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_ji^jjfrr\*j r 4,'f^j *' S&?i ',' 19F^ 1 y li^EB 1 Si am DmBm&~' vt k R'viIKA ,jKHKK' 1 H |MSnn&v { v uj n^ w? %' like Tlgaes invitee contrlbutlone on &&' ' Mvf subjects but does not agrpe to J\ pubtleb more then 100 words on any rcf subject. frhe right la reeerved to edit ' '> every communication submitted tor pt v ; On application to the publishers, advertising rates are made known to Telephone local and long distance, :jsaMr?a at the poatofflce at Fort Mill, 8. C? as mall clatter of the second class. I i THURSDAY. SEPT. 30, 1920. -Governor Cox's complaint that the Pacific coast newspapers did not treat him fairly by refusing to print his speeches doubtless was well founded; but he might have gone farther and stated with equal truth that the AsBfe' sooiated Press also is unfair to him when it neglects to give fuller reports of his speeches and to tell of NgjSfl the wonderful reception he has received on his recent trip to the Northwest and on the Pacific coast. Enormous crowds have gathered to ? hear the governor In all the big cities he has visited In his speech-making tour, but one would not know it by reading the Associated Presto reports of his meetings. . k The Fort Mill Times confesses Its Inability to understand the reasoning of A. C. Thalne of Portland, Maine, who is quoted as having said In a iPMch Monday at Greensbonj, N. C? that If the Democratic party is to retain, control of the national government "the women of the South must vote in direct ratio with those of Northern States, or else be defeated. Furthermore,'^ said Mr. Thalne, "1 feel that, due ,to the sparsely settled States of the-'South it is an utter necessity' that on a whole a bigger proportion of * the Southern women kuust vote." All of which seems M> prove that Mr. Thalne is none to^ wgll informed on political conditions. Whether the women of the Bouih vote or not will have no effeot upon the result of the presidential election; the president of the United States is not elected by popular vote, as one might , infer Mr. Thalne believes to be the case. The South will go Democratic, -depend upon the men of the South to see to that. Meanwhile it is worth observing that if there is anything Mr. / Thalne (fan do to promote the success of the Democratic party in the forthcoming : election, he would bettef transfer,' hlB activity to the section where it is needed and will count for something. As a matter of course tha liopublieans are making the most of the fact that the New York gamble are offering odds on the election or Harding, just as they claimed the earth and everything in It as a reeult of the election In Mulno three weeks ago. Four years ago the betting in New York waf In favor of Hughes tagalnst President Wilson, but a day or two after the election the country i learned that the opinion of the gaiqblera and their efforts to Influence .the election had gone for naught. < In national politics especially It. is a part of the game to make big claims about what Is going to happen, regardless of whether there Is anything substantial on which to base the claims. There Is throughout the oouhtry an element of weakkneed dltlmena who have no political convlcUjona but who want to be o* the winning aide that it Ik possible to Influence in this way. Following the flourish of Harding money In New York we shall presently read that the New York Sun and Herald has Issued Its election forecast clalfntng all the doubtful States and others that are known to be Democratic for Harding. The unthinking and those who wish to be deceived will lay great store by the forecast and quote It as oertaln evidence that v Governor Cox has no chance of else uvn. i3ui any prognosxicaiion cne New York 0un and Herald may offer aa to the result of the election la discounted In advance, because It Is one of the most partisan Republican papers In the conntry and could not be fair to the Democratic party In any event An Inquiry. Editor Fort Hill Times: Permit me to ask the authorities of Fbtt Mill why It should have been neceeeafy for me to leave the slde* walk at the corner of Main and Confederal streets Saturday afternoon and whlk a block In Main street to pet to the depot to avoid squeeaing myself through the motley sidewalk crowd attracted to that corner by a repulsive snake show. When are we going to get beyond the village government of half a century ago? Woman. Fort MU1, Sept. 18. t i l !- i -u.a-i... NEW OOOD8 AT DOWKR PRICKS.?We bought our Fall Goods late and saved It n M per cent. Special basshNh hi all fenaa. U J. MasI* ' ' fecte4 cats, cane ?M tares, tetter, etc-' New Perfection 0 SPEEE % .' . r Touch a match to the 1 New Perfection CM ready for use, ins tan build, no Rlow-gemrati for. The lame Blue < gives you m speedy i stove. i STEAD Set the flame where jn can always see it thi \ door?and It stays jus It. It makes no differ use the low, medium Itliere's a steady' flow c CLEAN Does not blacken pob Loiik Blue Chimney F cry drop of kerosene i heat?none of It esoai soot or illsttKreeable tx HOT For every cooking p always un abuiuluiice Intense cooking heat tlie utensil. A Long Cldmncy on -Just as necessary for a as a long glass laiqp c cure a clean bright llj Gookin 3 Millie . House* Why do 8,000,000 lie the New l'prfwilon < It has the famous let Burner?that's why. Full line of Moves, \ In stock. s Young & Wol Showing oj Ne We are now * showing th DRESSES COATS EI IRQ HATS. Also a splendid GOODS. 54 inch Serges, in navy and b Tricotine, in navy and black goods. Messaline and Taffetas, in Special for Saturday, yard onl We have Percales, Suitings ai Serge Middies for Children 8 12 to 18, Ladies from 18 to 2 much lower price than they w Com in and let us shew yo goods, whether you care to bi X . . i KIMBR < v.: . V-. I .. v. IV IT . burner and the m Obok Store is tly. No Are to y: Ing flame to wait Chimney Burner i start as at gas . * . V ... ( ' v ou want It yon | roach the mica t whew you wet rare whether on or htch llame, if clean heat dl- ' IISll. | ? I i or pans. .The | lurncr turns er? oll into cooking jch In smoke or 4 tor. ? I v nrposo there la of steady, clean, directly against an oil stove Is clean hot flame liinUM-y li to attbt ?for m Jves iuspmi \ es prefer CM1 Cook Stove? IK Blue Chimney Wicks and Parts i fe, Fon Mill, S. C. ... r~n n i w ran quuqs i * e NEW FALL SUITS SKIRTS, WAISTS and assortment of PIECE lack $3.75 Shepherd Plaids, wool all the popular shades. y $1.98 id Ginghams. to 12 years, Juniors from 2. Special values at a ere last year. u our splendid new fall ly or not. ELL'S. ? ^ " r -rJ M&L WW VOIT MZUC^H ~ -* 4 - A.- ' \v Sk A Frit ," * x *' Enter \ ' ' V . f% . ' #V) x * * ' *'X t -\ jjS ilL- *>'. No town can progr * the growth of home ei Whether it be in dustries as an outlet fo labor, or assisting the r atroil -*V-*l? 4-^v ? ? ? uvoiiauic IU LI 11S LUUlll acts, needed or desire always be found a fri< % '? i y * \ , % First Natic uapitai and Surplus [ The J. B. t __ . i * )j HEAVY and FAN ![ HARD1* 1 FEEDSTUFF . ALL K IF WE HAVEN" |j WANT WE'l The J. B. t I Ice Ceam Coi CONE AND CREAM 4 CEI Little folka need not now worry D have gone back te the old price * CONES. All the popular flavors. We also supply Ice Cream in quant for picnics. We solicit your next < The Candy H. CAMtQS, THE ROY. \ ? % Trade Street. Hutchison Build Desires the patronage of tl year and will strive to deserve before that ever since we hav Call and let us know your a good will and continued patroi ; ' ,v a* > * < I 1 snd of ^gffV oV. ' J prise < * ^ mammm f ( ! ess except through nterprise. establishing new in- ] i * * ^ r home produce and \ nerchantwho makes ' lunity outside prodd, this institution will *nd of enterprise. i i n i mm oaiiK > $ 50,000.00 ' ] 9 Mills Co. 3 < ' s ? < <> ICY GROCERIES, WARE, | n /ii ? ?i v? ? ^ a, attua ot j < 3NDS. | i r WHAT YOU \ | LL GET IT. \ < i i i i < " " Mills Co. <, * > 1 ties 5 Cents j YTS; WAR TAX 1 CENT < < addy for the extra penny?we < [>f 5 CENTS for ICE CREAM j < < < ities for home consumption and ; wrdcr. ! ? Kitchen < i Proprietor. ; < M . . l , I . - U i < < AL CAFE < inK, . ROCK HILL, 1 < be people of Fort Mill this < < > it as we tried last year and < e been in business. < rishes and we will win your ( aage. n. ' .'.7'., , % # ' . Nt t" * Vv . ? * BMfMS-"" 1VV&3S&&K? '* ' * ' V . ' *" * . ,vA ; Ten Per Cen We hate secured the Fort Mil | famous line of 9 ROYAL TAILOREI | MEASURE CLOTI iand are asking our customers on the low net cost of this line of which means a saving for you of 1 each suit. > H. D. HAR] I THE BARBE1 * Perpetual B. & L. Series No. 10 Nov Decide now whether you should save ^er month, and then subscribe to 10, 20 o You will hardly miss the small semi before you realize it you will take down $ Make first payment of 50c per share Bank Saturday, September 11. J. L. We Want 1 J Know How Important It It* to your health uii?l \v? kidneys strong antl In good order. It Is poisonous waste matter from your body, properly your body becomes cIorktiI, am dlKoasrs, nervous disorders, etironie head neuralgia are likely to ronilt. If there . with your kidneys, do not noffloet them XEY PIMA ' We tiave handled kidney ntedielnes fm you In all confidence that Rexull Kidney passed by any similar form of kidney p not satisfied, we are always ready to rcti Lytle Drug C THE REXALL ST [ . n ? dee Special L< Dress Gini At 25c Yai Assorted Patterns a : New Goods in Other I in Every We i The Cash IS S. A. LEE and T. F. LYTL Old Newspapers for Sale a Times Office. V ' ''''' t Only ! I Agency for the 1 9 TO J ^ HING I only 10 per cent standard clothing t From $9 to $20 on 1 KEY ! t $ i Hssuuiaiiun i Open $10.00, $20.00 or $50.00 r 50 shares. I -monthly payments and 1,000, $2,000 or $5,000. > at the First National SPRATT, Sec'y and Proas. fou to | * * r Iran* thai you keep your their duty to remote When tliry do not work I such troubles as cjp actios, rliounuittsm and Is tlu* slightest trouhle ?lake HKXAIiVi KID r years ami we assure I I'llls oaimot Is- stir- I ro|Miratimt. II' you are H ini llie pureliase prleo. J "omp'y I ORE. 8 >t of ?ham : 4 4 rd t nd Colors Jnes Coming sek <+> i store, | E, Mgrs. I . ? t the Fort Mill ^