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I * ' ' - , . . ~ ~r. DONT FORGET y 4 IrAl i vfi*K' \i-M Is The great Gigantic, Coloss the surrounding In addition to t CIALS for SATUR1 been MARKED DG ORY M. BERMAN. 9 Greenville, S. C., lat *>W W A ?-* w-? in LnAKUL. J. A. FLINT, . SALES MANAGER. TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. Whereas It hnn pleased our Heavenly Father to take from us on August 13. 1920, our beloved coworker., and member of tho Foreign Misslona. ry Society of the Fort Mill Presbyterian church, we desire to express our sorrow at the great loss, which we are sure is her gain. We miss her sadly but feel that It was a great blessing and benetlt to have known her for even so short a time. Re It resolved? First. That In the death of our beloved sister, Mrs. John Hafner, we take this means of expressing our deep sorrow over her removal from us Second. That we tender our heartfelt sympathy to the breaved family. Third. That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of our society, that a copy be sent to the bereaved family, and that a copy be sent to the Fort Mill Times for publication. MRS. A. O. JONES. MRS. J. W. ARDREY, MRS. MAMIE P. BWYD. ANNUAL, TAX ASSESSMENT. An ordinance fixing the tax levies of the Town of Fort Mill, S. C., for tho current year 1920, for ordinary purposes, to pny the Interest on waterworks and street bonds, provide sinking fund, to pay for fire protection eoulpment. for retiring floating Indebtedness. Including Interest on same, and to tlk the time of payment thereof and the penalties for the nonpayment of the same. Re it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen, the Town Council, of the town 01 i on miii, w. v:., ana ny authority of the same: Section 1. That a levy of 15 mills on each and every dollar of real and personnl property not exempt from taxation, held, owned or liable for taxation within the corporate limits of the Town of Fort Mill, S. C? on the first day of January, 1920, he. and the same Is hereby, made for the following purposes: For ordinary purposes .... 5 mills For Interest on honds .... 2.35 mills For sinking fund 1 mill Fire protection equipment.. 1.<5 mills For retiring Indebtedness.... 5 mills Sec. 2. That said taxes shall become due and payable at the office of the town treasurer on the first day of November, 1920,. Taxes may be paid up to and Including the fifteenth day of November. 1920. Thereafter and up to and Including the first day of January. 1921, n ponalty of 15 per centum will attach to said taxes not paid on or before November 15. 1020. Sec. 3. After the first day of Jnntfuary. 1921. executions will Issue against all delinquents for the amount -of taxes, penalty and costs, In accordance with the laws of the State of South Carolina and the municipal ordinances. Sec. 4. A4I ordinances or parts of ordinances not In agreement with this ordinance are hereby revoked. Done and ratified In council assembled this 27th day of October, 1920. P. F,. ARDREY, Mayor. Attest:?C. 8. LINK, Clerk. m i . . 1 TTTTi1 T I ' 59S5S5EE5S5559ES5S5 tfljSi ^rtj hi ,!& I, 3 K & ;<' .'H,' Tt \ TERSON'i SAV1 Now On In All ] rush and enormous sales of the sal Sale and one of such proport r country to a wild pitch of enth The Great Stock of PATT he enormous and sensational reduction DAY. Don't miss this great opportunity >WN. The store is aflutter with low pric PATTERSON FORT MILL FOUNTAIN PRINTS II We Have a Complete Assortment of WATERMAN and CON KLIN Self-filler Fountain Pens A guarantee of satisfaction given with each Pen we sell. Lytle Drug Comp'y TOE REXALL STORE. fresh Home Made Candies Take home with you a box of the Pure Home Made Candies we are now offering the public. Special prices every Saturday. The Candy Kitchen H. CARRQS, Proprietor. t EVERYTHING THE FRESHEST AND BEST IN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES AND MEATS .AT THE STORE OF A.O.J03STES ! JDI^S ??????? ? AND 5 AjKEAI NG SAL! [ts Inimitable G - % j y opening days exceeded even < ions and importance that it si usiasm and quick buying desii ERSON'S Slashed Beyom - prices we have been running, we will to SAVE MONEY. Remember, EVE V e makers and pleasing sales people to I DRY GOOE , SOUTH CAROLir I FOR THE BEST GROCERIES IN FORT MILL SEE B. C. FERGUSON. ^ 1 r ~ palepeople | md Zlron it a tonic medicine for pale, weak, nervous people. Its sue- f PU cett in the treatment of conditions of simple anemia and general debility 4 U hat been thown in thousands of caset of men, women and children. t ny Zlron contains no dangerous, habit-forming drags. It it a safe, mild . rj tonic, compounded in accordance with modern medical science, by ' M chemists of high pharmaceutical tidll. ^ I The Scientific Irnn Tnnir P 00 Many men and women, grateful for the benefits they have obtained, ) yj write about Ziron, hoping their experiences may be 'helpful to others, l XI "I was very nervous; had bad headaches, loss of appetite and could not T Q sleep well at night," writes Mrs. Laura F. Smith, of Route 1, Springfield, M Tenn. "My husband bought a bottle of Ziron, and I began taking it and \ AJ began to pick up. I think it is a very good tonic for run-down people. J U My little boy was thin, and looked very pale and delicate. I gave him k jQ Ziron, and he mended up and is looking fine." Sold !by druggists on a 2 Q Money-Back Guarantee. zj. 4 h RM DONT 1 s FORGET 1|? MONEY-! reatness J our greatest expectations. It is a i tould stir every human soul in all d Comparison feature Many New and Surprising SPERY ARTICLE in this enormous stock has serve you. ALL GOODS SOLD FOR v pri n NO REFUNDS W %0 %0 NO C. O. Positively No Exchanges on J gk Saturday. 1 Majestic Theatre?One Day Only, Wednesday, . 3rd. ^ WOMEN FOR MEN ONLY ONLY Wed. Matinee Wed. NIGHT SHOW at 3:00 and 4:30. SHOW at 7:30 to 10:30 V I The Moral Uplift League of America Presents Doctor Haiselden's Sensational Photoplay, - IT WOULD BE A A | j GRAVE MIS- ADC t TAKE FOR ANY STARTLING 4 WOMAN TO SENSATIONAL \ m T V T EXPOSURE ( missit YOU ? ? J - Showing why Dr. ( LIFE'S DARK- ^ Hai.elden refused 1^1 rW% to operate to save ( EST SECRETS | | the life of the deJ REVEALED formed baby. j TO MARRY? 4 lt\si:i> ON T1IK FAMOl'S l)|t. H AIKFXOKN - HOIXINGKIt BABY ^ CASK. M'KNKS THAT BAFFI.R?KTACSHKR TIIK IMAGINATION. t MOTHKKK, lilt ING YOUR DAITdHTKIW V XOTH'F/?This illin |ims hccn arrHiifosI In a nuiMt rcflmM manner, but H owhiir to tlw ilellonto wiltjcols It ?t|| be whown Mtrhily to NopurMp audi. a ntrcs, niul no children will be admitted. d l?lt. II AlNFI.DKN I'KIISONAILY APPEARS IX TIIIH PLAY y YOIT CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS THIS NTAKTL.IXU KXI'OSUHK I ADMISSION as CENTS INCLUDING WAR TAX j