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*>!?' T * ' '/in ' H" TrffC ^ >"" f". ^ ^ . . 4b-M>w mm All over the ose this eoody for Its Beafeflts. as well as Its ei?sssr& Keeps teeth dftflll hPAAfh sweet, throat ||M; , v ; toothed. Sealed Tight MvPfn ' k J A >a^H -^m BMIlfAiil 1 ^ ^^BEHflHWriEyt^XlH^Rf^UKiBMt^^BrflRl ^^^^ 99H9mni9 *?!: BMMliMlfil " Entirely Logical. "Why do you call thnt performing . popdle Slrlus?" "He's n dog star, nln't ' he, now?" Shave With Cutlcura Soap \ iAnd ttou'Mc your rator effelency as "t,Y;ell 'IS Pro,note skln purity, skin comy fort and' skin health. .'No mug. no 4<-> slltuy; soap,. no germs, no waste, no Irritation even whoii shaved twice dally. One sonp for nil uses?shaving. * l>?tfh|i\g. and shampooing.?Adv. FELT SOMETHING WAS WRONG I? vYoung s^erV. Experience Made * Him Doubt Whether Hie Prayers Were $ Really Acceptable. Tlfi the smoking room of Ln France, en a cool, rough, windy day. George ,. , Voi^ld apld: "These winter passages nre unpleasant, hat they're never dnngerous. "One bleak December day I was sitting^ wrapped up. In furs and rags, in mifclieVed corner of the promenade <deCkfQf ,a Cuuorder.": The sens were mountnins high.' The good old boat seemed to stand on her head one mln:. Jf jBto. nnd the next she" reared right'up on her hind legs. "A tiny tot of a boy made his way j caufiouslyto the,.young and pretty tantron Heated next me. He steadied himself against her deck chair and said: ? 'Mamma. Is it wrong to pray that ,we get home safe?' " 'Of course not, darling.' , r;WolV he , went oh. 'I've been '^'jraeltng on n locker trying to pray that we arrive safe In port, and each tlrfie I begin the ship heaves up and throws me on the deck.'" : i Skyscrapers .Amazed Chris. ( ' "Begorry!" said ^ an Irishman who was wnrtcRlng another go thni some | yxfcrclses. "ye kape yer mouth n? wide *>' open as'if. ye were Columbus the first ' 'otoluie lie ; saw New York."?Boston Transcript. ? IT w XIC. Sweetness of and Malted Ba is theWeetnes * The delicately ric . to dct ?. ? ^ - 20 hburrf baking. ( *:v- no added sugar, aJ * Ishment of a form <*** >* l This reacfy'-cobked f v a. ' 'f ". j w^ii world people _ / CHICAGO UTTA \| Aids . iGHfflTa a digestion. jy-4 Still 5c lL^ /CATALtNfit\ "** BV ^ ? Kept Right mm ijiJ jalH OXID1NE IN HOT WATER Brim the Blow of kultii to pole cheeksTA tableepoonful of OX1D1NE in half glass of hot water taken regularly trill Improve the appetite, enrich the blood end tone up tlio function* of the entire body. Nature will then do tho reit toward making you strong and well. Thli treatment ia alto effective in warding off ?olda, Flu, Grip and all malarial dlaordera. OXIDINK purlfiei your blood and tones up the entire system. 00c at your druggiet's. Adv. A bee and Its honey are sooa parted; aijd the bee Is no fool. Wright's Indian Vegetable Ptlla are aim* ply a good old-fashioned medicine for regit* lattng the stomach, the liver and boweia. Get a bo^ and try them.?Adv. TRAILS ABOUND IN ROMANCE Written Testimonial of the Trials and Triumphs of the Men Who Fashioned Them. Nothing is more romantic than the trail, remarks n writer in ti?o i-na in. geles Times. It is the artery of trade and life Itself. On land it moves about the bases of the mountains, out of the lowlands, winding through the chnpnrral, along the ensy grades of the canyons, never forcing its way, but detinltely avoiding the slippery rock face and the poison oak; upward Into the fresh air that breathes through the pnss; on, through the pass nnd into the unknown beyond, into the valley of heart's desire It cnrries the laden mule nnd the traveler with his pack. Across the great deserts the trail le a caravan route, seeking the shades of cliff and avoiding the shifting dunes; stretching unerringly toward the next water hole. It Is the written testimonial of the trails and triumphs of the men who have gone before. It is the only pathway of the devout pilgrim, as of the warlike Bedouin. Every habitation of man thnt has ever dominated one of these great trulls has made history and has been In its day a treasure house. Many a bored man has wished that he could get Interested in some foolish game. S of 0 :?NutS| ih flavor, natural jeloped through Sr&pe'Nuts needs id is rich innour easy to digest. ood is economical Reason" 1 1 '"u , , y. CAUSE OF DAMAGE TO ROADS ?mmmmm?mmrn? ' f5* Parnlcloua Practice of 'Overloading mall Truck* With Narrow Tlraa J la Responsible " * With the rapid Increase In the nam* DOr of motortrucks operated over our highways, It has been ft)and that many of what are called "Improved" roads have failed to withstand the additional traffic Imposed by the new form of local freight transport. This has given rise to new problems of road construction and maintenance, and In souie states has led to the enactment of laws prohibiting the use of the large capacity truck, on the assumption that It Is the heavy truck that does most of the damage to the road. The first result of this legislation has been to encourage the pernicious-practice of overloading, under which trucks designed to carry safe-' ly a limited,weight are fqrced to carry a large additional load. The tires of the various of truck are made of a sufficient width to prevent their breaking or cutting the road surface when loaded to their proper full capacity, but when nn overload Is added the tire width Is necessarily too nurrow, and the danger of Injury to the road becomes manifest. The tire width required for certain loads has been carefully worked out nfter many years' experience, and most states have laws fixing the weight thai Is borne by an Inch of tire width. In all standard types of truck the width of tire corresponds to the load that can be safely carried, and truck manufacturers warn their customers against carrying a greater weight than that for which each size of truck Is designed. The enactment of a law prohibiting the use of large capacity trucks leaves the same tonnage of freight to be moved, ni.d with the heavy truck barred resort must be had to the smaller sizes. This means In many cases less economical and efficient service, and prompts the manufacturer or merchant to try to make up for loss In load capacity by Increasing tfte size of the load. With this additional load the gross weight on the tire exceeds the factor of safety, and thereby Increases the danger of breaking the road surface. It Is self-evident thnt a truck designed to curry two tons with corresponding width of tires, t h _^sr;y^(:v ^JaHn|Sjjs?-'. j Overloaded Truck Increases Danger of Cutting Surface of 'Improved Roads. must do more damage to the road when it carries a ton or so more of load than its tires were intended for. A striking example of the relation of overloading to Impact is given in the preliminary report of the United States bureau of public roads, in which it is stated thut a three-ton truck, with a load of five tons, running at u speed of 15 miles per hour o\W a two-inch rut, had an Impact of slightly over 17 tons, while a 5V4-ton truck with a load of 5H tons, under the same conditions had an impact of only 12 tons. The fact that the overloaded truck had a heavier "unsprung" weight, that is, weight not sustained by springs, accounted to some extent for its greater impact, but there can be no question that the overloading "no u uiuicuui 1UV.1V1 an I'uusuig nit? greatly Increased wheel pressure on the road. Against this danger truck owners are constantly being wurned by truck manufacturers, who strongly advise that no truck should be made to carry a greater load than the weight defined by Its classification. Some states have enacted laws Imposing fines for truck overloading,' but It will probably be found that enlightened Self-interest will prove to be the best check on a practice that has been shown to be dangerous both to truck owners and drivers and the general public; and a source of Injury to our roads that materially limits the benefits from the motortruck as o new agency for local freight transport. Market Roads First. "Transcontinental highways fill a useful place in our national life, but the really Important road Is the one from the farmer's gnte to vJiis market town," said President J. R. Howard of the American Farm Bureau Federation recently in addressing the National Association of Vehicle and Implement Manufacturers. Insist on Permanent Roads. Insist upon permanent roads In your county. They are cheaper In the long run. ' For Success With Stock. Success with live stock Is largely a matter of keeping them healthy. Breeding, feeding and marketing are also important Successfdf Cattle Feeders. The most successful feeders of beef cattle are the ones who have made the most correct interpretation of the laws of nature. lMk* P?rker and a Runt * 1 A fat JitUe pig If a porker, but a poos- little pig la a nut. J doSsr* sway and 1 also wa* ?Per" ? ated upon for fern^ inine trouhle. but was only able to drag around, and kept getting worse all the time. I only weighed 115 pounds. friend recommended Dr. Pierce's medicine to me so I took four bottles of the 'Favorite Prescription* and upw I do all my work and take care of four .children, qnd I weigh 173."?MRS. ETJHEL. RICHARDS. R. F.D. 1. $3-oo Value for $1?? r?- We ere making this exceptional offer to the public ot the famous "Sheffield Rasor," made of extra quality Sheffield Steel, hollow ground blade black rubber handle, for a short time only. 10 days* ran trial Send on? dollar. Aft?r ten day? If you are not entlroly aatlefled return the rasor and money will be promptly rafunded. Sheffield Rasor Co. 701 Church St. Norfolk. Va^ V. S. A. These Troublesome Times. Knlcker?What Is the matter with the world? Boeker?Unrest, arrest and rest. MOTHER! ' California Syrup of Figs" Child's (Best Laxative Accept ^California" Syrup of Figs only?look for the name California on thn nai>lrnra llion ?nn ?' ? ??? ' ? ? B'?.^av "ivii juu utc dui c .vuui child Is having the best and most harmless physic for the little stomach, llvet and bowels. Children love Its fruity taste. Pull directions on each bottl* You must say "California."?Adv. Hla Plight "Money can't do everything." "I know that, but all I want to do are the things that money can do." I J?> 1 CHOCOLATE A I ASi&k Blaae-Masfe I I a Soak 1 envelope CHALMERS' Cm- 4 " skid GELATINE in x cup cold water. a Melt 4 or. Chocolate in double boiler, add t qt. scalded Milk. 1 P cup sugar and the soaked Gela- . P tine. Fl*?or with rutilla. Pour Into BoiUt and set In cold place to harden. Serrewitn.r without whipped cnaa or coward. Scrre* a _ L.."PURITYH...d Appropriate Peril. "We had a narrow escape when we turned suddenly on that narrow path along the cliff they call the Razor." "Yes, It must have been a close shave." Sure Relief Bell-ans Hot water lsLtiW Sure Relief re ll-ans h#FOR INDIGESTION To abort a cold and prevent com* plications take Qs The purified and refined calomel tablets that are nausealeet, safe and rare. mjRS. ALICE GRESHAM DOOD, ***'motkt ?f dw int Aairhw uliipr UHoi/la Froaf*. wfco |Am Miff lor rooooory oi Uf? bat* to Hm wtU>kaown ndioiao ni v 4J The following remarkable endorsement of Tanlac was given recently by Mrs. Alice Qresham Dodd,? at the Gresham Memorial Home, Gavin Park, Evansvllle, Ind., which home was presented to her by the patriotic people of Indiana, as evidence of their appreciation of the services rendered to his country by her son, Corporal James B. Gresham, the first American soldier killed In France. Expressions of sympathy were received by Mrs.' Dodd from all parts of the United States, and the newspapers of the country carried the story of the first "war mother." The shock of her son's death resulted In the serious breakdown of Mrs. Dodd's health, but everyone will learn with Interest and plensure that she Is now In splendid health again. When seen at her home recently she made the following statement, giving the entire credit for her recovery to the well-known medicine, Tnnlac. *'After my dear boy's death I had a general breakdown In health," said Mrs. Dodd. "At first It was Just Indigestion. My food used to upset me and I had to diet myself very care iuuy, wmcn wasn't much hardship1, as I lost all desire to eat. Then I had an attack of rheumatism, with severe pains In my shoulders, back and arms. Sometimes I used to suffer a great deal, and my Joints would get all swollen up and stiff. I was able to do very little about the house, and at times couldn't even cook a meal. I got very nervous and restless, and at night would lay awake for hours, hnd lost many a night's sleep as a consequence. **A friend of mine had received a great deal of help from Tanlac, and It was she who advised me to try It. I am so glad I did for It proved the best medicine I have ever taken. It soon gave me a good appetite and seemed to settle my stomach so that I was no longer troubled with Indigestion. I don't know what It is to have rheumatic pains now, the swelling and stiffness hns all gone out of my Joints and I am able to do the work of the house with the greatest ease. My nerves are now steady and strong. I sleep fine at night, and I feel better In health than ever before In my life. I shall hlways be grateful for what Teniae hns done for me, and shall recommend It every chance I. get." Tnnlne Is sold by leading druggists every whore.?Adv. Horrible Death. "How does a hairdresser end his days?" "He curls up and dies.1' "DANDERINE" Girls! Save Your Hair! Make It Abundant! Immediately after a "Danderlne" massage, your hair takes on new life, lustre and wondrous beauty, appearing tivln? Ma h^aw nnd nlonMfnl lu>. cause each hair seems to tlufT and thicken. Don't let your hair stuy lifeless, colorless, plain or scraKRly. You, too, want lots of long, strong, beautiful hair. A 85-ccnt bottle of delightful "Danderine" ' freshens your scalp, checks dandruff nnd falling hair. This stimulating "beauty-tonic" gives to thin, dull, fading hulr that youthful brightness and abundant thicknessAll druggists !-^-Adv. A man who scolds about gossips Is usually the burnt child that dreads the fire. WOMEN! USE "DIAMOND DYES" Dye Old Skirts, Dresses, Waists, Coats, Stockings, Draperies? Everything. Bach package of "Diamond Dyes" wotalns easy directions for dyeing any *32? * wo?^ or * ' '* , ^' x- >' Hi' ' ' attlOj Dodson's Liver Tone" is 1 Sickening Chemio Every druggist In town has noticed a great falling off in the sale of Calomel. They all give the same reason.-, Dodson's Liver Tone Is taking its place. \ Calomel Is dangerous and people know It." Dodson's Liver Tone Is personally guaranteed by every druggist who sells It A large bottle doesn't cost very much but If It falls to give easy relief In every case of Uver sluggishness and constipation, J*ist ask for your money back. , Experience is one of the few things that never And their way to the bargain counter. SHOE PRICES AT LAST HIT BOTTOM A sharp decline of from one to three dollars per pulr on their entire line of work shoos, has been made by the Harsh & Chnpline Shoe Co.. Milwaukee, makers of the well known Lion Brand Work Shoes for men and Lion Brand Everyday Shoes for boys. "The greatest progress in American business during this generation, has been In factory organization." says Geo. R. Harsh. President of the company. "The problems of production have been met by experts who have j brought the cost of manufacture to a , lower figure every year. "But how about selling costs? The expenses of the manufacturer's salesmen have mounted steadily?the jobber must still have his discount?and the storekeeper Ids. "The bekt and quickest way to reduce prices is to reduce selling costs? by cutting out the unnecessary protits 1 betweeu manufacturer and consumer. ! i By selling Lion Brand Shoes direct I from the factory, and confining the | entire profit from maker to wearer to j one small prolit, we can offer first quality work shoes to the public at very low prices. For example, our No. 70 Brown Blucher. with bard toe can. made of Lion Brand Leather (our own tannage) in regular sizes, tl to 11, is ! now being sold by until on receipt of i money order, draft or buyer's own i cheek ut &I.2T>. ( Tills shoo formerly! sold through the stores as high as sjSG.ftO. j "It was only after long and serious ; deliberation that we decided to go j straight to the public with our product, j In the past fifteen years, through lo.tHH) ! deulers, we liave sold 10,r?00,0<X) pairs | of work shoes?over worth lust year alone. The only way open ' I to us to get Lion Brand "Shoes to the I wearer at a fuir price, was to drop our 1 jobbers and dealers and sell by mail. ; 1 Cutalog No. 1 is being distributed from j our factory at Hanover ami Maple Sts? j Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Shoes shipped within 24 hours of receipt of order."? Adv. The majority of women do not seem to realize that pretty women are In the minority. j 1 i Important to all Women 1 Readers of this Paper Thousands upon thousands of women have kidney or bladder trouble and nevei suspect it. Women's complaints often prove to be nothing else but kidney trouble, or the reault of kidney or bladder disease. If the kidneys are not in a healthy condition, they may cause the other organs to become diseased. You may suffer pain in the back, headache and loss of ambition. Poor health makes you nervous, irritable and may be despondent; it makes any one ao. But hundreds of women claim that TV Kilmer's 8wamp-Root, by restoring health to the kidneys, proved to be just the remedy needed to overcome such ] conditions. Many send for a sample bottle to see what Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder medicine, will do for them. By enclosing ten cents to TV < Kilmer ft Co., Binghamton. N. Y.. you ; may receive sample size bottle by Parcel 1 Post. You can purchase medium and large aire bottles at all drug stores.?Adv. The coming innn doesn't really j amount to much unless he makes a go of It. I' r Kill That ( CASCARA E FOR Colds, Coughs < 0]Vi Neglected Colds s Take no chances. Keep this standard Breaks up a cold in 2 Grippe in 3 day a?Exci Quinine in this form docs not affect Laxative?No Opiate in Hill's. ALL DRUGGIL :: Keep Your Blooc Nature V Did you know that ninety per - cent of stl human ailments depend 'qpon the condition of your blood? Nature gives her warnings in va. rious unmistakable ways, so that raking Place of Dangerous, V^fjjJB Dodson's Liver Tone Is a pieesant" - v --; fl tasting, purely vegetable remedy* - H harmless to both children and adults. ' jH Take u spoonful at night and wake up '-S feeling fine; no biliousness, sick head- ' ache, acid stomncli or constipated I bowels. It doesn't gripe or cause In- } convenience all the next day like vlo- I lent culomel.. Take a doae of calomel I today and tomorrow you will feel weak, sick and nauseated. Don't lose I SALESMAN || | | WANTED If , by reliable Fish and Oyster Dealer to solicit orders this Spring on commission basis. Ex- * cellent opportunity for , live wire to work up a good side line. For particulars write J. T. White & Co., Norfolk, Va., giving reference. I New Life for Sick Man lEatonic Works Magic) "I have taken only two boxes of Pnfnnlo nnrl III-.. .. ....... ?V ...... ?'-?-? ?? ?>V?T limn. XV has done me more good than anything else," writes C. O. Frnpplr. Eatonle Is the modern remedy for w* ncld stomach, bloating, food repeating and Indigestion. It quickly takes up * and carries out the acidity and gas and enables the stomach to digest the food naturally. That means not only relief from pain and discomfort but you get the full strength from the food you eat. Big box only costs a trifle with your druggist's guarantee. THICK, SWOLLEN GLANDS *9 that make a horse Wheeze, MVH fl Roar, have Thick Wind 1 or Choke-down, can be ?.. . I reduced with 9 i . ? also oth?*r Bunches or Swellings. No blister, I no hair gone, and horse kept at work. Economical?only afew drops required at an application. $2.50 per bottle delivered. BookSRfrM. 6BS0RBINE, JR., the antiseptic liniment for mankind, reduces Cysts, Wens, Painful, Swollen Veins and Ulcers, ft. 2S a bottle at dealers or delivered. Boole "Evidence" free. W. f. YOUNG, Inc., 110 Tcnpla St., Springflald, Mass, Yound lllan .-"BARBER TRftDE# W, 1 Ik > UNO 61 IMOlPtNOtMr/ flf < t 'y* best /Wiry? fhtunr <^H I In I he Soulh' CHARLOTTE IA3AIR COLLECT 40 I.TUAOI /T., awMonuu. > 'Flr\ DETROIT?At'TOMOII1I.K CITY of 360.000 ,1 highest paid wage earners. Write for booklet Idling how to get work In automobile plant*. other establishment* and of building con- 8 tract* for 1921. Postpaid, $1. Everyone Khouhl have before coming to Detroit. Itlley, 46 K. Columbia Avenue, DETROIT, MICH. New Household Nece?*lty for Every Home? L?ur Holler Itlng attached to boiler quickly ilrles towel*, dishcloths. pot*, pan*, etc. Price 31. Special Introduction offer two for 31. A money maker for agents. Reliance Sales Co., Suite 636. 206 Broadway, New York. IIKMsTITt 1IIM. ini.l riKITIMI ATTAI III1KNT. Work* on any sewing machine. 32 60. Self-Threading Neoillea 25c Package. Mutual Salea Company. Box 934, Charlotte. N. C. White 1-egliorn Baby Chicks?Bred right. priced right, shipped right. Your address julck. plea*e. Ilea* Hatchery, Mt. Clinton. Vt. STOCKS AND BONDS?We trude on comml**lon only listed, unllnteil securities Write your want* and offer*. O. I.. SUMMER A CO.. P. O. Box 163, OHBENVILI.B, S. C. FRECKLES w. n. u., charlotte, no. 7--1921. Cold With f QUININE and [W La Grippe ire Dangerous remedy nandy lor tda first annexe. ? 4 hours?Relieves ; silent for Headache the head?Cascara is best Tonic ' 5 TS SELL IT 1 Pure /ill Do the Rest ;; < XKK-^VX-M-X-X-XK-XKHXw Dusly affected. You should recoffnize the importance, therefore, of rery promptly cleansing; out the ivstem, and keeping the blood sup?ly pure and robust. Get a bottle of S. S. S. at your lrugatore to day, and note now jromptly it builds up the appetite tnd (fives new strength and vitality. Write for free literature in.i medical advice to Chief Medial Adviser, 163 Swift Laboratory. Atlanta, Ga. I Kklite; I