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bythdaea?bo* j&fj..' if. ^ the druggist ^ ^ fltljj^l Pierce over N L(J n ? ^D ' ^Golden Med* leal Discovery is a great medicine tor me In bulldln? me up when I feel run-down in health. It gives me strength and fesh. I have been using It at differ ent^tlmos for thirty years or more." Drug gats sell it In liquid or taldet* Better Convert the Enemy. ^ *- ?* ' *- . mpr- nuj uubiiivbs an which neis one friend and one enemy is r bad proposition. For the enemy can accomplish more barm as a knocker than the friend can do as a. press agent or booster.?The Nation's Business. Cuticura 8oothes Baby Rashes That itch and burn with hot baths of Cuticura Soap followed by gentle anointings of Cuticura Ointment. Nothing better, purer, sweeter, especially if a little of the fragrant Cuticura Talcum Is duRted on at the finish. 25c each everywhere.?Adv. Wisdom in the adaptation of what you have to what you need. Expect to be trented as ytnl hnvt treated others.?Latin proverb. Flavor! I No cigarette has the same delicious flavor as Lucky Strike. Because? It's toasted LUCKY STRIKE CIGARETTE To abort a cold and prevent com* plications take |alotaps The purified and refined calomel tablet* that are nausealesa, safe and sure. Medicinal virtues retain* ed and improved. Sold only in sealed packages. Price 35c. | Stop that pain! QUICK, warmlny, soothing. comforting relief follow* an application of Sloan'* Liniment. Just slap it on the strained, overworked muscle. Good for rheumatism, too. Pinetmtu without rubbing. Sloans Liniment OXIDINE IN HOT WATER unproree the appetite and enriche* the Mood. A tablespoonful of OXIDINR in a half glen* of hot water taken a few minutes before your meals will have a vory noticeable effect on your appetite. Takon regularly throe time* a day your system will toon nwpnnd to Its strengthening aad invigorating tffoct and will then be in position toanrressfully /ombat the germsof Grip Kin. Colds and Malaria. OXIIUNE tones tip the entire system. Begin taking it today. tWc at your druggist's. Adv. ' 1VANTKI*?One person In eitch community for clerical home work. Good pay,; spare or whole time. Particular* free. OARMGIl SPECIALTY CO.. Box 2422. Memphis. Tenn Keep Stomach and Bowels Right ; By firing baby the harmlses, purely vegetable. Infanta' and children'!regulator. /tf&WlNSlOWS SYRUP L brings astonishing, gratifying results Jj making baby's stomach digest ^ food and bowels mora as ^ they should at teething w. NTu^^HARLOTTB, NO. 9-1921. t'-.i " ' I l ' IMPORTANCE OF GOOD ROADS < Most Towns Rscognizs Imperative Need of Improved Highways to 8ecure Farm Trade. The country town that has poor roads radiating from It id badly handicapped. Just us the-farmer is who has to haul his products over such roads. Most towns recognise this and try to get their shnre of trade by mnking the malh thoroughfares navigable at all times with tolerable loads. The town that does not see the importance of good roads and the imperative need of making them passable to ordinary truffle has need of the jolt that is not generally long deluyed. We sometimes hear the expression, "a poor trading pluce," and Instantly we know the meaning of it. We at once know It refers to a town that has fallen into a ltlp Van Winkle sleep and we are sufe In assuming that such a town lucks wideawake merchants and the other necessary adjunct?good roads. When a farmer sells unythlng, whether It be his weekly batch of produce or u load of hogs or one of wheat or corn he naturally considers the difficulties of the haul. Other things being equals he chooses the road with least hills; and If the road of least resistance has well graded and dragged highways, the town that Is hundlcapped with steep pulls and poorly graded highways always Is a loser. It cannot be otherwise. A cornbelt town exists, primarily, by reason of the farm trade. When this reaches a volume that lines the streets with farm teams any good day except the busiest times of the year, we can be reasonably certain that the merchants and roads nre both attractive. And the opposite can be Inferred when the streets are bare of farm j teams and enrs. Most towns recognize the value of ' good roads as trade getters. Some- | times the topography of the country makes good roads and gentle grades difficult. When this Is the case, more money Is expended to get results. And | r 1 Roads Like This Are Carefully Avoided by Farmer Who Is Hauling . Heavy Load. the corn belt farmer 4s Just as discriminating now that the automobile ! Is common on the farm. In fact he is more so. The matter of a few miles j extra travel Is not of great moment. As the enr comes to he more and ' more the medium of that dally commerce between the farm and town, the Importance of good roads conies to he j more clearly seen. The town has rec- | agnized It. In order to hold this In- j creasing hut vital trade the town must j bid In terms of fair bargains atnl good j ronds?and not least In smooth, allur- j Ing highways where few obstructions j to a fair speed are encountered. Where the fanner buys* his dally or weekly supplies he generally buys his | larger Items of machinery and farm equipment. It Is up to the town that ! desires to live to recognize the prob- I lein of the good road. To ignore it is j to daatro.v the town. The farmer does j not travel the had road except under j compulsion. BUILDERS FAVOR NEW ROADS Largest and Most Stupendous Plan for Highway Improvement Ever Projected In World. The building of a system of highways In this country, now being carried on nt an annual cost of over $1,000.000,000, is the largest and most Stupendous plan for public Improvement ever projected In the history of the world, declared a speaker at the nnnunl meeting of the American Itoad Builders' association at the Antonio- i bile Club of America. About 75 high- I way officials and others engaged In | carrying on this great plan of highway improvement were present, com- I ing In many cases from stntes situ- j ated a thousand miles away. Brina Hiaher Rentals Good roads bring higher rental In- j conies. Some Road Materials. Some of the materinls or combinations of materials which might enter j into the construction of temporary ! roads are earth, shale, slate, chert, j gravel and rock, or sand mixed with ; day or gumbo. For heavy traffic on j through routes pavements may be required. hut these are not ordinarily classed as "country roads." What Farmer Needs Most. Farm-to-mnrket roads, rather than pleasure highways, are what the farm- [ er needs most. . Barnyard In Wet Season. Oood drainage and a few loads of sand and gravel will ndd to the comfort of working In the barnyard during the rainy season. Won't Develop Well. Pigs that are not on the rangy opder, with rather long legs and long, high backs, are not likely to grow into large hogs. Potatoes for Pigs. Potatoes are better adapted for feeding pigs than other kind of atock. v * ONE NEIGHBOR I TELLS ANOTHER Points the Way to Comfort snd Health. Other Women Please Read Moundsville, W. Vs.?"I had taken doctor's medicine dor nearly two years 0because my periods were irregular, came every two weeks, and I would Buffer with bearing-down pains. A lady told me of Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and how much good it had done her daughter, so I took it and now I am regular every month and have no pain at all. I recommend your medicine to everyone and you may publish my testimonial, hoping that the Vegetable Compound does some other girl the good it has done me. "?Mrs. George Tegarden, 915 Third Street, Moundsville, W. Va. How many young girls suffer as Mrs. Tegarden did and do not know where to turn for advico or help. They often are obliged to earn their living by toiling day in and day out no matter how hara the pain they have to bear. Every girl who suffers in this way should try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and if sho does not get prompt relief write to the Lydia EL Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Massachusetts, about her health. Such letters are held in strict confidence. . I For your health's sake you should I immediately correct any lrregu* I larlty of the Bowels by taking | I DR. TUTTS LITER PILLS. 'I If your Bowels ore not working I property yon cannot expect to I keep fit. Take one or two at bed- I time. Get right and keep right. I For CROUP, COLDS. INFLUENZA & PNEUMONIA Motlaari iboald kitp a |ar ol BriM'i V?tii ?> alra cooreaieoc Wbn, Crwtp. Iilotus o? P? null threaten* line dthf tufal talra nkM ?*U lata tba throat, cheat ut oadct tba trat will retiree Oa chokinx. break contaetioo Mi gramma raetfal ataa*. iVApffflA? WIU- IvT 31A1A TTVt CUDTTtrS JOc. 60c. aai J1 JO a al 4w Mm* ar ami pnsrfj W JJram^nt^Oj^N^Uj2*Il22iJ!^ HEADACHE ? Go to your druggist or dealer and ask for a package of mitre ok and get relief, with no bad after effects. You can depend Upon White Caps. They contain no narcotic or prohibitive drugs. Trial Sire 10 eta. ? Regular Size 2S eta. SILHEKT BROS. St CO.. Baltimore, Hd. Never to Be Trusted. "Political promises." remarked Senator Sorghum, "remind me of the three wishes a fairy grunts in the story hooks. There's always u 'ketch' In 'em somewhere." Women* <i Made Young Bright eye9, a clear slcin and a body full of youth and health may be yours if you will keep your sy*tem In order by regularly taking GOLD MEDAL Th? world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles, the enemies of liie and loolca. In use since 1696. All druggists, three sisea. Look for tko name Gold Modal on erors bna and accent no imitation rnrni/l ro aoernviiv tiMoviDb, Oi F.rrr^ FRECKLES lltWRLLW So., 2?7S MIcMim Avmnm. OUc?i* 80 Years Old -Was Sick Now Feels Young After Taking Eatonic for Sour Stomach "I had sour stomach ever since I had the grip and It bothered me badly Have taken Eatonic only u week and am much better. Am 80 years old." says Mrs. John Hill. Eatonic quickly relieves sour stoni uch, indigestion, heartburn, bloating and distress after eating because it takes up and carries nut the excess acidity and gases which cause most stomach ailments. If you have "tried everything" and still suffer, do not give up hope. Batonic has brought relief to tens of thousands like you. A Jdg box costs but a trllle with your druggist's guarantee. Hove you RHEUMATISM Lumbago or Qout ? TU? RHECMACIDK ionbiot* tktmom ana drtto tbo potion from IIiiijiUb. HWUflMI or tni irbidb nrra cnitim on ns omur At All DraggloU Ju. BtBj 4 Son, Wkoloiilo DMhtm / .'f y #N * ORCHARD GLEANINGS SAVE GIRDLED APPLE TREES Bridge Grafting aa Shown by tha Illustration Herewith Should Bo Dona Early. Apple trees girdled by rabbits or mice eun be saved l>y bridge grafting as Illustrated herewith. The work should be done now as soon as possible nnd before the leaves show. The scions for bridging can be cut from any convenient apple tree and the ends where they are Inserted protected. by grafting wax, or the whole hanked on with earth ?i? thnt nvorv wound wlU ho covored nnd kept moist Bridge Grafting Saves Girdled Apple Trees. throughout the summer. It will, indeed, he well to use both the wax nnd the earth covering. The work must he done as carefully as possible, hut the most Important matter of all Is to do It In good seuson before the foliage has started. FIGHTING PEACH TREE PEST Para-Dichlorobenrene Treatment Affords Means of Ridding Orchards of Harmful Borer. The results of what Is known as the pura-dlchlorohcim'tie treatment for the eradication of the peach-tree horer lead experts of the United States I>epnrtment of Agriculture to believe that a practical means has finally been found of ridd'itig orchards of this dls astrously destructive pest. Previously the only effe?rtlve method of fighting he borer was by removing the soil around the base of the tree and digging the grubs-out of their galleries with a knife. It Is estimated that tlie borer had dene $0,000,000 damage a year and that $'2,000,000 a year has been spent in fighting them. The para-dlchlorobenzene method was tlrst used extensively by orchnrdlsts in 1919. It consists In sprinkling fine crystals of Insecticide on the soil around the base of the Infected tree and covering with earth to hold the gas. The substance Is highly volatile and forms a gns when the soil Is between 75 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. This gas Is five times heavier than air and sinks down through the soil. It is highly effective against the borer; and a pound of the Insecticide, costing not more than "25 cents, Is sufficient for eight to ten trees. The labor 1? scarcely one-third of that formerly required. The saving therefore1 Is great. In 19*20 the parn-dlchlorobenzenef process was used extensively in the Georgia peach belt, some localities buying as high as 50.000 pounds and large Individual growers as high as two tons each. Growers declare that It Is one of tlfco greatest accomplishments In the history of the department. mmpnrnhlw to the self-boiled lime-sulphur treatment for control of brown rot and scab of the peach. SIZES OF FRUIT CONTAINERS Efforts Being Ma<|h to Fix Standards P*aHil\/ nietinmiUhahl* hu the Average Buyer. The bureau of uthrkets of the United States Department of Agriculture, in Its efforts to bring about standardization of shipping containers for fruits and vegetables, Is recommending standard types for three of the most common types of packages. These are the hamper, the round stave basket. and the market basket. These recommendations provide not only standard sizes but standard dimensions, and It is the Intention of the department to tlx standards which will be readily distinguishable from each other by the average buyer. There are at present a great many containers of different sizes which are so nearly the same in appearance that they are a never-ending source of fraud. By n slight modification In construction It is possible to make a UK-quart hamper which looks so nearly like a full bushel hamper as to deceive the purchaser, who is defrauded out of half a peck. NITROGEN IS BIG ESSENTIAL la Lacking When Strawberry Plants Grow Slowly and When Peaches Show Poor Wood Growth. When plant growth Is poor, as when the new strawberry plants grow slowly and fail to send out vigorous runners, or when blackberries and raspKnrrlnc ntlinru'lcu tumltLf f??51 * ? *> new themselves by sending out new suckers, or when peaches or apples show poor wood growth, or when foliage Is weak and poorly colored, there Is a shortage of nvailahle nitrogen. Avoid Cheap Clover Seed. Look out for cheap clover seed. It Is likely to ho so cheap thnt It will prove denr In the long run. The same thing goes for alfalfa. Mulch Strawberry Beds. A mulching of straw on the strawberry beds, nfter the ground freezes, will give Inrge returns for the time spent In doing the work. Examine Horses' Feet. Examine the horwes' feet frequently, and clean them oat thoroughly. \ 0 ( f I MOTHER! ^California Syrup of Figs* Child's Best Laxative Accept "California" Syrup of FIrs only?look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child Is having the best and most harmless physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love Its fruity taste. Full directions on each bottle, Yoil must tnv "Pnllfnenlo A Before and After. Flintrnznr (the barber)?Just trim the ends. 1 s'pose? 1 remember you said your bride liked to toy with your crisp curls. lioiieseraper (the bridegroom)?That was before we were married. Clip It close to the scalp so she can't get a grip on It.?Houston Post. Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. Catarrhal Deafness requires constitutional treatment. HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE- is a constitutional remedy. Catarrhal Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when It is entirely closed. Deafness Is the result- Unless tne Inflammation can bo reduced, your hearing may be destroyed forever. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE acts through the blood on the mucous surfaces of the system, thus reducing the Inflammation and restoring normal conditions. Circulars free. All Druggists. P. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. Ohio. Well? A twelve-ycnr-old girl writes to Iter newspaper to say that children rarely cause panics, that It is the "nervous, excitable women" wlio are tit fault. IIow about it??Collier's Weekly. WOMEN NEED SWAMP-ROOT Thousands of women have kidney and bladder trouble and never suspect it. Womena' complaints often prove to be nothing else but kidney trouble, or the result of kidney or bladder disease. If the kidneys are not in a healthy condition, they may cause the other organs to become diseased. Pain in the back, headache, loss of ambition, nervousness, arc often times symptoms of kidney trouble. Don't delay ^starting treatment. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a physician's prescription, obtained at any drug store, may be just the remedy needed to overcome such conditions. Get a medium or large sine bottle immediately from any drug store. " * However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper.?Adv. How to Be Popular. To lu> really popular you must allow people to tell you tilings that you already know, us If you had never heard of tlieia.?I>enrborn Independent. Do you want to get rid of worms or Tapeworm? Use "Dead Shot"?Dr. Peery'a Vermifuge. One dose cleans them out.?Adv. It is one thing to wish for something, and quite another to work for it. R01 FER traoe harm _ A. fcCGlSTfiRED _ U - 1 C-"?^*"* " - * ?,* r- .'**>*? 4*e0^#?3?? m I * > \ / - * & * ^ CALOMEL I TOW i ? \ ______ Says You Cannot Gripe, Si< You Take "Dodson's Calomel loses you a day! You know what calomel Is. It's mercury; quicksilver. Calomel Is dungerous. It crashes Into sour Idle like dynamite, cramping and sickening you. Calomel attacks the bones and should never be put Into your system. When you feel bilious, sluggish, constipated and all knocked out and believe you need a dose of dangerous calomel lust remember that your druggist sells for a few cents n large bottle of Hudson's Liver Tone, which Is His Reason. "Our neighbor, the surgeon, advertises his profession by his dress." "Don't yon notice he always wears I a cutaway coat?" WOMEN! USE "DIAMOND DYES" Dye Old Skirts, Dresses, Waists, Coats, Stockings, Draperies? Everything. Each pncknge of "Diamond Dyes" contains easy directions for dyeing any article of wool, silk, cotton, linen, or j mixed goods. Beware! I'oor dye I streaks, spots, fades, and ruins material by giving It n "dyed-look." Buy "Diamond Dyes" only. Druggist has Color Card.?Adv. Where Small Savings Count. Small savings are like stones In a bridge; they form a linn support to carry one over the llood of an emergency. I Kill That m. *** a a h. LAbLAKA k FOR Colds, Coughs ^O] Neglected Cold: Talc* no chances. Keep this Stan Jar Breaks up a cold in Grippe in 3 days?E Quinine in this form docs not affe Laxative?No Opiate in Hill's. ALL DR UGGi EraraBffi|3||aaJU|Au /CTI 1311 muzi |l ARE ECO \k*. There is no econom; ffl tures which bring yi extravagence. Royf 0 omizes for you by rr vonr labor nroHnop yields. ^ See your Ri yM and place yoi 9 F. S. Royste j^H Norfolk, Va. Richmon Tarboro, N. C. Charlotte, %l Columbia, S. C. Spartans Majcon, Ga. Columbus, 88 Birmingham, Ala. Baltin I ' t , L* . '1- .. . f ! 1 ; ' 1 / %Tk IANGER . IY DODSON I :ken, or Salivate Yourself If Liver Tone" Instead entirely vegetable and pleasant to take and Is a perfect substitute for calomel. It Is guaranteed to start your > liver without stirring you up IhsldQf and can not salivate. Don't take calomel! It can not t>? trusted any more than a leopard oar a wild cat. Take I>odsou's Liver Tone, which straightens you right up and makes you feel line. Give it to the A children because it is perfectly harm- 1 less and doesn't gripe.?Adv. f YOU CANT CUT OUT iassa but you can clean them off promptly with i II and you work the hone came time. El Does not blister or remove the 11 hair. $2. SO per bottle, delivered. ? \ Will tell vou more if you Write. \ J Book 4 R free. ABSORBING JJL. fl the antiseptic liniment for mankind, reduces Varicose Veins, Ruptured tr?M Mu*'n or Ufamenta. Enlarftd Gland*. Wn* Cyitt. Allay, pain quickly. Price I1.2S Soak at druis'.tti or delltcred. W. F. YOUNG. Inc.. 310 Trmols St.. Sorinofltld. Mass. Youi^manUARAMk y" BARBER TRADEd^Vjm UNO at INDtPfHOtMrt gf Hrdesf Bauvn (burrc RIOTTEIAMERCOUCH t??w tr.. c. > I ATTENTION ? Sovcn homo roclpo*. oncb | worth the price naked (or ull; wml ntuiup (or circular. STAt'l.KTON At SON. HAltIIIS<>N. ARKANSAS ^urwith] ? ? QUININE V^VV La Grippe 9 are Dangerous d romcdy handy for the fir?t in.?r*. nours ? Kelievcs xcellent for Headacho ct the head?Cascara is best Tonic ISTS SELL IT > IPlf NOMICAl y in cutting expendiou a profit. That is iter's Fertilizer econlaking your land and ) larger, finer, surer oyster Dealer it order now. ir Guano Co. d, Va. Lynchburg, Va. N. C. Washington, N. C. ;burg, S. C. Atlanta, Ga. Ga. Montgomery, Ala. tore, Md. Toledo, Ohio I