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, f."; , F?X % *1 ? * . . \ \"". ' *k ' _ THE FQRTMILLTIMES |? mm Democratic?Published Thursdays. '? W. R. Bradford. Editor and Publish rr. ^ J Z( * Mr nBwilWgPi?3P Tfie TIiqm invites contributions on live subjects but does not agree to a publish more than 200 words on any a subject. The right is reserved to edit 0 every communication submitted for ( publication. t t On application to the publishers, a advertising rates are made known to f thoso interested. n Telephono, local and long distance, t No. 112. < 1 c Knterod at the postofhee at Fort ' MIU, 8. C.. as mall matter of the J second olass. < THURSDAY. NOV. 26. 1920. < _ . i 1 Prior to the presidential election a a few weeks ago, the remark was fre- f qucntly heard in this section tnat 11 i ^ the Republicans won better times t would come to the country overnight, r that the big bushier* interes's of the n North, in sympathy with the Uepub- \ Hcan candidate, could be expected to t toko an optimistic view of whut was r tc be done for them in the way of leg- r (station by Congress within the next \ year and that before one could turn t the corner the era of prosperity which 1 had been enjoyed for the last four r years?under Democratic adininistra- r tlon, the speakers conveniently forgot t to say?would ngaln be abroad in the | land. Let us see whether those who r were so certain of what Republican 1 success meant were real prophets or '1 pikers at the guessing game. Hard- ? ing was elected on October 2, four t weeks ago the day before yesterday, r InSco that date the price of cotton r hns continued to decline dny by day until during the post week the lowest prices of the ^last five weeks Were recorded throughout the country. And f along with the disastrous figures at which the staple is selling, hundreds of thousands of mill workers have had their wages cut, while other r thousands of workers in the same In- t dustry have been thrown out of em- j ptoyment altogether by the suspension of operations at many mills s which are unable to find ' a market r foi their product. if Republican n success meant a forerunner of "good I times" the country will ask to be r snared the "extraordinarily good r lirrios SOP1P Snlfl COUkt Ho expected T If tho election wont tho "right way." Rut In tho midst of tho depression It ( Is consoling to think that conditions . nre novor so' had as thoy might ho. , If Olovornor fox had boon olootod , possibly tho fnrmors would h?vo hoop ] ronulrod to niv for tho privilege of | giving nwny tholr cotton, tho mill j workoro might have hoen deported , nnd Democratic newspapers sup- , pressed. R. Harris, State commissioner of 1 agriculture, has sent to The Times an 1 article which is entirely too long for use In these columns telling why pub- \ Mention of The Market Rulletln, Is- i sued for some time by his office, has been discontinued. We can tell the story?albeit the story will be somewhat different ? in one-tenth the , words Mr. Harris uses. Publication of Tho Market Rulletln was discontinued about a month ago because the fund set aside by the legislature at the 1820 session to be used to pay for printing the publication through- ' out the year was used faster than the legislature Intended. Seeing several weeks ago that the fund was 1 about exhausted. Mr. Harris applied 1 to the general contingent fund com- 1 mltteo for additional funds with which to keep it goinK the balance of the year. The contingent fund 1 committee refused to grant the ap- ' plication on the grounds that tfhe ' commissioner knew nt the beginning I of the year how much money he had to use for the publication and that he should have made it do. It will \ perhaps bo a matter of surprise to i many to learn that The Market Rul- j letln was costing the taxpayers of 1 South Carolina something like $12.- ( 000 a year for printing nnd postage ] alone?entirely too much in the I opinion of some and a wholly un- ] j The J. B. f =? I HEAVY and FAN | HARD\ I FEEDSTUFF | ALL K I IF WE HAVEN" I WANT WE'l < > / . The J. B. < rv* ' : a rr an ted use of the pi/blic funds In te opinion of others. Why, ask these itter citisens. should every taxpayer i South Carolina have to put up loney to keep going a- publication sued Is the tale rest of so /few. cltl?n? of .the State? The Market Bulitla. It might he well to explain. Is free advertising medium through -hlch John Brown ..tells Bill Jones hat he has a calf, a bushel of oats. r&uoii uog or H Rjiiing ul nwn n Kgs he wishes to get rid of. It Is "for sale," "want" and "exchange" utdlcatlon which cornea in direct ompetltlon with the newspapers ' of he State and deprives them of busliobb to which they are entitled. L1 U J_ ? JJL In these times of reconstruction ind readjustment It 111 becomes the idvertiser and buyer of printing to ibject to the reasonable advances In rices which country publishers and rinters are establishing for the coninuatlon of their business, remarks in exchange which comes to The r;T??a nnuntrv nHntftr md publisher, with few exceptions. ias never enjoyed the remuneration lomnnded by his banker. grocer, :1othler, lumber dealer, carpenter, lrlcklayer. plumber, painter find representatives of various other mercanlie lines and trades. Tt mny be his >wn fault. Tie mny have been .too fair" with his patrons and not fair rnough with himself. He that as It nay, within the Inst several months le has been given stern object lesions In business economics and as a dass has become convinced that he s entitled to reasonable compensalon for eardtal employed, labor and noney expended and Intelligence and iblllty required, on a par with other utslness comparable to his. Even hough there Is a falling market, >rlces will for several years remain it a higher level than before the var. The printer and publisher will inve to pay more for the things he ias to buy for himself, his family md his business, nnd It Is therefore Hght for him to ask and receive betor prices for what .he has to sell. Tt s to the shame of hundreds of comtumbles over the country that the <u"ii pnper" nnn printing plants have icon closed for lack of patronage mffloiont for the proprietor to conInue them and maintain his self rgpeot as a cltlxen and a business nnn. YORK TEACHKRS MR FT. ?ounty Association In Session at Court House Sntiinlny. Two score York county school tench rs. representing practically every sfccIon of the county, met at the court touso In York Saturday for the first session of the York County Teachers' issoclntlon of the school year. The iddress of the occasion was delivered >v Prof. .T F. Wnmsley of Wlnthrop olleee. His remarks were given close ?ttentlon and evoked much complimentary comment. Field day exercises for the schopls )f the county to be held next spring vero agreed upon following dismission of the matter. The place rend late of the exercises will he selected hter by a committee appointed for lirf purpose. No field day has been teld In York county for the last three I'enrs on account of the war and for it her causes. The annual election of officers for he association resulted as follows: President, Prof. J. F. Thomason of Wlnthrop college, vice president, R. NT. T^ove. Rethnnv; secretary and treasurer. Miss Tna Ashe. McPonlellsvllle. Western division: President, K. =A. Montgomery of York: vice president, Mrs. J. P. Jones of Howling Oreen: secretary and treasurer. Miss Ruth Ashe of McConnellsvllle. Rastern division: President. R. C. Parts of Rock Hill; vice president.#R. H. Strlhllng of Fort Mill; secretary ind treasurer. Miss Resale Poag. Wlnthrop Training school. The next meeting of each division will he held In Janunry. The western illvlslon will meet In York and the Plnstern division In Rock Hill. Divls Ion of the Association into two wings has been found to work advantageously. resulting In larger attendance it the meetings and promoting friendly rivalry. The first and final meetings of the year are joint affairs. That York county has one of the nost effective teachers' organizations in South Carolina is recognized l>y educators throughout the State, ind no small share of the credit for Its success is due John E. Carroll, county superintendent of education. N*r. Carroll has all along insisted that the meetings must not become mere perfunctory affairs Mills Co. ! CY GROCERIES, | irr a r\r? * N /\Kt, | S, SEEDS of j JNDS. j r WHAT YOU I LL GET IT. I Mills Co. 4 | < > it " FORT MILL TIME8, imir????????? SPECIALS \ AT 1 GULP'S < * * ' * Celery 1 5 & . . 20c ; Cranberries, qt-. . 25 Grape Fruit each. 10| I'riow an- down. Now goods at Mom* soy's at lialf tlio September price. Wo waltod until prices came down to buy Tall goods. WARNING. All persons are hereby warned not to hunt, tlsli or otherwise trespass upon the lands of the undersigned. MRS. HATTIR MACK. Drive your blues away. A Brunswick Phonograph will elieer you up luul you will forget your troubles. Hear it vt Muwcjt'n nod note the clear nwwt (one*. More HI cent goods Just revolved at M nancy's. Tld.s was 23 cents two montlvs ugo. DR. 4A. L.. OTT , DfcNTIST Office hours, H a. m. to G p. m. (Dr. Spratt's office) Belk Building, Fort Mill, S. C. 1920 T Are now due and pa in the County's OLD! you have been payin thirty-three years. THE SAVII OF FOR Eng.Walnut,lb. . 40 < Extra Nice Prunes per lb 25 | V oegle's Choco? lates, per lb... 80 ! i CULP BROS. i PHONE 15 i Pyramid Paint Shop; HOCK 111 LI j, S. C. < PAINTING If your car needs pntntluK wo will ' paint it for you anil do it in such n ( way that you will be surprised at the difference it makes in the looks of your old car. our corps of painters are the host that enn bo obtained and only those who are experienced in car painting are on our force. The looks of your car Is Just like the looks of your person. It rocs a lnnR ay. JAMKS A. JOHNSON, Proprietor. Ruh-My-Tism is a great pain killer. It relieves pain and soreness caused by Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sprains, etc. Don't grieve nlsuit cotton being lialf price. You run Imy many new goods ;ii half price at Mnsney's. This sounds iishy, hut it's a fact. We are proud of the confidence doctors, druggists and the public have in Chill anil F?v *r Tonlr FORT MILL, 8. 0. CITATION. rhe State of South Carolina?County of York. By J. L. Houston. Ksq., Probate Judge of York County. Whereas J. L. S;>ratt has applied to me for Letters of Administration on ill and singular the goods and chattels. rights and credits of William M. Adkins, late of the County afote-' aid. deceased. These are therefore to cite ind ad Ionian un nnu singular the kindred ind creditors of the said deceased to'I ?e and appear before me nt on. next | Probate Court for the said County. >o be holden a* York Court House >n the 2nd day of December, to shew auso. 1# nny. why the said Adminuratlon should not be granted. Oiyen under my h*?Pd and seal this 15th day of November In the year of mr Lord one thousand nineteen tindred and twenty and in the 1 15th . ear of American Independence. , J. L,. HOUSTON Probate Judge of York County. TAX NOTICE?1920-21 IfTh-e of Ute (hurb- Treasurer of York County. Notice Is hereby given that the Tax Books for York County will be ipened on Friday, the 15th' day of October. 1920. and remain open until the 31st day of December, 1920, for the collection of State, County. School and Ixical Taxes, for the tlscal roar, wunaut penalty, after which Iny One Per Cent Penalty will he added to all payments made In the month of January, 1921, and Two Per Cent Penaty for all payments made in the month of February. 1921, and Seven Per Cent Penalty will be added to all payments made from the 1st day of March. 1921, to the 15th day of March, 1921, and after this date all unpaid taxes will go into execution and all unpaid single polio will l>v urned over to the several Magistrates for prosecution in accordance with law. All of the banks of the eounty will >ffer their accommodations and facilities to taxpayers who may desire to make use of the same, and 1 shall take pleasure in giving prompt nttotiion to all correspondence on the sublet. All taxpayers appearing at my office will receive prompt attention. Note?The Tax Hooks will be made up by townships, ami parties writing About taxes will always expedite matters if they enn mention the townshln or townships in which their property or properties are located. . HARRY F,. NK1H, Treasurer of York County. I Tired | ^ "I was weak and run-down," H M relates Mrs. Eula Burnett, of 4 A Dolton, Ga. "I was thin and Ikj gjust felt tired, all the time. B I didn't rest well. I wasn't kd i erer hungry. I knew, by M this, I needed a tonic, and B ? as there li none better than? j ICARDUI | The Woman's Tonic | ... I began using Cardul," continues Mrs. Burnett. V A "After my first bottle, I slept Ld yA better and ate better. I took Rd four bottles. Now I'm well, n W feel Just fine, eat and sleep, Pj M my skin Is dear and I hare Zfl gained and sure feel that S SB Cardul Is the best tonic ever V K made." ?2 WjL Thousands of other women IN Iflg have found Cardul Just as B\ Mrs. Burnett did. It should K hi help you. At all druggists. IBSSBBSSISSSQItt^ A. L. PARKS, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FUNERAL EQUIPMENT - MOTOR HEARSE FORT MILL, S. C. : AXES yment can be made EST BANK, just like j ig them for the past; ' VGS BANK T MILL ' I J ' I 1 gg! V. HEAT LAUNDRY OIL m Ma Mi SHEET IROt \ Whether you b\ coal or electricit) nisn you with Heater. Call m for a der the "Cozy Glov YOUNG & PROMPT SERVICE R A Hard Combina COTTON IS And so is Merchandise. We a the cheaper market, ar.d it wil come to see us and let us fi>: up Wp K a up rprlnr PrI fKo nripo r?l and can save you money on v winter. See us now. Satisfaction guaranteed. Pre Orders, THE S. LEE and T. F. ] GOOD The Fort Mil Times ln< BIG^UBSCR^ ^ ^ Cc^ALL roi MAGAZINES and Ol && TOR $2.! THIS EXCEPTIONAL OfFER IS QO< | Subscription* may be new or renewal. All rrne\ year from prcaent date \7 v,A v ' / ' ? ???1 ERE! v OT BLAST i ELECTRIC jrn oil, wood, r, we can furthe proper ^ nonstration of y Electric. 1 WOLFE | EASONABLE PRICES ition to Beat J DO \VN ire selling f;oods, based on 11 be to your advantage to v/hat yor. want. F ail Dry Gocds, Shoes, etc. /hat you will need for the 'mpi Service on all Groce ry r STORE LYTLE, M grs. NG CHEAP vites Attention to Its HON OFFER JTI T7Trr/~. * Vr~ !? ' U j5 -"* |pr. JR of Thro JR NEWSPAPER 50 Order Now >Q FOH A~ t>MOH i Tuvt r~Of"LY ml uhacriptionx will be t-dtiuUtl fur oat o f expiration* /