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1 Yivii inf IJL Get tSie And with a I ANYPathe ^ This v/ouic kl phonogrrphsuprema "nsti sign, sup. emi , ' tion?the vei without this < worth) frae? \ own seiectio: The Pathe F Free records d* (ST* s** Here's ! where CO go I |,BSjT fgrn.cifra'.Tj la ,nag tr stum Hi: A I. JOHN \I,PF.\" WAS STATICS. MAN. TOO. Throe hundred lineal descendant! of John and Priscllla Alden, famous characters in I?OMgfcUow's "Pourtship of Miles Standish." recently hole their annua! reunion at the old Ah den homestead In honor of the torcentenary of tlie Mayflower's landing * Perclval Wainwrigft* in tlio Chicago News tells this romantic story ol how John Aldan happened to conic te America', there to found a historic family which numbers two president! among its members: While the Mayflower was at Southampton Dock "victualing" a youn? cooper was hired to make some repairs. When his job was done be made the qlllek and bold resolve t< throw In his lot with the ollgrlnu and soII for the ne?v world. The ndventnre npnealed to bis ardent n<> tnro. He liked the eomnrnv, especially Miles Standisb. and perhaps In that time Prlseilla Mnllins. too. He in teirn. as the quaint record says "being a hopeful voiu-r man. wai much desired." Whether he workee at his trade after arrival on this oth er shore no one seems to know. He may have superintended the making of barrel staves which were the Ilrs export from th<? co'ony and designee an Installment In payment of the debt to the "Adventurers." the tlnan rial backers of the colony. mil ?vi*iiii nmrn vns cut oui lor i st.ntesrunn. not a cooper. llo wn "assistant" or deputy to ryory govern or of the polony, except tho lirst serving contInuotisly for 1" yours. 111 n'so ots colonial treasurer for II vonrs nnd eight times deputy fron Puxberry. In harmony with his qulrl decision to sh'p on tho V ivl'mwcr I ho foot that ho was first to ' int hi foot on Plymouth rook thoneh sonn sny ho irnllnn'ly stood aside *o lo Mary pt'ilton hnvp hor honrt's dosiro Tho poot T.nncfo'low bn*? woven i fi.ono of ronjinro around ihe nnmo of Ptand'sh nnd Aldon whloh nilmiiK native prlt'es t"ivn done tholr host tc destroy, hut guileless renders wll never alio"* 'ho storv of how the; courted Prlsellln Mulllns to hp takei nway from them. As n vonng, tin innrrled man. according to custom Aldon was assigned to live with th Standish family. The friendship o the captain nnd tho cooner was cc nientcd Rome yottrs later by the mar rlage of tho son of Standish to A1 don's daughter. nnd Aldcn t.eoanr executor of stnndish's will. Aldon' nnmo appears seventh among th signers of the Maytiowcr compact am ho was the youngest. lie was one o the eight to assume the financial re sponsiblllty of the colony, aimnuntini to $9,000. to l?o paid at the rate o $1,000 per annum?a large sum fo that day nnd that company. Failur to meet the obligation meant th dehntrs'. prison for the Indorsers. John Allien the pilgrim's grand grandson, died in Mlddleboro. Mass in 1821. at 102 years old with 219 de srendnnt*. T?*o family has furnlshei two presd.^ntsJoho Adams an?l Johi Oitlncy Adams IT rterKvinen. in nhy ^ slelnns 11 n?nriner*< oinht lawyers ani ptimorous writers. ? Music Lovers An* luxited to reu?l tin* IOmmmI offoi wp an* maklne for a few days of $21 worth of Paths* ltrranls I'm* to tin pnirlmsor of oneh Pa the Phonograph C'onw In to m*?* iw nt mm* about tlx Rnt>nl< and Phono<craph. Young & Wolfe I if-* -V-V , > 1 I . V , - - ;.V '"" ' mi?3 frft a kf, with St $25 worth of l Pathe Phonograph at that! Phonograph (except 2 small tabl 1 be an unprecedented offer -BUT THIS IS THE PATHSrument: Supreme in tone, supre e in cabinet quality, supreme i ry phonograph you would pr< ?ffer of a complete outfit of rec -all latest up-to-the-minute reco i. No Needles to Change! * COSTS NO MORE THAN 7 PHONOG J Plays all Recc las no equal as a musical in with a Pathe make it i. .. ppi Worth of i RECOR1 FOR A LIMITED 1 YOUNG ^ FORT M * > \r- ii ! ii?W?? 5-Y FARM f ) On Convenient an ) * ^ : If You Need S 1 ; Your Farm, Co t :|We Shall be G s 1 1 R 5 THE FIRST TRUST Ira It. iMmiiip, President .1. >1. Cherry, Vlc*> I'resident 1 y .1. \V. MOOTC, n National Unioi ' ROCK F NOT I In Conformity v o movement to lower hereby announce the I Furniture 25 to i . Hardware 10 tc s- Groceries 10 tc Thanking You fo Potts Su - JNO. S. P01 I PH0N0G1 RECORDS wi'h any itt ?the one IflliilkllAiii :me in de- M rds, your HE ORDINARY RAPHliP^R istrument. ?T oachable. dsFR] IME 8b WOLFE tILL, S. C. EAR LOANS d Attractive Terms >uch a Loan on me in to See Us. lad to See You. 0. 0IUTUPO Diuvir a oaunuo daima S. II. Spenoor. Vice PpcdilcnJl <iro. A. Hcncli, Cashier. Mjrr. Ins. Dc(*. i Bank Building JILL, S. C. "ICE! /ith the. Nationwide the cost of living, we s following reductions: 50 per cent less > 25 per cent less > 50 per cent less V c X A aai I dvois, I ipply Co. ^ TS, Manager. , \ I FREE EE! j < Easiest kind of # \ N easy ? terms WE' F your our Big S that the will conti being, or PA' If you think The Times worth :he money, $1.75 a year, your | lubscription will be appreciated. J ' ^ ' % WHITI: TEETH. H Wj JA- jigjg ! A Buggy For A Which U Th< e 30c For Yoi L For n limited time we arc offerln IIleli tirade Top Buggy for a 500 > cotton. We- mean Just wiiat we m t we will let you have a buggy tl Ions tluui $150.00. Our supply is |> served. \ J. G. HARDIN & CO. Old Newspapers for S Times Office. rHANKl Liberal Patronage ale and beg to an Low Prices we nue in effect for tl until further notU ITERSOP I / JOB PRI VT THE TIMES OFFICE # # # EALTHY GUMS and a i - SLEAN MOUTH 'eople who use KLENZO ental Creme regularly tell a that it keeps their teeth rhite, their gums firm, and heir mouth healthy, clean nd comfortable, with that ool, clean Klenzo' feeling, md Klenzo is a safe dentirice, approved by the dental rofession because it does all hat any dentifrice ought to o. Trv it. ? KLENZO Dental Creme 25c COMPANY Bale of Cotton ! ? ! Same As * ur Cotton ; K to cxchiuip' a Rnrnnl^il ? l>oun<l iNtlc of strict middling 1 ijr. Hring us tin' cotton and ' Ult yon cannot duplicate for ... limited. thirst come, lirst ^ , Rock Hill, S. C. I ale at the Fort Mil * '(J.' m during j nounce offered fie time :e. rs NTING : - - PHONE 112