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^OTfl^SSHHB- ^JJlii./JBHBp ,hhhbeMA<, ly MCy^Ky f llm tjy^|0|T Have you RHEUMATISM Lumbago or Gout? TktoUICMAOtOR to muoTf tktotof* and drtro tbo poison fron U>? system. mSuu!raSS?oi m ooniMAtAUDnndita Jw- My A Saa, WMtnk DiiMktin L iPm-rnniw Kjh KNFLUE&ZA * PNEUMONIA liothan should ketp i|uol Br tax's Vtpomtntht |i Mrs toarealeoL When Croup. USaenza or Pneu !-\ Mala threatens this dclif htful sales robbed well Into the throat, cheat and wider the arms, will reltcre the AnMHi break nananlsa and protaata restful sleep. wvl moi sum mz cunnrs 30c. SOc, ta4 $1.20 S ! drw stsraa er sael im*aW by ^rMawJDruwC^^^NrWilkcaboro^LjC^ Marvel of the Age. "Rnfferty," said Mr. Dolun, "was ycM ever to u circus,?" "Many a time." "And what was the most wonderful thine there." "1 was. The way I kep' shovln' money Into the window to see the same old tricks has kep* me marvellu' at myself more thun 1 ever did at the elephants." Constipation generally Indicates disordered atomsch. llvrr and bovrola. Wrlght'e Indian Vstrtabls Fllla restore regularity without griping.?Adv. Indispensable Things. The wonderful new inventions anil conveniences nre fine, hut the world cannot get along without such Indispensable old-fashioned things as kindness. courtesy and hands held out to help. STOMACH MISERY Meadow Creek, W. Va.?"I had been sick for about c. year and had doctored with several different docjPSSEUl tors and none f seemed to do me Irs any good. Any' 5 thin-. ate seemed X? M to bloat me and 1 ri F cause groat mlsery, and at night Iwy * would take spells with my heart and had to > w'1, / jump up to get ' my breath. I had Just about given up all hope of ever getting well when I decided to try Dr. Pierce's Qolden Medical Dlscov- I ery. After taking the first bottle I j could see a difference In myself so I continued until I took six bottles and now I am sound and well."? BEN BOWLES. All druggists. "Pain's enemy" ?111 say it is/ yfljHEN yon want quick coin, " forting relief from any ' sternal" pain, use Sloan's Liniment. Itdoeathe job with at staining, rubbing, bandaging Uee/Nrb for rheumatism, CF~^ neuralgia, aches and pains, sprains and strains, backache. ffl rot 4i4o 311 ^S^^^yaru^isls ALL YOU NEED IS A HAMMER DOES CADn NEED A NEW TOP YOUR rUltU OR SIDE CURTAINS? A SMALL OUTLAY WILL MAKE YOUR FORD LOOK LIKE NEW Tnp MVFRS ready fo put Oil will be imt iur UUTtng you.exprens prepaid, Including nails, gimp, etc. Made of Genuine Ford Rubber VERY SIMPLE ^yu?auuVD TO PUT ON nAMNLIt TouriniCin Runabout* Top cover and < 7c 1 Top cover and an 7C back curtain, #9.10 back curtain, #0./D Side curtains, 9.75 I Side curtain*, 7.75 If not to your entire satisfaction, return, ami amount paid will be refunded. Send Check or Money Order ABBOTT A CO. mc. PROVIDENCE. RHODE ISLAND P. O. Box 1M1 SAWS .-a ?a -~ua ? ....... -?.? Iiurmi t ape- i tally. The beat aarvlce. beat guarantee, the beat terma. Srtw paya for Itaelf aa you pay ua. 100.000 bita anil ahanka to nt any aaw. Addreaa our neareat factory: Columbia, 8. C.; Meridian. Mlaa.; Shreveport, La. J. H. MINSK 9AW MFQ. CO.. Incorporated Cuticura Soap Clears the Skin and Keeps it Clear Sap 2Sc, OX?I 25 aad 50c, TaUua 25c. FfiECKLES^BS^g W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 11-1921. r W i INAUGURAL CEREMONIES ARE Ol SCRIBED AS BEING IMPRESSIVELY SIMPLE SCENE WITNESSED BY MAN! if ____ After Being Hlmeelf Sworn In, Calvli Coolldge Administers Oath To Newly-Elected Senators Washington.?Warren Gamaliel Hai ding was Inaugurated president of th United States March 4 with ceremc nies as simple as those the historian have described in chronicling the Id duction into office of George Wash ington more than a century ago. President Warren G. Harding Hail Mr. Harding's personal wishes been adhere to strictly, the cererao nies would have been even more sim pie, but the congressional inaugura committee made some arrangements on its own account. These included a cavalry escort of four troops for tht | president in his ride from his hole I to the capitol and thence to the whitt j house. The very simplicity of the ceremo j nies 011 the east portico of the capito! | added to their impressivenoss. Sim j pie and impressive also were those ir. I the senate chamber, where Calvin I Coolidge was sworn in by Vice Tresi I dent Marshall ntxl u'lioro Mi ! in turn swore into office the next sen I utora elected lust November. The day's ceremonies began with j formal calls on the president elect and I vice president-elect at the New Wil lard hotel by the congressional com I inittee, headed by Senator Knox oi Pennsylvania. Leaving the hotel, tht presidential party proceeded to the white house, where President Wilson j entered the automobile occupied by the | president-elect. Mrs. Wilson joined Mrs. Hhrding in another automobile and the trip to the capitol was then started. Vice President Marshall and Vice President-elect Coolidge occupied the second autmobile in the procession while Mrs. Marshall and Mrs. Coolidge rode in another car with some mem hers of the congressional committee. Other members of the committee rode with the president and president-elect and with Mr. Marshall and Mr. Cool idge. Pennsylvania avenue from the white house to the capitol was crowded with homefolks and visitors anxious for a glimpse of the new and retiring pres moms. mere wore no reviewing sturuls and most of tlio spectators wore forced to stand along the sidewalks The more fortunate had seuts in win dowa facing the avenue. President-elect Harding, escorted by the committee on arrangements, en tered the senate chamber at the main door and was escorted to the seat on the floor on the right hand side of the main aisle and facing the rostrum Vice President Coolidge was escorted to a seat on the platform. The sen ate chaplain, the ltev. J. J. Muir, of fered prayer and the senate of the Sixty-seventh congress was called to order by Vice President Marshall. A* silence settled over the chamber. Vice President Coolidge stood beside Mr Marshall. Both men raised their right hands. Mr. Marshall slowly spoke the vice president's oath, the new vice president repeated the words and then delivered the address. Oam Amendment Fails In Passage Washington.?The sundry civil bill carrying approximately three hundred and eighty-three million dollars was accepted by the house in the closing session after the senate had struck out its provision for a ten million dollar appropriation to continue work at Muscle Shoals. Ala., and was sent to the president. This is the second time the house refused to concur in the senate amendment to the sundry civil appropriation bill carrying ten million dollars for work near the Muscle Shoals nitrate plan. Coolidge Is Known As "Silent fc?il" Washington.?Calvin Coolidge is the first Massachusetts man to hold the office of vice president since Henry Wilson served in the second Grant ad ministration nearly half a century ago His advent into office adds to the prominence of the state of Massachu setts. He is a graduate of Amherst college, where he was known as "SV lent Cal," because of his studious na ture. He is entering upon his first service in the field of nutionul politics hut for twenty years hus been active In state politics. Speaking of Marka. They were out walking and her arm was linked In his. "My bi%ther hus a strawberry on his arm," she said. "Well, he's got nothing on me," the gallant replied; "I've got a 'peach* on mine."?Yonkers Statesman. And Outl Wllkina?Why is Brooks winding np hia affairs? Bllklns?Oh. Just because the doctor tells him ho is all ran down.?Cartoons Magarin" \ ij I HELP THAT AGHIN6 BACK 11 _ I? your back firing oat? An yon tortared with hackacne ud stabbing P*iP*7. Does *57 ensrtion leave you LF iD played out?" Feel you just can't keep going? Likely your kidneys are to blame. Overwork. col da. hurry and U worry tend to weaken the kidneys. Backache is often the first warning. Headache and dizziness may come, too, and annoying kidney irregularities. Help he kidneys with Doan'e Kidney Pills ?the remedy recommended by thouands. Ask your neighbor I A South Carolina Case n ? i - Mrs. L. C. Thorneon. 124 N. Main SESZTttrSSf St. Abbeville. 8. C.. Vfllsfl />J says: "I had quite a bit of trouble IHW 'nrm with my kldneya Backs ?;he and a ^^eneral tlred-out h a'so dizzy at B /^twaiMtimes and black JWtL rf&FifimVMM Uspecks came before l" my eyes. When 1 bent over, a pain I- would go through me and It was hard to straighten. My kidneys were weak, too. I used Doan'e Kidney Pills and they gave me Immediate relief." Get Dean's at Any Store. 60c s Boa DOAN'S V.IIV FOSTER-MILBURN CO., BUFFALO. N. Y. To abort a cold and prevent com* plications take e'S I | The purified and refined , calomel tablets that are 1 nausealess, safe and sure. I Medicinal virtues retain3 ed and improved. Sold only in sealed packages. Price 35c. i 1 HiwIiii, mily >nrtU?, ?.J 1 I QUMraa'* lUfliNr, ImwIi .. ?t*?t liU. I m-utuIx, f-llxUlk. m MRVVMSIOVS SYRUP I U. Uub' iW MW Rx>UUr Children jrow batlthy and free tii _ I from colic, diarrhoea, flatulency, wM I eooatlpatlan and other trouble If BfrJ H BlTen it at tee thins time. Ml M i Safa pleasant? always bring* ra> BMI markabla and gratifying reaulta. B I ' I I I 11 1 ill s a si?I ?i^i i Have You Tried Them? Ask Your Druggist or Dealer Trial Size 10 eta ? Regular Size 25 eta , GIXHKKT Hit OS. * CO., Italtlmore, Md, I When Stomachs do their work,? I and Bowels move naturally. | DR. TUTTS LIVER PILLS | make the stomach digest food I and Bowels move as they should. I 9H j^^Hj WTWT T H?IVPWiT41 PI B w R |B| I I k?< LADIES! i DRY GOODS j t | AT | Wholesale Prices !; I f ( | I J Write Us Before You Buy ] 1 | JOHN M. RIDDEL ; i I | JOHNSTOWN, PA. YoitirffflanUAR&tfMk '"BARM* TBADMM>1% J "He bfisf S*wn C8AR10TTE BARBER COiUU. >Bf 40 LHUOC / ., CNAALOTTt.M.C. > 'Tj ^| ' M GENUINE * BULL" DURHAM tobacco makes 50 flood cigarettes for ^ l0c j * ; - * ^ ' i ? ? ? i. .?. . GASH ME CARRY SYSTEMPOPM PLAN FOR GETTING BUSINESS ON CA8H BASIS IS BEING . PU8HED IN ORANGEBURG. SUPPOSED EMBEZZLER CAUGHT Painful Injuries Result to Young Man Who is Accldently'Shot by Friend While- Out Hunting. kt Orangeburg.?The cash and carry tores are becoming popular' in Orangeburg, three having been installed lately. They are all going well and the people seem to like the idea. A piggly Wiggly store for Orangeburg is talked here and a location has been secured. The matter of getting business upon a cash basis is being pushed strongly in Orangeburg. G. W. Land, former business manager of Palmetto Business college in 1 this city, was brought back to Orangeburg by Sheriff R. F. Dukes from Quincy, Fla., where he had been arrested upon request from the Orangeburg officers. It is aliened that Land collected $1,500 from former students of this college and left with the money, and with the salary of some of the teachers of the school. Land denies the charge, stating that officers of the school at Varnville acted as treasurer and he had nothing to do with the money. However, he is willing to make good the money. L. O. Berry of the East End Drug company was painfully injured as a result of wounds inflicted by shot from a gun fired by Hugh Kennedy, ft seems that the two young men were out hunting and Kennedy shot at a rabbit, and some of the shot accidentally struck Dr. Berry. Florence.?It was stated that A. L. King, who has recently moved to Florence from Charleston where he had been practicing law had been retained as counsel for M. M. Bigham. who is in the Florence county Jail awaiting trial on the charge of the murder of Mrs. M. M. Bigham, his mother. Mrs. Margie A. Black, and L. S. Bigham, a sister and a brother and the two adopted children of Mrs. Black. Leo and John McCracken. It will be recalled that the tragedy occured at the Bigham home near Pamlico Jan. 15. The coroner's Jury after an investigation extending over more than a week, concluded it had sufficient evidence to hold Edmund BigAnm in connection with the crime. Anderson.?The Clemson Alumni association will hold a banquet here I March 11 at Anderson college. At a ! meeting of the alumni association of ; Anderson county it was decided that j II1V UHW t CJHI II, I /111 K niewari, III? I one of the speakers, nnd that they would also have a speech from I). F. Folder's :15. secretary of Clemson College Alumni association. Clemson College.? Tbe farmers and business men of Hodges. Greenwood and business men of Hodges, Greenwood county, will hold a sweet potato school Friday, March 11, under the auspices of the extension service of Clemson college and the South Carolina Sweet Potato association, the several railways co-operating. This school will be entirely educational. St. Matthews.?Richard "Footle" ForIo, negro, who shot and killed Harle Wadford, a white farmer, at [.one Star. Calhoun county, on th& night of January 12, was convicted of tirst degree murder here and was sentenced by Judge S. W. O. Shipp to die in the electric chair at the state penitentiary March 25. Columbia.?The house of representatives killed a concurrent resolution offered by Representative Albert Whitney Todd of Charleston, to grant each member of the general assembly $100 additional pay with per diem and mileage expenses for every day in excess of the customary 40 days session. Two Negroes to Die. St Matthews.?Harvey Whaloy, negro was convicted by a jury here on the charge of being an accessory to the murder of Earle Wadford. a white man. near Lone Star in Calhoun county. January 12. and was sentenced by Judge S. W. O. Shipp to die in the electric chair April 8.. Richard (Feetie* Fnirie another negro, was convicted for the killing of Mr. Wardford and was sentenced to die in the electric c hair March 25. The case of Fogle is reported elsewhere. Denby ha6 Home in Beaufort. Beaufort.? Beaufort friends of MaJ. Edwin Denby were most agreeably surprised to learn of his appointment as secretary of the navy. Major Den oy left his seat in congress in 1017 to enlist as a private in the United States marine corps. Tie was sent to I'arris Island During the time that he was in training at Parris Island, he and Mrs. Denby and their two children resided in Beaufort, and before they left, Major Denby purchased a winter home here overlooking Beaufort hay. Esteem for President Rings. CI em son College/?The burdens and cares that hang about the presidential chair of a college have heen lightened for President W. M. Riggs. Beginning at chapel exercises he has received tokens and telegrams In recognition of his 25 years of constructive service at Clemson college. At chapel Q. G. Gilmer, representing the cadets, presented to Dr. Riggs a handsome silver vase, inscribed "1396-1921 To W. M. Riggs, president an appreciation of 25 years service, from the corns of cadets Clemson Agricultural college." 1 ' 1 "DANDERINE" ~ '? K.V . Girts! Save Your Hair! Make It Abundant! Immediately after a "Dunderln?" ) massage, your lialr takes on new life, ( lustre and wondrous beauty, appear- ' Ing twice as heavy and plentiful be- i cause each hair seems to fluff and ! thicken. Don't let your hair stay lifeless, colorless, plain or scruggly. You, i too, want lots of long, strong, benutl- 1 ful hair. A 3f?-cent bottle of delightful "Danderine" freshens your scalp, ! checks dandruff and falling hair. This I stimulating "beauty-tonic" gives to j thin, dull, fading hair that youthful i brightness and abundant thickness? j All druggists!?Adv. Behind the Times. "Flubdub says he'd like to take the road to yesterday." "Well, he's all fixed for it. with his ancient flivver." MOTHER! ''California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only?look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child Is having the best and most harmless physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love Its fruitytaste. Full directions on each bottle. You must say "California."?Adv. It may he considered impolite to speak of the "end-seat hog" at a church wedding. 8ora Eyea, Blood-Shot Eyoa. Watary Eyea, Sticky Eyea. all healed promptly with nightly applleatlona of Roman Eye Balaam.?Ada. I>on't forget that an ounce of keep- | ing your mouth shut is worth a pound I of explanation. ROY FEB trade mass . ^ . j-.v - SEOiaTEneo..-;; #. ?-J vf . ' ' DODSOH V CALOI You Cannot Gripe, Sicken, Take "Dodson's Li Calomel salivates! It's mercury. Calomel acts like dynamite on a sluggish liver. When calomel comes Into contact with sour bile It craKhes Into It, causing cramping and nausea. If you feel bilious, headachy, constituted and all knoeked out. Just go to your druggist und get a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone for a few cents, which Is linrmless vegetable substitute for dangerous calomel. Take a spoonful and If It doesn't start your] Side and Back Hurt Jordnn Mines, Va.?"I am making this statement for the benefit of any one Buffering as I did. I had pain in my Bide and v 7 could scarcely eat , 1\ anything. My \ J) ' t>ack hurt a11 fbo \v time and I was very nervous. No I\ medicine did me any good until I took Dr. Pierce's Hfflftnun Golden Medical Discovery and his Favorite Prescription, together with the Pleasant Pellets. After taking four bottles of each I could be up all day."?MRS. SARAH R. TERRY. All druggists, or send 10c to Dr. Pierce's Invalids.' Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., for a trial package of any of his remedies. Tomorrow They'll Do It Again. Spark Plug?"I got tired today." Battery?"That's nothing. I'm discharged, also."?Science and Invention. Kill That /> A y? > w i a . LASLAKA h FOR Colds, Coughs rOi Neglected Colds Take no chances. Keep this standar Breaks up a cold in Grippe in 3 days?Ei Quinine in this form does not affe Laxative?No Opiate in Hill's. ALL DRUGG1 mi| _ ? t ' Ma X BIGGER I BETTER ^ Of \ FEWER wi1 \ LESS_I \ F. S. Royste I Norfolk, Va. Richmond, Va. L; Bj Charlotto, N. C. Washlngti 9 Spartanburg, S. C. Atlanta, Qi w\ Montgomery, Ala. Baltlnr MEL USERS or Salivate Yourself If You iver Tone" Instead liver and straighten you up t>etter and ^ quicker thau nasty calomel and without making you sick, you Just go back and get your money. If you take calomel todny you'll be sick and nuuseuted tomorrow; besides. It may salivate you. while If yon take Dodson's Liver Tone you will wake up feeling g"*eat. full of ambition. and ready for work or play. It's harmless, pleasant and safe to glv? I to cniiaren; thov like It.?Adv. |^H| Vii Kir nv?X II KM STITCH I Nt? unit PICOT1M; ATTACH. MKNT; works on any sewing machine; II.50. "* Self-ThreaillnK Ncetlles, ?5c package Mutual Sale* Co.. Hot 1*3 4. Charlotte, N. C. B'ANTKII?M K.N TO I.KAltN COTTON lH'SINKSS In our ?nni|i|r rooms or by corTeapomlence ami type sample*. Katab 14 yra. Charlotte Cotton School. Charlotte. N. C. 1 SKI .1. AM. KINDS KKVOI.TKKS. I6 5? to 135. Semi for price list J. J. Illl-U OIVENSHOIU?. KY Kroat Proof Cnhhuae Plant* lteu<l> Now. All varieties $1.25 per l.non. to please you. 1'otalo Plants remly March 10. Wrlta for price list Shoer l'lant Co . Vahloaln, 41a. sansa it? Mill illllH Reduces Strained. Puffy Ankles, Lymphangitis. Poll Evil, Fistula, Boils, Swellings; Stops Lameness ard allays pain. Heals Sores, Cuts, Bruises, Boot Chafes. It is a SAFE ANTISEPTIC AND GERMICIDE Does not blister or remove the hair and horse can be worked. Pleasant to use. $2.50 a bottle, delivered. Describe your case for special instructions and Book 5 R free. ABSORBINE, JR., sntlseptlc liniment for mankind. reduces Strains. Painful Knotted. Swollen Veins. Conceit, trsted ? only a few drops required st sn application. Piles 11.2$ per bottle at dealers or delivered. W. F. Y0UN0, Inc., 310 Temple St.. Springfield. Mats. Cold With j# QUININE AND ViYV La Grippe j are Dangerous d remedy handy for the first sneeze. 24 hours ? Relieves ccellont for Headacho ct the head?Cascara ia best Tonic JSTS SELL IT ||j^ I I ltLU5 ia grades jfl 'acres m jvbor tj r Guano Co. I I pnchburg, Va. Tarboro, N.C. I >n, N. C. Columbia. t.C. | I i. Macon. Oa. Columbus. Qa. I 1 loro. Md. Toledo. Ohio. I 1