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HK *Tj * * |Hk^; V-"' *V f v ; ^- - f . * 1 ^K^BvA< * ' #_ > -r^#J'?1;. ; >' > - * v- r~'-"' '. k' w. R. Bradford, Editor and Mgr. X w-.. ? - sv? - ;* v MT/. T"~~'mmm*^a?a* R The Times invites contributions 00 &.. live, subjects but does not utm to k-i publish more than 200 words on any j:; subject. The right is reserved to edit K every communiontlon submitted for On application to the publishers. uTcnwmg rates are maae Known to those Interested. Telephone, local and long distance, No. 112. g Sintered at the' postofflce . at Fort Mill, 8. C., as mall matter of ths second class. THURSDAY, OCTOBBJR T, 1?20. The South, along with the rest of tho country, and Southern Democrats along with other Americans, have profited much by tjfte wise and, able Democratic administration of the last eight years. In the result of the present national election they are vitally Interested. They have on their hand* no local fights. Their interest In the presidential cumpalgn, while Keen, Is not so active as that of tho Northern. Eastern and Western Democrats who are bearing the burden of battles both In their State and in the nation. But Fw Southern Democrats should take an active -part In the presidential campaign and not be meroly Interested bystanders In the great contest. It Is to be hoped, for the good of the Democratic party and for the good of the nation and for their own goutt, that they will respond to the plea of the r.auonui com mix too to contrioute us largely as they can to the Democratic campaign fund. The editor of a country weekly makes a gopd point when he says that the properly conducted country weekly does not try to cover In Its news columns all of the news of me wjorld, which It. knows Its readers will get from -other sources more fully than It' could give U to them. It Is satisfied to give its readers all of the town, community and neighbor!. Iiood news. Its field is limited, foij every live town has one or more weeklies or semi-weeklies, but as long as human beings remain interested In their own doings and those of their friends and neighbors. the ' Hold will be there Insistently demandR||f ing to be filled. When a so-called "country editor" has the ability to gather all this news and to present It attractively, and combines with this an honest mind and a clean and kind heart, for use In his editorial columns, he does fqr the souJh of bis readers what the country doctor does, for his patients. Theso are facts. . stated for the benefit of that, fast dwindling1 clnss of people ? this ^ country who haven't' yet found out the mission of the "country weekly." J?ii' . *" Professional baseball cannot' stand another such scandal as has over- ? taken It as n result of the "fixing" by gamblers of White Sox flayers in the world-series vrtth Cincinnati last year. If the great national game is to sur vivo as It has begp played profession--, t ally in this country for the last half 1 century it must be above suspicion. Once the public la convinced that I baseball players. tW^ men who ars ' paid to play the garap, and Play It honestly, may be under the influence of the gasnblors. or may themselves have money wagered on the success of the team they aro opposing, the pntronnge of the game will dwindle, so that the leagues will have to go out of business for lack of support. There is something pathetic about the case of the half dosen or more Chicago players who have admitted that they accepted the money of a hunch of cheap gamblers to allow the Cincinnati team to win the championship. nggrognte tens of thousands of dollars yearly for playing the game at which they wero all experts, but they larked the sense and willpower to withstand the temptation to seespt the tainted money that was held out to them as a reward for *- betraying their employer and the jfabllo. Yesterday lovers of the great national game in every city, tow/i and village hailed Ihem as diamond heroes. Today they ore# held In universal eontempt and no ode has a good word for them. Among the players who are nlleged to have sold out te the gamblers la a South Carolinian?Joe Jackson, whoso home la In the Greenville section' of tho State. Jackaen Is J esteemed t>ne of the greatest batteraadd outfielders the game has ever developed. For years his salary la as Id to have amounted Do more than 111,000 annually and as he Is yet a young man there was the. prospect for him that he ooukl continue to ^ draw a good salary as a ball plgyeg. i for several seasons. But the scandal has ended Jackson's oareor as a ball player and It Is doubtful whether he has laid aside anything for the rainy day. Even should he eeeape conviction In the cotfrts of having accepted . bribe money, the public will not henceforth pay to see hlrn play. A few years ago Jackson was employed In a Greenville cotton mill at $1 per day. The chances are that necessity will again drive klfb to similar employment. ?. ' ^ - -l HJ.^U S>.|. . . ' ^ !!_ >. ...U. -J-1. ... P l6BS9565552!555S^5i^5585^!5^^fefld6fl^65^5555^555 ^. ' ' ?' jli# |M(I 1'rn< u SPEED j Towh * n?trh to the 1 Now PerfroUoo Ott ( retdjr for pee, tmtftj; build, no riowteaerotta tor. The Look Bloe CI firaa jro? mi tpcfedy ? / MOT*. STEAD Set the flame where jrot con ahnya see It thro v door and It stajra Jut I 1 It. It makes no dlffsm ' use the low, medium c there's steady flow of rectly against the utem GLEAN Does not blacken pots < Long Blue Chimney Bui t ery drop off kerosene oi heat?none off It escape ^ soot or disagreeable odo HOT For every cooking pui always an abundance of Intense cooking heat di the utensil. A Long Chimney on a Just as necessary for a cl V as a kmc glass lamp obi cure a dean bright ligh Gooklng 3 Mlllloi Hou&ew! Why do 3,000,000 horn f the New Perfection OH U has the famous Loaf r Burner?that's why. Full lino of Moves, W hi stock. Young & Woll U-LMJ-U, -AlL-ll 1 Mil I J ULia L . .'v.* . 4 Stowing of Nev i ?? i We are now showing the DRESSES, COATS, FURS. S LI A TP At .... nftio. /Also a splendid i GOODS. . 54 inch Serges, in navy and bla Tricotine, in navy and black; goods. Mesaaline and Taffetas, in al Special for Saturday, yard only We have Percales, Suitings and Serge Middies for Children 8 to 12 to 18, Ladies from 18 to 22. much lower price than they wei Com in and let. us show you goods, whether you care to buy kimbri ' ' % ' 4 ^ ; Y Xnk (Mov** r. No ft** to K I?? to wit Uawcjr BwtMt tart aa a gaa If . i want It?T?a a?i> the ?k* where jrim ?et ice whether on r hl(h I lame, > clean heat dl** t ur puia. .Tbm rner tarns er? 1 Into oooking s In smoke or r. 4 pose there la steady, dean, IrecOji against n oil stave islean hot flame a muey la to-ae? it. tror it Ives ewfves prefer 1 Cook Stove? Bloc CWmMy ck? and Pills :e, Fon Mill, s. c. - i?ga?B!?w?wseaeae v Fall Goods NEW FALL SUITS, KIRTS, WAISTS and assortment of PIECE ck S3.7S Shepherd Plaids, wool \ 1 the popular shades. $1.98 Ginghams. 12" years, Juniors from Special values at a e last year, our splendid new fall or not. ? ' ELL'S.. I iV 7 * \ amG * f,r?-> % '' ov|^' %>%^'^r' ^V-' "x "*" v^" " '!' * WHAT 18 THE 1 GOING TO DO? WHAT ABE THE TO DO?SELL < I . * not know. WHAT 18 THE .#] BANK GOING 1 . " ~ . s~ knew; WHAT IS THE US EHNMENT GOH noi know. WHAT IS THE BANK GOING T it hat always d tiok right tqm through thiek an 9 9 THE FIRST H Capital and Su f The I B ! i HEAVY and FA1 HARE | FEEDSTUF || 'ALL i IF WE HAVEN WANT WE | The J. R Ice Ceam Co CONE AND CREAM 4 CI ? i Little folks need not now worry have gone back te the old pric< CONES. AH the popular flavor) We also supply Ice Cream in qua for picnics. We solicit your nex [ : The Canh. H? CARRQS f ? * THE ROT Trade Street. Hutchison Bui Desires the patronage of year and witt strive to deser i before that ever since we hi ! Call and let ua know your good will and continued pati ' i ii Liiijr ffTirrT'gr'? ' ' - MSU ?4- i !*. . t V ' - % I 4 AT? ' ' -? i | PBICB or COTTON We do not know. | 1 FARMERS GOING \ )& HOLM W? 'do ] '< ?. I BDERAL RESERVE JO DO? We do not 1 < < riTED STATES GOV. VO TO SOI We do FIRST RATIONAL 0 DO? Exactly what ^ one. .It is going: to ire to the farmers d thin. l ATIQNiL BARK, rplus $50,000.00. ] ? . Milk Go. I MCY GROCERIES, !I WARE, FS, SEEDS of ! KINDS. T WHAT YOU f fLL GET IT. | Mills Co. j < i vV ? ' !?? ??? ? ^ mes 5 Cents j ENT5; WAR TAX 1 CENT J < < Daddy for the extra penny?we \ i of 5 CENTS for ICE CREAM { S < 3. - < ntides for home consumption and' 1 t order. * 1 Kitchen if Proprietw. i wiJt mmm ?i i in ?nmmmmmmm < ? < fAL CAFE IdinK, ROCK BOX i < the people of Port Mill this < ve it as we tried last year and ,-j tve been in buainfes. wishes and we will win year ! ( onage. IK \ % '* ' ~ *yj ... '?) % # I ' ' < ' l"*5^V^s 1% v.- V. ' Jfe i ii i in i ? I I ; Tien Per Cei We have lectured the Fort M famous line of ROYAL TAILOR! MEASURE CLO | and are asking our customer! t on the low net cost of this line c | which moans a saving for you o each suit. R D. HAR i THE BARB1 Perpetual B. & L. Series No. IQ No Decide now whether you Bhould sa\ per month, and then subscribe to 10. 20 You will hardly miss the small ser 3efore you realize it you will take down Make first payment of 50c per sha D.?U 0.4 1 '? Liana oHMiruuy, oepsember 11. J. L. We Want Kno\ I How Important It Is to your health antl i kidneys strong and In good order. It h poiwHioiM waste matter from your body, properly your body, becomes clogged, ni s diseases* nervous disorders, chronic her neuralgia are UkMy to resalt. If there with your kidneys, do not neglect the: NKX BILLS. Wc have handled kidney mrdlcinn* f you. In, till oonfldewe that Rexall Klilnc passed by any similar form of kldnev not eaileHed, we Mro alwajrs ready to re I Lytle Drug < THE REXALL S' V , I Soecials in Ma [;x w.' I THE CASH 5 Come to see what mi | fee you. It means m [ pocket. Do not wail I thing is picked over. New Goods in every ' The Cash! f S. A. LEE and T. F. LYTI >td Newspapers for Sale t Times Office. _i . < I till Agency for the < > * ed to thing | ? i only 10 per cent ] % f standard clothing <> x f from S9 to 120 on < acEY ! ER : > ? ?$ ??* ? ? V Association , A w Open re $10.00, $20.00 or $50.00 or 50 shares. ni-monthlji payments and $1,000, $2,000 or $5,000. re at the First National SPRATT, Sec'y and Treas. You to I S V. ^ i welfare tlint you keep your | i their duty to remove I Wlieu they do not work S rid sueli troubles ns eye ulaehes, rheumatism and Is the slightest trouble f m?take RKXALL KII?t or years and wv assure y Pills enimot be surpreparatlon. If you are turn the purchase price. 1 y j tore. i ? --- ^ 4 <v> ny Lines : 5T0RE j 9 - * re have to of oney in your * t until every day. j Store, j/;MLE, Mgrs. ^ i>nnrntti>inr< ? iT I