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'' /v#. - nI Make All Your Preparations and f ""ftTtot0 ' m EFIRD'S I Sri v,.', .*v:- \ * * The first thing tomorrow morning and be in position to take advantage of the greatest revision of prices that has ever happened in - the South. # ff? # ? Back to Old PRE-WAR PRICES IK*/.* fcj 1 ..." ' # % \ A saving opportunity you have not experienced in years. Sale commenced Wednesday and will last till October 15. Prices are all smashed beyond * your expectation. Stait early so you can get here on time and get some of the choicest offerings. EFIRD'S ^ ROCK HILL, S. C. ggBBBBBB; M pa SPECIAL NOTICES. (Advertisements inserted in this ooH umn must be paid for in advance; minimum charge 80 cents.) POUND?Pair, of eye glasses. Owner may recover same by proving ownership ,to satisfaction 7>f X. K.' Hope and paying for this ad. LOST?Between Fort Mill and my home /lost Saturday a gold medal. Valued aa memento. - Finder t will be rewarded by returning to W. H. Blckett. FOUND?Pair of gold-rimmed spectacles. Owner may recover same at The Times office by paying for this ad. I If you want home news, you will find it only in The Times. * v J .!?L I . FIRST CLA is AND LI > > *. I have bought THE CIT5 t ronage of the public, assnrin 1 ^ ment and the best food the n <| specialty of lunches. I G. W. S j Announ t Our new building | pleted and we wish t (? $ are now equipped to < * of Automobile Paintii | We also make Seat C< | Curtains and Signs. IPyramid F I ROCK HI I Overhead Bridge iv. I Bread. - Rocl I Is the BEST ant | Fifteen cents bu * Bread 1, ICheese * Ham Steak EM? Eat twice as mu cut down your ? . The body needs Prot ? drates, Fats and Water. i only food cpntaining all o | EAT MOB | Rock Hill St | ROCK H EVERYTHING ' AND B STAPLE A1 GROC A MEi AT THE S .A? O- vT m. J'' % \ has a?w iwitatieaa thaaj uy ether Ckitl uti Fever Teaic a the aMurket* hat tie waits iadtatitat. They are iuiertu thiact U the ?e41ciie Adv# READ THE TIMES FOR HOME^NEWS Will trade Jersey Cow for hay and cotton seed. W. R. Bradford J ...! 'I SS MEALS 1 INCHES ! i ' f CAFE and invite the pat- i K everyone courteous treat- t mrket affords. We make a / rARNES | ? cement j 5 is now about com- 1 :o announce that wc I [in tli i? hidlipct urn/io 4 II mw ? v a a * ^ II VO? ^ I V4 V < j ig and Top Huilding. I j jvers, Cushions, Side | ) 'aint Shop | ILL, S. C. |f Look for the Sign. | k Hill - Rrpad I 3 cheapest food. I. ys fbod value in \ ,0OO Calories * 750 Calories 7. GOO Calories 280 Calories .? 255 Calories \ ch BREAD and | living expenses. | eins, Minerals, Carbohy- . \ And good BBEAD is the 4 f these elements. / IE BREAD | earn Bakery IILL, S. C. j IHE FRESHEST EST IN UD FANCY ERIES \ ND \TS TORE OF , ONES [ ' ' -jj I . i K;'- \ MMMagMnsgM Does Your Auto Need a New Dover? Drive it amr. Our trimmers are experts and we guarantee satisfaction. J.C. HARDIN & CO * ? Auto Painters and Top Builders ROCK HILL, S. C. yl DR. A. I? OTT , DENTIST Office hours, 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. (Dr. Spratt's office) Belk Building, Fort Mill, S.C. t ? = ? ; ( 666 quickly* relieves Constipation Biliousness, Loss of Appetite, and Headache, doe to Torpid Liver. - . 1 - i. I ~ ~ The Bii % Is the best place Come to see us wl Price and Goods. We guarantee al patrons. Fort Mil S LAD! The Nei ; % Dre* H r\ r 11 i* wur ran lines are and we were fortur little less price. A Suit of admi Where rich materia sign meet, there do happy combination section, for it is on I selection of the gan A just pride is pi suits of Tricotine, trimmed with rich i i . ? - - ered, lined with Mc the minute, at very any suit of dress. If It's PAT A. L. PARKS, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FUNERAL ( EQUIPMENT - MOTOR HEARSE T FORT MILL, S. C. ' - ' . ' * % - . 4 *- -*v" 'v / .* I-; School ** i . Tablets, Pencils, Pens and P Ink Erasers i Compositioi Examinatio Pdncil Boxc Conklin an< Everything I ' ~ ? Hutchinson': Phone _ y Question to buy Heavy anc len you want Satis 1 these and watcl 1 Cooperativ ?. W. PARKS, Manager. IES! You shoul w Suits >ses, Ski [ats, Et< / 5 now complete in late in getting the "I 11 i . iraoie qualities at J, expert workmans we have a Suit par is witnessed on eve these three qualities ments displayed. resent when we d Velcur, Serge or urs or beautifully b rllison's Pussywillov moderate I f Style, You 11 F TERS JOB PR AT THE TIMES OFFI ' >.* ?* ' ' 4 '* >:f, | 'M 1 |'.1. VM Supplies % en Staffs, r. D??l-. ii uuuhs, n Tablets, 1 Parker Pens, | for the school room. s Pharmacy, Ho. 91 Jv:'|l i Today j 1 Fancy Groceries. . | sfaction in Service, i the wants of our e Store, Id see , Coats, M irts, il , every department, better values" for a ill $26.50 to $70.00. hip and artistic de' excellence. This \xy side in our suit i that we base our lisplay well-tailored ' Duort de Laine, raided or embroider and in style up to Wso a Hat to match ? ind It Here. ON'S y if - rrrsaa?i tINTING ice - . PHONE 112