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J - t s< EF1 First WOM READ WE r New Fall Styles now read i $25.00 per garment, If yon y Coat or Dress, some surprisi ? Money saved on every Efird. I See our $27.50 Suits. El< and Serges in the very la prices $39.50. Efird's is , $2.7. One lot of $49.50 all woo] all the new materials. Just $29. See the $()5.00 and $75.0( $39. |i Just for early selling one 1 j $18. ?S $39.50 V I $29 | $65.00 V j $39 EFI] j ROCK H itrxxiNo tiu-: niiv hiockadr i Alcoholic Deluge Flowing Arrows Canadian fdnc Into Mlcliignn. Mystery descends with night upon ' the Detroit river where it separates Detroit. Mich., from Windsor, Out., on Its course from l,akp St. Clnir to 1 hake Krie. Strnnge lights fit over its surfneo. There is the sound of men's voices, low ottchod. ?'dmes the i vsiy cough of a motor launch. It is stilled and a small black shadow marks where it rests or. the river. A pencil of light darts'out from the Canndlnn shoro. It touches I he water. It moves nervously about M till it picks up the launch, and thon j disappears. The sharp staccato ex- ; plosions start ngnin as the launch gets under way and moves toward the shore. <>nce more the light Hashes, but It is only for a second. Dint figures may be seen stealing from behind bushes and tree trunks down to the river's edge. Kew words arc speken. "Is It all right?" some one on tho launch cautiously inquires. "All clear," comes back the ansyvor. The motor Is stopped ami there is a slight rasp as the launch grates on the gravel of tho beach. Quickly It I *e , jtt :rd : : For EN'S ! i Y-TOAR I y at a saving of $5.00 to .< i are ready for that Suit, ing values await you. ? | garment you buy from ^ | \l | ?gant all wool Venetians * test models. Others' sale ^ 50 I [ Suits in a wide range of ^ for a big flyer our price .50 | ) Values at so ?? ?? I lot of $25.00 Coats at * 75 I alues at 50 i I alues at i .50 1 ?D'5? I ILL, S. C. 11 Is loaded with the little cargo of cases and barrels which gurgle nml clink as they are heaved on hoard. The figures on the shore are again J swallowed up by the shadows and the launch glides away. There is an occasional law chuckle from one of its crew. "I'rctty soft." some one remarks, and his companions laugh. The booze runners are out and many a Detroit cellar gone dry will ooze with dampness before morning. The tralfio this year is expected to yield more thah 1100,000.000 prollt. Cumtdlan whiskey, bought from Canadian runners at $29.60 a case, is sold in the United States for $Kf>. Scotch whiskey, for which the Canadians receive- $42, sells on this side for'$110. and gin Increases in value from $36 to $100 a case on its Journey across the river. Name for Military Company. At a meeting of the Fort Mill company of the National Guard of the j United States a few evening ago the members honored the memory of qno ot the Fort Mill heroes who fell in the World war, Scrgt.. Thomas L. Hall, by naming the company the Tom Hall Guards. V0RTM SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisements inserted in this column must be paid for in advance; minimum charge 30 cents.) FOUND?Automobile tire , between le river and Griffin's old store. Finer may get same by proving proper' and paying 60^ cents for this ad. FOK SALE?191 Ford Touring Car ith starter good condition. V. W. oyles, 210 E. Sixth St., Charlotte, . C. LOST?Between Fort Mill and my ome last Saturday a gold medal, alued as memento. Finder will be >warded by returning to W. H. ickctt. SALESMEN WANTED to solicit orirs for lubricating oils, greases and lints. Salary or commission. Adresa The Lennox <>H , Paint Co., levcland, Ohio. (II.BTP1V IlI'T t u 1.VU) I have two registered ilolstetn GOOD RES SER\ I have bought THE CITY ronapre of the public, assnrin* ment and the best food the m specialty of lunches. G. W. SI Announi Our new building pleted and we wish t are now equipped to ci of Automobile Paintin We also make Seat Cc Curtains and Signs. Pyramid P ROCK HI] Overhead Hridge -xBread - Rocl Is the BEST anc Fifteen cents bui D 1 i ui cau A f' Cheese Ham i Steak J Eggs J Eat twice as mu< cut down your 1 The body needs Prot< drates, Fats and Water, only food containing all ol EAT MOR Rock Hill Sti ROCK H EVERYTHING 1 AND B1 STAPLE Ar GROCI AI ME/ AT THE S O. 0T( : at TUBS, FOKT mtt, & 0. . I .11 Bulls whose services are offered . the public; one at Wateroak farm I and the other at my home In Fort I Mill; fee Osmond Barber. 4t , / DOO FOR SALE?Good rabbit and squirrel do*; will also tree oppossums; year and a half old. 916. H. L?. Montgomery. Box 3. Route 4. ? 1 666 has more imitations than i any other Chill and Fever Tonic i on the market, but no one wants imitations. They are dangerous things in the medicine line.?A.dv. ? If you want home news, you will find it only in The Times. Will trade Jersey Cow for hay and cotton seed. W. R. Bradford TAI1DA WT I i ziuivnn l % /ice x: i * CAFE and invite the pat r everyone courteous treat- t arket affords. We make a ^ rARNES ! <?> t > ^ ^ 9^. i #< #. ?< nement f UUIIIUIIft t I is now about com- 1 0 announce that we | lo the holiest grade ? g and Top Building. 1 vers, Cushions, Side | aint Shop j LL, S. C. | Look for the Sign. | 1 Hill - Bread : I cheapest foocL | 75 fnnrl valim in ^ w A vy W\?4 TU1UV/ 111 f 600 Calories * 7SO Calories f SOO Calories 280 Calories 4 255 Calories 4 =h BREAD and I iving expenses. j nns, Minerals, Carbohy- J And good BREAD is the ? * these elements. 4 E BREAD \ II earn battery ILL, S. C. I "HE FRESHEST EST IN <JD FANCY ERIES \TS TORE OF I, ONES j I 4 4- ?' * Does Your Auto Need I ~ a New Cover? Sc Drive it over. Dnr trimmers are experts and j we guarantee satisfaction. I J.C. HARDIN & CO 1 Auto Painters and Top Bui!ders ROCK HILL, S. C. . 1 DR. A. I OTT , ' DENTIST ] Office hours, K a. m. to 5 p. in. (Dr. Spratt's office) 111 I llllTA oeiK Building, Kort Mill, S. C. J nuiu 666 quickly relieves Constipation liliousness, Loss of Appetite, and Headiche, due to Torpid Liver. JOIN THE Join tlie'throng of thrifty p< this store where QUALITY treatment a policy. We have opened a meat 11 grocery and invite your patrol Fort Mill Coop I S.W. PARKS ?g?58MW?H>?MJWBE I !??WOT LADIES! Yo The New S ureases, Hats, Our Fall lines are now coi and we were fortunate in getl little less price. A Suit of admirable qu< Wh ere rich material, expert v sign meet, there do we have happy combination is witness section, for it is on these thret selection of the garments disr w 1 A just pride is present wh suits of Tricotine, V< lc ur, trimmed with ric h fu rs or boa ered, lined with Mallison's Pi the minute, at ver y moderate any suit or dress. If It's Good Style, PATTE ? A. Li. PARKS, I | q UNERAL DIRECTOR AND FUNERAL i J H EQUIPMENT - MOTOR HEARSE I FORT MILL, S. C. | AT THE T1 I 9 ? ? ? 4 m hool Supplies m Pencils, Pens and Pen Staffs, Ink Erasers, bom position Books, V Examination Tablets, . n - 9 Pdncil Boxes, II ponklin and Parker Pens, Jj Everything for the school room. m hinson's Pharmacy, 1 Phnne Nn Q1 I1UI VI I I :_JHRONG | [>ople who trade regularly with is a principle and courteous | larket in connection with our t| uage. erative Store, 9 , Manager. --? u should see 11 uits, Coats, j| , Skirts, 1| Etc.- ! nplete in every deoartment. :ing the "better values" for a ilities at $26.50 to $70.00. vorkmanship and artistic dea Suit par excellence. This ;ed on every side in our suit 5 qualities that we base our >layed. / en we display well-tailored Serge or Duort de Laine, lutifully braided or embroid- I jssywillow and in style up to rvriffio A 1r>/? ? I?I ? ? 1?r r\isu a 1 icXl LO Iimicn 1 You'll Find It Here. RSON'S I PRINTING! IMES OFFICE - - PHONE 112