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i ^ , 1 the frMk-?nd rueat of Miss Ruth I Mlh EdiW Tindal, teacher In the I Fort Mitt trraded school, had as her I nNt for the last week-end Miss I i .y'^Mny Spearman of Newberry, who I v.' la a student at Wlnthrop college. it-h, Rears. Bradford and Pursley have jflr Introduced In the house of rcpresenB tatlves a hill requiring that the pfo**Y. ceeds of the automobile licenses col 1 acted in York county shall be spent on the roads In the townships where collected. A small but Interested audience, composed principally of farmers. listened Friday evening In ttoe auditorium of the Fort Mill high school to a timely talk on the boll weovll by Goorge M. Anderson, division of entomology, Clemson college. George Pettus rel\irned to his hQpac at Midland, Ark., iowe days ago following a visit of several weeks to his "Ulster. Mrs. W. H. Jones, and other relatives In Fort Mil township. This was Mr. Pettus' first visit to Fort Mill since he left here a* hoy more than half a centnrv ago. A business failure in Fort Mill Is noted In the advertisement of sale t under a mortgage of* the stpek, furnI lturo and fixtures of the City cafe, on upper Main street. The cafe has been closed for several days. Geo. W. Stnrnes operated the business fof several months up to a few days ago. An attractive display of products of the Fort Mill Manufacturing company was noted in a shotv window of one of the large Columbia department Btorcs a few days ago. The * display consisted principally of the sheeting for which theetaoshrdl shr sheeting manufactured at mill No. 2. Fort Mill people will learn with Interest that the Rev. It. G. Lee of Edgefield, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Lcp of F*nrt Mill Ho a hnon no llo/l tho pastorate of the First Baptist! church of Chester, at a Balary of $4,000 per annum. Mr. Bee Is an old Fort Mill boy whose career as a Baptist minister has been watched with Interest hy his friends in this ( section. 4 The State board of canvassers filed \ Its opinion Tuesday In the ChesterYork election muddle, declaring the election null and void, due to lrregu- , larlties In the voting. The election . was held January 11 to determine ( w nether a section of Chester county J would come to York county. The ( vote was In favor of annexation. It Is likely that the governor will order , another election. The organization of an athletic as- ( soclatlon among the pupils of the ] Fort Mill high school was effected < , during tho last week with Bruce H. ] Strlbllng as president, Miss Florlde i Nlms secretary and Pat Brown < treasurer. Membership dues and fees were fixed and the rules govern- < lng the association adopted. The as- | soclatlon will promote activity In all .* the usual school athletics, but will | promote especially football, baseball | r and basketbull. i A socinl event of the past week ] was the gathering of the members i of the Christian Endeavor society. , Presbyteriun church, at the home of ( Mr. and Mrs. George Flah for the , first of a scries of parties which the ( society has planned for the first Frl- | day evening: of each month. The at tendance at the meeting with Mr. | and Mrs. Fish, waa large and much pleasure was afforded the guests In | the entertainment provided by Miss , Dorothy Bergstrom, chairman of the social committee. During the even- , Ing refreshments were served. , Writing from Washington in the I Charlotte Observer of yesterday, i "Buck" Bryant says there Is no truth in the report that the national department of agriculture is projecting a poison gas campaign agulnst the boll weevils in the cotton fields of the South as had been roported. Observations by experts of the department \ Indicate that a heavier dosage of gas would be necessary to kill boll weevils than would be necessary to kill j human beings, and the is \ . made that the bill wcev'.l is tougher ] than the Southern mule and can ( Inhale more gns and get away with It. | Tho York delegation in the General ( Assembly" has sent to Governor Coop- < er the names of L.. A. Harris, A. A. , Bradford and Capt. 8. W. Parks for , appointment as members of the Fort ] Mill (town) board of tax assessors, j Cupt. Parks is a new member of the i board who succeeds W. P. Crayton. The delegation also sent to the governor the names of C. P. Blanken ship, Ira G. Smythe and D. O.-Klmbrell for membership on tho Fort Mill township board of tax assessors. Mr. Blankenship is named a? succesor of 8. H. Kpps, Sr., who did not wish to be reappointetd. SOUR STOMACH INDIGESTION Thedford's Block-Draught Highly Recommended by a Tennessee Grocer for Troubles ResnhiBf from Torpid Liver. Bast Nashville, Tenn.? The efficiency of Thedford's Black-Draught, the genuine, herb, liver medicine, ie J , Touched for by Mr. W. N. Parsons, a grocer of this city. "It Is without doubt the best lirer medicine, and I don't boilers I could get along wlthqpt tt I take It for sour stomach, headache, bad llrer. Indigestion, and all other troubles that are the result of a torpid lirer. "I hare known and used tt for years, and can and do highly recommend it to every one. I won't go to bed without It in the house. It win do all It platans to da I can't say enough fot ItMany other men and women throughout the country hare found BlackDraught just as Mr Parsons describes ? valuable In regulating the llrer to Its normal functions, and In cleansing the bowels of Impurities. Thedford's Black-Draught llrer medtStan Is the original and only genuine. During the last ?<?k ForUdlU^w ; reoriv?ff ji ciMktor>bl? publicity In the dally and weakly praaa of North; Carolina and South Carolina as a re- I suit of the Item in The Times of February 3 quoting- the remarks of a citIsen of the town who again brought forward the proposition, first advanced several years ago, of Fort Hill township withdrawing .from South' Carolina and joining North Carolina. The proposition also has been freely discussed locally since the appearance In The Times last week of the Item and may result In something more tangible than a mere expression of the wtsdom of such a' step by those who would like to see the township become a part of the Old North State, as inquiries are being made in Columbia and Washington^ as to the proper method to pursue te get the matter tinder way; but the consensus of opinion seems to be that the proposition will blow over In a few days and meanwhile amount to nothing more than talk. "People muht have something to talk about," one man yesterday was heard to say, "and as no one now finds it neces nary to put in much time counting hie money, why not talk about this subject? None of us will Never live to see the day when Port Mill becomes a part of North Carolina, but speculation over what might come to the township should the change be brought about is both interesting and harmless and I see no objection to it. Meanwhile let me congratulate the citizen The Times quoted on hit. ideas of free advertising." The Columbia State of Monday carried the following news story onthe subject from its York correspondent: "Not a bit of excitement and only mild Interest has been manifested here in the proposed withdrawal of Fort Mill from York county and its annexation to Mecklenburg county, N. C., which question Is said to be engaging the attention of the township across the Catawba river. With the alleged movement still in the embryo stage, people of the county seat are not inclined to offer Fort Mill nny advice on the subject, being sat- ( Isiled to sit still and watch develop- . rnents. ' "York people do not believe that - Fort Mill wishes to sever the tie# that have connected her with the White Itoao \county and the Palmetto State for so many years without some sober deliberation. Reports emunuting from across the Catawba to the effect that a plebiscite would show an overwhelming majority In favor of the annexation movement ire taken with a grain of salt here. If. however, after due consideration 3f all that Is Involved In the change, Ktirt Mill reaches the decision that It would be advantageous for her to ^ust hor fortunes with Mecklenburg, ifork may say, to paruphrase Horace 3reeley's utterance on a more historic occasion', let her go in peace. This question, though, would be one Tor the State to decide, legal opinion being that a constitutional amendment In both South Carolina and North Carolina would be necessary. "The only reason advanced for the innexutipn plan is a geographical one, there being no dissatisfaction with ? the county government or 1 charges of discrimination against the township, so far as Is known here. The town of Fort Mill is 25 miles from York and 15 miles from Charlotte, N. C. The Catawba river has been a barrier to close communication between Fort Mill and the county seat, though the splendid steel bridge over that stream on the road to Rock Hill, together with the Improvement of the highway between these towns, has rendered access to York easier of late than In former years." Negro Boy Kllod. John Glenn, negro boy about 20 years of age, lost his life Sunday afternoon at the hands of another young negro. Mote Moore, on the plantation of W. J. Stewart, two miles south of town. The boys were tussling over the possession of a gun. It was stated, and the weapon was nccldentally fired by Moore. The load of shot entered the body of 31cnn, from the effects of which he lied In about two hours. Carelessness was charged to Moore In the .ermct or the coroner's Jury held Monday morning. Glenn Is said to iave stated after the shooting that t was accidental. It has not yet ieen decided whether Moore will be irosecuted. At a joint meeting of the boards >f county commissioners of York and Mecklenburg counties In Charlotte ast Tuesday the "Buster" Boyd site was definitely agreed upon as the ocation of the Catawba river bridge :o be built Jointly by York and Mecklenburg counties. The bridge is o cost $92,000. two-thirds of which s to be paid by Mecklenburg county ind the remaining third by York jounty. Construction of the bridge will be begun as soon as the Meckenburg authorities are able to get a ourt decision upholding the constitutionality of a bond issue which that county finds it necessary to float to finance its part of the project. The bridge will be about ten miles up the river from Fort Mill. It is expected to open up a considerable i section of Bethel township and cen- J tral York county to direct communi- . cation with Charlotte and other J S'orth Carolina points, but the con- | Uruetlon of a public road to the :>rldgc will be necessary before it can be of general use to the public. i Our Bu We are adding almost i this store. People know g too. We do not olaim to ri and-let-live prices, and thai Phone or bring ns an i true. Groceries, Dry Goodi Fort Mil M 1 , . [ ON THE :: : . > :: < i / < > i: ; This Bank has no 1 i; It is checked up oft ! It is supervised by i: public officials are i j any time, and we h | all right all the tim i \ regularly gone ove tee of directors. We are always on 1 We are vigilant for ! | cause they are tied 0 I First Natu | Capital and Surpli I ^ T. B. SPRATT, ? J. I,. SPRATT, Vico President V OSMOND RARBER, S' ? Vice President I Magic St | Poultry F "Act Like > Thirty years' experience * selling high grade Stock enables the Manufacturer I to give you your money's Guara ; We dealers are authorize chase price of Magic Rer ers are not satisfied with i ] JONES DRUG ; * "On the C Worn Down, ( CrPnroin T Jirhi WAr??_/?f?# /?/ t jrp tr vi#4-vttl Ui | Was Helped by '2 THE personal experience of Mrs. Nannie Phillips, of Powder Springs, Go., Is printed below lni I her own words: | ! "I was In a worn-out condition. Mji i stomach was ont of order. I didn't) i sleep well. I was tired all the time., i I couldn't half eat, and didn't rest] wall at night j ( "I would get out of heart and blue.) i 1 would feel like I was going to be i down In bed. Yet I kept dragging] around. RUB - M Y -TISM [s a powerful Antiseptic and Pain killer, cures infected cuts, * )ld sores, tetter, etc. Relieves <! Sprains, Neuralgia, Rheumatism j siness is Gi daily new names to thfe long 1: ood goods and good service ant in a cut price store, but we do t's why our business continuoi arder and we'll prove to you b, Notions, Shoes. I Cooperative ELS.PARKS, Manager. iHB < I < > oose ends. ; \ < en and regularly. : the Government;; :: liable to drop in i: ave to keep things e. Its affairs are :: ^ < x by the commit- <: * * > > < > the watch, your interests, be- J | up with ours. ] \ *) <? i - < > )nal Bank us ... $ 50,000.00 ; President 4 r. T. BAH HON, Cashier ^ TANHOPE LIQON, ^ Assistant Cashier ' > ? ? ?? * ock and ji! Remedies*! o I t Magic" ?? in manufacturing and 'I and Poultry Remedies ** s of Magic Remedies ' worth. , 41 4 ntee t i , d to refund the pur- ;; nedies in case purchas esults. < I COMPANY, j! ?? orner." ** 4 * ?????????????????????????? Out of Heart id Tired, Tells How She 'iron Iron Tonic. "We heard of Zlron, end from what I read, I wu rare It wouldn't hurt me. If it didn't help ma But after taking It, I found It really helped ma and I lent back for mora I ate better, felt much stronger. I am rare Zlron la i" splendid tonic." Many peopla who are worn down and disheartened, due to stomach disorders rod nerrous Ills, find relief by toning up their blood with Zlion Iron Tonic. Tell your druggist you want to try Zlron on our money-back guarantee. 666 will bretk a cold, Fever and Grippe laicker than anything we know, inventing pneumonia. rowing | 1st of satisfied patrons of I they are potted on prices sell honest goods at live\ to grow, that tho above claim is i Store, * 8 "* \ '? v B V ' Specia We have a bi| And Ba{ 662-3 P klb. ^ $30 Trunks 25 Trunks oa nr - i irunKs 15 Trunks 12 Trunks 10 Trunks Suit Genuine C $30 values 18 travelii 12 travelii on down Suit Cases < These prices are mui day's market prices, see a return of busii Case or Traveling Bj PA1 At The T0<1 iff * a* A UU Majestic = ?jww^eveWv6-^*<* Rjoscoe ( Fatty) Aibu ck,le *.n< 'The Li^fe oF the Party ' i "The Lite of Is a five part "Fatty" 100 per cent pure an< It doesn't advance any lower the high cost of shevism a death blow, of "ups" and "downs' story that moves alo airplane in an Arizona ft will be shown ? TO-DA Y ( WEDNESDAY Open at 3 p. m. Pi Don't waste your money and health using tobacco when worried: Oct a * Brunswick Phonograph. It has the * same aoothlnx effect and makes pleasure f<;r all. i 1 666 it a prescription for Colds, Fe?er and LaGrippe. It's the : * est speedy remedy we know. fotiinm ' . _ __ _ 1 Trunk g stock of Trunk 5s That Go On 2 er Cent Regul now . now . now . now . now . now . Cases and ow Hide Cases now ig bags . ng bags . to . down to :h less than we can replace tl but we have forgotten high f ness at lower prices. If you ! ag come in today # . i lEKSU ay?We "TH "N?, ? Wh< He's fori iVlai Dillifil in i scene fioai\ But \ Paramount Picture t 1 the Party" Arbuckle picture of 1 unadulterated joy. ' theories, attempt to living, or deal BolIt's just a jolly lot " of a comedy love ng like a runaway /^YT/^I /\1> i c ) cnmi"# at The Majestic ONLY? % FEBY. 9th. rices 15c and 30c. 30 cent domestic now 15 centa, and 10 cent quality now 20 centa at Masicy's. Half Price Shoe Hale still going on it Massey's. Hotter hurry while we have your klzo. We order Butterlck Patterns for you and save postage and trouble. Terms to everybody cash with order Massey's. ' ' .**. " * [ * ' ' z I k|^ I ^tWgWWP sp m, Suit Cases Sale At lar Value ?8-M ID.DO 13.35 10.00 7.95 6.65 ags and Bags $19.95 11.92 7.95 98 98 i ic good* for at to>rice? and want to need a Trunk, Suit >N'S > ? ? * " . . . dnesday :e life of the pabty." in "Fatty" Algy looks into 3 friendly eyee of pretty Hilly re's not a thing he would not \o win her heart. She's got lim silly. for her take he goes to court hand the profiteers a wallop proves the judge a crooked port. it very night he has to dollP ampere as a kid of three, ending Milly's "children's ambol," "vamped" and robbed, and sed to floe, wins his sweetheart 'mid all he scramble. ROSCOE (FATTY) arbuckle -The Life Of The Party" New Ooodo at New Prim Apron Qlnchami 10 cents. Dress Olnftuine 11 1*1 to 20 cents, Cheviot 10 cento, Percmt 17 cents, Romper Ctetfc H . cents at M may's. I 666 win Vreak a caM, ftwr 4*1 J (tripft qaickcr tkaa wi 1 kaaw, prtvtatia* pnwwla. 1