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(SHORT ITEMS OF NEWSPICKED UP ABOUT TOWN ' W. Ch Epp#of Tarpon Springs, Fla. I Wa? in Fort Mill Monday. i Mrs. O. P. Heath of Midland. N. C., i visited relatives In Fort Mill last week. Qary 8. Thompson of Greensboro, N. C., spent Sunday In Fort Mill with1 relatives. James T. Young, Jr., and Dr. W. H. Margin are spending the week in Mt. Airy, N. C. Mrs. R. L. Erwln has returned to Fort Mill, after a visit of several days to relatives in Atlanta. Mrs. Hamilton Courtney of Savannah, Ga., Is In Fort Mill the guesit of lor parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Culp. A partial result of the meeting held lust tweek at Pleasant Valley Baptist church by the pastor, the Rov. Dr. J. W. H. Dyches was the accession of 24 momLeis to the church by letter and baptism. K. R. Pattorson returned to Fort Mill Sunduy morning from Baltimore, whero he spent Inst week buying winter goods for his store. Mr. Patterson snyB tho Baltimore market was crowded with Southern buyers white he was In that city. 8. H. Sutton has returned to his duties as mall carrier on routo 3, Fort Mill, following his annual vacation of 16 dnys, during which he had a pljaaunt motor trip to Sot'olk, Vs. From Norfolk Mr. Sutton went by boat on the Potomac rtvor to Washington and there &|.9tti a few days. ' Harry Jackson Knyne, six months' old son of Mr. and Mrs J. Mark Payne of the upper mill vl'luge, Foit Mill, died Monday after an Illness of several weeks. The burial was In the city ceniotery Tuesday, foil wing thfuneral services at the home 10 o'cclock a. m. by the Rev. Dr. Dyehes, pastor of the Fort Mill Baptist church. Major James D. Fulp returned to Abbeville Monday morning, after spending n few dnys In Fort Mill visiting his mother. Mrs. A. O. Jones. Major Fulp has been editor and manager of the Abbeville Press and Banner during the summer months. "in win rt-iuru in iiih mines iiTt iivciu of the Abbcvlllo city kcIiooH ?t the opening of the fall session within the next two weeks. J. B. Mills, Ladecn Mills, Misses Elizabeth Mills and Martha lJyclies and Qorland Dvohos left Port Mill yesterday morning l.y mottor for Clo ver, Va? Mr. Mills will visit ltichmond while he Is awny and will return home hy rail. The othe- mem hers of the party will spend several days at Clover and elsewhere In Virginia before returning home. Mrs. A. L. Parks, Mrs. John flunn, Mrs. S. A. Lee and Miss Minnie OurI'laon left Tuesday morning for Plover where they att*" tided lh? meetlnR of the Woman's Missionary union of the York Baptist association. They were accompanied by AVisses Azlle HarKey, Edith Balles. "'Irglnin McCorkle and Llllie Ballon, representing the girls' auxiliary of the Port Mill Bap'1st church. Mr. and Mrs. A. Y. Williamson of Charlotte, N. C., were visitors in Fort Mill Tuesday, the purpose of their visit being to arrange to movA to this place. M.r. . Williamson has ser*?sa?a?1 ii nnttnirn nn Knrnf t ?dt llllll / exports to move his family to Fort Mill early next week, lie Is a traveling snlesmnn for un Ohio shoe concern. He was roared In this romtnun. nlty nnd has many friends hero who will welcome him hack to his old home. Although tho hnsohnll senson Is drnwlng to a close, there Is apparently about as much Interest as ever In She national gijme in Fort Mill and the fans follow the fortunes of the local team as closely as they did when the first Ramos were played last spring. Of (the recent gunres "with Plover, Fort Mill won two and lout one, the Rnme of last Saturday, which proved almost a rout for the local team, the -core beinR 13 to 0 K favor of PI er. Monday after- I labon, however, the Fort Mill hoys ft* t hack at their eonuuerors of two tisya previous by wlnninR 4 to 2. both games wore played In Plover, tyuesdny the battery for Fort Mill Vras Blair and Ferguson and for FloVet Smith and Farls. These teams |?lay their next game on the Fort Mill pounds Saturday afternoon. Mlw I salad drier Married, A. telegram was received by Mr %hd Mre. R. F. drier Saturday morn h* from their daughter. Miss Isabol irlec, telling of her marriage in Atlanta Friday evening to Kdward E. tobtmee. Miss drier, accompanied by aunt, Mrs. R. I*. Erwlr., a few ye ago wtnt to Atlanta for a visit relatives In that city and the anHoUneement of her marriage came as 'A distinct surprise to her relatives "Md friends In Fort Mill. Mr. Duhono In a native of Sumter bounty and until recently lived Ht OdWeiro. where Mm. Pubose taught ' behoot during the last year. He rcv Hhtly moved to California, however, *dhd came from that State to Atlnn'P tb claim his bride. Mr. and Mrs. ?bbbb? left Atlanta for their home In California Saturday. ? Mm. Duboae la the only daughter , f Mr. and Mra. flrler and has spent JJ* greater part of her life In Fort Mill, but for several years had tauRht 1? !*? schools of Albemarle. N. O.. i bad Oswego. She Is a popular andi *?co*bpllshed young woman who car-* flea with her to her new home the food wishes of her many friends In this community. Wo are pnwi of the confidence docH pnblic Iutc in, MiChOand Fever Tonic. I ! -%i 1 Bfc. Mf :: Gaston Mills Curtail. CTharlotte News. For several weeks the fine yarn mills that abound In Gnston county have bean curtailing their production and unnoanoement is now made that thl.? policy of retrenchment will be continued until the trade becomes more stabilised. The situation in textiles is not at all serious, but one wbicli raus1 be bundled with delicacy. There is tot so great a demand for th.? manufactured produt ts us has exlsted-for the past 18 mouths and prices ur< much lower in consequence. It was inevitable that the prices of yarn*, would come down. Cotton manufacturers themselves admit that they worktoo high for the good of the trade. The perlM tliough which they arc passing now, therefore, is merely one of transition from a too high basis to me of a more endurable character un<; this is a period that Is tremulous and uncertain, a period when the slightest noise will make the sound of n mighty vibration, a peiiod that requires keen foresight an<J business statesmanship ?o tide over successfully. Rnh-Mv-Tiara aa a ,-'11 - ^ ' o gicai pain miter. || l! relieve* pain and soreness caused l?> , Rheumatism, Nouralpia, Sprains, etc j Majestic - TVxJjiy?Allir lira?ly ! ? The Fear taarUet," fiom tlu> |?':i> l?y mi-He Hives. Rub-My-Tum is a powerful antiseptic; it kills the poison caused from in- j fected cuts, cures old sores, tetter, etc. | v Stamina ant make Goodyear Tires deeidedlv owners of smaller You can fill your need ble Cure All-We*?>ther Ti Anti-Skirl Trend, sizes 3 Bring Your Car to lj I" ^ */ % Soh / Your problem?How with a decreasing labor i The Solution?Adopt and easily handled E-B 1 Thousands already h can do more work, easie: It is a very simple chinery. We want to ex Fort Mill j - Y'/*? FOBTM Majestic Theater Program, f TOMORROW. g I.Ion Man," Serial No. 7, jP 2-Heel Western thriller. 3 "Snul)" Pollaru Ccm*-' y. R SATURDAY. | "Pirate Oohl." (Serial), No. 2, D "YounK Buffalo," Western, H 2-ltoel Sunshine" comedy Hj MONDAY. )q "The Black Circle." ?? 5-ltoel World drama. g Featuring Crolghton Bale Ej TUFSDAY. gj Jack Dempsey (Serial) No. 13, $ 2 lteel Western Drama, 2-Keel Big V Coinodv g \V KlIN FSDAY. ' (5lrl from Nowhere.' y 5-Keel Drama Featuring cj Oleo Madlso i j| THURSDAY. ^ C-Keel Super-Special (* Title not yet learned Watch hill beards 3 [ JESSE L.HOWIE I General Conlrarli o ,i I 1"?" II Eatimnte* ClnHrrfiilly Given f Phone 168 Fort Mill, S. C. _ I ? I' ' i If-you want home news, you j will find it only iti The Timea. f ~ ~ I Long Life I Fabric (Timber ! popular anion** I cars. c instantly ir? the D nitron d or the Single Cure 0x3, 30*3 1-2, 30x4. tve the tiros and, what e, we have a Service to you that <s w^li worth * acquainted with. siz< r an ! typrr. in stock leatli Motor Company, On I MiLL, * C, is for Repair Work. $ ':< ,1- S^SS^^EES? Y' : ~ ^ssSSKS^ ;e Your Pre i,-B 12-21 r to make a greater incom supply. ; Power Farming method 2-20 Tractor. ave the satisfaction of ki r and cheaper, than ever 1 matter to change from 1 :plain how you can make i Lumber Com\ J?r ^ ALL TIMES, FOET MILL, S. Use Your I to S?JV Observe in our s! imusmil j)nc(S wtv next few <l;ivs on II IES. B. C. FER tamam Who Are Ov Attest of the people in any ooinn < hit of a uivon one hundred. 11 of thirty years. ??f tin- ten who become so cress SI ST K N'T SAVEItS and IMiiM'TI The tenth man won l?y SPTCUI Review t\ < hie man out of one hundred j Nine men ot of one hundred sn saving.. V II1..IV Illl-K.KTI. I.k.L- l.r I h.lCl their dally earnings their relatl Start a Savings Account T THE SAVir OF FOF Worn Down, Georgia Lady, Worn-cut t Was Helped by . rg^HE personal experience of Mrs. Nnnnie Phillips, of PowderSprings, Ga., Ib printed below in her own words: "I was in a worn-out condition. My stomach was out of order. I didn't sleep well. I was tired all the time. I couldn't half eat, and didn't rest well at night. **I would got out of heart and blue. I would feel like I was going to be down in bed. Yet I kept dragging I around. )M Newspapers for Times Ottiee. si iv \ \V j )blem zvith ) Tracto e on your labor sr.d on s, and use the thorougl lowing that with their ! Defore. lorse-f arming to powermore profit from your fi Oany, Fort 0. Eyes I e Money I iow windows the ' ; will off or for 1 lie III EAVY (UU)CEll- j GUSOR j 1 1 ?? j """j lr Patrons? i j i)unity ;irc of tnodost rosotiroos. j| in<>ly fail u> si'ci'cil over :i span | & I E ful, nir.o of th?-ni worn t'i'NCKI? Tl 11:1 KT. .ATI' IN. '* ft j" le Result. . !i uu'coiMli'd bv spoeul.'tion *.i i leeeedett l?.v prnctfteinK thrift ami j ?must continue to ?l??pcn<| upon Ives or trends. v, *Jow. \ * i HQS BANK LT MILL ?^ Out of Heart __s : ind Tired, Tells How She Ziron Iron Tonic. "We hoard of Ziron, and from what j I read, I was sure it wouldn't hurt mo, | if it didn't help mo. liut afior taking i it, I found it ronlly helped mo, and I , sent hack for more. I ato better, felt much stronger. I am Bure Ziron ip | a splendid tonic." i Many people, who arc worn down and I disheartened, due to stomach disorders j and nervous ills, find relief by toning I up their blood with /.iron Iron Tonic. Tell your druggist you want to try i Ziron on our money-back guarantee. j i Side at the Fort Mill 1 Sssst.: " ' \? *n '?rx " J/,. '' *. -\t* << ">? an V i your farm investment' KItT -- * 1 iiij economical, i E-B 12-20 Tractor, they -fanning with E-B rnaxrniing operations. I Ml, S.C. septer 94 reco: | And all other h ii sale. I Pathe has the lates 3 best. b Pathe Records will | home the best music I The recording labo I Milan, Petrograd, L | and N ew York mak you to acquire the J record library of musi I All Pathe Records d J each guaranteed a t\ jj Pathe Records can j* phonographs. Ask v r w t m r Ij YOlMi & ]! FORT MILL, | WK SERVE Y< jj^^AlANY UE Insurance fc On Unusuc Fin* InstimiKv on a (Titllt. Iwx ..< ? ii?-|hiiinn-, iiiiii am prcpa strongest company in tlic work clone across York or lameustcr I-'ire and Tornado Insurance ar properly for three or live yea annual notes given in payment cash settlement. Farmers an- urged to take, adv opitortiinity. I I QDI %* lu* iji 1 FIKK IN SO! Save Mom Buying Ic< 500 Pound B< 1,001) Pound ] Prices without books, 70c per O. T. I I I . . -W'-J " . ' ' ipV 1BER ^ * RDS ins now on IE t hits, first and B bring into your : of the world. jj ratories of Paris, I ondon, Toronto, ] e it possible for largest and best | ical masterpieces, S louble faced and | rousand times. i be played on a]1 1 us how. j WOLFE SOUTH CAROLINA | au BEST? I ,ASONS I > >r Farmers il Terms is for i Ik- Farmer Is a red to liamlle it In tlu* I, ii company tluK a < >' (iiinily would not bust, i* written covcrliiK all rs at \ery low rail's, and of same, after a small antMJcc of tills iiiuimihI tATT, ItANCK. ey by I b Books I >oks, $3.00 I Book, $6.00 1 100 lbs; effective June 1 R kulp I i iVif