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HB Beula Massey left one day last MBgur StaUsviHo, U. C.f to ?aUr F<feiuii< coUogo.y ^ m^pun Ardrcy Is In Brooklyn, N. wdng a course of instruction at Hrallofc-iMergAnthaler factory leurnlng to H?K|pt!* for the linotype. Jfe Miss Florence Lawrence of FlorBHppwbce was the guost this week of her HPf : sister, Mrsi F. K. Ardrey. Miss Lawrtneo -is u student at Wlnthrop colW ' Use. Elliott Dennett, son of Mr. and , Mrs It. L. Bennett, has returned home j from a three months' vacation at the I I home of hls-sister, Mrs. Jcsso T. Tiin- , |j merman, near Trenton. I Tho old roof on th# band stand i in Confodorate park which had withstood tlie weather sinte the stand wns erected 25 yonr3 ago has been displaced by a new roof which was put on lust week. Preparatory cervices will bo held ! Friday evening at 7:20 o'clock in the ( Fort Mill Brcsbytcrian church and ' tho sacrament of the Lord's supper will bo observed Sunday morning at | the conclusion of tho regular sorvlco. j Miss Lana Parks, daughter of j Capt. and Mre. S. W. Parks, left sev- j eral days ago for Hock Hill, whero 6he will bo engaged during tho 1920- j 21 session of the public schools as a , teacher In the high school depart Miss Mary Lewis, who formerly j lived in Fort Mill, was the guest of , Mr. and Airs. R. F. Qrlcr during the 1 last week-end, leaving Sunday afternoon for Darlington, whero s*?o will teach English and French in the high school. Fravor Klmbrell, son of Mr. and i Mrs. E. \V. Klmbrell, left Monday for dfrienwood to euter Bailey 'Mil- | itary Institute for tho frill and win- I tor cession. Yancey Potts expects also to leavo Fort Mill within tne next tvcck for Mt. Pleasant Institute, in- North Carolina. Differences of opinion havo arisen among tho patrons of the Belalr school, in Indlanland township, Lancaster county, over the most sultablo , location for the new scho'ol building i which It Is proposed that tho district j crept hcxt spring from the proceeds : of .a bond issue plans are now under | way to vote this fall. Among the Fort Mill people attending tho annual meeting of tho York UaptiEt association, In session rr- at tho First Baptist church In York yesterday and today, are: S. L. Mencham, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Loe, ^ Mr. and Mrs. A. L?. Parks, Dr. and | Mrs. J. \V. H. Dyches, Mi?s Fairy j Leo, Mrs. John Qunn, Lpckie Mer- J ,1 rltt, W. M. Epps, Mrs. H. D. Harlcoy, | | M1s3 Ruth Moacham. % j Cotton Is opening rapidly In this ; section. Already some picking Is bej Ir.g done and it Is thought that with; lr a few days several new bales will bo sold on the local market. Much j of tho present crop of this section Is expected to find Its way into the j warehouses, however, ns it Is thought that numerous farmers will not sell until thcro Is an appreciable advance .V ; In price. Mr. and Mr*. F. E. Ardrcy left yen. terday for a visit of several days to relatives In Florenco. During Mr. .Ardrey's nbsenco_hls place as ticket |gKfr agent for the Southern railway In , Fort" Mill is being filled by R. E. SSpl Brown of Rock HIP. W. D. Therrcll has bought from Mrs. Sallio Nlvcns a tract of land in * the upper section of the township which he Is to get possession of about py tho Erst cf tho new year. The following roal estate transfers I In Fort Mill have recently been in- j dcxed in the ofhco of tho county au- i dltor: W. P. Ware to Mrs. Eleanor ' Stroud, one lot $1,800 This property, j In the Sprattville section of Port | Mill, was transferred to Mt. Wars some weeks ago -by W. L. Ferguson. Thomas F. Lytic tr> n. W. Bradford oho lot, 1100 and thor considerations. Following the purchase of this lot Mr. Bradford bought from E. R. Patterson the five room cottago Mr. Patterson has lived in on lln'.l street for-several years and the cottage has ' lot* ^ A felt. of pleasing Information to ^householders scam r by way of a N?w L.'.iidBiyor,; Press dispatch dated, last Mon fwy lif which It was announced that ^^thero had been a further decline in ||1>o Pn?* of sugar, which he* been Abnormally high for some t'mo, the qk hno time reaching 85 cents pofcg. The Artouckle3, perhaps .ifRfncrlcop greatest Importers of tho efe1 *nhounced Monday that .aBt *lg|gl6 prleo of Vugar hod euffife about 3* rent* per pound. . iJ^Hnfortwlteiy for this section the l ^jM^hlntr^Jhecn for the yea- Is nearHSSUaaMWh' an dfidd and manv who would KfiBava preserved fruits had rucnr boon ^I^WSelNiif at a reasonable price refuse 1 to Praa^? prevailing prices nt tho tlmb^pr season was at Its holyht. A rumber of Port Mill ar* Plenaapt VaUsy farmers huve within tho lttst tea days expressed to The Times the optntah that the cotton cron of KM this ^etlo^ this year was considerphly -cuttfffWgL by the excessive rains oel nlyhtbk of Auaurt. In most fields the plana this year is lnrfer than It urimlly herbeen at tho correspondIns seueoh In -previous years, but In thexo fields tt has (tone mostly to found on fee^stalk Is disappointBBmU ' Can FtIL If you have gathered the,Impression that the country weekly to going out. of business, get the notion out of Vour head as soon au you can, urges the llartsburg. (111.) Enterprise. While It Is true that within the last >jar there have been a good many consolidations of small town papers, because of the extraordinary Increase i.i tho cost of newsprint paper and other materials, still the small town 01 country weekly, as Jt is commonly called, never will go out of business. I:?occupies a field that never can be I.Hod by and otlu n publication. The idoal community or small town weekly Is a printed picture from week to week of the social, business, political and religious life of the town and community In which It Is published. It tells the continued story of the coming* nn 1 goings of the in nuoitnnts or all conditions and clawcK found in thut community. If the editor should publish all item reflecting on the conduct of a poor men or woman 1> it pass over without comment the equally reprehensible conduct of one of the leading business men of tin- town, he would leso popularity nn.l Influence. The successful -.mall town editor must know the po Hilarities of everybody. He must know when it is safe to Interfere In a neighborhood row and when It is wise and best to let It alone for fear <>f making the sltoa'lon worse. He must be constructive, not destructive. The wrong kind of a small town editor, the one who lrcks sense and tart, ran start in n single issue a neighborhood row that will last a generation. On the other hand, tho wise editor who establishes a reputation for honesty and falrr.asa can stop many rows that are threatening. The most successful business men and benefit of the local paper and patronize It, not a < a matter of ehnrltv or town pride but because they kuow It pays to patronize It. tlarris-Barron WtHidlnc. A pretty home wedding of Interest to many was solemnized Wednesday evening, September 8, at 7 o'clock, at the Palmetto hotel in Fort Mill, when It' :fo Olive Harris attractive daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Harris, bi cam 0 the bride of Walter T. Ilarren, the Ilev. W. R. Bauknlght of St. John's Methodist church, officiating. An effective coior scheme of pink and green was carried out in the di corations and the Vows were spoken before an Improvised altar of ferns. Just before the ceremony Mrs. R. L. Klrven of s-'t. Charles sang "1 Love You Truly." TO the strains of the bridal chorus from Rohengrln the couple descended the stairway which was entwined with' ivy and Killarncy roses. During the ceremony Miss Itnth Mtachnm rendered Rubenstetn's "Melody In F." The brldo was becomingly attired in a suit of blue trieotine, with accessories to match, wearing a corsage of liridc rose.s and snap dragons In t-l ower effect. At an informnt reception following the ceremony, an ice course was served. Misses Mary tmd Kdna Harris presided at the pnneh bowl. Mrs. ltarron attended Wlntlirop celiege and is a young woman of winning personality who 1st admired bj a wide circle of friends. Mr; Barron, formerly of York, Is a gtuduutc of the Citadel and saw sorv tee overseas, no Is at present cashtor of the First National bank of Kort M;I1. Tho many "handsome Rifts attested the popularity of the younx eouple. A number of out of to\yn friends and. relatives of both the bride and bridegroom were present for the wedding. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ha iron leit for a trip to Granltevllle and York to visit relatives. They are now at home with the bride's parents. Didn't Seek Truth. If the Republican members of the senate eoinmlttec Investigating caniH Ign contributions have any real purpose to develop the truth, they did not reveal It in their colloquies with Judge Moore, Governor Cox's personal representative, says the New York World. He gave them the names of many persons known to be salarlod or volunteer gold-diggera who, properly questioned as witnesses, would produce information of value, but Senators Kenyon and Spencer, who were sceptical of everything, oven of documentary evidence, professed a fear that the Democrats nvi? IIIl'IH Oil II Wllll-S'Ullfil' chass." Tho man Senator Spencer mentioned is the gentleman who is chairman of the subcommittee appointed months ago to investigate Henry Ford's charge that tho election of Truman H. .Newberry as a senator from Michigan had been purchased. It is reasonable to infer that this committed also believed It was to be made a party to a wild goose chase, for it has done nothing and Is content to rotain for its party the senate majority that rests upon Mr. Newberry's tainted title. Meantime the man concerning whoso methods it was to mako an inquiry has heen convicted, with 16 others, and is under sentence to the penitentiary. When guilt judicially established fs not sufficient to spur a committee of tho senate into action it is idle to expect a thoroughgoing investigation of accusations resting upon nothing but letters, circulars and other documents emanating from Htepiihlicup headquarters. Unless Governor Cox can produce the markod hills that passed between the "prospects" and the boys who^wero told to "get the money," we shall be told presently that he has failed to prove his ease. 666 cures Malaria, Chills and F^ver, Bilious Fever, Colds artd LaGrippe. It kills the parasite that causes the fever. It is a splencjid laxative and general Tonic.?Adv '*A*^nnoHh CmoUm Town. Fort Mill friends of the Rev. Baxter McLendon of Bennettsvllle, who several years ago conducted a revival meeting here that attracted wide attention and much Interest locally, will be pleased to learn that the meeting he had been holding In Morganton, N. C.. which closed Hunday. proved even more successful than the Fort Mill meeting. Runday night Mr. McLendon bade farewell to an audience that numbered fully ".000. The campaign had lasted Uur w? eks und at every service his big tent held the largest crowds ever known to attend u jneetlng In Morgan! on. Numbers of the Morganton stores closed for the afternoon services and the people were urawn from n territory of more than 50 square miles. At the threo services Sunday It is estimated that the total U. 1*. Blankonshlp, well known cltIscn of the Gold Hill section of Fort Mill township, had the misfortune while in town during the day of the first Democratic primary two weeks ago to make a slight abrasion on | Rub*My-Tiim n a great paia killer. It relieves pain and soreness caused by Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sprains, etc. SERVICE ph AY hen you buj' til most mileage you -money, of course. That's why we sel They have won the ore manufacturers, racers a unusual mileage built ir Then there is great sati ance of the Goodyeai They show up in fine st; Bring Your Car to (J 1 See the ' A t / We have an arrange of the Majestic Theatre v to offer "Movie" Ti to each and everyone of c !i here are absolutely this offer. It is simply yc an hour or two of pleasu |] expense. We sell you go give you the tickets. 1 Call and ask us for p B. C. FER r Bank Vice Tells How Ziron Iron To After Operation j AFTER eny serious Illness, the flrst*thtng you notice when yon begin to get around la your lack ot strength and energy?a tired, weak feeling. The sodncr you got your strength back the better. The thing to do la to eat plenty of good, nourishing food, get all the fresh air you can, exercise conservatively, and take Ztron Iron Tonic three ttmee a day. Your doctor will tell yon this la sound advice, and urge yon to follow it < tram .whioV lie luis nlft?r?d much durlni the hut week. At Its worst the Injury looked w tf It would develop .Into blood poisoning, but Mr. Blankenphlp now thinks that careful treatment has dissipated that danger and that the finger will be well l? a few days. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank all our friends and neighbors, who so kindly helped' In the saddest hour of our lives, when God in His wisdom, saw fit to remove our darling. Birdie, from earth to heaven. May God's richest blessings rest on them all Is our prayer. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Coltharp and Family. 'We are proud of the confidence docton, draniiti and the public bare in 666 Chill and Fever Tonic. JESSE L.HOWIE General Contracting EatlmalM Cheerfully Clr.a Phone 168 Fort Mill, S. C. us BEAUTY < res you want the i can get for the i 11 Good years! ference of automobile 1 * I _ I -a mu me puouc Dy the ito them by Goodyear. faction in the appear'' All-Weather treads, yle on any car. w have a good stock of er Casings in the three made by Goodyear for Maxwells, Chevrolets, Mso a full line of other tubes and tire savers, ill find our Goodyear s and Goodyear tires >r your car. ieath Motor g Company, I ORT MILL, S. C, I ? I 'Movies" . iinent with the manager rhereby we are enabled icketi Free >ur white customers. no strings or red tape to >ur opportunity to spend ire eadh evening at our ! ods at regular prices and articulars. GUSON. |' -President in ?? lu nic Helped His Daughter >>< for Appendicitis. u Read this letter from Mr. J. B. Kelly, vice-president of the First National Bank. Qracevllle, Fla.: "My daughter 1,1 had been In bad health elnoe last April. She wal operated on tor appendicitis. She has been taking Zlron tor two Kj weeks. Her appetite Is better than It has been. Her nerves are better, and ] she sgys she feels better ... I know that Zlron Is good tor weak and feeble people." Zlron Is a scientific, reconstructive tonic, prepared from valuable strengthbnlMIng ingredients, for weak people with thin blood. Druggists sell Zlron ... sn n money-task guarantee Try tt. " ?-i s c w TH f Ann HAVING It ICC K NT I. Y TA K K N COMMUNITY. Wi: WISH TO LOTMUNT OK FOItD CAItS \ LIVER WITHIN A REASONAI NOW f IT IS N<>T AMISS T< > DlRNl" THINKING NOW AIKU'T W CLOSED CAR NoYV ANl> \VI DAYS. YOU WILD APPKNOI . COUPE, $750 ,W,T" SEPAN, $875 ,wrr" Now IS TUN TIMK OK YNA1 SEE ITS AND I.KT I S ARK/ WILL PROVE ITS WORTH K YOUR ORDER. FORDSON TRACTOR, OUlt STOCK IXcH'OKS IM\N niftvi V\Afim ~ KUnftBUUI, SbbU TOURING CAR, $575 TRUCK CHASSIS, TRUCK CHASSIS, ,wr (TIIF.K v / CALDY RO CORNER TRADE AND You Can't Sit Still When a \ DANCE RECORD ^ u playing . needles to change \ ^ YOUNG & WOLFE ^ "fitLi. all mxiJut? of S^ooxcL* $HOES SHOES ' I ?m koIiik (<> Htny'ln llm Slioc and If liom-st prid1)* tuul most dialing, omiplril wllli ^?m?U MiOHt Slums, ap|M'al in you, limn I 4*1 Ilia! I nmrtt. your |Nitroini?t'. I am sun* that yon cannot liny tin* jm* Slum clscMlM'ri' at nnytliini; like K' prlcv I ask. Call in to soo nm alien you need men. R. M. HOOD Thi* Hlirlil l*rl<i> sinm Man. JKT .Mil,I,. ( - Soulli Carolina ^ -aaasMgas^a-saBSBEK^a^naa . / * -' [E UNIVERSAL CAR ouncemen OVER THE FORD AGENCY FOR . KOCI INFORM THE PUBLIC THAT I-^HT AHO VAS INCREASED AND WE WILL BE A ILK TIME. IF YOU PLACE YOUR ORDl \ I' HflUR ATTENTION TO THE DES1R INTER COMFORT. PLACE YOUR ORI I EN FORCED TO RIDE ON COLD. RA ATE YOUR THOUGHTFULNESS. 1H?AL ELECTRIC STARTING AND LIGII'I AND DEMOUNTABLE HI MS fN.MI). DUAL ELECTRIC STARTING AND LIGHT AND DEMOUNTABLE RIMS $97.%). : To BUY THAT FORDSON TRACTOR. C iNGE TO GIVE YOU A DEMONSTRATION ROM THE START. AND WE ARE PREPA F. O. li. DEARBORN, MICH. ' :AROUTS AND TOURING CARS. PR DUAL ELECTRIC STARTING AND I. TEM $62.%). (WITH IH'Ali KliKClUC STAKTINf. A> KYSTKMl $650). Til SOM.I) T1KF.K AND C'MNCTIEK KIMS. Til PXKI'MATIC TIKKK AND IIKMOVN AM J? KIMS). F. I'KICFS.F. <>. K. DETROIT) t fELL MOTOR C CK HILL, S. C. BLACK STREETS 1 I Who Are Our P. Most of the people in nny r-oimmmity nre < nit of a Kivon one hundred, ninety fall t of thirty years. Of the ten who become successful, nine SISTENT SAVEHH and PRACTU'ED Til It The tenth man won by SPTCI'LATION. Review the Ret one man out of one hundred succeeded 1 'Nine men ot of one hundred succeeded by saviiiK. Ninety?throuKh lack of t hrlft?must con their dally earnings, their relutlvea or frei Start a Savings Account Now. t 9 THE SAVINGS OF FORT Mil Save Money I Buying Ice E 500 Pound Books, 1,000 Pound Book, Prices without books, 70c per 100 lbs; O. T. Gul . V'v ' * - . ? I ' * \ t I'ST OUH Al<- 9 HliK TO DR. n 3H WITH US I AIUMTY OK I * l>K?; KOU A IN Y WI NT 1311 1XIJ SYSTKM IX(i SYSTKM * 'OMR IN TO A KOIIDSON lil'H) TO KIM. $850.00 ICIITIXCi SYSI > $600.00 r" $64100 :o. PHONE 634 atrons? of modest resources, to screed over a span of them were C<>NI l'T. I (ult. >y speculation. ' ' practicing tturlft and tinue to depend upon ids. | BANK r v -L. I V by looks * 86.00 ; effective lane 1 P