iNP*? W-' ? -f ''M
- ;
it the Genuine
and Only
Bromo ^
mm *
( I
The first ami original Gold and
Grip tablet, the merit of which
Is recognized by all civilized
Be careful ( avoid imitations.
Be sure its Bromo
The genuine bear* this signature
| in New York City alone from kid|
ney trouble last year. Don't allow
I yourself to become a victim by
| neglecting pains and aches. Guard
i against this trouble by taking
The world's standard remedy for kidney*
liver, bladder and uric acid troubles.
Holland's national remedy since 1696.
. All druggists, three sizes. Guaranteed.
Leek for the um Gold Medal on ever* boa
and accent no imitation
Mothers, Prepare!
u ucu a Kin .uvuumeB a woman.
When a woman becomes a mother
and when a woman
passes through the
changes of middle
JhJtfSw life, are the thrG?
periods of life when
V Dr. Pierce's Favor^
lte Prescription Is
pA most needed. Many
thousands would
testify Just as does
"jr** the following:
Raphlne, Va.?"I
took Dr. Pleroe's Favorite Prescription
about two years ago during expectancy
and got along fine?better
than any other time. I was ill only
two hours, or maybe less. I am the
mother of seven children."?MRS. J.
Send 10c for large trial package of
Favorite Prescription Tablets to Dr.
Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N.Y.
Bad Stomach
.*1 .. * w .
Sends Her to Bed
k for 10 Months
' EatonSo Gets Her Up /
"Over a year ago," snys Mrs. Dora
Williams, "I took to bed and for 10
months did not think I would live.
Eatonlc helped me so much I nrn now
up and able to work. I recommend It
highly for stomach trouble."
Eatonlc helps people to get well by
taking up and carrying out the excess
acidity and gases that put the stomach
out of order. If you have Indigestion,
sourness, heartburn, belching, food repeating,
or other stomach distress,
take an Eatonlc after each meal. Big
box costs only a trifle with your druggist's
Havre* you
Lumbego or Gout ?
Tkk* RHKJV ACIDK to ndot* tb*e?SM
and drlT* the poteen from Um ijiub.
"iiiuuau oa tni mine
rtm HicuTui oa tot otnmur
At AU Drncitlata
Jai. Bafly A Son, Wlnlutlt DiibiWlm
Send us your name today and
those ot your tnends interested
in gardening and we will send
you absolutely free a copy of our
56 Page Valuable Informatiok
69*71 Commercial Place, Norfolk, Va.
Cuticura Soap
Without Mug
Qttaor joy U t>? fmTorH, focrofotyrMor tkmrt**.
m npismysMiVoiiBi
Wsiated Coughs
Mm hOm eonpUcatkMM If ouhcad.
a M tld Ml bin* tried rotnedr th.t
MOwwMkctlaa for inore llion ftfey jr?*r?
The Value of Whi&key, Wine and CU
der Destroyed, at Blind TlQer
Prices Estimated at $15,000.
Florence.?In his annual report L>
Governor Cooper, Chief State Detective
Flchelberger calls attention to
the fact that from the cases brought
by him into the courts during the
past year numbering 157, there have
been 119 pleas of guilty, three acquittals
and three mistrials. Thirtytwo
cases have not been tried. From
the cases tried fines were imposed
and collected Ua the amount of $21,670
with a total tlmo ti\
eral prisons and chaingangs of 7,160
days. Through the efforts of Mr.
Eichelberger and the fedoral, city and
county officers who assisted him.
there were destroyed 161 Illicit whiskey
stills, 2-77 gallons of whiskey, 7.050
gallons of mash, 150 gallons of
cider, 205 gallons of wine. The value
of the whiskey, wine and cider destroyed
at prevailing blind tiger
prices Jb estimated at over $15,000.
Mr. Eichelberger's territory covers
about ten counties. During the pest
year he has made 610 separate raids.
Anderson.?At a meeting of the city
council steps were taken to keep boys
off the streets at night, and it was
voted that no boy under 14 should be
allowed on the streets after 9 o'clock
at night, and the police were given
orders to this effect. A suggestion
was also made that any stranger seen
an the street after 12 o'clock should
be investigated, and made to show
satisfactory reasons why he should
he out at so late an hour. The city
fathers seemed to think that the
might assist in the movement to curb
Clemson College.?Marketing hogs
by co-operative shipment has had a
continued and steady growth, demonstrating
the fact that it is the most
practical and profitable method of di?.
potlng of surplus swine. Thousands
of cars of hogs have been shipped
from various Southern states by the
co-operatLve method, which has given
satisfaction, says L. H. Lewis, extension
agent in marketing, who has prepared
information card No. 14 entiled
"Marketing South Carolina Hogs."
Rock Hill.?Tho city council has
awarded to Ely Construction company
contract for $100,000 worth of paving,
the bid being $3.45 for a three-inch
sheet asphalt on five-inch concrete
base. There were 18 bidders and the
prices ranged from $9S,400 to $121,000
on the Job. The city has the
option of getting additional paving at
the same rate, if desired. The contract
is about six per cent under that
of last year, and Is considered an
especially good ore.
Columbia.?Bodies of 23 soldiers
who died overseas have reached Columbia
and will be sent under escort
from Camp Jackson to formor homes
of the soldiers In Georgia, Florida,
North and South Carolina.
Included In the list were 12 South
Carolinians, five Georgians, four North
Carolinians and two from Florida.
Orangeburg.?The city council of
Orangeburg has passed a resolution
calling upon landlords of this city to
reduce rent in accordance with the
reduction in wages in this community.
Rents in Orangeburg have soared high
and as there is a general wage cutting,
the city fathers feel that rent
should come down proportionately.
Gaffney^?W. S. Hall of Gaffney was
chosen the messenger to go to Washington
with the official vote of the
South Carolina presidential electors
at the meeting of the electors held in
the office of the secretary of state
Extract of Ginger Siezed.
Lancaster.?SherifT Hunter, Chief
Bell, Constable Montgomery and Policeman
Connor arrested and odlged
I..t1 T W ^.1 4 " * *
iu juii u. xu. uuuui, nuuen uaum ana
Adam Din/in on the charge of having
in their possession extract of ginger
and selling the same as a bevarage.
The officers seized 31 two ounce hottels
of ginger, 21 empty bottles of
like size, eight four ounce bottles And
a five quart bottle filled with the same
stuff. The automobile in which the
ginger was transported was tuken and
will be sold.
Syndicate Strikes Oil.
Charleston.?The Charleston syndicate
which has "struck oil" near Summerville,
is considering two courses
of procedure in regard to the inter
esting situation. The well drilling
will either be continued beyond the
present depth of 2.113 feet, in hope
of getting a stronger yield of petroleum,
or the stem drill will be remov
ed. casings set in place, and water
pumped out, to determine what flow
of oil *s available. Drilling has been
suspended until a cave-in is corrected
with stitfqping clay.
A Paying Colleton tank.
Walterboro.?The directors of the
Colleton Banking company held a re
cent meeting, at which It was decided
to declare a 12 per cent dividend
carry 10 per cent to the surplus ac
count, and leave the balance. mor<
than a thousand dollars In the undi
vlded profits accounts. This bank now
haa a capital stock of 160,000 and sur
pins of $15,000. The annual stockhol
ders meeting will be held January 12
A splendid report will be made bj
the officers, showing h good year"i
work. , >L if
I .
Feel All Worn Out?
Hm a ooid, grip, or otkv infectious
WIMI lipped jroor strength? Do jroa
suffer backachm look ambition, feel dull
and depressed? Look to tow kidney#!
Physicians (free that kidney troubW
often reeulte from infectious disease.
Too often the kidneys are neglected because
tho sufferer doesn't realise they
have broken down under the strain of
filtering disease created poisons from
the blood. If your back is bad, your
kidneys act irregularly, and you feel all
ran down, use Doan'a Kidney Fitly.
Doan't hare helped thousands, lit
your neighbor/
A South Carolina Caie
J. W. Ereklne,
retired farmer, 640
N. Fant St.". Ander"There
was' a pain
through the small
of my back and 1
was often so sore J
and lame I could n
hardly straighten MnMAk U
after bending. My
kidneys dtdn't act
right and I had to
get up often during \
the night. I used
Doan's Kidney Pills and they entirely
cured me."
Get Dean's at Amy State, OOe a Bea
Vaseline !
Reg U S.Pat Off
An antiseptic
dressing for cuts
sores, etc. ?
A necessity
where there
are children.
State Street ' New York
Mothera ibould k?p It' of Br.aie'a Vipomeotb.
air. convenient. When Croup. Iilteui o? Pnoamania
threaten, ihn dcllf htfal nlr* rubbed wall lata
the throat, cheat and ander tha arma. aril I roller, th.
choklnf. break c? creation ut promon reatfal Uaw.
will noi sum rot aonits
$1M1 ?B jn^gmu m ml *n*tf
An evildoer Is one who believes in
doliiK others before they utteiupt to do
"California Syrup of Figs"
Child's Best Laxative '
Accept "California" Syrup of Figs
only?look for the name Cullfornia on
the package, then you are sure your t
chlM Is having the best and most harm- c
less physic for the little stomach, liver i
and bowels. Children love its fruity c
taste. Full directions on euch bottle, j
You must say "California."?Adv. 1
There's one peculiarity about women J
?the more n man knows abbut them t
the more he has to learn. I
AcniniM 1
Name "Bayer" on Genuine ?
Warning! Unless you see tlie nam*
? "Bayer" on pnckage or on tablets you
> are not getting genuine Aspirin preI
serlbetl by physlclnns for twenty-one
years and proved safe by millions.
Take Aspirin ouly as told In the Ilayer
package for Colds, Headache, Neural*
1 gin, Hlieumntl.stn, Earache, Toothache,
Lumbago and for I'ain. Handy tin
1 boxes of twelve Bayer Tablets of As
!> ! VODI iciv 1-t-iiis. LTUK){>^^ fll-SO
sell larger packages. Aspirin Is the
1 trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of
1 Monoacetlcacldester of Sallcycacld.? I
A man Is foolish to borrow trouble
' when there are so many i>eople anxi
ions to give It away.
> I JSL 9 FIOnAKo'aAFI ^
VP H PIhms J?M ApfditM A
I Soak 1 envelope Ckkn' Granu- g
JJ lated CdbliM in M cup cold water _
r B and melt over iteam; add M cup _
sugar, 1 pt. Grape Juice, and the "
juice of 2 Orange* and 1 Lemon
strained. Mould in sherbert glasses *
act is coM fte* ?o balden. Caraiah vlik B
*tl|H err am. Scire* elfkc |
W. N. U.. CfHARLOTTK, NO. 4-1821.
V ' ' J-. # . >* i
You Don't Need to Sicken, Gripe
or Salivate Yourself to
Start Liver.
You're bilious, sluggish, constipated.
You feel headachy, your stomach may
be sour, your breath bad, your skin
sallow aud you believe you need Tile,
dangerous calomel to start liver and
Here's my guarantee 1 Ask your druggist
for a bottle of Dodson's Liver
Tone and take a spoonful touight. If It
doesn't start your liver and straighten
you right up better than calomel und
without griping or making you sick I
want you to go back to the store and
get your money.
Take calomel today and tomorrow
you will feel weak and sick and nauseated.
Don't lose a day. Take a
spoonful of harmless, vegetable Dodson's
Liver Tone tonight and wake up
feeling splendid. It Is perfectly harmless,
so give it to your children any
time. It can't salivate.?Adv.
The Inconsistent Male.
Men are inconsistent. They complain
If their wives don't rend the
newspapers and keep up with Important
events, and yet few of them read
the fnshion notes.?Baltimore Sun.
After Long Suffering Mrs. Siefert
Was Restored to Health by
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Pottsville. Pa. ?"I suffered with
female trouble for four or five years and
Hwas very irregular.
I was not fit to do
from a doctor and
got no benefit. I
saw Lydia E. Pinkham's
Compound advertised
in the newspapers
and took it
and got all right. I
pounds or more and
am now able to do my work. I recommend
the Vegetable Comnound to mv
friends and you may use these facts as a
testimonial. '?Mrs. Sallie Siefert,
313 W. Fourth Street Pottsville, Pa.
The everyday life of many housewives
is a continual struggle with weakness
and pain. There is nothing more wearing
than the ceaseless round of household
duties and they become doubly hard
when some female trouble makes every
bone and muscle ache, and nerves all on
* If you are one of these women do not
suffer for four or five years as Mrs.
Siefert did, but profit by ner experience
and be restored to health by Lydia E.
Pink ham's Vegetable Compound.
First Step in Treatment Is & Brisk
Purgative With Calotabs, the
Purified and Refined Calomel
Tablets that are Nausealess,
Safe and Sure.
Doctors have found by experience
hat no medicine for eolda and inflninza
can be dependod upon for full eflectiveneas
until the liver is made thor?ughly
active. That is why the first
itep in the treatment is the new, nauseaess
colomel tablets called Calotabs,
vhich are free from the sickening and
veakenlng effects of the old stylo ealonel.
Doctors also point out the fact
hat an active liver may go a long way
owards preventing influenza and ia one
if the most important factors in enabling
the patient to auccessfullr withitand
an attack and ward off pneunonia.
One Calotab on the tongue at bed
:ime with a swallow of water?that's
ill. No salts, no nausea nor the slightsat
interference with your eating, pleasire
or work. Next morning your cold
ias vanished, your liver is active, your
lystem is purified, and you are feeling
S IlL . 1 1!.- -?? * *
iiur# niiu tt Hppuiuo xor oreAK*
fast. Druggists sell Calotabs only in
original sealed packages, priee thirtySve
cents. Yonr money will be cheerfully
refunded if you do not find than
Jllj^ Keep a
rag | Bottle Bandy
&3t[ Pain whether it
come* from rheu5.T..
matism, neuralgia,
sciatica, backache
or sprain is usually
2251 most acute at night
If you have a bottle of Yager's
Liniment handy and use it you
get quick relief. Price 35c.
?? The Urge bottle contains twice
M much aa the usual 50c bottle of
Uniment and latta the averajte fam
Ill ily tor months. At all dealers. Ill
OTLBKBT BROS.* COh n>ltliaor? Ud.
Bolgiano's 1921 Catalof
LX >><7 Bent free to all who ask
\ JMUsM/ 7 (or It. Blfftr and bettai
VjnnPC)/ than ever, with beautiful
X/' r 1 iy colored covera and full ot
To all wj|) aend 10c with their requeat foi
the catalog, we will aend alao one packet
Jfch of Bolglaao'a Scarlet Globe Radish
Berly Fortune Cnewnber. New Stone Tarnato,
Iloljrlnno'a Featherbloom Aatera. Bolalano'a
(linn* Flowered Zlaalae, Capitol
Wared Spencer Sweet Pea*.
Sent you with thla drat order will b* ac-1
cepted an 25c caah payment whan returned
with -any future order of 91.00 or mora
V. W. BOLOIANO A OO.. Washington. D. 0
1919 B St., N. W. The Nat Ion'a Capital
fSBGt \
Gsrsldln* Farrar and Number Othsrs
8ecursd to DallgH tAudiencaa at
Spartanburg's Qala Event.
Spartanburg. ? Geraldine Farrar
heads the group of noted arttata secured
for the Spartanburg music festival.
according to announcement by
Prof. Edmond Morris, director.
With Miss Farrar on artists' night
will appear Qulssippl Deluca, famous
To date seven artists of the Metropolitan
Opera company have been secured
and there will be five others.
?Mme. Florence Easton, soprano,
will sing. Associated w!th her will
be Sophie Breslau, contralto.
McBee.?Arrangements bave been
completed for the holding of the largest
peach dewberry and grape meeting
in the state at McBee Friday,
January 28. For many years peacb
growers of this section have been
making from $5,00 to $1,000 per acre,
and plan to put out 1,250,000 more
treeB this winter in the sand hills of
North and South Carolina. Clemson
AYgkrultural college, the Seaboaid All
Line railway farmers and business
men nf thin nntlro ?oo?lnn
that there Is no better place in the
South for fruit production.
Charleston.?Of more than local interest
will be the public mass meeting
to be held in this city on the night
of January 17, when distinguished
surgeons from different parts of the
country will deliver short talks on
preservation of health, preventive
medicines .and better hospital facilities,
in language of a non-technical
stylev this being the only "open" event
of the convention of the South Carolina
section, American College of
I Surgeons.
Florence.?After sawing their way
through tw.o sets of bars, Fred Lawson
and three other prisoners made
their escape from the Florence county
jail. Lawson was recently arrest
ed in Charleston charged with burglarizing
three stores at Poston, 8. C.,
and brought here for trial. t
Anderson.?Three natives of Vera
Cruz, Mexico, were sent to Hesters
Station on the C. and W. C. railroad
recently to buy some of the famous
lighting cocks of Col. S. J. Hester.
Col. Hester has often shipped" cocks to
niexico, hut this was the first visit of
real Mexicans to his "chicken ranch."
to invest in cocks. Colonel Hester
did not state the number of cocks
bought, but did state the price paid
him was 12,100.
Columbia.?John Lantye Mlmnaugh,
wealthy Columbia merchant, died at
his home after an illness of 29 weeks.
Death, which was sudden, was due to
angina pectoris. He hixl been ill since
last September but of late his condition
had been considered as Improved
therefore his unexpected death came
as a distinct shock to his family and
Rock 1H11.?Conferences are being
held by contractors and brick masons
with a view of arirving at new wage
scales for this city. It is realized
that a reduction is necessary because
of present conditions and the conferences
were arranged that an equitable
scale might be arrived at, also
that a concerted effort might result
in renewed building activity.
RIdgeville.?It was learned that the
Dixie Duroc farms, Inc., a local corporation,
had been placed In the hands
of a receiver by Judge Bowman. This
farm was organized about a year ago
by E. E. Auchmoody, a thoroughly
practical and experienced breedor of
pure bred hogs, and the news of the
receivership was a surprise to 1 ,val
Estill.?A turnip with a circumference
of 29 inches, has appeared on
Main street at this place.
Another turnip grown nearby tried
a different route measuring 13 1-2
inches in circumference and being 22
inches long.
Qaffney,?T. M. Hughey and Claude
and Luther Hughey. sons were placed
under .honds of $590 each at a preliminary
examination in which the defendants
were charged with operating
one of Cherokee's famous washont
Farmers to Grow Peaches.
Spartanburg.?Subscriptions for 30
acres to a commercial peach orchard
wore taken at Cramling. Among the
leaders in the movement for a peach
orchard on - a commercial scale In
this section is Ben Gramlin, one of the
best known farmers and business men
| of the county. Associated with him
are men prominent in the afTairs of
their community.
The meeting was held in the store
of Mr. Gramling and was attended by
fifty or more farmers, who are enthused
over the project.
Barbers Reduce Prices.
Florence.?Indicating that the people
of Lake City, Florence county, are
keeping a close watch on the general
downward trend of prices, the barbers
there have announced a cut in charges
from 25 cents for shaves and 50
cents for hair cuts to 15 cents and 35
cents for the same services. Old customers
who have been shaving themselves
and skipping hair cuts until
driven to the shops by their wives, hecause
of the high price of the luxury,
are now going back to the barber
Anderson/?At a meeting held In the
rooms of the chamber of commerce to
discuss the lawlessness in this county
and the ways to prevent it there were
six preachers, five school teachers,
seven women, five newspaper representatives
three lawyers and a ? few
others. Not a single banker, physician
or merchant was present The
Rev. Witherspoon Dodge opened the
meeting by stating that not until the
people get together and do something
for themselves, will conditions bo any
^ o #
Wet feet bring c
Unpl entirely rid of a cough or cold, 1<
gl~ jg<=?3rg i pf.di
tSajaS^r bMkt cold or I L IV
S3@wAr7thee,eet TIsMboeeEi
tablets or liquid i???
:: Look Out for Rh
I j As Win
So many cases of Rheumatism
come from a tiny disease germ that
infests the blood, that physicians
are beginning to realize that this
source of the disease in Wnminw
quite prevalent. Of course a disease
that has its source in the
blood cannot be reached by local
remedies applied to the surface.
One remedy that has given splendid
results m the treatment of
Bheumatism is S.S.S., the fine old
M i^vveraDs,Jumpers,Uoifo
ALSf made of strong, fade
StMel's Indigo C
side the garment to be sure<
>? * - V genuine, which positively
i not fade or break In tt
, Dealer* everywhere *cU Overall*, JumDtn i
We arc maker* <
'Wheeling. W. Vs.
You will never make a mistake by
talking to a man about himself.
Constipation generally Indicate* disordered
atomach. liver and bowel*. Wright-* Indian
Vegetable Pllla restore regularity without
. Some wise married women can draw
the line between coaxing and nagging.
Cuticura Soothes Itching Scalp
On retiring gently rub spots ??f dandruff
autl itching with Ou Ileum ointment.
Next morning shampoo witli
Cuticura Soap and hot water. Make
them your every day lollel preparations
and have a clear skin and soft, white
luu ids.?Atlv. Too
many drawing-room smiles deteriorate
Into kitchen frowns.
Hall's Catarrh Medicine
Those who are In a "run down" condition
will notice that Catarrh bothers |
them much more than when they are In ;
good health. This fact proves that while
Catarrh Is & local disease. It Is greatly '
Influenced by constitutional conditions. I
Tonic and Blood Purlfler, and acts through |
the blood upon the mucous surfaces ot {
the body, thus reducing the Inflammation
and restoring normal conditions.
All druggists Circulars free.
W. J. Cheney <t Co., Toledo, Ohio.
The man who never Rives offense is
ns scarce as he Is desirable.
Stops Hair Coming Out;
Thickens, Beautifies.
A few cent* bays "Danderlne.'* After
o few applications you cannot And
a fallen hair or any dandruff, besides
every hair shows new life, vigor, brightness,
more color and abundance.?Adv.
The epicure catches the early bird.
I Kill That
Colds, Coogbs
Neglected Colds
Taks as chances. Kaap this atandart
Braaks op s cold in
Qrippa in 3 days?Bi
Qoinlns In this form docs not aifa
l.asativa? No Opiate in Hill's.
" i V-;.' H
Dokout They are a source of danger.
II A| Two venerations have knows '-W.
Il-Nll PE-RU-N A and ita aatonlab- ^
iff in* luccca In the retial ml ^
W ' catnrrhal dtam. Tb? proper
medicine to haveaohaaS
MpMykM^T >or everyday iUa.
eumatism |
iter Approaches |
blood remedy that has been sold by
uruK^iBLs ior more tnan nicy years. v
S.S.S. acts by driving out of the
blood the disease germ that causes
Rheumatism, thus affording real
| relief.
Begin taking S.S.S. today and if
you will write a complete history
of your case, our medical director
will give you expert advice, without
charge. Address Chief Medical
Adviser, 151 Swift Laboratory, At*
lanta, Ga. y
tnd Uniforms mxlt of Stifel's Indigo Gollu
il the cloth o?ly.
1ndtgo Dyer* and Printer*^
260 Church Street. New York
Their Use.
"Courtroom doors ought to be made
on n liberal scale."
"Why ho?"
"Because they nre Intended to b?
open to conviction."
A Strong Witness
Natchez, Miss.?"The best medicines
I have ever used In my home w.
are 1->r- Pierce's. We
gsjJRv have U8ed the 'Gold
U en Medical DIbcotwp
ery* ub a blood med\i
^J icinoand as a tonic,
. / alao for deep-seated
" couK^B ant* weak
V 1UI|?8' an{* ^ waa
"I always keep Dr.
Pierce's PleaBant Pellets in my home
for ubo when needed. I have given
them to my children since thoy were
quite small. They can be given with
safety to the smallest child, owing
to their being free from any injurious
drug. Tboy regulate the stomach,
liver and bowels in a mild, but very
effective way. I cannot speak too
highly of Dr. Pierce's mediclneB."?
MRS. J. B. GILBERT, 212 St. Cathrinft
Qt nftA* All J ? J_i"
w mv?wv. ail u1 u&&13ls.
Keep Stomacla and Bowels Right I
Br giving baby the harmless. purely I
ege table. infant*' and children's regulator. I
briars astonishing, gratifyIn* results I
tp making beby's stomach digest
Stood and bowels more as *?
they should at tsethlng C
time. Guaranteed free
from narcotics, op I- /y 7^^
atea. alcohol and all
harmful lngrsdU 7\S~9,?< Jim
ents. Safeand^
Cabbage Plants
for Sale
Orown In the open air on the sea coast of
South Carolina. The kind that we set nut.
which stand severe colds and make cabbages
for us. V/e have the finest lot of these
plants this srnson we ever grew. Early Jersey
Wakeltelds. I,argn Type Wakeflelds and
Buceaslnn. Prices K. O. B here by Express:
100 for II 26. 1.C00 for 12 00. 5.000 for I*.76.
or 10.000 for 116 00. Hy Parcel Post In 8. C.:
600 fo- $1.60 or 12.60 per 1.000. In Oa. and
N. C.: 600 for 11.76 or 12 75 per 1.000. In
Fla., Ala . Miss., Tenn. and V*,: 600 for
12 00 or $3.00 per 1.000 Will be Klad to
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