University of South Carolina Libraries
' _ t W ^?^%1i?W5?5vitt* that x*e aon- 3 mt.'- ?r4Mltf? tot lut? and Oraaty . Hi OOttvf Wlll be hold a* the ratine k preoWna prescribed bp law in mU4 t E Mtmtyli Tttwter, Noriabtr I, lilb, t iKiaMt dwr>m?i Tuesday fottewln* tha i M/Jlrat Monday in Ner*nbor. aa pro- <] ^ cHb?0)^thfr State coaotltatlon. I The qualification tor ?uffrM?: B Marfaoere of Election ehaM require t fot every elector offering to vote nt any t election, before allowing him or her i to vote, the produotlon of hie or her ?j registration certificate and proof of c the payment of all IMM, taelad.. ing poll tax, assessed against blm or her and eolleetlble dur- t lug the previous year. The pro- t duotlon of a certificate or of the re- | celpt of the officer authorised to col- i lect such taxes shall be conclusive <\ proof of the payment thereof. Section S&7, Code of 1911, as amended by Act No. 6-, speolal session of t 1814. i Section 2 87. There shall be three | separate and distinct ballots, as fol- Iowa: One ballot for United States < Senator, Representatives In Congress and Presidential electors; and one ballot for QoVernor, lAeutcnant , Governor, State officers, Circuit Hollo- ( Itora, members of the House of Hep- ] reaentatlvee, State Senator, county of- ? fleers, and one ballot for all Constitutional amendments and special questions, oach of three said boxes to be . appropriately labelled; which ballots ( | shall bo of plain white paper and of | P such width and length as to contain ] ftp the names of the officer or officers ] W and question or questions to bo voted 5 for or upon, olcnr and even cut. without ornament. dMlrnatlon. mutt la.- i tlon, symbol or mark of any kind ( whnteoovor, except the namo or names of tho person or persona vo- ' ted for and tho office to whloh such < person or persona aro Intended to be chonen. and all special questions which namo or names, office or oftl- 1 era, question or quostlone shull he < written or printed or partly written or partly printed theroon In black Ink; and such ballot shall bo so folded as to conceal tho name or nameu, question or questions thereon, and, so folded, shall bo deposited In a box to ho constructed, kept and disposed of as herein provided by*law, and no ballot of any other description found In either of suld boxes shall be counted. On all special questions the ballot shall state the question or questions, and shall thereafter have tho words "Yea" and "No" Inserted so that the voter may Indicate his or her vote by striking out one or the othor of such words on said ballot, the word not so stricken out to be counted. Before tho hour Nxed for opening the polls. Managers und Clerks must take and subscribo the Constitutional oath. The Chairman of the Board of Managers can admlntster the oath to the other ipembers and to the Clerk; a Notary Public must administer the oath to the Chairmen. Tho Managers elect their Chairman and Clerk. Polls at each voting place munt be opened at 7 o'clock a. m. and closed at 4 o'clock p. m.. except In the olty of Charleston, where they shall be opened at 7 a m nnrl pIiihp<1 ut All p. m. - * Ths Managers have the power to * fill a vacancy, and if none of the ' Mnnagors attend, tho citlsens can ap- ( point from among the qualified vet- ' era the Managers, who, after being worn, can conduot the election. | A* th? close of the eloctlon the 1 lanagcrs and Olerk must proceed ( Eibllcly to open the ballot boxes and * bunt the ballots therein, and eon- l' inue without adjournment until the ' same is completed, and make a ' Htatement of the result for each office and sign the same. Within three days thereafter the Chairman ' ?m ino uoara, or eome ono designated by the Board, must deliver to the 1 Commissioners of Election tho poll lint, tho boxen containing the ballotn d nnd written ntatementn of the results ?"v of tho election. ' At tho anld election quallflo.1 elee- 1 torn will vote upon the adoption or ' rejootlon of amendments to the State 1 Constitution, aa provided in the fol- 1 lowing JOINT RESOLUTIONS: * . t A Joint Resolution to Amond Section 34 of Artldlo III of tho Conetltutlon, Relating to the Manner of Fix- i Ing the Amount of Compensation to , Re Paid County Officers, by Striking . Out Subsection X of the . Original t Constitution, Apperatng In Code of ] . Iekws, Volume II, Page 015, as Subsection VIII. , I A joint Resolution to Amend Faction 7, Artiolo VIII of the Constitution. Relating to Municipal Bonded t Indebtedness, by Adding a Prnvliu ] Thereto as to the Town of Marlon. I 1 A Joint Resolution to Amend Sec- 1 tlon 7. Article VIII of the Canstltu- < tton. Rotating to Munlolpal Bonded Indebtedness, by Adding a Proviso Thereto aa to the Town of Haluda, t In Baluda Bounty, and Klngstree, j Wlllliimathiirir Pnt. ntw A Joint Resolution to Amend Beotton 7, Articln VIII of the Constttutlon. Relating to tha Limit of tha Rondod Dobt of Cltlaa. by Adding 1 Thereto as to tha City of Chareston. 1 A Joint Resolution to Amend 8ec- 1 lion 7 of Article VIII of tha Constl- ' tuticn, Relating to Municipal Bonded 1 Indebtedness, by Adding a Proviso * Thereto as to the Bonded Debt of the City of Charlaaton. A Joint Resolution to Amend Sac- 1 tlort 6 of Article VIII of tha Constl- I tutlon, Relating to Waterworks and ' Plants for Furnishing Lis*** be Ad- 1 ding a Proviso Refsrrlng to Ice Manufacturing Plants. A Joint Resolution to Propose an I Amendment to Article VIII of the t Constitution by Adding Thereto Beo- I tton IS, to Empower Cities and i Towns to Aoqulre and Operate ioe 1 riants. A Joint Resolution to Amend Sac- t lot* tUmUaf to um Ml?* isdtbt4mm of UtftM by AMIbi a Proviso beret? ta Riftrd to tb? (HM? n felon. ' " >!?.., A Joint Resolution to Amand Hoc-, c ton 7, Artiste VIII of the Constttu* a Ion, Rtlatlni to Munlolpat: Bondal u ndebtedness, by Adding a Proviso Thereto as to tbe City of Laurens. A Joint Resolution to Amend Hoc Ion 7, Article VIII of the Conatituion, Relating to Municipal Bonded Indebtedness. by Adding a Provlao Thereto a? to the Various Townships ?f Union County. > A Joint Resolution to Amend Secion 7 of Article VIII of the Constitutor Relating to Municipal Bonded Indebtedness, by Adding a Provlao Pberoto as to the Town of BenneusrlUe. Joint Resolution to Amend Secion 7 of Article VIII of the Constlution. Relating to Municipal Bonded Indebtedness, by Adding a Proviso rheroto as to the Bonded Debt of the Itjr of Charleston. A Joint Resolution to Amend Sec- ; :lon 7 of Article VIII of the Cohstlutlon. Relating to Municipal Bonded Indebtedness, by Adding a Proviso rhereto as to the Town of Newberry A Joint Resolution Proposing to Aonant^-Seotton 7, Article VIII of the Constitution Relating to Municipal Itonded Indebtedness, by Adding a Proviso Thereto as to the Town of DlshopvUle. A Joint Resolution to Anutnd Section 7 of Article VIII of the Constlntlnn ? ) Indebtedness, by Adding a Proviso rhereto as to the Town of Bennettsrllle. A Joint Keaolutton to Amend Section 7 of Article VIII and Section 6 if Article X of the Constitution, 80 is to Exempt the Town of Chestei*tleld from the Provisions Thereof. A Joint Resolution to Amend Secdon 7 of Article VIII and Section f. A Article of the Constitution, So as to Exempt the Town of Hartsvtlle rrom the Provisions Thereof. A Joint Resolution to Amend SecIon 7 of Article VIII pnd Sections ft ind 6 of Article X of the Constltuion. So ns to Exempt the County of Richland from the Provisions -..oreJf. A Joint Resolution to Amend Article VIII, Section 7. and Article X, lection 6 of the Constitution of Sout 1 "arollna. hy Exempting the Town of Vllendale. In Allendale County, from ho Provisions Thereof. A Joint Resolution to Amend SecIon 7 of Article VIII and Section ft f Article A of the Constitution, So is to Exempt the City of Cuinde'i rom the Provisions Thereof. A Joint Resolution to Amend SecIon ft of Article X of the Constltulon. Relating to the IJmtt of Honded >et?t of Municipal Corporations and I'olltlcal Divisions and Subdlvialons. y Adding u - roviso Thereto as to the <antee Bridge Dlrtrlct, Comprising ho Territory of the Counties of Charleston, Berkeley and Williamsburg. A Joint Resolution to Propose in Amendment to Article X of tin 'onatltution by Adding Thoroto : taction to Bo Known an Section 13A Kmpowertnv County Authorities to Vitnesa Abutting Property for Permatent Improvement of Highways. A Joint Reaolution to Amoml PariKragh 5, Article X of the Ponstltulon, Relating to Bonded Indebted' teas of Pountles, Townships, School restricts, Ktc . by Adding a Proviso iH to the County of Sumter. A Joint Resolution to Amend Secion 6, Article X of the Ponstltution, iteiut lug to the Limit of Bonded Jebt of School Districts, by Adding ? Proviso Thereto as to the Charleston School District Comprised w.ihln he Present limits of the City of Charleston. A Joint Resolution Proposing en Amendment to Article X of the onititutlon. to Ho Known as Heetion iO, by Allowing the County of Flor>nce to Assess Abutting Property and Property Adjacent, Within a Rauius f One and One-lialf Miles, for Pernanent ltoad and Highway lmprovonent. A Joint Resolution to Ameiul Pecion A. Article X of the Constitution, delating to the Limit of the Bonded >ebt of School Districts, by Adding u Proviso Thereto us to School District Mo. A. of Laiurens County, the State >f South Carolina. A Joint Resolution to Amei <*. SecIon A, Article X of the Constitution, Ketatlng to the Limit of Bonded ->ebt ot Counties, by Adding a Proviso Thereto as to Daurens County. A Joint Hesolutlon to Amend Keclon A, Article X of the Constitution, delating to the limit of the Bonded >el?t of Sehool Districts, by Adding ? 'rovtso Thereto as to the School Dtsrtct of the Town of I^aurens Coti)trleed Within the Present Umlts of he City of iAurens. Joint Resolution to Amend Sec ion 0. Article X of the Constitution, delating to the Limit of the Bonded >ebt of School Districts, by Auuiiig rhereto as to the Lancaster School District. In Lanooater County. A Joint Resolution to Amend SecIon 0, Article X of the Constitution, >y Adding a Proviso Thereto Relating o the Bonded Indebtodneas of the bounties of Allendale and llcCornick and rising It Not to Kxceed rlfteeen (10) Per Centum. A Joint Resolution to Amend Secion 0, Article X of the Constitution, Relattnc to the Fiscal TMr, bf Ouir? lag Stmt from tlufc 1st Day ?V ?Muary to tho 1st Day of July. ? i i ?a???^fcpUp?* Joint RtMlutloa*to tmliv Vm* lion B. Article XI of ska CodsWHBm, Relating to School Districts, by Addlni a Special-Proviso as to SaludaCounty. ELECTION MANAGERS. Tho following Managers of Election have been appointed to hold the election at the various precincts In the said county: Bethel (J. M. Ford's Store)?Managers: K. K. Davis, M. E. Stanton. R. O. Clinton. A. C. Harnett, Clerk. Bethany (McGtll Bros. Store) ? Managers: W. B. McQlll, J. J.. Howe. Hoyoe Plaxlco W H Howell PlnrV Blalrsvllle (Blairaville Schoolhouse) Managers: W. A. Mitchell. B. L. Blair, J. N. Russell. Bullocks Creek?(P. B. Good's Store) Managers: L. L. Dowdle. T. E. Blair, H. Cranford. R. L. Vinson. Clerk. Clover?(P. H. Jackson's Shop) ? Managers: F. H. Jackson, T. P. Clinton, R. A. Jackson. J. P. afford,Clerk Hbcnezer?(At Matthews' Store)? Managers: B. H. Matthews. F. R. Black, K. L Currence. J. U Taylor, Clerk. Filbert?T. J. Wood. F. C. Walker. W. W. Lynn. Fort Mill?Managers: J. R. Halle. Sr., W. M. Wilson. Fred Kims. Forest Hill?(Forest Hill Schoolhouse)?Managers: J. D. B. Currence. Lewis Batrd. D. F. Whisonant. N. Q. Brandon. Clerk. Hickory Grove?Managers: Dr. W. F. McQlli, 8. C. Wllkerson, J. K. Allison. ILesslle?(Lesstle School House)? Managers: J. T. Spencer, T. F. Lesslie. W. L. Boyd. McConnellsville?(McConnell's Old Store)?Managers: J. F. Ashe. J. O. Moore, J. B. Bratton. C. E. Porcher. Clerk. Newport?(T. W. Jackson's 8tore) Managers: T. W. Jackson, Harvey AdWtns, Ivey Hayes. New Zlon?(New Zion Schoolhouse) Managers: W. A. Nichols. R. J. Good, W. Meek Smith. Ogden ? (Ogden Schoolhouse) ? Managers: W. H. Dunlap. I. S. Kidd. W. 8. Percival. Rock Hill?(U. 8. Courthouse) ? Managers: B. W. Creed, James N Benton. O. 8. Crawford. Sharon? At 81ms' Drue Store) ? Managers: J. C. Hope. W. S. L.ove E. R. Shannon. Smyrna?(Smyrna Drug Store) ? Managers: S. L. Caldwell. W. W. White*!ilea, R. B. Whiteside*. S. M. Qulnn. Clerk. Tlrrah?(P. E. Smith's Store) ? Managers: J. W. Shllllngtaw. Roy M. Sadler. Thomus A. Campbell. Yorkvllle?( Range) ?Managers: R. I. Wllkerson, E. M. Dickson, J. W. Dobson. Harry Smith, Clerk. The Managers at each precinct named ubove are requested to delegate one of their number to secure boxes and blanks for the election from John F. Carroll. Clerk of the Hoard, at the Courthouse on Saturday, October 30. 1920. W. B. WILSON. W. P. BOYD. J. D. SMITH. Com ml anion era of fltnte and County Elections for York County, S. C. October 14. 1920. " NOTICE OP ELECTION. State* of South Carolina?County of York. Notice Is hereby given that the Oeneral Election for Presidential and Vice Presidential Electors. United St a tea ,Senutor and Representatives In Congress will be held at the voting precincts fixed by law In the Onnntv i>f York on Tuesday. November 2. 19 20. said day being Tuesday following the first Monday, as prescribed by the State Constitution. The qualifications for suffrage are ns follows: Residence In the State for two years. In the County one year. In the polling precinct In which the elector' offers to vote, four months, and the payment six months before any election of any poll tax then f'ue and payable: Provided. That ministers in charge of an organized church and teachers of public schools shall be entitled to vote after bIx months' res. Idence In the State, otherwise qualified. Registration.?Payment of all taxes, including poll tax. assessed and collectible during the previous year. The production of a certificate or the re vofi ui int* uimor uuinonxea to collect such taxes shall be conclusive proof of the payment thereof. Refore the hour fixed for opening the polls Managers and Clerks must tnke and subscribe to the Constitutional oath. The Chairman of the Board of Managers can admihls^r the oath to the other Managers and1 to the Clerk, a Notary PubUo must administer the oath to the Chairman. The Managers elect their Chairman and Clerk. Polls at each voting place must be opened at 7 o'clock a. m. and closed at 4 o'clock p. m., except In the City of Charleston, where they shall be opened at 7 a. m. and closed at 8 p. m. The Managers have the power to nil a vacancy, and If none of the Managers attend, the citizens can appoint, from among the uualtned vot era, the Managers, who, after being ?worn. can conduct the election. ' At the close of the election the Managers and Clerk must proceed tuhllcly to open the ballot box and count the ballots therein and continue without adjournment until the same Is oompleted. and make a statement of the result for each office, and sign the same. Within three days thereafter the Chairman of the Board, or some one designated by the Board, must deliver to the Com ml salon era of Flection the poll list, the box containing the ballots and written statements of the result of the election. Managers of Rleotlon.?The following Managers of Election have been appointed to hold the election at the various precincts In the said County: | Bethel?(Voting Place. J. M. Ford's ! Btore)?Managers. T. C. Burnett. W. L.. Adams. A. E. Sifford. Bethany (Voting Placo, MeOlU Bros. H. KowaU, OAJWttt* tim? SoboollMUM)-Mfuupra, H. Z h?Mr, 8. A.'? Mitchell, J. -N. Ruaeel* Mlocki Cw?k--f Voting- Ptoce, R B. Good's Store) ?Managers, " R. ii VlMin, F. H. >MMfl?r. Fm? 41k Hmarr. Clover?Managers, J. p. gifford. J Meek 8mlth, Thomas Meek Campbell. Hickory Grove?Managers,. R. W. Rnlre J"? ? t " Lesslie?Managers. J. E. Glasscock. D. P. I.esstlc. R. A. Gettys. McConnellsvlUe?Managers. W. O. Harshaw. C. E. Porcher. D. M. WUUttru. Nswport?Managers. J. A. McFadden. T. M. Oates. J. B. Swlnnle. New Zlon?Managers. M. s Carroll. A. E. Burns. G. R. McCarter. Coates Tavern (Catawba)?Managers. W. Hall Hpencer. R. W. Patton. W. B. Simpson. Ebenezer?Managers, J. L. Taylor,* Alex B. Fewell, Sam W. Barron. % Filbert?W. E. Land, W. L. Purs ley, H. O. Brown. Fort Mill?Managers, S. H. Fppa. W. H. Crook. J. L. Spratt. Forest Hill-?Managers, 8. S. Olenii,.; A. L. Thompson, J. E. Harper. i . Ogden?Managers, S. C. flyers, H. F. Bookout. S. G. 8harp. Rock Hill?Managers, W. A. Doug, las, D. R. Heath, Henry Masscy. Sharon?Managers, J. C. Gaulden. H. W. Shannon. P. B. Kennedy. Smyrna?Managers, S. M. Qulnn, Guy Castles. T. B. Hambrlght. Tlrsith?Managers. W. S. Ck>rdon, J. M. Campbell, Clair Harper. Yorkvllle-?Managers, J. W. Dobson, J. Brown Nell, J. B.' Pegram. me ninnuKTH at each precinct named above are requested to delegate one of the number to secure the box and blanks for the election from 8am M. Orist at the Courthouse on Saturday, October 30. 1920. W. M. DITNIJVP. J. S. RAINTCY, J. S. WILKERSON. Commissioners of Federal Klectlon for Ybrk County. 8. C. October 14. 1920. NUX-1RON LIST OF SOVEREIGN REMEDIES Sovereign Xux-Irun Tonic ((.luiild 14 ox.) an unequaled tonic for Indigestion, nervousness * and constipation?price fl.20. Sovereign Nux-Inxi Tonic (Tablet form) Hpeclally adapted na a nerve und blood tonic?Price $1.00. Sovereign Pile Ointment?"no better made" for sufferera from this annoying complaint?once tried always used?Price 60c. . sovereign Eoenu Ointment usually ( tops Itching and heals most cases of enema. rash or tormenting actio or skin eruption?Price $1 01 50j sizes. Sovereign Catarrh Jelly for colds and catarrh? will he found posl'.ively the safest and most sensible aid? Price 26c. Sovereign Rheumatism Remedy put up In capsule form. An cffecttva standard preparation removes the uric acid and relieves pain?Price fl. Be sure our Trademark, "The Iron Man," is on every bottle. You know then you are taking the right Tonic. Sovereign Nux-Iron Tonic Is manu. factured In accordance with the United States Government Permit No. 52467, which enables us to offer this compound at lurge to the drug trade and consumers everywhere. Manufactured solely by Sovereign Remedy Co., Inc., New York offices 1639 Broadway. Philadelphia offices, 1215 Filbert Street. laboratory, Hoboken, N. J. Always In stock at the L.ytle Drug Co. We have secure* Lump Coal. "' PI . now. | Gulp Bi ? ? %? 1 A-Buggy For A Which I* Tl 30c For Y< For limited time wo are offer II Iff I) tirade Top Buggy for a ft? cotton. We mean Just wlat we we will let jrou have a boffffy lea* than $150.00. Oar supply I served. J. C. HARDIN & 61 wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmrn I . | " Come In*.todaymode/ except 3 , we will give yoi 3 Worth of to elebrate th YOUNG< "The Home FORT M 1 # ? # ? 1 +4+ :i Prices Vt j; The Best Values i j! to be found at The ]| Goods coming in e || price is way down |. Gome to see us iai I your faU buying. \\ teed to please you > < I The Cas | S. A. LEE and T. 1 * * No um? crying? over sjUlt milk. Ijower inVra are here and lite sooner wo take our loas the better for ouir fiudnmoiru an/1 ahhuiJIAU I -* MaflHpy. WARNING. All persons are hereby warned not to hunt. Ash or otherwise trespuss upon the lands of the undersigned-. *-' MRS. HATTIE MACK. . > AL I i several cars of < ace your orders rothers ? < 1 0*0*++ Bale of Cotton ;| tie Seme As j, % our Cotton tf iD( to exctuuigc a (tnuitoed , X, 0 pound bale of mtrtft aliMMufl 1 nay. Bring us the cotton and ^ that you cannot duplicate for < > Id limited. Plrrt come, flmt ' [ * < ? 1., Rack Hill, S. C. " wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmt * mmBuy a P I or 6, at the reg i ttias.oo Pathe Rec &! '25th Anniven % fcr wm rr JC T T V/Lii Li 5 Furnishers" [ILL, S. C. ?> ray Down | n Merchandise are ? i Cash Store. New ? very week and the ? to what it was. | ad save; money on | Everything guaran- + in every way. i I h Store, J P. LYTLE, Mgra. " t . . ? .?????? * <??? R?b-My*Tim itkpMi pais killer. It relieves pais aid soreness caoied by ' Rlmautiia, Neuralgia, Sprains, etc. We have a very Inlmtttiiis pro|Kihiiimi for yuw on IlruMnrick l'honoKrapiiM and Kouwln, tlw best on the iiwrkH todny. k J. Manscjr. t We ana. proud of tbo confidence doctors, druggists and tbe pnbfic bare in C6C Cbilfnnd Fever Tonic. ? ? ?_ . i New lot KmIIh, Dwhm and Contn Just arrived at new priu<H at Maaaey'a * <? <? #<r ^ New Qi i on Men's > / We have ken* notified I , > make the following Big R< M1VAI Tl j 1HUIHL IF 1 MEASURE !: Suits that were $4 ly Suits that were 5, } Suits that were 6( ! i Suits that were 9 I Ji D. Hi THE B J * . . ... ^ 'Monograph, any ular price?and :ords Free ?ary of Pathe. /f~ 49 I i Torpid Liver j I ? Black-Draught "hu no equal J f I i for headache, soar stomach, tor-^?| I pin uvw ana reveron coias .U declares Mis. A oaks Whitmore, < 1 of Qate City, Va. "It is easy to ! 1 take sad does not gripe, as a s lot of medldnes do," she adds. 1 9 "It la good to take in a hot tea 1 for colds, or can be taken in a s dry powder.vI can't say enough 1 9 for Black-Draught and the sick- ! aess it has saved us." Thedford's BLACK-DRAUGHT Bhasbesa found a valuable liver N medicine,in thousands cf hotnM. ? I "I do not use any other Uver J J | medicine," says Mrs. Mary O. ' Brown, of Europa, Miss. "It is ! ! ! splendid for sour stomach, a J J j bad taste in the mouth or torpid < j i fiver. I keep U all the time, use ! ! ! II with the children and feel it | [ [ - has saved us many dollars in ; j doctor bills and many days in X ! Insist oa tie genuine?Thed- x ! A. Jmm PARKS, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FUNERAL EQUIPMENT - MOTOR HEARSE FORT MILL, S. C. xotation : Clothing | >y the manufacturesr to ? eductions on the Prices of 4 JLORED TO I CLOTHING I 5.50 now $32.50 | 2.50 now 37.50 t 3.50 now 47.50 1.00 now 65.00 I A nvr'v >UUVH I t VRBER | <&