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"% X __ Helped Fall "Ziron Did Us Both Oo of Nortfi Eti a well-kaown medical (act, that rea la a necessary constituent of the Mood, and that blood lacking Irotwls Ntaai of many troubles that only Iron Zfroru a acJentfHc eompound of Iron wNh ?wr lataatila Ingredients, Is the . remedy la take when your Mood needs more tea, and your system requires a tools. Braa la mAd and harmless, does not sMM dm teeth, and Is good lor children as ?d as adults. Mr. P. Q. Qentry, of Norene, Tcnn., SHORT ITEMS OF NEWS PICKED UP ABOUT TOWN MIm lCaj Owens is spending the Thanksgiving holidays with Miss LUa Dixon In York. The Hev. W. R. Bauknlght spent Tuesday and Wednesday with his mother in Newberry. The honor roll of the Fort Mill graded school for the tlrst quarter of the current session will be printed in The Time* next week. Many of the. Fort Mill boys and girl* who have been away this fall attending college are at home for the Thanksgiving holidays. Ulss Bulow Masscy has returned to Mitobell college, Statesvlllo, N. C., after a visit of several days at the homo of her father, L*. J. Masscy. A oui amounting to bdoui i?? per sent waa made several days ago In the wage* of the employees of the Tort Mill Manufacturing company. The Rer J. W. H. Dyches. Th. D.. pastor of the Fort Mill Baptist ehuroh returned home yesterday after a week'* visit to relatives In Rernwell county. The business of tho Fort Mill Wholesale Grocery company. William Belk, president, ha* been moved from the building the company formerly oseupied on White street to a building on upper Main street. An airplane la said to have fnllon with tho pilot, one of the Boylos boys of Rock Hill, from a considerable height, a short distance beyond Catawha river from Fort Mill. Tuesday afternoon and tho pilot considerably Injured. Harvey Capps, 14-year-old son of Mr. and Mr*. J. L>. Capps. met with the misfortune a few days ngo of breaking his left leg near the ankle while playing football with a number of his schoolmates on the grounds of the Fort Mill Preabyterinn church. Hunters in this section recently have hAd the good fortune to bag a considerable number of wild ducks, the number of which to be found along the water courses near Fort Mil! is uald to be larger this year than for several yeara. After spending ten days nt the home of hi* father Monroe Merrltt, and other relatives in Fort Mill, H. E. Merrltt will leuve Saturday for his home at Boraluno, I^a. Mr. Morrltt Is a locomotive engineer on the New Orlean* & Grand Northern railroad. The fall session of the Gold Hill public school was resumed Monday morning, after a suspension of several weeks with Miss Huth Lee 8hulor and Mian Ida Lee Parler, both of Klloree, Orangeburg county. In charge. The school Is to run for bIx months. B. H. Patterson and family have moved Into the homo Mr. Peterson recently had orected on the corner of Forest nncl Hall streets. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nims and their children will occupy tho cottage on Hall Btreet out of which Mr. Patterson and his family have Just moved. Business generally is appended In Fort Mill today In observance of Thanksgiving dny. Tho stores, cotton mills and banka are closed and at the postofBce Sunday hours nre being observed. Tho cotton mills. It Is stnted. will not resume operations until next Monday morning. The Fort Mill friends of Miss I-lzele Gulp, who moved several years ago from this community to Black Mountain, N. C\. with her niece. Miss Alice White, will learn with plensure that she ho* been able to return to her homo nf?er undergoing an operation at nn Ashevllle hospital. A Chevrolet automobile belonging to Hugh Wisher caught tire on the public road about one milo south of town last Thursday evening and was completely ruined by the flames. Mr. Wisher was driving tho car at the time and he says he thinks th? whs caused by Imperfect electric wlrlug. Numerous Fprt Mill poople arc interested in the address which "Billy" fiunday, noted evangelist, Is to deliver -In Charlotto on the evening of December XI and many from thin placo are expecting to hoar the address, which le to be delivered under the auspice* of the Oood Fellows* club of Charlotte. The Plnevllle coton mill, one of the Chadwlck-Hosklns group of mills, indeQpltely suspended operations last Wednesday afternoon, according to information reaching Fort Mill from Plnevllle. Many of the former employee* of the mill are said to be moving to other mills in this section to find employment. A report was current In Fort Mill yesterday that the Carhartt mill in Nook Hill would resume operations next Monday morning, following the suspension of work at the mill several weeks ago. There was nothing In the report, however, about resumption of operations at the Carhartt plant at Carhartt. three miles out of Fort Mill, which also has been Idle for some time. Conalderable opposition Is said to have developed to the proposition advanced a few weeks ago that the town eoundl of Fort Mill pass an ordlnsnee prohibiting pig pens in town. Members of eouncll recently have received numerous requests that no sueh ordinance he passed. Mcnnwhll*" some of those responsible for the agnation eav that If conditions nro notl bster next lummtr than they were! ; ' bWrh- vc RijjS*' i' 'vR' * ' -v^ ? v. ' !.' ' V' <r " f: icr antf <Ston j vd, " Writes Mr. Uentry, te, Tepn. .1 writes: "Zlron Iron Ironic has made good in my family. I halve used H to a very great advantage tol myself and my 14year-old boy. H aid us botb good. 1 think It isa good medicine tor what it is recommended." II you are pale, weak, tired, feel down and out, take Ziron. It will put Iron into your blood, and should help build you up. Qet a bottle from your druggist today, and give ZIRON a fair trial. Slid by him under a money-back guarantee. Ask him about it He will tell you. tlie pant summer appeal will be made to the State board of health for reIfef. I Heath Belk has returned to the home of his mother. Mrs. \fT E. Belk, in Fort Mill, after an absence of several months. durlnK which he was employed ut the plant of the Oyer iana auiomoime compuny, ioiviiu, Ohio, which cut off a considerable part of its force a' few weeks ago. Another son of Mrs. Belk, Luther Belk. who also was employed by the Overland company, is now in Califbrnia working for a distributing company. He expects to go to Vancouver before returning to Port Mill. The ease of W. 8. Parker, accused of cutting and seriously Injuring L.. IBobbins and John Bobbins, father and son, in a difficulty with the two men at Carhartt mill, at Carhartt, some weeks ago. was to be heard this week at the November term of court In York. The difficulty between the men Is said to have grown out of different opinions they held as to the activity of the focal branch of the textile union at Carhartt. Parker was formerly a worker in one of, the Fort Mill eotton mills and a number of character witnesses from this place were summoned to York Monday to testify in his behalf. , FOPIIIK llRAHIiAU COMING T<^ WINTHHOP COLLFflE. The concert of Sophie Braslau on December 7th at Winthrop College is: hailed as one of the great musical events of the season. Miss Rrnslau is, recognized as one of the stars of the Metropolitan Opera Company nn?l In the estimation of the musical world one of the three genuine contraltos, Madame Homer and Madame Schamnnn-Holnk being the other two. Miss Rrasiau is still under 30. Having a radiant youth, magnetic and a sinerre a|>preclatlon of art. she hns gained for herself an enviable reputationThose who wish tickets may secure them by mailing a check to VVInthrop College, from which place tickets will be sent. Reserved seats, $1.50. SCIb ?ol. ATTKXI?ANCE. The compulsory school term will begin on Monday, NoveTnb?-r 3J, anu continue for four months. This uppiles to all schools in session on that date ami to nil i-iiii.ii ..>> l?.i ? >. ages of eight and fourteen yours. In ihe raw of schools opening luior, th? compulsory term wl^l begin with tluschool term. All coir.municiitions in regard to school attendance should bo addressd to Mr, I.eslic I.. Siuitb and Miss Alice 1. Garrison, Attendance Udiccrs York. S. C. JOHN E. CAIIUOI.U 2t Supt of E(l. Rub-My-Tism it a powerful antiseptic; it kills the poison caused from infected cuts, cures old sores, tetter, etc. - - 1 - 11 666 quickly relieves Constipation Biliousness, Loss of Appetite, and Headache, due to Torpid Liver. 666 cures Malaria, Chilis and Fever, Bilious Fever, Colds and LaGrippe. It kills the parasite that causes the fever. It is a splendid laxative and general Tonic.?Adv666 has more imitations than any other Chill and Fever Tonic on the. market, but no one wants Imitations. They are dangerous things in the medicine line.?Adv. I The Bis Is the best place Come to see us wl Price and Goods. We guarantee al patrons. Fort Mil ? i % roar mill time For Ten I I ' ~ ~ .* - , With each $ 1 .C r 1 ? account we wi One 25c Can c Gee-On Wr Hutchinson's Phone K s Save You <racts are staring you body talking hard tiro cheap goods: ALL DRINKS M Ik Drinks f CIGARETTES, Better Goods for Less The Candy H. CARROS, 1 Special Grot 1100 lb. Selfrisinjj Flour. 50 ll>. Self rising Vlour 25 lb. Selfrisintr Flour.^ 1-2 Bushel of Meal.2. Sack of Shorts ___ 8 lb. Bucket Snowdrift Lard 4 lb. Bucket Swift Jewel Lar 4 lbs. loose Roast. d Coffee, gr 1 lb. Arbuckle CofFee lib. Suprar 15c. or 7 lbs Irish Potatoes, per peck..-Sweet. Potatoes, per i?ecl< __ Cotton Seed,Meal 7..per cent, Cotton Seed Feed Meal, per { I Cotton Seed Hulls, per Sack.. B. C. FER EVERYTHING 1 AND B] STAPLE Af GROC! Ar EVEEi AT THE S' O. vJ< * Question to buy Heavy and ion ?r/vn ????* avu J wu W am ijailM4 1 these and watch t 1 Cooperative ?. W. PARKS, Manager. > 8, FORT MTLI., 8.0. )ays Only )0 received on \ * II give FREE >f tnder Soap i Pharmacy, \ fa. 91 r Money in the face?everyes. Here are some 1 6c 1 'ot Included 20s . . I8c Money. Kitchen Proprietor. ' 1 Today jj ; Fancy Groceries. g action in Service, :he wants of our c Store, p ' C ?R eery Prices 1 $0 00 * 300 I 1.50 I 1.00 I x- 2 50 ft. - 1.75 iL__ 90 g oundorbean 1.00 K 30 S - -1 1.00 | 50 50 Per sack. 3.00 Sack 2 50 | . 1.00 GUSON. II III.' 'HE FRESHEST EST IN ID FANCY EREES % fi 9 TORE OF D3STIEJ3 , I ? V A Week A 1* rnce acljus * A KIMBF / dcssallncs, l>lnck nntl colors, the yard $1.99 'aney Stripe Crepe tie Chine ShirtIns. $3 value, yard $1.99 >Vool Serso. hlack anil navy, $2.50 value, yard $1.99 IVool Trlcoline, In black and nary, $2.50 value, yard $1.99 leatherbloom Petticoats, In black. value $2.50 $1,119 .adics' Knitted , Petticoats, value $2.50 $1.99 ladies' Outing Gowns, $3.50 value $1.99 Children's Outing Gowns,, $1.75 value, two for 41.99 lahy Blankets, value $2.75 ....$1.99 Uaby Blankets, value $1.25, two for $1.91) Indies' Union Suits, value $2.50 for $1.99 16-inch Sea Island. 30 cent value. 10 yhrds for ~. $1.99 liest Outing, 50 cent value, eight yards for $1.99 16-inch Bleaching, 30 cent value, 10 yards for $1.99 >ress Gingham, 50 cent value, six yards for $1.99 \pron Gingham, value 25 cents. 12 yards for $1.99 For One Week, Beginning 1 gains At $1.99. Come And ( A.11 Coat Suits, ^liddy Suits, Prices. ^o. 9941 REPORT OF THE < THE FIRST NATIONAL In the State of South Curolina, at the - mil >v:i ?>U. KESOU] Loans nnd discounts, including redlsct Notes and Idlls rcdlscounted with F,< ul Itcscrve Dunk (other than 1 acceptances sold) Notes and bills rcdlscounted other t with Federal Reserve Rank (ot than bunk acceptances sold) Overdrafts unsecured U. S. Government Securities owned: Deposited to secure circulation (U. value) Pledged as collateral fct State or otlu bills payable < >\vned and unpledged Stock of Federal Reserve Rank (T>0 pi Furniture and Fixtures Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve t'ash in vault and net amounts due fr Net amounts due from banks, bankers the Unitod states Checks on other banks in same* city o Cheeks on banks located outside of bank and other cash items Redemption fund with U. S. Trcasn Treasurer Interest earned but not collected?? Hills Receivable not past due. . Total LIABI1 Capital stock paid in Surplus fund Undivided prolits less current cxpen? Interest and discount collected or ere turity and not earned?.approxiu Amount reserved for taxes accrued... .\mount reserved for all interest accr Circulating notes outstanding Cashier's checks on own bank outsta Individual deposits subject to check. . Total of demand deposits, subject t Certificates of deposit (other than for t Other time deposits Total of time deposits subject t o l\ S. Government Securities borrowed cral security for same Hills payable, other than with Fedora ing all obligations representing n than rediscounts '.ills payable with Federal Reserve Ha Total liabilities for rediscounts with Fe< Viabilities for rediscounts other than Rank Total contingent liabilities Of the total loans and discounts >n which interest and discount was c! )f those permitted by law (Sec. 5197, lotes upon which total charge not to ,vns none. The number of such loa >tatc of South Carolina. County of Yo I, W. T. Rarron, Cashier of the i iwear that the above statement is tru >clief Subscribed and sworn to before m Correct Attest: T. Ft. SPR ATT. J. T. YOUNG. I.. A. HARRIS. Directors. SUMM '.apital and Surplus 'rof it Account deposits 'esources .... W: 1 v ,' ? 4 9 111 : of Big ? tment" Sale A iELL'S 40 cent Pnjama Cloth. eight yards for f 1.99 Laco Trimmed and Embroidered Scarfs, value $1.60, two for..$1.99 I?atfics' Silk Hose, all shades, value tip to 111.00, two pairs for.91.99 Ladies' Silk Hose, In white and black, value up to $3.00, pulr-91.99 Ladles' Lisle Hose, Muster IJrown, value 65c. four pairs for .. . ? ?t? Boys' Buster Brown Hose, large size, value GOe, four pairs fur.$1.WW Boys" Buster Brown Hose, small size, value 50 cents, five pairs.91.0V Barge size, pure I.lnen Towel, value *1.25, two for Sl.W Children's Velvet Hats and Caps, value up to $3.00 Sl.W Children's Gingham Dresses, value *3.00 $1.WW Best quality, 0-4 Illeeched Sheeting. value $1.25 yard. 2 1-2 yards for SI.WW Best quality Sheets, 81x00, value $2.75, one for Sl.W Best quality Pillow CifSes, value 50 cents, live for Sl.W 4 4-inch Indinnhcnd, value 6 5c, ^ four yards for . , m Canon Cloth, 40 cent quality, six yards for Sl.W "riday, We Will Offer Barjet Your Share. , Etc., at Greatly Reduced CONDITION OF BANK, AT FORT MILL, 4n.n ..f 1 --- - - ..~ vr? .Iiimucaii on INOV. 15, 1920. Keserve 1 Hstrlct No. 5 ttCKS. >1111 tu >426,918.99 HllT. # . . junk >65.332.01 .. 4.JT ban , her . . 5,000.00?>60,332.01 >366,686.98 6,730.22 S. bonds pur >40,00').00 r deposits or 35,000.00 5,350.00 80.360.00 ;r cent of subscription). 1,500.00 2,850.00 Hunk 15,521.03 om national hunks . . . . 4,808.11 und trust companies In 769.29 ir town us reporting hunk 1,450.19' city or town of reportinK 1.950.001 irer and due from U. H. 2,000.00 iproxtmute?on Notes and 1,600.90 1485,006.83 .ITIES | 40.000.00 10.000.00 os, Interest nn<l tuxes paid 6,517.01 dited In ndvunee of mainto 6.200.00 1 000.00 ued 1,100.90 40.000.90 nding 4 14.27 102,653 48 n reserve .. $102,553.48 roncy borrowed) 36.974.91 166,396.05 reserve .,..$203,370.96 without furnishing collut 33.850.00 I Reserve llnnk (Includloney borrowed other 10,000.00 nk 30 000.00 $485,005.82 ilernl Reserve Rank 55,332.01 with Federal Reserve ... . 5,000.00 60.332.01 shown above, the amount harged at rates in excess Rev. Htat. (exclusive of exceed 50 cents was made) rrs wns None. rk, hs.: above named hank. do solemnly e to the best of my knowledge and W. T. BARRON, Cashier, ic this 2M day of November. 1920. C. H. RINK, Notary Public. ? < 1ARY . $ 50,000.00 ; 14,817.01 . 305,924.44 . 545,337.83 r * f ( i ^ .. Jm