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K" IP HHr^ p. THEFOBTMILLTIMES ^^HE. Democratic?Published Thursdays. BHK W. R. Bradford and J. J. Ball** HRjp Publishers. W. R. Bradford, Editor and Mgr. wr The Times Invites ooatrlbutlons on Uve subjects but does not acres to /*. publish more than S00 words on any subject. The rlcht Is reserved to edit every communication submitted for publication. On application to the publishers, advertialnr rates are made known to those Interested Telephone, local and lone distance, PP "? . Entered at the postofllce at Port Mill, B. C? as mall matter of the second class. THURSDAY. SEPT. tS. 1#*0. i /The federal reserve system, established by the Democratlo administration In the face of the opposition of all who found personal proAt In Juggling with the Anances of the country, has brought about the hn??erto unknown condition that during a period of years that covered feverlsu preparation for war that taxed the man-power and industrial resources of the country to its limit, then the war itself, and later and now the period of reconstruction, there never was tack of money to toe borrowed at ordinary rates of Interest, for any reasonable length of time, for any legitimate purpose. And for the law that brought about this condition me nation stands indebted to the Democratic party, that points to it with Justifiable pride as one of the reasons why the party merits and should retain control of the nation's business. High prioes for sugar have broken the market in the United States by bringing to this oountry sugar hoards from every part of the world. But the world as a whole has not recovered from the war's blow to the sur industry. In the Arst year of the *tar, the world produced 18.000,000 tons. This year the production will be 16,000,000 tone. The Cuban production haa nearly doubled under the Ilmulus of high prices, and the beet igar production of the United States, though only a small part of the American consumption, has much Increased. The decline has been In European beet sugar. In 191S this amounted to something more then 8,000,000 tons. Last year it had declined to leas . than 8,000.000. This year It will nearty reach tons?still only half of the pre-war production. European countries are economising sharply In their consumption of sugar. That is why there Is enough for the United States According to a statement recently isued by the bureau of Internal revenue, more than 6.600,000 firms and individuals are paying Income tax t|ils year. Could any beter argument be offered In behalf of the Democratic party than this? And the figure* show a dectdod Increase in the number paying taxes on Incomes of |6.0uo or less. What the figures emphasiz? -. - - - - - uic uiiiia any 1I11I1K elite IB me laci that tho individual income of the country for the year 1919 Increaned considerably over that of of -*18. This may account for the fact that national bank depositors have now Rrown to exceed 20,000,000 in number, but tho bureau figures apparently emphuslse another thing. Of the total number of firms and individuals paying income taxes, of them have already paid their taxes in. full?whleh shows that tho people have more ready money than they have had at any time since the close of the war, and is pretty good evidence of national prosperity. Now that the fall season is about to open, The Times would call the attention of the buying public to what appears to be one's obligation to trade with the home merchants. Many people think they can buy cheaper of the big mail order houses ii tho large cities than they can at home. Frequently the patrons of the mail order houses learn that in this they are mistaken. The home merchant only asks that he he dealt with on* the same basis as the mall order house. The mail order houses deft and payment In advance. This is np exaction which the home merchant does not demand of his customera. PrMiiiAntl* nunnln whn ritlrnn. lie mail order houses are put to no little annoyance to get mistakes corrected. Not so with the home merchants; they are anxious to correct mistakes and usually do so promptly. Ihe home merchants help pay the community's taxes and support home institutions; they buy home prodi^cts and employ home salesmen. The mall order houses do not help run our aehools and churches, neither do they contribute anything toward the construction of our roads or give employment to any one In this seci.on. RaW-My-Tioa it a pewerfal uibttic; it kids to peisaa cumd tnm infected OH, cvtM aid earns, tetter, etc. STATED COMMUNICATION . * to A stated communicato , tlon of Catawba Lodge, _ Jto _ No. 5A A. P. M.. of South Carolina, will be TWy held this (Thursday) ./ >^r \ evening, beginning at V ' * 7:80 o'clock for the purpoee of eonferring the second degree. By eider of thiwonUpftii Master. C. S. Lone. Secretary. m: ' . ? Dp-., MRUSN ,? ' *. i, " - UA ' ) New Perfection I . SPEEI Touch a match to tl New Perfection Oil ready for use, liuti build, no nlow-generi for. The Long Blue give* you as speedy stove. STEAE Set the flame where can always see It 1 door?ami It stays Ji It. It makes no dlff use the low, medlui there's a steady flow rectly against the u GLEAI> Does not hlneken |M Long Blue Chimney cry drop of kerosem heat?none of It esc soot or disagreeable HOT For every cooking ulways an ahuiidaiie cooking lira the utniKll. A IiOiig ClUmitcy u Just hn necessary fur us a luufc glass lamp cure a clean bright Cooklr 3 Millk House1 Why do I the New Perfection It Iws the famous In Burner?that's why. r un line or suives, In Mt<K*k. Young & Wo Seotembei And with it conies th and look good. No i ready-made garments brell's you are certain quality that makes yo New merchandise Cloaks, Dresses, Suits and Piece Goods. V! selection at moderat choose from. It will be worth yoi gate the styles and \ our store. All are un You are most cordi our store. KIMBR r..- -. w? )il Cook Stoves BY ie burner and Uk I Cook Btore to intly. No Are to itinc flame to wait i Chimney Burner a start aa a |W >Y you want It?you throujrti the mica ust where you aet crenoe whether ou ur uigii iwioe, of clean heat dit en ail. I >ta or pans. .The lluriter turns evt? oil Into cooking apes In smoke or odor. purpose tliere Is e of steady, clean, t directly against n an oil stove la a clean hot flame chimney la to aeilglit. igfor \n L/l I wives Minsi*w1vrs prefer Oil Cook Ktove? :u>K Blue Cltiiuuejr Wicks mid Hartal lfe, Fori Mill, S. C. ? UII I is nsm e desire to dress up natter which of the ; you buy at Kimto get the kind and u look your best. is arriving daily? . , Sweaters, Millinery ( le will have a big e prices for you to ur while to investi1 ralues obtainable in usual values. tally invited to visit _____ * ELL'S. % I r MB* TIMXS, TORT MILL, f IklMl REPORT OF THE C THE FIRST NATIONAL I In tli* Stat* of South Carolina, at the c Charter No. 9941 > ItESOUR Loans and discounts. Including redlsco Total loans Notes and bills redtscounted with Fe< Bank Overdrafts unsecured U. 8. Government Securities owned: Deposited to secure circulation (U. I value) Pledged as collateral fot State or othei bills payable Owned, an unpledged Stocks of Federal Reserve Bank (60 pi Furniture and Fixtures Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve ] Cash in vault and net amounts due fr< Net amounts due from hanks, bankers i the United states Checks on other banks In the same clt bank Checks oi\ banks located outside of bank and other cash Items Redemption fund with U. S. Treasu Treasurer Interest earned but not collected?ftp nni. xji_ ?. u.iio tvi.coauiu liui pUBl auc Total L.IAB1L Capital stock paid In Surplus fund Undivided profits less current expcn.s< Interest and discount collected or crei turlty and not earned?.approxin Amount reserved for taxes accrued.. . Amount reserved for all tnterost aceri Circulating notes outstanding Cashier's checks on own bank outstai Individual deposits subject to cleck .. . Total of demand deposits, subject i Certificates of deposit .other than for i other time deposits U. S. Government Securities borrowed < eral security for same . Bills payable with Federal Reserve IIa Total Inabilities for rediscounts with Fe< Total contingent liabilities or the total loan* and discounts on which interest and discount was t<i of those permitted by law (Sec. 51H7, notes upon which total charne not t0 wuh none. The number of suclt los, State of South Carolina. County of Y o I. W. T. Rurron, Cashier of the , swear that the above statement is tru belief Subscribed and sworn to before n Correct Attest: T. B. SPRATT. J. B. MllJJt, E. K. PATTERSON, Directors. f The J. ? < > i > i > > > ? i * jj HEAVY and FAN !j HARD\ i| FEEDSTUFF: II ALL K || IF WE HAVEN" | WANT WE'I I The J. B. Ice Ceam Coi CONF ANin rDFAM A net _ - . ? . ?t iv wi%unm T Vbl Little folks need not now worry D have gone back te the old price i CONES. All the popular flavors. We also supply IceCream in quant for picnics. We solicit your next < The Candy H. CARRQS, THE ROY, ft Trade Street. Hutchison Build Desires the patronage of tl year and will strive to deserve before that ever since we hav Call and let us know your u good will and continued patroi to., ONDITION OF IANK. AT FORT MILL, lose of business on Septembers 1920 Reserve District No. & CBS. unts $391,901.41 , .. 391.901.41 Jeral Reserve 34.513.37 $357,353.04 ' :> : K7.41 3. bonds par .. $40,000.00 r deposits or 4 7,000.00 7,560.00 04.550.00 Br cent of subscription.. 1.500.00 2.H50.00 Bank 14.054.7S 3m national banks .. .. 7,020.$ 1 and trust companies in ; 5,671.22 y or town as repostln? t 405.21 city or town of reporting 646.30 j rer and due form. IJ. S. I 2.000.00 proximate?on Notes and 1.500.00 $490,939.07 ITIES $ 40,000.00 I 10,000.00 j as, interest and taxes said 7.706.*" | Jited In advance of imitate) 6.200.00 1,000.00 jcd 1,100.0<? 40. ooo. oo ndlng 1,525.27 104,74:1.62 to reserve.. .. $104,74:1.62 money borrowed) .... 28,008.95 162.004.:i:t without furnishing eollat :1S.650.00 nk 40,000.00 \ $4 90.9:19.07 ilerul Reserve Hank 34,548.17 :14.518.37 shown above, the amount linrgcd at rates in excess Hov. Stat. (exclusive of exceed 50 cents was made) ns was None, rk. ss.: above named bank. do solemnly e to the best of my knowledge and W. T. HAHKon. ('ashler, le this 17th day of September. 1920. C. S. LINK, Notary Public. +...+ -.N+-V Millc Pa 1I1IIIO W> t ===^^===^^==== i CY GROCERIES, f X^ARE, \ S, SEEDS of | INDS, j r WHAT YOU | X GET IT, | < Mills Co. I +$+ &+*+<*+ ' ?*****??< nes 5 Cents >4TS? WAR TAV i rcwT , W w m mm-m m * M.A m. A 1 ?addy for the extra penny ?we Df 5 CENTS for ICE CREAM ities for home consumption and ardcr. Kitchen Proprietor. Ti AL CAFE _ in#, - ROCK HILL he people of Fort Mill this i it as we tried last year and e been in business, rishes and we will win your nage. * , %L? Ten Per C < i > T We have secured the Fi | famous line of 1 ROYAL TAI | MEASURE Sand are asking our cust on the low net cost of this which means a saving for each suit. | I H. D. Hi 1 THE B/ t Perpetual B. & Series No. 10 Decide now whether you shoi per month, and then subscribe to You will hardly miss the smi before you realize it you will take %/t .. l- _ r* a ~ m.-iKP first payment of 50c pe Bank Saturday, September 11. J BULB We have jusl .shipment of j Hyacint I Narcissv Tulips an Jonquils i | Lytle Drui r THE REXAI I I We'll Save i t On all your Shoes, Hosier) | and anything j I this fall. We thing for you i i will stop in Satisfaction gi I I The Casl I S. A. LEE and T. F. I Old Newspapers for Si Times Office. ' ' \ . T ?*?*?*? 'ent Only I ' art Mill Agency for the I * < ? LORED TO I CLOTHING I < > omen onlv 10 n#?r rpni line of standard clothing ? you of from $9 to $20 on ^ \RKEY | VRBER .4 .4.4.^4 4 4^ L. Association I Now Open lid save $10.00, $20.00 or $50.00 10, 20 or 50 shares. ill semi-monthly payments and down $1,000, $2,000 or $5,000, r ahare at the First National . L. SPRATT, Sec'y and Freas. S ' t received a new h, is, | I I g Comp'y I LL STORE. I .J You Money f Dry Goods, r, Underwear rou may need \ have some- f L_ T * to see ir you laranteed. | ti Store, : LYTLE, Mprrs. j tie at the Fort Mill