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al a. Bradford, Jr., of Columbia K >T" ?ttt Sunday la FUrt Mill at the homo of his fathor, a. a. Bradford. Mr. and Mrs. Withers M&seey. for *$. mar residents of Fort Mill, whye re ' oantly moved from Columbia tb Charf lotto. Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Ummoiu and children of Wlnnsboro were the guests Sunday of relatives In fort Mill. Mr. Lemmou says he thinks Fort Mill the beat town Its slse In South CaroUna and he hopes to some day again 'make his home here. W. R. Bradford of Fort Mill, member of the General Assembly for York county, has accepted the Invitation of President L,ueco Ounter to make an address at the annual meeting of the State Teachers' association in Spartanburg, Friday evening, November 26. Roller Gordon, who conducts a fruit uiuu ana luncn room near the Houtn rn passenger station In Port Mill. Monday morning paid the town a fine of $60 for violating the ordinance against the transportation of intoxicating liquors. Z. Y. Bradford, former Fort Mill dtlsen, who had made . his home In Badln, N. C.. for several years up to a few months ago, when he moved to Florence, was married in that' city a few days ago to Mrs. Minnie Mima at her home on South Bunbourn street. The ceremony was performed l>y the Rev. Dr. F. H. Furman in tho presence of a few close friends of the parties. Mr. and Mra Bradford will make their home in Florence. . Miss Mamie Carter, daughter of Mr. anil Mrs. C. H. Carter, and Walter | Wright, both of Fort Mill, wore married Saturday evening, the ceremony being performed by the Itev. W. ft. Baiiknight, pastor of 8t. John's Metn-j odlst church. Mr. Wright is a voters^ of the World war, with a splendid record for service,. He served overseus as a sergeant of the Fort Mill company. 118th reorlment. 30th division. / Mrs. Kenneth Nlms, Mrs. L M. Musfey and Miss Virginia Hamilton, accompanied by Osmond Barber and Li. s M. Masey, left Fort Mill Tuesday for ( Jonesvllle, Union county, to bo at tho bedside of their father, Col. It. W. Hamilton, who Is crltlcaly 111. Mrs. Osmond Barber, also a daughter of Col. Hamilton, was unable to go to the > bedside of her father on account of the Illness of one of her children. ^number of young men have recently enlisted In the Tom Hail Guards, N. G. U. 8., and the total membership of the company, which was organised only a few' weeks ago, now is 73. Thus far company drills are being held twice each week in the armory, but when the company equipment la reoe^ved the officers plan to * have: electric light strung about the baseball grounds so that drills may be held there evenings. Measurement of tbe men tor uniforms was taken some days ago, and these, together with the underclothing, shoes, hats, overcoats, raincoats, ponchos, etc., are expected to arrive within n few wccks. Fort Mill friends of Theodore Harrts will be Interested in the statement that he has glyen up flying for Uncle Bam to engage In the safer if less exciting work of an examiner of banks and building and loan associations for ^he State of Texus, with headquarters In Austin. Until recent, ly Mr. Harris wara lieutenant in the aviation corps, at Kelly Field, Texas. He entered the service at Camp Sevier, * Greenville, shortly after the United States 'became engaged in the World war and after passing the rigid examination for aviators was commissioned a lieutenant. The position Mr. Harris, l cocr FOR FRIDAY A Large Size Snow Drift Lard J Five Pounds Sugar 4 Sugar, 100 Pound Lots, per ( Fat Back, by the strip. Flour Shipped Stuff Hor Gulp B > 1 'i EVERYTHING ' AND B STAPLE A GROG : ' A MEi \ has with the Texas government was seonxyd for him through .the instrumentality of.Governor Hobby. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. W, F. Harris of Fort Mill. In response to the proclamation of Governor Cooper urgtng the public schools of the State to hold special exdfclses during the ' present week stressing the importance of fire prevention, a Are drill is to be held at >th? Fort Mill graded school this afternoon and tomorrow afternoon and talks are to be made on the subject by the teachers. A representative of the Insurance department in Columbia yraa in town Tuesday trying to work up Interest In the movement by (limriouiinff pnmeu mutiur n-anus upon the subject and telling how much property had been consumed In the jilted States by Are during the past ^ar and how many persons were burned to death during tl\^ same time. T. N. Alexander, Confederate veteran who formerly lived in Fort Mill township for many years, but who is now making his home In the Steele* Creek section of Mecklenburg county, was In town Wednesday for the second time during the year. Recently Mr. Alexander hus suffered much from a wound he received at the buttle of Chapln Farm, Virginia, on October 18, 1864. "My wound was dressed (lrst by Dr. Robert Gibbons of Charlotte." yesterday said Mr. Alexander, "and exactly 62 years afterward was dressed by his son, Dr. Robert Gibbons, Jr., also, of Charlotte." Mr. Alexander was a member of the 37th North Carolina Infantry and fought under Jackson at Chancellorsville and with his regiment was In the thick of the great Gettysburg engagement. In his younger days Mr. Alexander was a powerful man physlcaly and Is yet^well preserved for [one who took part In the civil conflict that ended 6& years ago. TO DISMANTLE DIG ZOO. llagenlNM ks Will Sell Remaining An1 In in Is In Famous Park. The great Hagenbock zoological park, near Hamburg, Germany, is to be dismantled and the animals sold. The war raised costs of conducting the park to unbelievable heights and reduced the number of tourists to an almost negligible number. From August, 1914, to November, 1918, more thun 200 big animals died, despite heroic attempts to alter their accustomed diet. Among these were 74 lions, 19 tigers, 40 bears, 19 polar bears, 8 leopards and 10 hyenas. Of the smaller animals 200 apes, 7 chimpanzees and 1?9 baboons died, and the sea animals lust harldy fewer In proportion. Enormous prices of animals and depletion of the world's stocks made attempts to build up the park failures, and finally the decision wn? reached to dismantle the park and sell such animals as were not in use In the traveling shows owned by Carl llngenbeck. W? arc proud of the confidence doctors, druggists and the pnblic have in 666 Chill and Fever Tonic. The Brunswick Is I lie only' Phonograph that plays ALL records IT.ilFKOTLY and reproduces the natural void- witlHiut disagreeable sounds. Hear H at Massejr'H. 666 cures Malaria, Chilli and Fever, Bilious Fever, Colds and LaGrippe. It kills the parasite that causes the fever. It is a splendid laxative and general Tonic.?AdvIf you want home news, you will find it only in The Times. HALS ND SATURDAY S1.R2 J.L $1.00 jound-.- 19c 17c se Feed Cotton Seed Meal rothers THE. FRESHEST EST IN ND FANCY ERIES ND \TS STORE OF , 1 J "''; 1 ONES r . TOM I, I 1 " . I 1 . 1 Sd^lj-rmi b a great pain Ukr. n vhivtvi pin nv miviw phvpi wj Mi i mm 11 f p ?- - ilj RMDwuSSf n VM?Mf Dp* siM| For 10 cent* you fet Ooifate'i Dentan Creroe, Tooth Brush, Shoe Polish, 20 cent Fire Shovel, C. M. C. Crochet Cotton, etc., at Maseey's. v MEED OATS from GOITER PEDIQfiEEi) APPLER STOCK?Produced 66 Bu. per'Acre on RED LAUD. A beautiful OAT for ?1.7E Bu. LEADING COVER CROP feEED at right prices. High grade ALFALFA SEED 39 C. LB. ALL SEED F. O. B. ROOK HILL. 8. C., "The-Home of Alfalfa;** ROCK HILL GROCERY CO.. ROCK HILL, 8. C. ? ~g? y SPECIALS for one week?15 cent," uinKiuun, outiuic, Percale and Bleach f Domcrtic all 29 centa at L. 4. Miw- j scy'a, 1 I Annoum < I; Our new building ;; pleted and we wish t? | are now equipped to d I of Automobile Paintin | We also make Seat Co T Curtains'and Signs I Pyramid P a : KOCK HI + Overhead liridge i . ' "< . 1 " : FOR TH i \ l ? GROC I IN FORT r I i < o > >. ' B. C. FER I FOR Y0U1 n To be healthy and strong, you r in your blood. When your blood lac ^ ?and you are bound to suffer for ^ nervous people, who suffer from P pains, lack of appetite, and who it J probably need iron in their blood anc M ? gas** i M The Scientifi 01 Mr. A. ft. Erwin writes from Oci M taken very little medicine of any kin H my back, pains in the muscles of i sb weak, languid, depressed, no energ) H took three bottles ol Ziron, and got a Oct a bottle of Ziron Iron Tonic TabU benefit you. your money wiU be refunded, for ^^^acfc guarantee. | FIRST CLA I AND LU t I have bought THE CITY * ronage of the public, assnrinp 4 ment and the best food the mi * specialty of lunches. I G. W. SI I MAJESTIC TO - DAT I The Sun bean of the I Screen, B I MARY MILES MINTER, I I "Nurse Maijorie." I B It was written for .fun and H M the author forgot there ever H B was such a thing as sorrow. f M B If laughing hurts you, you..H SAVE HALF YOUR MONEY when rou buy your IjuIIcw' aiul Children's lata at L, J. Massey's.. immp.nt ilUIIIVIII ? is now about com- | [> announce that we | lo the highest grade i g and Top Building. J vers, Cushions, Side J aint Shop \ LL, S. C. Look for the Sign. I V E BEST r * ERIES V1ILL SEE V GUSON. R BLOOD J lust have a certain amount of iron Bfl :ks iron, nothing can take its place H iron until you get it. Pale, weak, A headaches, indigestion, rheumatic 2 el tired, worn-out and depressed, H 1 should take M _ M i c Iron Tonic gg # N 11a, Ga.: "I am a man of 65; have id. Two years ago I got a pain in iji my arm and leg; no appetite, very H r, nervous and irritable . , . i ill right." 2 rta. today. II the ftnt bottle taken fan* to If all good dracaUt* aell Ziron on a moneyHK#XK flK ZJ^I H ?> SS MEALS I NCHES | * * CAFE and invite the pat- ? r everyone courteous treat-. & arket affords. We make a ^ ta ~ I X * ] ' . ' j . V Reduct Foi V* r THE WAR IS OVER AT> I FORD CARS, TRUC DETROIT AT THE TOURING CAR, WITHOUT STARTRR TOURIXG CAR WITH STARTER I RUN ABOUT, WITHOUT STARTER RUNABOUT, WITH STARTER CHASSIS j The Fort! Motor Com panjr Immnllatr orders for oik- Iiuik will suffer a temporary 1 cms willing to nuke a saeriti (V li Itosslhle aiul maintain n mon war 1h over and it is time win tain iui artllieial standard of was made to bring tlic busiiv at your command with regal CALDWE R CORNER TRADE AND I ? I ???????????? | Tired 1 "I was weak and run-down,'* R I N relates Mrs. Eula Burnett, ot 4 I #V Dal ton, Oa. "I was thin and K? Sj just felt tired, all the tint* S pe t didn't -1~,i ?11 ? v isav wo**. WUO I H| I ever hungry. I knew, by H this, I needed a tonic, and H n as there la none better then? n SCARDUI | The WomiR'8 Tonic i h3 1 began neing Cardni," V continues Mrs. Burnett J9 I "After my first bottle, I slept U I better and ate better. I took H four bottles. Now I'm well, m M feel Just fine, eat and sleep, K II my skin la clear and I hare Gfl gained and sure feel that 9 B Cardul Is the best tonlo erer V K made." JS it Thousands of other women U I have found Cardul lust as A Wrs. Burnett did. It should K I help you. H IAt an druggists. 9 JESSE L.HOWIE General Contracting ESIMSM CWMb,GiTw Phono 168 Fort Mill, S. C BB9BB9HB9SBBSSBB99BBBEB9S9E9BB9BSBSSBSSS j'ORD THE UNIVERSAL CAk. ion in Pri "V d Produci id war prices must go. eff :ks and tractors will b following prices: StdAR COVPKI.KT, WITH AND DKMOI'NT/ 510 NKDAN, WITH ST.> AXI> DEMOI'XTA 395 (TON THITCK, ^00 WITH PNKl'MAT nnn FORDSOX OUU TRACTOR .. .. makes tills mluetlon In the fne? ?f the fne Iretl forty-six tliousaiMl sixty-live nirs ami ti while usIiik U|> the material Ixiimht at IUk It I tr< ||?P l/i 1M*IIIIV liiieliiiWJe IW?#aIp * " " lentuni of the buying; power of the country, r priccN ?m? mrr. There Ik tut sense t?r w values. For the l(ont Interest of ull It Is tini em of the country down to a rc puUir pre-v nr Ford Kfllciency In service nntl, enjeeroes LL MOTOR COI OCK HILL, S. C. I BLACK STREETS ife*5 If you will place them in our bank You will be surprised to see how crease. By depositing regularly y into dollars, dollars that if left to t remarkably short time. You cannot find an indoor or out< of watching your savings account { There is a serious satisfaction in wa add to it from time to time until it goal of Financial Independence. Those who travel the road of a; leads to Financial Independence n of their job, loss of health or old at boos are taken care of if you hi account at THE SAVING. w-- . > ';'; '_ v" *\ ;,;; >-'i ces of ts *- ' =" ' !\ I ECTIVE AT ONCE | ' ^ E SOLD F. O. B. ' i' '' STARTER C7AR ' UU.E RIMS... OlT'U s ' RTER 7 nr RlilC RIMS I IE TIRES . . 545 S 790 I t Hint they have on IijmmI ^ motors. .Tlio cont|MUiy s her prill's. T1u>y nre ^ low n ImlsIs ns ipiirkl> ns Henry Eorti snys: "Tin* r Isiloin in tryhif; tn initio- H ?' n real luirtli'iilnr effort jj ' mr stiiniliinl." Wo iut *; x to till your order*. 1PANY PHONE 634 cart teach r your ijjlArs TO HAVE | /v\?ree :nts * at 4 per cent, interest. # if" % r rapidly your cents inWx. . B ou soon see them (-row hemselves multiply in a ioor sport equal to that Krow. itching its growth as you rapidly approaches the ystematic saving which fed never fear the loss ge. All of these buga. ave a steadily growing v It J -