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P THEFORTMILLTIMES Democratic?Published Thursday*!. | ET, W. R. Bradford and J. J. Bailee 1 0%.-, Publishers. i fef-:. ' W. R. Bradford, Editor and Mp. lagKlK ' iS i ? The Times Invitee contributions on live subjects but does not agree to publish moro than 200 words on any subject. The right la reserved to edit every communication submitted for publication. On application to the publishers, advertising rates are made known to thoso interested. Telephone, local and long distance, No. 112. Entored at tho postofflco at Fort Mill, 9. C., as mail matter of the second class. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1920. ... One term In the house of representatives proved enough of L.. E. Drehcr for tho peoplo of Dexlngton county, Drohcr having been defented for the Stato senate In tho second primary Tuesday by Dr. D. M. Orosson. Somebody has said, and truthfully said, thut education is the nation a biggest business and by far the nation's most important Business. According to the latest tigures available the total enrollment in educutlonul institutions of the United, States is over twenty-four million. Of' these approximately twenty-one million are boys and girls enrolled in the public schools, while ubout one-half million young men and women aro attending the colleges. Two years iigo the men and women engaged In pub lie school tenchiriK ulone numbered nearly seven hundred thousand. The number Is said to have been less lust r year by about forty thouaund. Yet this array of figures should not produce the impression that the eduea, tlonal machinery of the nation Is in the best condition. Only 75.32 per cent, of the boys and glrlB of from 5 to 18 years uro enrolled In school. It costs tho country Just about $50 u your to train tho pupil in average attendance in the elementary and high schools, while the expenditure per capita of the population is a little more than $7 a year. Yet a survey of statistics for the last half century will show that the country is making great progress in education. An increused Interest on the purt of the federal and State, governments, larger school appropriations and attempt to meet the teacher shortage have been included in educational activity of the lust yeur. Hut apparently the most serious handlcnp upon the schools at tho opening this year is insufficient teachers and a large number of poorly trained teachers. x Xaut year the teacher shortage ftmolinlnri 111 nnnpl? Inrlu Ihnnninil , . with more thun sixty forty thousund teachers poorly trulncd. Along w...? efforts to get more boys and girls into school, more of them to stay in school till their education is reasonably complete und effort to make the school period Itself a profitable investment for youth, must come more financial support of education in goncral. lCducutlon Is tho business of everybody. Once it bocomcs definitely known that Mr. Llryan does not intend to try to help elect Cox and ltoosevelt his Uouthern friends at least will leave him like rats deserting a sinking ship. Prior to the San Francisco convention last July Mr. Bryan still had a considerable hold upon the country, but before the convention was at an ond most of those who were willing to listen to what ho hud to say discovered that he was apparently bent upon ruling the convention or ruining tho party's chances of success In the November elections. The convention refused to allow hint oithor to dictate tho personnel of >* tho ticket or write tho party platform as became men who were sent to San Francisco noi to act as messcnger boys for Mr. Bryan hut to uso their own Judgment In the interest of tho millions of Americans they had been chosen to represent. Then Mr. Bryan, seeing that his day as dictator was dono, began sulking like a spoiled child, used to hnvlng its way about everything, and does not even yet seem to have ma lo up \ ''.Ills mind whether he will support flr Cox and Roosevelt. We do ndt . ' know whother the Northern Democrnts will entertain the same feeling jra of resentment toward Mr. Bryan that 3?hi ?o iuuiiu KfiMiiany in mo nuuut nould he Anally decide to cut loose from the party, but wo cnn assure him that hereafter and forever hie r'ame will be nnnthemn In this section. Always in his races for the presidency, whatever might bo the altitude toward him of other sec^ lions, Mr, Bryan could turn his eyes to the South and, like tho poor old Confederate ^pteran who witnessed a panorama of one of the battles of the Vfhr Between the Sections In which ly? saw the ragged soldiers of Gen. Ijm holding fast although practically pirounded by the enemy, exclaim, JI "Thank God those are my poople and I they 4*111 die before thfey' will give up. hpwayer great the odds." Mr. Bryan always that he could depend I^Hthe South. If there were no reason why he should support ticket his gratitude to iXfl^BCtlon should prompt him to Southern people ' In their need. That hour Is here ^V^Br If the Republican party candidate to the presidency be controlled absolutely' by .?j^^Hh hat$r LKtdge, the Mormon th i hog fa| plutocrat Pen'wSHIA this section will be denied dM I for four years In the I'll mmmmrnfa conduct of the government we muit help maintain. Our forefathers won their Independence from Great Brit- j aln becauso they refused to submit , to taxation without representation In the British parliament Is the South nny better off with the sbctlonal Re- ; publican party in control of tho national government? The Republican party or any other party that would attempt to discriminate against this Motion because it refuses to act honcrtly and vote us it pleases?that party Is not worthy the support of Hie American people and should have to appeal to Hades only for Its support. If Mr. liryan Is the ingrate lie will prove himself should he refuse to support Cox nnd Roosevelt, we hope he will keep out of this section, for our people will not want to see him. ADD TO WORLD'S WONDERS. ChcmlstA In IjiM Year Rave Made Startling Discoveries. To the seven original wonders of Ihe world, American chemists within the last year have added 800 others. The Inventions, discoveries and new processes dug out of the bowels nf the earth, the gases of the air and the chemical properties of the soil within the last 12 months caused gasps of astonisluifont at the convention of the American Chemical so rletyj in session in Chicago, nt which the efforts of 15.000 lending Anierl-" can experts are t?elng unfolded. Looking nt the time when coal deposits may he exhausted, they are exhibiting liquid coal. With the price of petroleum distilled gasoline soaring, they aro making public a new process of distilling I his precious commodity from natural p gas cheaply. A method of delnking printed paper so that it can lie used again Is pot forth as a solution of the print pnpor problem. There Is a n-w" anaesthetic containing the pain killing qualities of morphine and other narcotics, hut whtch leaves the patient with no longing for additional doses, thus eliminating. they say. much of the drug habit problem. They have found a substitute for alcohol In muking flavoring extracts, solving a housewife problem and ? liminnting another source of alcoholic exhilarntion for the thirsty and reckless. And among many, many others, a practical use for the gases Uncle Fnni manufacterod to shoot at the Germans, fiddly enough, the uses of those gases will hit Oormnny anyhow, as the phn<igpno gases are being used to make hlue and preen dyes and for blenching sand to make ''ne optical glasses?fl?oth of which Industries were formerly Germany's preeminently. The range of researches is from Vow to make chickens grow to unusual size to methods of blowing down mountains with high explosives. "The new gasoline has been so perfected," said J. \V. Harrlngtoh, a director of the society, "that thero are now companies In Pittsburgh and OH City, Pa., making it. Natural gas that conies from the wells is distilled to gasoline. Then there Is the new liquid coal. It is made from conl dust, suspended in light oil. It gives out a terrilic heat and iH cheap. Now it Is aimed at industrial needs. but the tlinc will come when it will bo used for household purposes." OTA Ml' OUT HUMAN VUI.TUKKS < orrcspoiidciit Calls for PrDicctlnn of Women ami Girls. FOdltor Fort Mill Times: There is u menace that overshadows our fair Southland that unless speedily stamped out will surely prove more disastrous than the World war through which wo have Just, passed. It Is more deadly than any pestilence that devastated any land. If allowed to grow as It lias In the last few years it means the destruction of our civilization. l,lke till other great nations that have fallen, the same monster that Rub-My-Tism is a powerful antiseptic; it kills the poison caused from infected cats, cures old sores, tetter, etc. an aa g Indigestion g S Many persons, otherwise D 0 vigorous and healthy, are fl gg bothered occasionally with 19 B Indigestion. The effects of a m disordered stomach on the S system are dangerous, and ? J prompt treatment of lndlges- 0 0 tlon Is Important "The only tg M medicine I have needed has m gg been something to aid dlgea "J 0 tlon and clean the liver," D ? writes Mr. Fred Ashby, a mm gg McKlnney, Texas, farmer. 5 Q "My medicine is Q i Bedford's 5 BLACK-DRAUGHT Q for Indigestion and stomach M I trouble of any kind. I hare ! , M netar found anything that D 1 B touches the spot, like Black- H ZZ Draught I take It In broken SZ doaes after meals. For a long II , B tltne I tried pills, which grip- M ' mm ed and didn't give the good jZ B results. Black-Draught liver B . B medicine Is easy to take, easy H I gw to keep, Inexpensive." ? Get a package from your 1! i druggist today?Ask for and B B Insist upon Thedford'a?the D D only genuine. Q B Get It today. Q cauaed their downfall la upon ua in horde*. Ilka the Mil WMvll, only MtIdi for their prey the women and air la of our land. Where la the boaated chivalry of the South that with Argua eyea guarded the honor and virtue of wo. ? ? icauy ai all IIU1VB IK BWBU be to give their liven in her defense ? I believe we still have men of that tytfSe, plenty of them, but /on the other hand, our county is filled with a vnst throng of human vultures in the form of men that look upon every rnprotected girl as their prey, that will go to any length to accomplish their hellish purpose, to prostitute the Innocent and unprotected. I It is unsafe for any girl to travel alone or spend the night in a great ninny of our bent hotels without being hounded by these buzzards In human form. Rvery hamlet and our highways are Infested with these tlbertlmes and unless the good people of our land awake from their lethargy and stamp out these human wolves, what will the end be? Civilization. Fort Mill, September 16. l GOOD RES i SERi e> * I have bought THE CIT1 ? ronage of the public, assnrir + ment and the best food the r specialty of lunches. I G. W. S i Announ t Our new buildinj 4 pleted and we wish i are now equipped to J of Automobile Paintii t We also make Seat C | Curtains and Signs. j Pyramid F I ROCK HI I Overhead Bridge I I Bread - Rod Is the BEST an< ; Fifteen cents bu Bread 1, Cheese Ham | 1 Steak | - Eggs Eat twice as mu cut down your i The body needs Prot | drates, Fats and Water, i only food containing all o I EAT MOH 1 Rock Hill St I ROCK H Pm iritis p Housewives will alwa in addition to the sto< series and Meats we ca thing in COUNTRY I Let us supply your tal O. J"1 FORT MILL'S OL the Market, bit u lit wuti iaitatiiu. They are iaaftrew tkiifi ia the medlciae liae.?AdvDOG FOR SALE?Good rabbit and < squirrel dof; will also tree oppos- ' sums; year and a hair old. $16. H. U ( Montgomery, Box S, Route 4. 1 HOLSTEIN BULLS FOR SERVICE: I have two registered Holsteln Bulls whose services are offered the public; one at Wateroak farm 4 and the other at my home in Fort Mill; fee Osmond Barber. 4t SEED?Alfalfa, Clovers. Rye, Rape, Vetch atid Seed Oats, frlces In line. All seed test high. Write us for prices and Information. R. it. Grocery Co., Rock Hill, S. C., "The Home of Alfalfa." If you want home news, you :a 1 f? l *A i__ _ mu - m? | win iniu itoniy in ine nmea. i ITAURANT WCE V. I * if CAFE and invite the pat iK everyone courteous treat- f narket affords. We make a TARNES 1 cement { S is now about com- | to announce that we 4 do the highest grade ? ?g and Top Building, f overs. (liiKhinim i _ 'aint Shop f ILL, S. C. | Look for the Sign. | I VV*1? ^ ^ k Hill - Bread ! ( I d cheapest food. | ys food value in | ,600 Calories * 750 Calories f GOO Calories 280 Calories + 255 Calories % ch BREAD and | living expenses. eina, Minerals, Carbohy- ' | And good BREAD is the | f these elements. IE BREAD I AQm DoLnru i cam uaiVGij g IILL, S. C. | > <* <*> *? # ?> ?> ? <?*?*?*??<? V 'roduce j ys find at this store, ck of first class Grorry, the best of everyPRODUCE t>le wants. ONES r DEST GROCERY loes Your Auto Need" a New Cover? )rive it over. Dnr trimmers are experts and ve guarantee satisfaction. J.C. HARDIN & CO Auto Painters and Top Pui'ders ROCK HILL, S. C. DR.. A. L_. OTT , DENTIST Office hours, 8 a. m. to ft p. m. (Dr. Spratt's office) Belk Building, Fort Mill. S. C. *1 666 quickly relieves Constipations liliousness, Loss of Appetite, and Head- j j che, due to Torpid Liver. j L I M t _ I JOIN Join the throng of this store where Q1 treatment a policy. We have opened ? grocery and invite y< Fort Mill S. ?^TlWWMU??M The Ne A 1 We are now sh ? -- Uoods tor hall, con "Stetson" j "Schlo "i Something new e Fall Season. 1 Visit us often?tl home here. PAT' A. L. PARKS, UNERAL DIRECTOR AND FUNERAL J EQUIPMENT MOTOR HEARSE FORT MILL, S. C. A School Su] Tablets, Pencils, Pens and Pen St a) Ink Erasers, Composition Hook Examination Tabl Pdncil boxes, Conklin and Park* Everything for tlu Hutchinson's PI Phone No. 91 THE THRO li^rjsBns thrifty people who trade UALITY is a principle i meat, market in conne >ur patronage. Cooperative S W. PARKS, Manager. in?in i iMiamiiiin 111 iwmbw? w Fall I ire Here owing our first shipm sisting of \ Hats, ss" Suits, Jrossett" She and "Ide* ivery day from now on his is your store?make TERSOl 0 IOB PRIM T THE TIMES OFFICE - mm ,r ' ' ** / ' % ~~ pplies ff?, S, cts, :r Pens, - school room. larmacy, \ ? f ^8(a I roinilarly with and courteous ct ion with our tore, Goods * 9 ent of New >es 9 Shirts through the 5 yourself at N's If ITING ' - PHONE 112 i * iW