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SOUR STOMJO TbeJW. BUck-Dranfkt ffitU? lemmeeded by a Tennessee Grocer for Trouble* Renkiif fromTornid < liver* East Nashville, Temt? The efficiency of Thedtord's Black-Draught, the genuine, herb, llrer* medicine, la vouched tor by Mr. W. N. Parsons, a grocer of this city. "It Is without doubt the best liver medicine, and I don't belleTe I could ret along without It I take it for sour stomach, head* ache, bad liver. Indigestion, nnd all other troubles that are the result of a torpid llvor. "I have known and used It for years, and can and do highly recommend It to every one. I won't go to bed with* oct it In the house. It will do all It claims to da I can't say enough for It" Many other men and women throogh* out the country have found BlackDraught just as Mr Parsons describes ?valuable In regulating the liver to Itr; norma! fiinrHnn. ??< l? th-> bowels of Impurities. Thedford's Black-Draught llrer medldno Is the original and only genuine. A ecpt no Imitations or substitutes. , Always ask for TLedlord'a. e.&i STATIC OF SOT'TH OA It OI .IN A. COUNTY OF YORK?In the Court of Common Pleas. The Havings Bunk of Fort Mill, Plul.ttlff, ngninst J. F. I.ytlo, A. C. I ytle, Mrs Jessie Brgckctt Mr?. Dnrcus Wilson, Mrs. Sullle Nunncn, Mrs. Maggie ltainey, Mrs. Bonnie. Wlngate, Mrs. Pearl Happ, Mrs. l.ottle St'ultz and Thomas l.ytle, tho Inst named being n minor under the ago of fourteen years. Defendants. / ?cs LI t t ts * % V ' a I v I'-i *'!' n/VI 4i4 Pursuant to an order, of It I* Honor Brncit Moorr. I will sell at public huctlon, in front of the Snvlngs IUmik of Port Mill., S. C.. at Port Mill. S. C... on Tuesday, the 19th day of. October. 1920, at ten o'clock A. M? for cash, to the highest bidder, the following described renl estate AH of that eertaln ploco, parcel or lot of land In the Town of Port Mill, P. C.. having the following eourseb nnd distances: Beginning at *i slake on Booth Street, nnd running thence with llooth Street S. 88.SO R. 171 feet to n stake at corner of property of T. O. Culp. thence with the dividing line hetwoen this said lot and thw property tf the said- T. G. Gslpr N. 28.20 E. 100' feet to stnk".~ InterFOR TH GROC IN FORT I B. C. FER BBBaonnoaaaani f?A SYSTEM q People who have been sick, net S strength. After severe illness, yoi " feeling that hangs on, after you get u yuu get your sircngm oacK me oeil Q assistance, in enriching your blood M you to digest your food, and to buiU 5 f 5 The Scientili Q Mr. Ervin Horton, a prominent have been taking Ziron, and It la a B more than anything else, after I h*d B builder, ! appreciate what Ziron h Q has been prdved by the good result ..... ',- * *.*'?**, . Received at 75Dx 82 4 Ex - Rn Atlanta Gar Boyles Mtr Co Rook Hill S Wire received this morn to guarantee extended d " / '} .v, *" ' 'K-~ > chasers against any red Cee Model to May first ] interests of your retai local "trade Please gr mobile buyers and users OaItI flnH volne -Pair* Southern section of property of the said T.O. Gulp nnd W. P. Harris, thence with the dividing line of this property and the property of the snid W. F. Harris, N. 52.35 "VV. 1(57 feet to a stnke, Intersection of lots 2 and 3, S. 24.48 W. 200.8 to stake, beginning on Booth istrefct, being the lot designated as Lot No. 3, op plat made by Miller & White, and dated June, 1914. The terms of this sale to be cash, to be paid within one hour after the sale, or the same will be resold, at the risk of the former purchaser, the purchaser to pay for all papers, including revenue stamps. JOHN'R. LOGAN. C. C. C. PL8. AND G.ij. September 4. 1920. CRIMSON CLOVER, clean.- 12 cents pound; Burr Clover, 12 cents pound; Alfalfa, 38 cents pound; llpiry- Vetch, 28 cents pound; Rape, 15 ocrts pound; feiomc grown Appier Oats. $1.56 bushel; Native Uye, $3 bushel; Barley, $3.30 bushel; Blue Stem Wheat. $3.20 bushel; White, Yellow mid Bermuda Onion Sets, $3 bushel. Ave pay the freight. Farls Seed Co., Greenwood. H. C. A Hrun.swiek Phonograph will keep your family home ut nlglit while some talking mttehiiuw wiU run Jlmia Hear one ut Masw-y'ii. ^ Z f IE BEST ERIES V1ILL SEE GUSON. anaDODamiBKiiaB [-builder! D id a tonic to help them regain their n know the tired, weak, no-account ~J p and begin to go about The sooner " er, and you should derive valuable D I, renewing your appetite, helping Q I up your system, by taking ic Iron Tonic 8 t citizen of Norton, Ala., writes: "I 5 wonderful medicine. It helped me the influenza. It is a great system- D as done for me." The merit of Zlron Q s obtained by thousands of nqta and Q ould try Ziroa. Your money wiU be ms -5 tannnaBnaaannnI / / ' "? 1/0^. / J* 1048A Oct 1st 1920 ; % , - . - " ^ 'j C * / >ing from Oakland Facto ealers they vill guara uotlons on present lis nineteen twenty one 1 1 buyer should prove g ve this information wi< in your section will price. Oakland Co. R H Marti YORK C FA V 2 2 $ ? . 51 .* v . . SOCTOBER . ir .* * \ ' ? T ' V" ~r" ' ? " r < - * (ilU\l> KX POSITION OF 1?R< ixn.rmxc splknihd array 01 OAVTIiK AND IIORSP.K. PRODUC* BOOTHS, DFMONSTRATINC. TR,F, I TIIK 1IOMF OKMONSTRATION CI SHOW. A 17 1 n iveai c-aucai Combined W and I* ? i Y()tl CAN'T AFFORD TO MIS! CIjASS EXIHISITION SHOVV. INCH Wllili FURNISH TilE FI'N. WIIII.l TIONK, RIDING DEVICES FOR OI. THING THAT GOFS To ROl'ND < STUNT AEROPLANE FLIGHTS DAILY HKNATOH K. l?. SMITH AND DELIVER ADDRESSES ON WW) THURSDAY IS MF.KCII XNTK* FRIDAY IS FDFCATIONAIj 1? ADMITTED FREE. DtOTMAI, TRAINING flCIIOOTi TEAMS. PREPARE TO COME YOURS HAVE A JO|j,Y GOOD TIME? THE AMUSEMENTS. SPECIAI. R VTFfj. FOR I'REV V ' York Co ROCK HILL, S. C. >__ Fort Mill Home for Sale. I oof for for snle n?y house anil la km?wn ns tin* Johnston plncv, iwt the npprr mill, fc.r 91,500. (Joe house, In rare lot. Mouse In ffood oo? (lltion. Tlita is n iMrgaln for IiOi^i wokcr. POTTEK STARNKS. vrrA'q ^,S ** v ;V r*?. . % oi j ' ' % ,?' r SaiE* fflB. - /': ' ^ . ' ,? ? , -v ':?* * fvl' 4 I ( " J 1 . i , ' - C > I r * . . ry advises in addition ntee your retail purt price of Thirty Four 'his action protecting reat stimulant' to your \ ? ie publicity so auto- ^ be again assured of i n,~ Mgr. 1247PM if BOUNTY I * ^ /' -IR TV $/.VyiV5 * ,l " ! 20, 21, 22 \ ">DUCT8 OF THE FARM AND HOME. F PUREBRED SWINE, POUI.TRY, VS OF YOHK COUNTY. COMMUNITY ItESOURCEFUENESS AND SKILL OF I.I It MEMBERS. BIO AUTOMOTIVE tional Exhibition >/ ith Recreation 1 Fun S THE FAIR Tins' YEAR. A IIIC51I [JRlNO NUMEROUS ATTRACTIONS, E THERE WILL RE FREE ATTRACiD AM) YOU NO?IN FACT. EVEKY>UT A REAR COUNTY FAIR. FAST RACING ON FINE TRACK DAILY COMMISSIONER n. HARRIS WILL VESI)AY?FARMERS' DAY. AND MANUFACTURERS' DAY. \Y. SCHOOL fHII.DREN WILL BE R DETREEN TIIE CHESTER AND V EM' AND INVITE YOUR FRIENDS. I.EARN SOMETHING AND ENJOY H I'M 1.1ST WRITE THE SECRETARY. % ?unty Fair Oct. 20-22 - r msam??ai mmu wmt 666 has more inititfoas thin! ir any other Chill aid Fever Toaic j1 ob the Market, hat aa oae wants II imitations. They are Jaagereas things in the Medicine line.- -Adv i <tr -??? T? Does Your Auto Need a New Cover? >* Drive it over. Our trimmers are experts and re guarantee satisfaction** I.e. HARDIN & CO Auto Painters and Top Builders ROCK HILL, S C. DR. A. L_.. OTT , DENTIST Office hours, 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. (Dr. Spratt's office) Belk Building, Port Mill, S. C? , s j 666 quickly relieves Constipation Biliousness, Loss of Appetite, and Headiche, due to Torpid Liver. The Bij w - m - - I Is the best place Come to see us wl Price and Goods. We guarantee al patrons. Fort Mil * > # ? - 1 i ' Proof c is th The proof of L We are not 1 Making them L The PRICE of DUCED. All cotton at its pre than the farmei living or a fair at the end of a We are ready ; this season's 1 anew. t Stocks Com Everything to \ family. Also ings. Our sto< t>y thousands 1 are going to sa< PAT ; " - " ' . ' > -v - - . . . *'.. ; v $ - School S Tablets, Pencils, 'Pens and Pen Ink Erasers, ("!omnncitimi li , - % IV/ *1 U Examination 1 Pdncil Boxes, Conklin and Pi Everything foi: Hutchinson's . Phone No ? y Question n to buy Heavy and | len you want Satisfi 1 these and watchjl 1 Cooperative ?. W. PARKS, Manager.|p the P e Eating < ow Prices is Makn alking Low Pri -.ow. EVERYTHING 1 prices madci^i isent price. JfSk c who raises^rap, profit, only tpijibe hard year's iimrk and willing to'wci iusiness?forget j plete in Every D vear for every mt Trunks, Bags and :k of high class n larger than ever b 2rifie it regardless TERSC ' ' ypplies ; ? 'I Staffs, w ' ''i ooks, Cablets, v ' .d arker Fens, * *the school room. % % \ Pharmacy, .91 _ "'M i^ancy Groceries. iCtion in Service, \$p wants of our | Hv -v t ..'-1 ptore, adding of It ig them Low. - * ces?-we are HERE is REthe basis of _ are no better cotton for a j disappointed ifice profit on i ' about it, start smber of the Floor Covert / merchandise is efore and we of profit. )N'S tm ? ? , * f V?f 1 ' I .* ' -