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gi .'W^L^' * r?2C ^ ^ ^ J1 jE^kJS!'. 2f^GhartoS?,*N! C^*and*'Ken** ffl^^^iler flf-Qrwiivllte were ??*k en.t fk , ??!?* ofllr. And Mrs. R. P. Gilcr. .'. *f:^wv ^r.-. P' *& fageday nl|ht William 8. Bilk ud &< ' / 1.8- JEroadnax were In Chests*. whsrs H.V tHerwm initiated into the mvstertss ffi* e P| . * w. B. Meacham, Jr., has kgrMd to ?/'/<;'/JMjeept funds at the Savings bank of 8f '... Port Mill for the national Democratic w^rdi to the committee any money 'K rattlesnake, about four feet Ions, igt; was killed Saturday afternoon in the 8&r> Milage of mill No. 1. Fort Mill Muflt\'X facturlng company,' by Lie wis Hucka 'v Rattlesnakes, sxeept those in capttvM , Ity, are seldom seen tn this' section, and this was the first ons reported to hare been killed In Fort Mill In many. Partners of Fort Mill township consider that they sot a bis bargain lit the doxen army wagons' which they &f.' recently 'bought from a salvaging concorn in Greenville. The wagons cost the farmers 172.60 each and apparently 6ere as good as new. It is said ths government paid RiO each tor the wagons. ' , * >. ' * (The streets of Fort Mil) are again Ir. bo4 condition, due to the heavy rain of Tuesday night. Monday and . Tuesday the prlaelpel - atreeta of thetown stare given a thorough working for the ae<K>ad time within- the last ten days; but' along came the rain of Tuesday night and so softened the earth that had been drawn to the contof of the atreeta that it was easily cut deeply into by trucks and automobile . 1 Six men who said they were from Rock Hill paid the town of Fort Mill 96 each Monday morning for bolster, oua conduct near the Southern depot Sunday night. Tpe men were arrest* ed by Officer Potts and were required to put up 910 each for appoarfcnea for trial before the recorder^Monday morning, but when they came to For: Mill Monday morning and pleaded guilty the line Was placed as Just half the amount of the bond. ; -?r . , A negro employed ae a laborer by the Southern railway was painfully Injured in an odd accident In Fort MU1 Saturday evening at 9:46 o'olook while' he was sitting In a shanty- oar on a sidetrack near the freight depot.' A piece of scantling was proSc. '.vNS (MIIIIM fnm thJ nn. ../I passenger train . No. 31 came along the ehglno itruek the in such a way am ko throw it violently again* the ehaAr In which1 the negro Waa itttitn, drlvMr onit of u.e rungs of the obalr Into the negro's foot. , i? i 'v ' Dr. W. H. Dychcs, pastor of the Fort Mill Baptist church, has announced as follows the kubjectn of his sermons foB, the ifionth of October: October 3, ,11 a. m., "The UverH hurting Kingdom:" 7:30 P. m.. "Putting Itorst Things First." October 10, 11 a. m., "The Church of tho L4ving Ood." October. 17. 11 a. in.. "Bap tism-?the Door) to the New Testament Church; 7; p. m., "Enoch Walked With Qod?iWhy Not To 7" OThe W. EL \l > , ;<V? ' "* .. y I W? ACRte OP AS GOOD LAND J COUNTY ON j A PLACE T1HS SIKH. 8BNTIAL8 OP A GOOD PAR If: ... 1. THB I>AND IS A GOOR GOV BE CULTIVATED WITH A TRACT< 1 IMPROVEMENTS ARE GOOD, nuimw, WUWIWDUbV MWATE HOUCB AND 8EVKBAL OTHER O UfM? BARN,. CATTLE BARN AN 1 t. PLENTY OP TDfllBR. 4. VINE PASTURE, WKLL WAT A NEAR CHURCH AND BCHOO t. fN FINE WHITE COMMUNII f. ON MAIN PUBLIC HIGHWAY, THE PARTY WHO BUYS THIS P money cannot be mane on t ANYWHERE. THE PRICE OP TH CAN BE ARRANGED. ^ANYONE I OSmON CANNOT AFFORD TO 2g?2? t*o*e2cIt ud^ ^JJoacMng WW done by.thoRtv; Mr. Spttk* df Rook HU1, funday morning, following the quarterly conference of St. John's congregation. n sermon waa delivered by the Rev. J< R. T. Major, presiding elddr o* the Rock Hill dlstrict. a^ygh* Arthuiv Clark, negro, paid the town a flne'Of IBS Saturday afternoon for having oashed an $8 check In which he Had nO laUrest The 88 wae recovered. The negro wae present when a budding contractor was paying off his workmen Saturday afternoon. Thinking that Clark had -been at work for him. the contractor handed Clark the check, Intended for ariother negro* Clerk-rushed to a bank and had the check cashed and then hurried to a grocery and wae spending the |8 GMn He was arrested. Hit- Rodgers, clothes-cleaner' exHrdlnaiy and mtrth-maker par excoilence, says, seriously, that the row between England and Ireland, la not Ail* to religious differences, as many In this country think. "Ireland wants home rule," says Pat, "-because the trith people hre tired of working to support in idleness the absentee English landlords. If an Irlshmah raises 160 bushels of vAieat along Will coma the English landlord shortly after It [Is harvested and take possession of >126 bushels of It &s his Share for the irent of the land. I left Ireland-when I was a boy to escape having to work for such conscienceless rascals," Pat added. "McSwiney, lord mayor of Cotk, would be hanged anyway, so It Is as well for him-to starve Mntsetf as to be put to death by the English." Pat- also offered the observation that I.loyd George, British prime minister, "Is one hard-headed Welshman who has no qualms of conscience when It comes to treating the Irsh rough. Why, because of the arbitrary way he has 'acted he Is afraid to visit either India or-Egypt, and I. do not hear of him making frequent trips to Ireland either. He considers It no crime to have an Irishman shot or hanged without good cause. He Ca bad cltfsen and I despair of Irend ever' getting home rule so long la he Is at the head of the Rr?.~- ? government. " Pat says he has had more tlure to devote to ponuertng other serious subjects since the country went dry and he haa not found It bo Incumbent upon htm to Impress* bU temperane views upon the youth of the commun'ty. We are proo&of the coofMooce doctor* inhUi aa* the pUit have in 666 Chill sad Fever Tonic. 'We have loTof Lad ice' $0.00 Sweaters* at- $0.00. Doe't fall to see them at It * MttMjrW in iw m m? m ii'mm '??ajw ? >. m u_l..* 666 cures Malaria, Chills and Fever, Bilious Fever,Cold# and'LaGrippe. It kills the- parasite that causes the fever. It is a splendid laxative and general Tonic.?Adv Any talking machine makes a noise bat TV Bnaarick Phonograph makes reoV sweet-toned music. Hear It b($?e you buy or yon will surely regret it. L. J. Masacy. . pm i . a w ? w w <m If indie P lace Sale. .1 ' . r .1 Mi CAN BK FOUND IN YORK THIS PLACE HAH ALL THE E8PON GRPI\ LIES LEVEL AND CAN t )R ON ANY PART OF IT. .AM UWUIJLKNT TEN ROOM D, OMBH, ENGINE ROOM, 8MOKE BTBVILDING8, A LARGE GIN, t? SIX TENANT HOUSES. ERED. L. TY. FIVE MILES FROM FORT MILL. LACE ? FIXED FOR LIFE. IF BIB FLACK, IT CANNOT BE MADE IS PLACE IS RIGHT AND TERMS NTERESTED IN A GOOD PROP. OVERLOOK THIS OPPORTUNITY. A II fnrlr ft VI K# il J * PUM county ?trHllMM. * ' ' Jim wimlnaUon will be htld ( T?rk on Friday. Ootober I, begtanlnc .at ff. o'clock a. m. Papers will bo torawarded to Columbia and the result-of the examination announced * from there. JOHN E. CAR ROLL, Superintendent of Education. ' 1 i -I ?r1 ? " ?' KtMKf.TiMi ?a pMt paSe Ukri It niktis pain aad wmn awl W Fhnimeti?. HiEiljii, Sftkmp ?tfc SEED OATS from cokhtn"' ps&diQREED APPLER STOCK?Produoed 65 Bu. per Aqre on RED LAND# A beautiful OAT for 61.75 Bu. LEAP | INO COVER CROP SEED at right prices. High grade ALFALFA SEED ar? C. LB. ALL SEED P. O. B. ROCK HILL. 8. C.t "The Home of Alfalfa." ROCK HILL GROCERY CO.. ROCK HILL 8. C. ~N*W GOODS AT LOWER PRL CBS.?We bought our Fall Goods late and saved SO to SO per cent. Special bargains In all lines. L J. Mafloey. What's ir Sometimes nothi thing. It all dep< and what it stand We want our name to i our customers?that's t ommend such products Everybody knows what More Bring Your Car to I I f I See the We have' an arrang of the Majestic Theatre i to offer "Movie" T to each and everyone of < There are absolutely this otter. It >i simply y< an hour or two of pleasi expense. We sell you g< give you the tickets. Call and ask us for j B. C. FEE Alabama Mi Stomach Troubles Made h But Now Always I i ... : DO YOU njqr your SNb? Bil without the dread of the after effects? Lack of appetite, and s dlagreeable, Olck-at-the-stomaeh feeling after meals, usually Indicate that yomr digestive organs are not working properly. Aa s result, yon will feel weak, leee weight sad lack the energy that is to be da Meed tram well-digested fund. A vshaahle help ta .correcting saeft jewflMrms Is meatlnaed by the Her. | Editor?W. R. Jftradftmi, Port Mill* Managing Editor-W. R. Bradford, Publishers ? W. R. Bradford, Fort titill. 8. a, and J. J. Bailee, Fort IIill. 8. C. Owner*?W. R. Bradford, Ftort Mill, S. C., and J. J. Bailee, Fort Mill, S. C. Known bondholder*, mortgagee* and Other aefcurtty holders, holding 1 per cent, or mate of total amount orjbond*, mortgagee, or other securities: Mortgagee*?Saving* Bank, Fort Mill, S. C. < W: R. BRADFORD. SWorn to and aubacribed before me this Sitte day of September, 1920. C. UNLINK, t. Notary Public 8. C. . V . JESSE L. HOWIE General Contracting EtUaulM Oi?ifalj Giraa Phone 168 Fort Mill, S. C. i a Name 'v^ c % r.'z ... ng; often everyends on the name Is for. nean more and more to he reason why we recas Goodyear Tires, these tires are? people ride on-GOODtS than any other rs of small cars and rs of big ones, we've hing. worth while for U * rleaith Motor Company, ORT MILL, S. C, Js for Repair Work. "Movies" I ement with the manager rherebf we are enabled r i ' ickets Free our white customers. no strings or red tape to our opportunity to spend Lire each evening at our >od? at regular prices and particulars. 1GUSON. nister Relieved , . Jim Feel Sick at Meal Times, Enjoys His Meals. . 1 i.i.i t ill, who writes: "1 bed stomach trouble When 1 weald so to eat. I woald tun sick. I took one bottle of Ziron, end It eared me. Am always Tandy > for my meele end eajor then, I think It b I fine medicine." ^ i If your food hurts yen. If your Appetite la poor, If yon ere pale, weak and ran-down, and hare other symptoms ^ that Indicate your system needs help, > try klroa. It will pot troa Into poor 'Mood and help build yon op. Take It aeoseJ^^to^renUone^a^^j^ ' FOR B ? ' ) *?&xT ' *'"*' '/ ... | / V V Wp kt\VP urav a ? ? w V V> *T WA age of one -tl which regular issued, thus g community the selves against I Make your re FORT MI FOR HEADACHE, UVERTROUDLE Black-Drsofht Is The Best Mediate This Lady Ever Used. Says . It Is Only Medicine She Ghres Her ChOdren. Cherry Village, Ark.?In tolling ol her experience with Thedford's BlackDraught, Mrs. Lottie Ellis, R; F. D. Na . 1, this place, eaid: MI used Black Draught an a ImntiM iIm i*. v..j ache, torpid liver and indigestion. II is the best liver medicine I have evei used and. Is the only medicine I glvi my. children. "I feel Ilka It has saved me a lot Is doctors' bills, for when the children complain of feeling bad or hkve a cold, 1 just give them a good dose of BlackDraught and they soon get all right It certainly cleans the liver and clean up the skin -and they are soon out well again. 1 jrouldnit he without h for earthing." Seventy years Of successful use hai made Thedford's Black-Draught I, standard, household remedy. Everj member, of every family, needs, at times, the benefit that Black-Draught gives in helping to cleanse the ssstem and to prevent or relieve the trohblei that come from constipation. Indigos tion, and a lasy liver. To kean well. ? * #-? wwtu, iifoa and bowels most be la good worklnj order. To help keep them thai wop take occasional doses of Thedford'i Bloek-Draugnt. Thousands of kernel are nerer without it For sole by all druggists. The genuine has .the ?me Thedford's, on the lrheL Insist on get ttng what you ask for. CITATION. The State of South Carolina. County ? of York. By J. L. UpUHton, Esq., Probate Judge of York County. Whereas J. H. McMurray has applied to me for Letters of Administration, on all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits of Mrs. Mary Stewart McMumy, late of the county aforesaid, These are therefore to cite and admonish *11 and singular the kindred and creditor* of the said deceased to be and appear before me at our next Probate Court for the said county, to be holden at York court house on the 5th day of October to shew cause. If any, why the said " administration should not be granted. Oiven under my hand and seal this 18th day of September In the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty and in the 145th year of American Independence. J. L. HOUSTON, J Probate Judge of York County* r. . H . * whp ** * " ? i * * ' V. ' lv . ^ mmmmmmmmmmmmaammmahmaamaam 'ii\* v ' V v YOUR ( a ETTERP ' + "* . 4 * 'ehouse facilitie tiousand bales ' warehouse rc ffering the fa i opportunity tc the cotton spe< sei*vations for % / / LL WAREH* If you will place them in ou You will b6 surprised to se crease. By depositing regu intc dollars, dollars that if l< remarkably short time. You cannot find an indoor of watching your savings ac There is a serious satisfactio add to it from time to time i goal of Financial Independe Those who travel the roa< lead*Ho Financial Independ of their job, loss of health 01 boos are taken care of if account at THE SAVl OFFOl SPEC FOR FRIDAY , Large Size Snow DnA Lar< Five Pounds Sugar Sugar, 100 Pound Lots, pc?r Fat Back, by the strip.. r .. Flour Shipped Stuff Hx Gulp E COTTON N w RICES I ' ' ; s for the stor . / V ; of cotton, on sceipts will be irmers of the ?prqtect them:ulators. I space at once. I MKF. CO I J i frit caa teach 33T your IOUARS TO HAVE ^ MORE JEWF& r bank at 4 per cent, interest. ie how rapidly your cents inilarly you soon see them grow ;ft to themselves multiply in a or outdoor sport equal to that count grow. >n in watching its growth as you until it rapidly approaches the nee. i of systematic saving which ence need never fear the loss r old age. All of these bugayou have a steadily growing INGS BANK ' RT MILL 2IALS | 1ND SATURDAY 1 J pound 19c B jjjS )rse Peed Cotton Seed Meal I JgtL brothers I, .J? ' I