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TOEFTOTMIILTIMES Democratic?Published Thursday*. W. R. Bradford and J. J. Balls* Publlshar*. W. R. Bradford, Editor and Mar, ; , , t i Tho Tlmo.s Invites contrl buttons on llVe subjects but does not agree to publish moro than 200 words on any .subject.^'Tho right Is reserved to edit every Communication submitted for \r~~? application to tho publishers. ^^^Jrtlslng rates are made known to ^ 3po Interested. ^jfrolcphono, local and long dlstunce. N& 112. Bnterod at tho postofflco at Fort Mill, B. C.. ns mail matter of the second olass. THURSDAY, OCT. 28, 1920. ' Tho Columbia State gives Its readers a sample of highbrow Information In the way It spells tho name of tho doposcd king of tho Oroeks, ConHtnntlno. whn trnatrwl to (ho Innu(h nf his Ickb rather than to the loyalty of his people when he hurriedly betook himself to Switzerland one tine duy In the sprint? of 1917, In response to the demand of the allies that ho quit the Joh of being: king. "Konstantlnoa'' The Stnto has It. Wonder If that's the way they spoil It up In I?aurens county. Terence McSwlney, lord mayor of Cork, succumbed to his Bolf-imposed hunger strike Monday, af .ot* having. gono without food for 70 odd days, Is Is claimed. In Ireland McSwlney Is looked upon as a martyr and may bo canonised. In this country many look vpon lila denth a* : plain oa-h of sulcldo and tho coun?iv Is apt to noon forget him. Most grownups In this country lost Interest in McNwlnoy "sonic time ngo, hut the newspapers were justified In publishing the dally bulletins from the Jail In which he was confined because It furnished the school hoys and girls a subject for speculation. Somo people evidently have not yet / waked up to the fact that war profiteering nnd good stealing nre going out of fashion. A shoe denier advertises In a daily paper which circulates In this section men's shoes at $20 per pair. The South Carolinian who will pay $20 for a pair of shoes with cotton selling at a price below the cost of production, ought to be detained by tho authorities for mental inspection. And the dealer who would charge nn unreasonable profit on shoes or any other article of human consumption oiiRht to he put in Jail for gouging. Willie Hays, young flamboyant blowhard manager of the Republican campaign, is expected to issue a preejectton boast next Saturday night, so that the weak-minded may hiivo all daj' Sunday for It to soak In, k claiming everything in sight and then some more for the old granny his party has nominated for the presidency. Such boasting will influenco those who wish to bo Influenced by It. Democratic Chairman White also is expected to Issue a statement Saturday in which he likely will say that the forces of right await the outcome of the election with confidence in the good sense of the American people. McAdoo is nil right. Palmer is all right as are the other big Democrats who wero put up at Snn Francisco for tho Democratic nomlnatlor but ''not one of them could have ma ie the heroic fight Oox has made for as or trumpet proclaimed. This paper I* confident that tho patriotism of tho American people has been nroimed to tho extent that Governor Cox will he triumphantly elected; ;but should tho campaign of lying, debauchery, misrepresentation, deceit and cowat-lly attaok upon him be successful, we predict that ho will be tho Democratic nominee four years hence, when the country will have so tired of the mongrel government that tho election of Harding assured he will be overwhelmingly elected. The Frtrt Mill Times looks back with pride to the fact that it was the first and only South Carolina newspaper that urged Governor Cox's nomination prior to the San Francisco convention. The editor of the Fort Mill Times first became acquainted with the polltics of the Washington Star more than a quarter of n century hro. The Washington Star of thnt far clay was ' Republican ns the Washington Star of today Is. What that paper says therefore nhout the presidential race Is from the Republican point of vievr and for that reason should not he disquieting to Democrats. Recently The Star has been selling to various newspapers, nmong the number the C'hnrlotto observer, a weekly syndicated letter purporting to he an Impartial review of the contest between Oovernor Cox and Senator Harding. As a fact, however, tho letter Is anything but Impartial and the mcui who reads It and Imagines he Is getting an unbiased report of the political situation ought to pinch himself to learn whether ho Is still nwnke. The Star Ih for Harding for president and Its preference for the Republican candidate Is reflected In Its syndicated letter. I.nst Sunday It was stated In the letter that there had been a notlcenhlo trend In eertnln States toward Governor Go* during the week ending with the day on which the letter was written; but that It was hardly decided enough to give the Republican lenders cause for worry. Thnnks to the good sense of the American people, they will have cause for worry next Tuesday night whan th# returns begin to come In unless 11 signs fall, the Washington Star's Republican review to be Issued Sunday to the contrary notwithstanding. The Rock Hill Reeord Is justly Indignant over the recent order of the State board of health providing that after 90 days from October 7, condensed, evaporated or powdered skimmed milk shall not be sold In South Carolina In packages or containers of less than one gallon or ten ponds. It goes without saying, except for the saying, that the peo pie Will not rcapeii any ouiii nuusensical regulation and If a case aglnst a violator of the regulation should reach a jury with one sensible man on It, If no more, the defendant would stand In no danger t of conviction. Meanwhile, however, < the wise plan wuuld be for retail ( merchants to get together, as The ' Record suggests, and contest the or- ] der In the State courts. The secretary of the State board of health Is ( responsible, we assume, for the Inexcusable order, which would deprive ' thousands of families of their only . sourco of milk supply, for few families are able to buy at one time ten | pounds or one gallon of evaporated, condensed or powdered skimmed I milk. Rut granting that all the users ( of such milk In the State were able to buy It In such quantities, before ( half the package or container was used the other half would have spoiled. The secretary of the State board of health Is. as we suggest, perhaps, responsible for the order; but responsible to whom? Certnlnly not to tho Legislature, which has no control over him and no voice In his selection. The only T oolulu # urn hnu t fl rln with the health department Is to provide the money to keep It going. And It la coating the people of South Carolina more than $200,000 a year. Some nre hold enough to say that they do not think all this big sum of money necessary nnd they go further nnd express the opinion that all of It Is not wisely Bpent and that an Investigation of the health department would do no harm If It did no good. IsnraHtrr Man Killed. A shooting In which one Lancaster county man, Noah Robertson, whose home was a few miles aoutb of Waxhaw. occurred In Union county. N. C. Saturday. Lucius, Noah and John Robertson, brothers, and their nephews, John and Mark Robertson, started from their home In I^ancaster county to Monroe, N. C. Home distance beyond Waxhaw they got Into a difficulty In which Noah Robertson was seriously wounded and bus since died. John Robertson also was shot , but not seriously wounded. Lucius, John anil Fred Robertson returned to I^ancaster county, claiming the shooting was accidental. The sheriff of Union county telephoned the sheriff of Lancaster otherwise, however, and they were arrested and taken to Monroe and locked In Jail to await an investigation of the shooting. SHOULD SEE PICTURE. I0|tlKCO|>al Rector Uralses Picture to Be Shown at Tl?e .Majestic Tl?eHtor Next Wednesday. The following communication was signed by the eRv.Ouy H. Prater, former rector of the Episcopal church at Rock Hill and printed in tjie Anderson Dally Mall: To Editor Dally Mail: In view of the crying need of shielding und saving our younK peoplo from the horrible anil unspeakable and unprintable deformities and ubnormltles of life when abused, I wish It were possible for the police to arrest every younK man in Anderson, take them to The Strand tonight and compel them to sit through the picture entitled "Are You kit to Marry." We believe in compulsory education anil this contemplated act If It could be carried out would be entirely in keeping with that principle, for education of the sort contained in that picture, If heeded, will do more for .the salvation of the race than almost any amount of preaching. I am not advertising The Strand, but I say all glory to the theater when used for the benefit of the race. We have not begun to capitalixe the Moving Picture houses as a blessing On with the show! Guard our young women for the sako of the little angels. (Signed) GUY H. FRAZRR. Rub-My-TUm U a powerful antisep tic; it kills the poison caused from infected cuts, enres old sores, tetter, etc. TAX NOTICE?1MO-JI Office of liu* County Trvwrnrer of York County. Notice In hereby given that the Tax Hooka for York County will he opened on Friday, the 16th day of October, 11)20, and remain opun until the Slat day of December, 1920, for the collection of titute. County, Hchool and Docal Taxes, for the tiacal 1 year, without penalty, ufter which , day One Per Cent Penulty will be added to all payments made In the month ' of Jiinuury. 1921, and Two Per Cent , Penaty for ull payments made In the month of February, 1921, and Seven ] Per Cent Penalty will be added to all < payments made from the 1st duy of March, 1921, to the 16th duy of ! March, 1921, and ufter this date all < unpaid tuxes will go Into execution ( and all unpaid single polls will be ( turned over to the several Muglstrutes < for prosecution in accordance with ' law. All of the banks of the county will < offer their accommodations and fucll- } ttles to tuxpuyers who may desire to i mi. Lr a noo IK- ' ' vi mo muuf, una 4 snail ] take pleasure In glvlog prompt atten- J tlon to all correspondence on the sub. < ect. J All taxpuyera appearing at my otttce 4 will receive prompt attention. Note?The Tax Hooka will he made j up by townships, and partlea writing 4 about taxes will alwaya expedite inat- j term if they can mention the township * or townships In which their property t or properties are located. . HARRY E. NEIL. \ Treasurer of York County. i SATURDAY SPECIALS * ? ^ -r-,F ' * fR & 7 P V ff : ? Sr I. clw1, >j KIMBRELL'S 56 men Messaiine and Taffeta, all shades, yard $1.90 ?2.50 Drop Stitch Silk Hose, all shades 98c Lad Lassie Cloth 45c Dne lot of best Dress Gingham 38c Guaranteed All Wool Double Blankets $12.98 Guaranteed Half Wool Double Blankets $8.98 Dark Bath Robe Blankets from 1 $4.50 to $8.50 One lot of Voile Waists, values up to $3.50 98c 28 inch Outing, first quality 28c One big sample lot of Ladies' and Children's Sweaters, onethird the regular price, A big table of Remnants for you to look over. You will find in the assortment lots of splendid values of Gingham and Percale Suiting, all suitable for the school children. We have decided to reduce the price of all Ladies' and Children's Hats. Come to our place and let us show you some of the Bargains we are offering. We are sure you will be pleased. VIli/IDOl?! * <0 IVilVlDI\.CJLL.a WHAT? WHAT IS THE PRICE OF COTTON GOING TO DO? We do not know. WHAT ARE THE FARMERS GOING TO DO- SELL OR HOLD? .We do not know. WHAT IS THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK GOING TO DO? We do not know. WHAT IS THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT GOING TO DO? We do noi know. WHAT IS THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK GOINO TO DO? Exactly what it has always done. It is going to stick right square to the farmers through thick and thin. THE FIRST NATIONAL BAKE, Capital and Surplus $50,000.00. | The J. B. Mills Co. | 1 HEAVY and FANCY GROCERIES, jj j HARDWARE, ! ; FEEDSTUFFS, SEEDS of I ALL KINDS. |; IF WE HAVEN'T WHAT YOU WANT WE'LL GET IT. j The J. B. Mills Co. JHHBPP i.a ~~ - Does Your Auto Need ..a New Cover? Drive it over. Our trimmer* ar* ?<! we guarantee satisfaction. J.C. HARDIN & CO Auto Painter* and Top Euilders ROCK HILL, S. C. DR. A. I OTT , DENTIST Office hours, 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. (Dr. Spratt's office) Belk Building. Fort Mill. S. C. 666 quickly relieves Constipation Biliousness, Loss of Appetite, and Headache, due to Torpid Liver. I TL- d: 1 lie Dl] Is the best place Come to see us wl Price and Goods. We guarantee a patrons. Fort Mil i 1 mmmmmmmmmm ??i Ask Any Fari C whethei h \ He will invaria it w Juat think of tl have correct chi your pocket? you of all, every chec endorsed (receipt You can have a Any one can ha as they agree not posit. We do not ohnr furnish you as mi Come in and lei derive from a ch( The Saving FORT MILL, New price* at Massoy'ti. .25 to 50 Iter cent off Dry <?oo?1h, Shoes, Nulla, Coats, Millinery anil many other thing*. 666 cures Malaria, Chills | and Fever, Bilious Fever, | Colds and LaGrippe. It kills I the parasite that causes the fever. It is a splendid laxative and general Tonic.?Adv CRIMSON CLOVEH. clean, 12 cents pound; Burr Clover. 12 cents pound; Alfalfa, 38 cents pound; Hairy Vetch, 28 cents pound; ltape, 15 cents pound; liome grown Appier Oats. $1.56 hushel; Native Kye, $3 bushel; Barley, $3.30 bushel; Blue Stem Wheat, $3.20 bushel; White, Yellow and Bermuda Onion Sets, $3 bushel. We pay the freiffht. Karls Seed Co., Greenwood. S. C. 666 has ware imitation than a*y other Chill aid Fever Toaic ' # the warhet, hit 10 oae waits ! imitation. They are daigoron ! thiifs ia the medietas lime.?A dv- < < - - ~ - ^ 4l T CTAP THAT rnur.H mvi Hint vvvutl I w W With HUTCHINSON'S SPECIAL " COUGH SYRUP . 25ca Bottle Hutchinson's Pharmacy, Phone No. 91 g Question Today to buy Heavy and Fancy Groceries, hen you want Satisfaction in Service, II these and watch the wants of our ? 11 Cooperative Store. mer You Know That Has a hecking Account e could get along without one bljr say he didn't know what convenience as until he had one at the bank. J\tis uvifh a 7\>n - ^ X and know Your 6/tVle convenience a checking account is?you always inge?you don't need to carry money around in i know where every cent was paid out - and hest k is an indisputable receipt, for a check must be ;ed) before the money is paid. i checking account at the SAVINGS BANK! ive a checking account at our bank just as long to draw checks for more than they have on dege you one penny to keep your accounts?we any check books as your needs require. : us explain the advantages and benefits you will icking account at? || \s Bank of Fort Mill THE FRIENDLY SOUTH CAROLINA * BANK I Bread - Rock Hill - Bread j Is the BEST and cheapest food. | | Fifteen cents buys food value in | i Bread 1.600 Calories Cheese 750 Calories . | Ham 600 Calories * f Steak_ 280 Calories f | Eggs 255 Calories I Eat twice as much BREAD and I | cut down your living expenses. T i The body needs Proteins, Minerals, Carbohy- +> t drates, Fats and Water. And good BREAD is the | | only food containing all of these elements. f I EAT MORE BREAD | I Rock Hill Steam Bakery |