University of South Carolina Libraries
I HF SHORT ITEMS OF NEWS 8 r PICKED UP ABOUT TOWN | {,' The Rew Father Tobln of Colum- "J Waffi1'- Wa was a recent gueet of Miss Mary I o'Connell. K^.V'i'v f; . Mrs. C. H. Kleuppelburg o' Lire- ' . EST vard, N. C., Is visiting relatives in ' Fort Mill. 5g Miss -Susie White has returned to I Washington, after a visit r?r several ' weeks to her home In Fort Mill town- 1 fflsJK ' ship. 1 BjOT .Miss flattie Belk expect to resume her studies at Wlnthrop college at 1 The opening of the fall session on September 14. Mrs. O. B. Stewart of Charlotte. N. C., Is u guest of her mother. Mrs. Mary Ardrey. following a recent visit to | fipw York city. ] Mrs! Augusta Culp has returned to Fort'Mill after a visit of several Bfci days to her daughtor. Mrs. Utile * Wr Hunter, in Lancaster. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Sllgh of Jack- < sonvllle, Fla., are visiting Mrs. Sllgh's ? (grandparents, Mr4, and ;Mrs. C. C. i fu tiiwmno, in r'ort Mill. I Mrs. J. W. ' H*. Dyches and tlirec of her children returned Friday from a throo weeks' visit to Mrs. Dyches' father, C. A. Gregory, at Clover, Vn, Robert Cl Potts expect to lenve Port Mill within the next week for Lexington, Vn., whore he will enter Washington and Lee unive?fdty as n law student. Mr. Potts Is a Oloinson graduate, class of '20. At n meeting Monday evening of the board of trustees of the Fort Mill graded school, J. C. Htrlhllng was elected superintendent for the lH::o21 session, which opens Momtyy morning. September 13. William Clrler, Robert Erwln, Murphy Cook and Wllllnin Erwln left Monday morning for Clemson college ' to take up work as students at the opening- of the fall session yesterday. Miss Heruicc Mills ami Miss Klnui Bradford expect to enter Winthrop college tomorroin as llrat year students. Brlce D. Culp has returned to Foi' Mill to make his home here and lias 'bouKht an interest In the grocery and lee plant of his brother. O. T. Culp. where he Is now engaged. Follow'ug , 2 lhe close of the World war Mr. ( nip '$ was for several months a traveling representative of a cotton mill ina, . tmr-jgy chlnery concern in New England. At a meeting yesterday the directors of the First National bank olctted W. T. Barron cashier and U. II. Ardrey assistant cashier. Both Mr. II Barron and Mr Ardrey have been witli the First National as assistant caahler and teller, respectively. l*r. J. L. Kpratt. who has been vice president and cashier of the bank for several years, remains as active vice Z president. tjapt. S. w. 1'arkK 1ms sucree lotl Q. W. starnos n? minuter of tho store of tho Fort Mill Conupprntt.\r association. Capt. Parks Is an experienced business man. For several yearn lie conducted a drug store in Fort Mill prior to the Mexican holder trouble In 1916, when he went to south Texas as commander lof the Fort Mill company of tho National Guard. G. Q. Johnston of Baltimore, Aid., has written a letter to lila father. J. *VV. Johnston of Fort Mill, describing un accident which he saw In Bal--- , its fell a distance of 30 feel from ers fell a distance of 33 feet from j ' tl.e scaffolding on ?.?.o they were Ht work to tho roof of a ten story building. An odd feature of the new eldent was that the airplane of tho Baltimore Evening Sun was only I *??? yards away and the aviator secured a, f'cturo of It which was printed In that paper the following -'ay. Fort Mill friends of Mr. and Mrs. ,'A. It. McElhaney were distressed to v a learn a four days agtl that their M> year old daughter. Elizabeth, had horn seriously Injured In an automobile accident In which her nose nnd Jawbone wore broken and h?-r skull fractured, i T e little Kir 1 was riding In a car with a youth warn t.*e accident, occurred In Kershaw near the home of her patients. She was at once taken to the Fonnell Innrniary In Hock Mill and nothwithstanding the serious .patnre of her Injuries, .she is sal'd to be'rfelitg well hffd hope Is held out by the attending ' physicians for hop rcaewery.. % Thero Is considerable Interest In this section in the second Democrata\prlmary to ho held next Tuesday for State and county oincials. Besides' the nomination '-of a United States senator, either Ev" D. Smith or Oeorge ts Warren, cnntlldafes are to he chosen for two Stato and t\y> county ollloM. Wilson O. Harvey of Charleston-ap t Oscar L. Muuldin of Greenville are In the race for Ml?ute*"*n? govekimr ' nnd D. L. Smith or Colleton ai.d Frank W. Hhcaly pf .Lcviqgtpi^. fcjr. . raldroad roKimUioner. In the county prlmnry Hugh O. P.rotvn and Clrnt F. Gordon are opponents for supervisor and Walker It. I?ntlmcr nnd T. E. MrMaj^kln nre seeking D.? oiilce of clerk of^court.. T.?ie Strjtw Ballot. 1 A'irierlca's quadfennlal visitation, according to unmistakable ,sfgn.\ ' Vull * this year again ravage the country from Key West td Paget Sound, from 1 Maine to California. In fact, the i fust symptoms have already made | spasmodic appearance in widely diverse parts of the nation, says I he . New York Evcntftg Post. It Is . tjta j j straw ballot. ? | * The straw hsikjt as such Is a dta- i j ease that rages rim pant only in the United States. Xyt '1 existed in J other countries. /In old Rome drawv"j ballots were once'-'used at gladiatorial j contests. Later* because of the .? jwf . v"" .*! '*' > ' * . , 1 f' ?gggg?5= 1 .hortnge of struw, .the lloumns hud ubo thumbs, tut art at which legend tins It they became quite ambidextrous. 4 And in Mexico, for another ?-stahce. straw ballots nre" not unknown, except that In tho Southern republic they arc usually designated "presidential elections." Notwithstanding the usolessness vof ballots of straw to which \Vol?;t<r l?nys its compliments as "a thing of iinnllest worth"- they are as fn-hInnable now as nt pchdieitls ever was. Mo doubt they v. ill -make their np [iraranec rcgularl;. ar>.l wit*, their coustoincd vehemence an 1 tone of authority front- n??w until Noveii?'bc:*: rVnd not an effort will be made to damp them out. V Rub-My-Tism is a great pain killer.! It relieves pain and soreness caused by j Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Sprains, etc. i in-: wild, i?i: t ii.MiiMW or TIIIHIREAT AGHU'lll/rntAI. ro.M- 1 lllTTi;K. Setmla." Sniitli will In- the I'lmirniaii or tin great agrtciiltui-al . .miinllt. e of (lie next Ooiigress if liy | I'lix'kxl. Can Serili t'orolina afford] lo miss this el tan r to lieail this lnt-i portaid committee? 'riie miimu r i-? ! votio poh smith. You Will B That's whiif wil time you buy a (* Because in (ioody a tiro that posit i and lasts longer. And in the smallo years you will fin Brin^ Your Car lo VJ r?2 See the ' We have an arrange of the Majestic Theatre w to offer una n rr? iviovie Ii to each and everyone of o There are absolutely i this offer. It is simply yoi t an. hour or two of ple.asui expense. ' We sell you got give you the tickets. Call arid ask us for p< p / f \ .> ' t, B. C. FER 'i?- Gained Tc Bcjorc Taking ZIRON, AI i Nervous, Had No 'Appcl E.VhJJl?y man and won>an, who is in , a ^run-down, weak condition, with 1 bad (Complexion and poor nppe- j tlte, duo to lack of iron in their blood, should find Ziron holpful and strength ( bull (11 nrt. I It Js a scientific, reconstructive tonic, i copipckod of ingredient/ rdQommendod by loading medical aid hot-ides. *j Describing Ida oxpertonqe With Ziron, i Mr. George W. S. I^inler writes from 1 lones, Ala.: "Sometlmo back, I was In t l. terrible condition. I was Weak and i lervous, and had a tired feeling all the time. My skin was uiuddv. ! t * V *v,% ' **' ^ ronrai i , York Citizen* <;ive to Party. j B 'A.' R. Hutchison of Hock Hill has ' fl sent |356 to the Staid committee for ' the Cox campaign fund as. a result of ,fl his canvass of that city, and It Is ex- (B pec ted that quite nn additional sum I I will he turned in for the national 11 Campaign. Mr. Hutchison has oi' ij pointed workers in all parts of tho i B county and Is expecting York to raise gj Ja r allotment of the fund. No re- ; I porta have been made by the chair- G men in the respective townships, but 3 t is understood they have not been i ,:j idle and they have .probably forward.! n < 1 ?' it Mil>?iii>tti?ns direct t<> State, *9 ? i atii !,!rt. ! ; If all the counties oEl H 'I , Stale would ei|ur\l York's Hub4 fl MMptiou, the contribution of Soutflr Q ? aiolMi'i wiiiild I>? between $l6,Wh)jH end $20,000. A Smj" |B Wc arc proud of the confidra^Qpoc- fl tors, druggists and the public have in 660 Chill and Fever, Tonic. JESSE L.HOWIE j General Contracting Eitimnto? CKrf*rfu!!v Ciivrn | Pltcne 168 Fort Mill, S. C. mm* ?->?. <m> v ? < ! i ! in i '?e Satisfied 1 happen every i| 1 r * oouypar Tin1. pars you wi.ll find jl yply fartlior j| r sizos of (*ood(I just us liii^li u & c value embodied as in mous Goodyear Cords. jl jmplcte stock of Good- i Si especially in the smallenables you to ob> mediate deliver v. ^ ieath Motor | Company, OK 1 MILL, S. C, ? R >s for Repaii Work. eBsaBacsMai ^.r^san^XMEn 0 'Movies" j mont with the manager hereby we are enabled ckets Free 1 ur white customers. no strings or red tape to * ^ ur opportunity to spend > re each evening at our P ? ids at regular oiices nnrt irticulars. I ? GUSON. i i n Pounds I (ibama Man Was Weak, itc, But is .Now Strong. b;*d no appetite, and nt morning I didn't feel like getting up. 1 was reading o[ Ziron and decided I Would try it . . . "Will say that .Ziron Is a good medicine. I have gained ten pouuda in Tour months. Am strong and have a Sood appetite." Ziron la a mild iron tonic, good for roung and old. ' It helps to restoro i the system, when run down by overwork. under-nonrishrnent. caused by stomach or bowel disorders. or as a result of some weakening illness. Get Ziron from your druggist. He sella it .on a uibnoy-buck guarantee ? V.'v.i. \ . .A tr KLLTIHBa, rOBT KILL, S. O. T " BKflDHHHHHBESSHHBHIHHHHHHRNflHHHHi What Senator E. D. St and What He Has Dor "No man dares question the i Carolina's Senior Senator, E. war emergency." He is the greatest authority production in the United Stat< advice and utterances on cotto by Wall Street. So much so biers and speculators of the N for his advocacy of the cause farmer, and labor in general. SOME OF THE THINGS HE H e is the author or the expi The Cotton Futures Act, regulating the grades of cotl the cotton gamblers and spect T"1 ' i ne cotton tarmers and tr debted to him for his untiring serted in the Federal Resen basis of credit cotton warehou Nitrate of Soda is essential 1 State. His untiring work alonj this product to the farmers di and released abundance of n armistice was signed. He fought for the Federal 1 one of these banks located ir fought to restrict undesirable to keep clown competition froi Southern Europe in the cottor establishments, so that the na not have his wages lowere< by him. WHAT SENATOR SMITH 15 He is South Carolina's mos perienced man in Congress head of the great Agricultural gress by reason of the recen Gore of Oklahoma. H e is the only Simon pure 1 States Senate, and the only r Southeastern States on the Ag of winch he will be the head. If South Carolina wants an Washington, Senator Smith vote; cast for him is a vote' cas ests of the entire South. Senator Smitn will be elect* cause it is to the best interest to reelect him. VOTE FOR S ..-'jhmuimsmammum niaca?k?? Who Are Our Most of tlx |m>oi>Io in any community < >ut of a Kivi-n ono hiiiulrcil, ninety of thirty years. of the ten who heroine suicestiful, n SI HTM NT SAVPItS ami PI i At 'Tit '101 > The tenth man won l>y SPT<TJI.iATH i Review the F fine man out of one liuntl red suceoet Nine men ot of one hundred sueceedc saving. Ninety--1hroiiRh lack of t hrift?must their dail> earnlnRs, their relatives or Start a Savings Account Now. THE SAVING OF FORT fl % ' * * ' I . ' ' % , nilh Stands for te in Congress ! war record af South D. Smith, during the < on cotton and cotton 9 es Senate today. His Q n are closely watched that the cotton gamorth are fighting him of the Southern white HAS DONE: onent of: passed by Congress ton and restraint on ilators. I I. f " uck farmers are in- | effort in having in- H re Banking Act as a g ise receipts, to the farmers of this g with others brought J uring the war at cost titrates as soon as the Land Banks and had i our own State. He foreign immigration m the low classes of i mills and industrial tive workman would I nknr ujill tsn'l 0 ?. UV? fT 111 0IOIIU >: t influential and extoday. He becomes I Committee of Cont defeat of Senator Farmer in the United epresentative of the 7-icultural Committee influential man in rill be reelected. A ft t for the best interid next Tuesday, bes of South Carolina MITH b< Patrons? " are of modest resources, fall to screed over a span inc of ' them were C< >N- ? THUIKT. H N. Result. led l>y speculation. d by practicing thrift and continue to depend upon freiuls. S BANK 4ILL ??' ?'r '< - b I * I * " \ I THEGENl " :rtll :g ^A IS THE OlS PHONOGI TO BLT SUPREME in Desig SUPREME in Const SUPREME in I Mate: SUPREME inlRepei SUPREME in Tone When selecting a Ph sist on having the finest Phonograph YOUNG & > FORT MILL, - - S< WE SERVE YOU MANY REAS 'erpetual B. & L. Series No. 10 Opens Decide now whether you should sav< *r month, and then subscribe to 10, 20 < You will hardly miss the small sera jfore you realize it you will take down ! Make first payment of 50c per shar ank Saturday, September 11. J. L. Save Money Buying Ice I 500 Pound Book* 1,000 Pound Boo Prices withoit books, 70c per 100 I l O. T. Gu JINE I ILY RAPH Y n traction rial rtoire onograph int Pathe?the in the world. . ? VOLFE 5UTH CAROLINA BESTON S Association ; Saturday. e $10.00, $20.00 or $50.00 or 50 shares. \ li-monthly payments and $1,000. $2,000 or $5,000. e at the First National SPRATT, Sec'y and Treas. by Books i, $3.00 . * k, $6.00 Iks; effective Jane 1 ip 1