days will be sold for charges. J. P. Billue ? NOTICE OF L.OST STOCK CKUTIFICATE, ? Notico Is hereby given that Ccrtili- j| cate No. 109 for two (2)' shares 'of | Stock of the Fort Mill Cooperative Association issued to the undersigned on October 27, 1919, has been lost or destroyed, and the undersigned, owner j of said stock, will apply to said cor- I poration on the 20th day of March, I 1021, for the issue of a new certlll- j cate to hint to take the place of that | which has been so lost or destroyed. || M. J. ADCOCK. !, February 9, 1921. 6tM24 The subscription price of the Fort Mill Times has been reduced | to $1.50 the year. Do not fail to have your name put on tbe subscription list at once. . "Pfm H=H =U U= | Build Thi | NC J 'CO AHEAD AND BUILD N dowxi the line bjr expert? in e business. The reason?you < or hen house with less drain jl time in the last five years an any time in the next iive yea J You remember how the cwne -i wiicn :i, was selling at 4U cer cents were stung. Prospectr longer f-jv a further decline in rial arc .v it to have "\c same With the cost of labor way several years, you can put up p] uning ;io a much smallei i think. As proof of this.take ing for example. L?.;t year i New we are selling the same -i per hundred. Take advantage < in the price of me ] BUILD THAT i | For! Mill I jLr~--?| | (= *? *? ?* y / ?* ?* *? ?*? >J? *? ?* *? *? iJHJMJI *J ! EASTER S V 5: I A' ! THE CAS: x THIS | t Come and see wh # i | cluced prices. All Slippers at spec z * THE CASi | S. A. LEE and T. . T f *? %? %? *? ?* ?*? See Our Sho For The v/nrwv vjrvvi J Offered T/i B. C. FER S i ARNES I Get the pep in that Aut ing your Repair Work do Electric Starters, Gener The Best of Servi STARNES /I A. R. Starnes, Gen'!. Mgr. :r; r'- -L * ? '* 'V' l x'' ' : \4. 't , * '' * '* ) =P=I . T at House IW I IU =?=b OW" is the word being sent u very branch of the building :an build home, barn, garage I on your savings than at any | d from present indications at us. rs of cotton who held to it its waiting for it to go to 50 }= A ye builders who wait much the price of building mateexperience. beiow what it has beei for that building you have been : outlay than you perhaps the price of first c-hm floor- [~ t cost $15.00 per hundred, grade of Flooding at $5.00 of the big slump | iterial and HOUSE NOj .umber Co. I ?.?j SPECIALS | t H STORE f - * 44 * WEEK ? 4 at we have at re- ;; :ial prices. :: HSTORE F. LYTLE, Mgrs. ; > *5* !* -I* *K* + < < *J* w Windows Ri nrrr/spf Specials iis Season 'GUSON % VIOTORCO. i omobile of yours by hav ne at Starnes Motor Co ^ ators, Magnetos Repaired B ice Guaranteed. H MOTOR CO. I ?W. J. Steele, Machinist. ^