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^ l - Phr ^Qkfl . r j Every one of out c $ i._ui cr?ii i cinaiivauic uiicrui^s just as imgortant as i Take Advant; Our Big Revision This message of ecoi Unas like an electric Winter Apparel Prie You need look no you in the way of fai ? ' ; Blankets and Comforts ^ . Tills Is Blanket and Opmfort weather. . ^ Kfird has them at Roylwl Prices. You can save 92.50 to 95 per pair if you buy from l?fir?l. $ Good warm double Blankets at, per jpair . 95.18' s] Nashua Woolnap Blankets 66 a by 80 Inches, special at.... 95.B8 v American Woolen Company's One ? pi ** plain Blankets, in a fine range large slxo at 97.50 ir North Carolina Woolen Mills Blank- |( ots at, por pair V. V;. . 'J9.08 Good soft fluffy Cotton Comforts, at $2.08 to 94.08 OUTINO FLANNELS. . 31 Revised to AlmoMt I*rc-War Prices. 35c quality plain White Outing, the yard .... - 18c Amoskcng plain White Outing, the yard 25c N - BPc quality rihk. Blue, Cream and * White Outing Flannel, revised to, the yard .. .. 2Bo ? 2"-lneh Pin Strlpo and Chocked * Outing Flannel. 50c quality, reduced to, the yard 28c ,tt No. 500 Mottel Outing Flannel, " yard . 25c _ S. F. M. 40c Mottel Outing Flan- ^ ncl, revised to, the yard ... 29c ^ WINTER UNDERWEAR. C At Prices You Will Not <k> Wrong In G Buying Bnwon'H Supply, sjj Mrn'o No Name Shirts and Drawem 98c Runes Bed Label Shirts and'Draw- I crs 91.18 Hanoi* Hod Label Union Suits 92.25 llnncs^Boys' Union Suits .. .. 91.IK ** . r V " "" WORK SHIRTS AND OVERALIjS. 1 fl'ue Chnmbrny Work Shirts, Men's E and Boys', revised to 88c Men's O. K. Work Shirts, revised , Men's Anvil Overalls, heavy weight $1.85 t Indian Read Union Made Overalls, revised to 92.35 c Blue Buckle Union Overalls at 92.35 // V IroneJis, union made $2.65 j. AMi WOOT, GOODS REVISED TO I ' PRESENT BASIS OP WOOL. Jtlak and Navy In All Qualities. AH Wool Serge 08c I* All Storm Sorgo In Black and Nu? %T. revised to yard .. . .... 08c 54-inch Storm Serge, black and navy. most all wool, 92.50 value, revised to yard . . . \ . 91.45 Atlantic Woolen Mills 40-lnch Imperial Serge. $3 quality, revised to yard $1.08 Amoskqag 50-Inch fine Serge, black and navy, at yaid $1.08 Arlington Mills 54-Inch Mannish Serge, $4.00 quality, revised to J yard .. .. $2.85 40.|nch Pacific All Wool Serge $1.85 54-lnch Pacific All Wool French Serge, at yard $2.85 45-Inch Pacific All Wool Trlcotlhe. revised to, yard . . $2.85 36-tnch School Plaids, new vogue, rovlsed to, yard 00c n<-tnch Woolen Novelty Plaid Skirting, revised to, yard .. $1.58 54-Inch Atlantic Scotch Plaid Skirting. Some ask ns high' as $8 per ( yard for It. Our revised prtce-#4.85 1 *. /. *v "" ~ >" mfm mm* mm. 4 mm iytfi.1^ jr] j jBHWR^. ?- * '** . v,,rr jj H V & ;> kji ? ? j^. V'" itt. ' fw .' ' . iht, Oct. 1( t x\- t '. V ' rV-. " '' .v j, ustomers may reap . To save on men I 'T5? 3B&' v* } jS >r v ^ .'"l making any other pi ige of These Revisior . Sale is a Reorula - o lomy rings out thi shock. New and ed to Your Advant; further?trust to thion and thrift. 100 New Suits Triootlnc, Duvetjm, Velour, Polrot TwtUs, Values $80 to >125, Spec .. !? ) * nvTu itir iius nuK' 35 to $69.50 .. Those 100 Suits nre a part of. a bin social purchase we made last week nd represent same -of the greatest nines wo have ever offerod to our atronB. ' Thoroughly stylish and well made, deluding all of fashion's latest ideas i trimming and colors. 300 iutumn Dresses llgnoneitos, Trlcolcttee, Satins. Charmeuso, Crepe Meteor. Serge, Duvetyn, Tricotlnc In Four Big Special tJroups. Qur buyer. Just returned from the Northern markets, secured these resses at a very big discount. They oally were made to sell' for almost wlce the price we've placed on them. ?f trig style, there's plenty of colors. wonderfully complete choice. Trimllngs and fashions are as Fashion ah decided upon for the new season." IROUP No. 1?Values to $39.60. nt,...' $18.50 IUOUP No. 2?Values to $49.60, at $21.50 inoup No. 3?Values to $46.00, at .: $21.T5 (ROUP No. 4?Values to $66.00. at $28.50 .ADIE8' HIGH GRADE DRESS SHOES, PULLMAN AND OTHER WELL KNOWN MAKES >nrk Brown Calf Boots, wins and imitation tips . ... ^ 99.00 >ark Brown Kid Bota, Cuban and Louis heels, imitation tips. 9&.60 Hack Vlcl Kid Military Heel Boots. imitation tips ,. 99,00 (lack and Tan Kid Military Real Boots, low heel and wide toes, price fT.BO Hack and Tan Kid Military Heel . Boots, Imitation tips, price . 99.00 (rowing Girls' Brown Caff School Shoes, slse. 2 1-2 to 8. price. 9&.00 (lack and Tan Louis Heel Boots, imitation tips, 912.80 value, price 99.00 LADIES* IMPERIAL SHOES In linn lllimlr ViH Milllarv HsaI 9-inch Boot. 114.50 value, B. to E last V 99.95 Co. 1151 Black Kid Cuban Heel Boot, a $15 value. B to E last $10.50 Co. 1751 Brown Kid Cuban Heel Boot, a $20 value. A to I) last. price $14.00 Jo. 1550 Ladles' Tan Calf Military Heel Boot, A to D last .... $12.95 Co. 1551 Ladles' Satin Calf Cuban Heel. 9-inch Boot, $18.50 value. In A to D last, price .. .. $12.95 Co. 1251 Browp Calf Military Heel, 9-inch Boot, $18.50 value, A. to D last, price $11.98 Cq. 1100 Black Kid Military Heel. 9-inch Boot, $14.50 value, B to E last $9.95 Co. 1151 Black Kid Cuban Heel Boot, a $15.00 value, B to E last, price $10.50 Co. 1751 Brown Kid Cuban Heel Boot, a $20.00' value, A to D last, price $14.00. ' V ^ K epartme \* .. ." s ' - . ? . . - ' . t, . , > ??? Q A T 17 r O/tLI iI J ! tttrday 3th ? ? tw y&9?* % '"'v^ benefit from these - * ' Jiandise you need is rofitable investment. < V i Sale Prices. IV Ra^main !4a?M*A?f u ?r? gain a ana vcou 'oughout the CaroBeautiful Fall and i age. 1 this store to direct ; \ % 1 '1 I ^ 1 ' *' Coats Galore i Just ill Time for Autumn's First Brisk Days. < velours. broadcloths, vel- , vets. rolivak, etc.?some fur trimmed, some plain, all fashionable. mi *? * ? ? - - xnu iirsi nriaK agjrs OI Autumn, coming ho Huddenly, made an immediate demand for warm wraps. And besides being warm, they must be sty. lish. These coats we arc offering as a part of our great Revision, Sale rep- ' resent really wonderful values. Come j tr tomorrow and take your choice. You'll (lnd the prices right. 112.80 to $88 SHEETS AND CARES West Wind 72x90 Sheets .... 91.35 I Prendnaught, 81.x 90 ScnmlesX ' Sheets $1.79 Mohawk 81x90 Seamless Sheets $1.98 White Star. 8J x $0 Seamless Sheets .. $1.98 West Wind 42x36 Pillow Cases. 38c Mohawk 42x30 Pillow Cases.. 49c White Star 4 2x36 Pillow Coses. N<9o HAIR NETS, 2 FOR 5c Regular 10c invisible Hair Nets in black only, 2 for 5c Straight Hair Pins, per paper., to Brass Pins, per paper 5c shoes for boys and iattiie | cients?the famous m essen oer brand. Roys' Black and Dark Brown English or Blucher. slses 2 1-2 to 6 1-2 .'. $5.00 Boys' *7j>0 Tan English Bala, genuine calfskin, good wolt soles, price *0.00 Boys' Black Calfskin English fanls. iaes 1 and 2, price $4.50 l.lttle Oents* Calfskin, English Bals, .sizes 9 to 13 1-2 $4.00 e. c. 8kuffkrk?the correct shoes for school wear, button or lack Children's E. C, Skuffcrs, black, sizo 3 to 6, at $1.75 Children's E. c. Skuffers, tan, size 8 1-2, at *1.98 Children's E. C. Skuffers, black, sizes 6 to 8, at .! $2.75 Childrcns E. C. Hkuiffers, tan. size 6 to 8, at *2.75 Children's E. C. Skuffers, black, size 8 1-2 to 12, at . $3.25 Children's K. C. Skuffers, tan, size 3 to ?. to 12. at ' $3.25 Mines E. C. Skuffers. tan, size 12 1-2 to 2. at $3.08 Children's Mahogany' Button Skuffers, size 6 to 8 $2.08 Children's Mahogany Bal Skuffer, size 6 to 8, at $2.08 Misses' Mahogany Bal Skuffor, size 8 to 12. 'at $3.48 Misses' Mahogany Bal Skuffer, size 12 1-2 to 2, at $4.50 Youth's Mahogany Blucher Skuffer. siso 10 to 2. at $1.03 APRON GINGHAMS Guaranteed fast color Apron Chocks in black and blue, sold as high as 25c per yard 15c OPTING FLANXKL& 15c One case narrow width Outing Flannel tn dark bolors that has been priced-as high as 25c yard.; 15c ,1 i . ? ^ i s ; v J . I nt Store x V , \ x * wl./* I ' \ v. - S. C. af itUr Qili u4 Fmr Tufc a the strict, hit ac Ht waits kattttkas. tier tie Juftrcia tkiifli it the ac4ktic liii.?Adv '' CARD OF*TJBANKS. .. We wish to thank our friend# and neighbors for ^ their many kindnesses and sympathy shown us during the serious Illness of our little son. May'. God bless each and every one Is the prayer of MR. AND MRP. J. TITLES. STATE OP BOUTH CAROLINA. COUNTY Ot YORK?In the Court of Common Pleas. The Savings Bank of Fort Mill. Plata, tilt, against J. F. Lytle, A. C. Lytic, Mrs Jessie Brackett, Mrs. Dnreus Wilson, Mrs. Bailie Nunnerv, . Mrs. Btoggle Rainey, Mrs. Bessie Wlngate, Mrs. Pearl Bapp, Mrs. Lottie Stultz and Thomas Lytle, the last narhod being a minor under the age of fourteen years, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to an order of Ills Honor Ernest Moore. I will sell at public auction, In front of the Snvings IlanK of Fort Mill., 8. C.. at Fort Mill. S. C.. 0.1 Tuesday, the 19th day of October. 1920, at ten o'clock A. M., for cash, to the highest bidder, the following described real estate .AIT of that certain piece, puree! or lo| of land In the Town of Fort Mill. 3. C., having the following courses and distances: Beginning at a stake on Bboth Street, and running thence with Booth Street B. 89.30 E. 171 feet to a stake 'at corner of property 31 i. v*. vui|?, incnce wun me nivinIng line between this said lot and the property of the said T. O. Culp. N. 28.20 E. 100 feet to stake. Intersection of property of the said T.O. Culp and W. F. Harris, thence with the dividing line of this property and the property of the said W. F. Harris. N. 63.3A W. 167 feet to a stake. Intersection of lots 2 and 3, S. 24.48 W. 200.8 to stake, beginning on Ttooth Street, being the lot designated as Lot No. 3, on plat mnde by Miller & White, and dated June. 1914. The terms of this sale to be cash, to be paid within one hour "after the *ale, or the same will bo resold, at the risk of the former purchaser, the purchaser to pay for all pnperH, Irvdudtng revenue stamps. JOHN R. LOO AN; C. C. C. PES. AND O.S. September 4, 1920. SANITARY TAX DUE. i Seml-annunl sanitary tax of |2 for ' each family Is duo an<#puynble without penally during the month of Oc- ' tober. CM S. LINK, - J Clerk and Treasurer. j TOWN OF FORT MILL RiTolpts and Dbibwsmentu For three months ending September 30. 1920. RECEIPTS*. street tax collections $ 24.00 : Meense tflX'coHwSBOfh.T....* lSp.Oo j Fines collected and bonds deposited 656.00 | Property tax collected 1.38, Sanitary tax collections 163.16 Error in street work pny roll .30 Total receipts' % 1.000.33 DISBURSEMENTS. Repairs to town hall $ 18.6? 'nterest and discount 396.66 Care- of prisoners 2.00 Sanitary service 4 26.00 street clean'njr "S.on Public printing 51 25 Street lights 13S.G8 Street tax refunded 3.0# Election expenses 10.00 Street work 896.36 Pines and bonds refunded.. 400 00 Police department ..n..,. *25 66 Public parks upkeep 13.26 Vrnetcry charges v. 216.06 Office supplies 18.06 Salaries-? Repairs to town hall j*18.6" Mayor and recordor^87 50 Clerk and treasurer. .<87.50 Alderman : 16.00 \ ; IV Of | I.egal services 12.50 D..V.1I- n.mll. . . I ? ? ? Ill tA Total disbursements ;. .. .f $*,288.07 Excess of disbursements over rocolpts $2,267 7 I Cash on hand July 1, 1920 . . 276.5'; borrowed money on note* thla quarter 2 000.00 Cnsh on hand October 1. T??o S.7<i O. 8. MNK. Clerk and Trcnaurer. Attest? A. I,. PARKS. A. O. JON'RS. T. V. lyYTLE, Committee on Flnano. A. 1M. PARKS, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FUNERAL j EQUIPMENT - MOTOR HEARSE, FORT MILL, S. C. MY SHOE BUSINESS v ^ " 'I 1 Ami customers who are being told by some one or more that 1 only keep second hand and old 'stock Shoes. This Is positively untrue?my stock is as free from old stock as any store in. town. I keep Shoes as cheap as you want?I keep as fine as any store In town, but all for less than l he same idtoc at other stores. I invite one and all to Investigate this statement. 1 solicit your trade as an lmnest man, with honest prices R. M. HOOD ran RIGfFT PRICK SHOE klAN. PORT MUX, South Carolina * * ?.r v.;. " ' *;*. ; A trr I ' . E"1!" 1 1 -' --) Doee Your Auto Need ' a New Cover? Droe it over. Our trimmers are experts and we guarantee satisfaction. J.C. HARDIN & CO 1 Auto Painters and Top Builders ROCK HILL, S. C. DR. A. 1 OTT , Ot NTIST Office hours, 8 a. m. to 6 p. in. (Dr. Spratt'8 office) Belk Building, Fort Mill, S. C. 1 ? 666 quickly relieves Constipation Biliousness, Loss of Appetite, and Headache, due to Torpid Liver. |_ The Big Is the best place t Come to see us wh< Price and Goods. J We guarantee all patrons. Fort Mill 'f ' 111 i ~z=z: A Chic at / Wednesday f)r ?>??//'? r.v- r-? *>/? * Ursfor semitiih' cornj. Prict, 1 St and 25c a box Dr. Schot/'s '/.in-Ox Com and Bunion Badjfor the sorest corns and bunions. Price, 35c a box Dr. SckoWs Bunion Reducer for tender bunions. Price, 75c each IE Dr. Scho/Ps Foot-Eaze. for tired, aching feet. Price-, S3.50 a pair PAT' - s ,v v' I School Si Tablets, i Pencils, ; Pens and Pen ? Ink Erasers, r Composition Bp Examination Tc Pdncil Box?s, x Conklin and Pa: Everything for 1 * Hutchinson's I Phone No. Question 1 o buy Heavy and Fj sn you want Satisf ac t these and watch tb * ? ? * Cooperative ! W. PARKS, Manager. ago foot e our store and Thursday, 0< s> hSHKHBB'o itraigA MggjHe Wa, II Dr. SrkMir, H~r rm.kUm. B Pfor tart, Under kult. Priet, |^H i Quick reli I any foot ! Quick and scientific reliel Ppain is made possible for comfort appliances design M. Scholl of Chicago. And now you are to hs in our storey of seeing a d< & these appliances by a Pra 1 Practipedist is a foot ex] I Dr. Scholl's methods. F ? your foot pain, no matter B of how long standing it is P you the Dr. Scholl foot app for your trouble and show correct its cause! ^ This demonstration is i j Come in and find out how J v comfortable feet! I Don't forget the S. 1 Wednesday and Oct. 13th an TERSO 'vr. S; V. m9 applies - ' r V2#?vh? ^ ^^ gflfiM ' 'M ', r * oks, iblets, ' rker Pons, s WKM the school room. ? . _, Pharmacy, j| today ancy Groceries, i ;t4on in Service, |||j e wants of our i Store, i xpert st. 13-14 rt*tr, Toe-Flat fir 7"'"* ?rooktd t0"n II > ?< ,j| lef for 5 9 9 pain! f for every foot .f 4 you by the foot ed ByiDr. Wm, . ive the chance, smonstration of ctipedi9t. This fro t n n/4 fl r* lj 11H1IIVU 111 le understands how serious or . He can show diance designed r you how it will absolutely free. r you can have dates v I Thursday,. d 14th. > N' S