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FARM MACHINES COSTLY. f Implements Sold at Exorbitant I*rlces, Nays Federal Ilotly. Declaring prices of farm implements to have been Increased without v arrant through "concerted uc\lon" of manufacturers an<J dealers, the federal trade commission has recommended reopening of antl-truHt proceedings against the International ^ Harvester company and the lnstltu? . tlon of Judicial proceedings against Implement manufacturers and dealers. The commission asserted that Is Investigation disclosed that In the period between 1914 anil 1918 prices paid by farmers for Implements advanced 7.1 per cent, with the greater proportion of Increase during 1917 and 1!?1S. This increase, the commission declared. was larser than warranted and resulted In unusually larne profits. Orlcln of Word' "Pixie." A monograph In the London Fi nanclal Times on the history of the old Citizens' Hank .of Louisiana, at New Orleans, reveals the orlidn of the name "Dixie Land"?th" term applied now to all the Southern S'.ates and preserved in the famous Southern war souk. "I>txie."y Prior to the W-r Let ween the States, the Ctlzens* hank, hnvlnu.ihe power'to If sue paper notes, issued several millions of hills In denominations l>f $10 and $20.- hut mostly $10. The $10 lillls were entrraved in French with the French word "Pix" featured on their hacks. The hills -became known as "Dixie," and this money heeomlric popular. Louisiana was referred to as the "Land of Dixie." or "Dixie Lard." KventuaPv the term ' as ro hr adened as to apply to all the South' rn States. This seems a very acre* table explanation of the n-tjrin of 'lie term, which has been the sub. fret of so much discussion. > thinks the Cleveland Plain Dealer. , Cottage Homed Tuesday. A four room cottage, on White street, opposite mill No. 2, of the Fort Mill Manufacturing company. wnicn was occupied t?y. t'lato wnue and family, caught Hit at noon Tuesday front a broom that had accidentally become ignited and In a few minutes was practically destroyed. A number of energetic young men responded to the lire alarm with what was left of the lire lighting equipment bought by the town several years ago and which probably yet would have been In serviceable condition had it been tnken care of. but by the time they reached the burning building and got the dilapidated hose In action the lire had spent itself. Mr. White, with the assistance of neighbors, got most of his household effects out of the house af^cr the tire was discovered. The house was the property of I*. A. Harris and Is said to have been partially Insured. Tcxuns Seek Hurled Treasure. Searchers after burled silver on the mainland opposite Pete island, 18 miles southeast of Corpus Christi, Texas, probably are doomed to disap poinimem. in me opinion or n uaivcston writer on historical and scientific subjects. The rush of treasure seekers began with the discovery recently of 25 skeletons, popularly believed by many to he those of members of the crew of n Spanish treasure ship which foundered off the Texas coast early in the 18th century. It is pointed out that the "life" of a skeleton buried In the sands of the benches of the coastal country is not more than to years, whereas the treasure ships from Mexico to Spain were discontinued after 1820, partly because of the activity of Jean Laflltte's fleet of buccaneers ' ... One Favored (law in Russia. There Is only one favored class in itussia today. This class is cQint posed entirely of theatrical women, and they are*the theatrical stars and beauties. The Russians have always been passionate .lovers of the theatre and, even under the present regime, they treat their stage favorites as so many queens. The actresses are the only women in Russia who are permitted to wear shoes in warm weather. Even, the wives of soviet dignitaries, such as Trotzky and Eenine, have been obliged to bow to popular sentiment. They 'may bo seen any day in Moseow tripping the streets bnrcfootcd. . MICKIE SAYS /u*?e>4 ) / NOV) ***** fcAKVMwO*. tO [VMKfe&VJC MJDtAGr O.K. ViVTUOOY] V CUBAOttV Vf *UO0V*O "COVJV4 J (ftovAWvttuwuc, aur ucrw ?fcourf I \ veaN^Pt?. ?wt UKK -<o / \ OKAD -OA' PWW*. -TOO> / \ suw etc THE TIMES; FOR HOME NEWS. * * , , r 7 "-:1 "That Seal Guarantees < ?atom the talesman, pointing to i "We nrh gled they pat the Gold Seal where J tecte both you and u. "We recommend Congoleum Art-Rugs wh desired for there is Doming else that answers tary and easy to "keep clean. There is no b won't hurt it. A damp mop will keep the Co "Second, a Congoleum Rug is very durable absolutely sanitary. Then. too. it lies perfectly flat without any 4 fastening. I. "And remember, this Gold Seal jP which is on every genuine yf Congoleum Art-Rug, guarantees terry good point I haoe tog you / JV". about them. fo A M N "Th? tnn^ ntn.SjM. /MT 1 bout Congoleum their low price. Let tie snow you the many beautiful designs jTjn in our stock. * 9 x 12 9x9 9x10 1-2 9x8 12 HI Our stock also includ CONVENTIONAL a \ir\ r-i /^n a i rtlNU rLURAL ' BRUSSELS AND RUG See our line of? DELTOX GRAS m I YOUNG & 1-UK1 MILL, VVE SERVE Y< MANY RE, 9 September And with it conies the and look good. No m ready-made garments brell's you are certain t quality that makes you New merchandise Cloaks, Dresses, Suits, i ahd.Piecfe Goods. W< 4 selection at moderate choose from. It will be worth you gate the styles and vz our store. All are unu You are most cordis our store. KIMBR |, , * ns \ < Congoleum Quality/' ft on the rug. * rou can't help seeing it. because it pro> ^ ererer a low-priced floor-covering is 1 the purpose so well First, it is sani- 4 urlap in a Congoleum Rug, so water lors clear and bright. ' k The ^surface b wear-resisting and . ' - . | \ i es many beautilul J ORIENTAL j DESIGNS IN ] _L-_ * WOOL FIBER S j A S CARPETS 7. v y WOLFE j SOUTH CAROLINA ; XT BEST? I \SONS 1 is Here j desire to dress up t atter which of the % you buy at Kim- o get the kind and|l lnnlf unnr' I" ivyv/l\ J Vy CI l KS\~-*D I is arriving daily? l Sweaters, Millinery ? * will have a big v prices for you to i r while to investi-l dues obtainable in! sua! values. I ?Hy. invited to visit \ ' . ! ELL'S. Cotto ; The American Cotton Abg ing in Columbia last week to< ? raise the price of cotton. Am ' introduced was one requesting > Banks through their member I nancial aid to the farmers. > > It is a most comforting tl i is a member cf this great F * SYSTEM, and that patrons of tied to and can share in th , what is today the only depi * which can come fiinancial obb: THE FIRST NATIONAL been more than a financial ir take care of our farmers' ?mo any, it has always been ready make them any reasonable ad Luring our ten years of t never declined to make a farr his cotton, nor have we ever c sell his cotton. This year wi es, exceeding a half a million better shape than ever io take friends. First Natior Capital and Surplus Wo I in v(> | ho forms for ortloriiiK I lion for alfalfa, olovorr. otc? ami inoonlatlon for any ono oxpootln# The J. B. I HEAVY and FANC5 HARDWy FEEDSTUFFS, ALL KIN IF WE HAVEN'T 1 WANT WE'LL The J. B. I i ce Ceam Con< CONE AND CREAM H CENTS little folks need not now worry Dadd ave pone back te the old price of I ONES. All the popular flavors. Vc also supply IceCream in quantitie or picnics. We solicit your next ord< The Candy \ . H. CARRQS, Pro THE ROYA1 Trade Street. Hutchison Building Desires the patronage of the year and will strive to deserve it before that ever since we have h Call and let us know your wis! pood will and continued patronap ??? ?**?????? < i on ? i lociation at its meet" ; )k action intended to j Long other resolutions j I the Federal Reserve j banks to extend fl- ? lought that this bank 2 EDERAL RESERVE $ this bank are enti- 4 e financial aid from t endable source from 4 [stance. | BANK has always ? istitution willing to ^ noy when they had 4 , willing and able to $ vanccs. main-ess life, we have 4 aer a loan to carry t ailed on a farmer to 4 th increased resourc- 4 dollars, we are in * 1 care of our farmer 4 ? tal Bank I . $ 50,000.00 * ro1 tJovernmoot innculn- < will In> rIiiiI to order tills 4 r to Horn clover or alfalfa. 4 i-# Hills Co. i { GROCERIES, j KRE. 1 , 4 SEEDS of j ds. .; 07HAT YOU ; GET IT. I < ? ? Kills Co. ; ? is 5 Cents / 5; WAR TAX 1 CENT ly for the extra penny ? wt > CENTS for ICE CREAIV s fdr home consumption am :r. Citchen prietor. - CAFE HOCK HILL people of Fort Mill this as we tried last year and een in business. ?es and we. will win your re. ?-?? HI Ten Per G > * > i < 4 to We have secured the Fori I J; famous line of [ | ROYAL TAIL! II MEASURE CI I | and are asking our custom > | on the low net cost of this lin | which means a saving for yot > each suit. H. D. HA I THE BAR V Perpetual B. & I Series No, 101 Decide now whether you should ; per month, and then subscribe to 10, , You will hardly miss the small > before you realize it you will take do Make first payment of 50c per t Hank Saturday, September 11. J. SCHOOL 1 ANI SCHOOL SI Lytle Drug THE REXALL ' hbhm mmmmmmmam mmmmmmmm m ??????????? i ft ^ ' | Quilt C > Get ready for winter by havir ' forts made now. We have thi t just ready to use, at SIX Pi i I DOLLAR. 1 NEW LOT CH i We have received another shi 4 and Plates, in pretty designs. set. Good quality and the pr | ~ j The Cash | S. A. LEE and T. F. I if Old Newspapers for Sal ( Times Office. f v i ~ ~~ ^2, ent Only I^H z' 'H t Mill Agency for the i * > LOTHING !! iers only 10 per cent I^H c of standard clothing X - ' IH l&H j of from $9 to $20 on ? v RKEY \ I BE1R n ' "JIB .. Association 1 Now Open - 9 save $10.00. $20.00 or $50.00 JljB semi-monthly payments and 1 wn $1,000 $2.0(K) or $5,000. j 3hare at the First National L. SPRATT, .M Sec'y and Treas. j BOOKS UPPLIES Comp'y I STORE. I | I ? I 1 'J , otton i ig your quilts and com- ,Jr b cotton already carded, \; JE] ACKAGES FOR ONE fl|, UNAWARE ii f J ipment of Cups, Saucers JI wjt _jr tome in ana get you a mgypr ice is right. Phone 8. J i i < ' j [ Store, 1 / ja? < > ,YTLE, Mgrs. ; \ :: Ic at tluv.Fort Mill j ; . iJBb% . ft Vr-V ' k s ^' i #.. i