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SHORT ITEMS OF NEWS PICKED UP ABOUT TOWN Mrs. J. W". Wiley of Greensboro. N. C.i is u >;ucBt at the home of her fattier, J. H. McMurray. x W. II. Howard and family of Mt. HiiUy? N. O.. wore recent gue?ts 6f, , Irici.di; in ,'ort Mill. IS. Ii 'ill Ferguson of Sumter spent Hie p:ist un'i v. it.h lil.i parents, Mis ui Mrs. It. O. Ferguson. Miss And;? Hall ltyers of Itethesv.t towtSship is spending the week Hi Mr^f John M. Hutchinson. Mtss Vi-.tii tm iirinp ...Ifl *i?r ( ,i'nt y-'.' I - * Mr a. -W I. Krwin, are In Atlanta far vtali of several days to rohnivoE. pi. Krskine Am1 my, U. S. A.. And r.v\Artlrey of Washington, l?. O., kur.-m of 1 ?r. and Mrs. J. ! >. 1 Hijf lie. s Spralt returned to Co4* nltla Tu -day, after ^ week's visit Mrs. Jennie Sprutt. /"A". It. ('vane of Columbia. former 'Kinnt to tl?e Fort Mill supply nyluny of the .toth division, spent 1 'l?"'i:.y and Sunday with friends im^Tort Mill. ' \\". *' Henry and iter mother. " \ I v i.y itinkins, of St. Petcram> i Wmle and Klhuibcth 3-:; of Norfolk, Va., are visitors at Iioiik ol' Mr. and Mrs. J. il. ^, nrrn town. T e Ile\ l>r J. \V. II. I>yehes exs to i.II ins preaching engage, eats at the. Fort Mill Ituptlsl "h. i t*i morning and evening. *Sot alter absence of al il.i' from his pastoral work. Mrs. May I.ueas Mack and her PF ? ill xnli i h Muck, of r.tur. tin . ' are visiting relatives I'or I Mill. Mrs. Mack was the . ?n the Into i'i Alexander Mark. moved from 1 it Milt to llawkville. Ca., 20-odd years ago and 1 in that city. "i'l.e county registration board II I.ii'v i mil .11.1.1 111 lull mill llll i ;:c issuance o: registration certilirto citizens of tlie town and n-dilp, lint, tin- fact that the r?iui ! the hoard was not generally I reotiliod in :i small number \ ~u rttlieatea being issued. | The anuu'il reunion of the Kinii faiiiily, ih i oiulants of the late J Kimhrell, was held Tliursduy at k home of I\ C. Kitnbrcll, one " '1 of town, and was-attended practically all the members 01 ? _ family, including a number who a considerable distance from i rt Mill. rv<-\ Kiiunrell of Oknloim, Ark.. '. i two \i e. I;s tit tile home is hv>' hor, \V. ! !. Kilultrell, ir. t. Mill Mr Kttiihrell is a formei . > t M II t \. n h'j> i iti/.en who mov' i - ^ OFSii:. ttsedhubbmheb . I Use Youi 0 ' I to Sa i _ * * 1 N Observe in our : # iinusual prices \>\ next few. days on 1 * i IKS. H r* / \ B,. C. FEF . ? J32W S 7VXr^ll I 111 ??I| * Use CI j A hank check is a receipt, a Safeguard, a convenience, a proof ot cred a business necc a p(iine facto ciency. USE C] L>. Open a checking bo assured of s; THE SAVI1 of Foi W. B. MEACHAM, J. H. McM President Vice-Prci r. - " >. * ' sHsBp* *^ " <?C^ f / %**3Sv ??T?.?36 i;:vT *'' 1 r,Cri v . " ' ed to ArHansas many years ago. He Is a well-to-do farmer and has many friends In this section who were pleased to welcome him to the community. A 12 year old white hoy pleaded guilty in Recorder Otts' court Monday morning to tiring a rille in town in violution of the ordinance. Recorder otts remarked when he lined the boy that he hoped other hoys who might he inclined to violate the 01 dinance would take warning and not ua-? into the came trouble; that it* they did. they would have to pay for disregarding the ordinance. The Relair school, with* John W. i'.'imn anu turs. i*nni*t and Mrs. P. II. Hoss assistants, opened a f< \v days ago with an enrollment of S'O pupils.. The school lias outgrown its present quarters and the trustees plan to erect a new building next spring, following .the plans of the State department of education to enable the school to secure State aid in erecting the building. op-ex The Times published last v eck a news Hem telling of the 1 t '-2 pound cantaloup ? grown by .1. M. Harris on his pine? in Pleasant Valley a number of other unuualt.v lame cantaloupe* also grown | in tliis section, have In on reported I to Hiis oillce. thv* !: mcs* being that ol It. P. Wolfe. Mr H'ofe a few i i;iv? ago palled from bis patch in j ?lit* Pleasant Valley co.niuunity ?> cantaloupe weighing 20 pounds, The cantaloupe was weighed by 1 j W. Potts. Pleasant Valley merchant. The annual I trow it's shop picnic, an Institution older than malty nu a who have voted more than on**c, I is being In |<| in Hold Hill today. The following' Kurt Mill real esj tat,c transfers have recently been in' 111-xi*iI in the otllce of tin* county utnli itnr: M. P. i May ton to \V. ('. Stroud I till iui, v*.-""; . i . rwroiiu 10 o 11 l?r MeKinney, one lot. $2."00; Walter MeKinnoj'* to J. It. Mills. ! :> 12 $2.10"; J. M. and Hlanclie ( amide t<> J. J. Hallos. two lots. $1,000 and other considerations; .1 .1 Hallos to Nannie IS.v Phillips, two lots, $2.;r.o. The county rampai,rn mectinKi ^ chi-tlnletl for fort Mill Saturday h'' vliii out. thanks to the rain and tin* disinclination of the candidates to :|<ak without an audience. con ildcralde eunihi r of farmers -I others were on hand for the toe. tin and the sptukhur was to he in i'imfeder ale park at 2 o'eliyk in the afternoon. hut at that hour a thin di rstocnt hurst which he t> d for "o?ne [time anil nl.< n the sun oat and it vi u'd have hern possible to hold I the n ei tilHT the erowd had ilisp i ed. i All of the enmity otlice candidates t with opposition v. re pr,-s? nt and { ! l-i at tl e day circulating anions the j \ ott rs. Frw ?h<- tlir.t time in " 1 y ars Wil"-':" I' I'MI1" "f Ol'olnm, \rk !s on a vent to relative; and friends , Iii Fort M5*1 en-n?*h'n Mr Finns is a nephew of J. H. Kpps of the MMC* awtiJCv.,'.. -SET f Eyes \ ul I re Money I liow windows the | will offer for the B 1EAVY (J HOC ElliGUSON. iecks it. issity, r in industrial effiii 1:1' 1/ lj iK account HERE and afety and "service. NGS BANK rt Mill URRAY, W. B MEACHAM, Jr., lident Cashier a V t.r-v 'v V '' 0 FORT MILL TIMES, ' Gold Hill community and exports to {spend tlio creator purt of his visit at the home of his uncle. He loft i Fort Mill a young man to seek hi* < fortune in Arkansas and has met i with considerable success in that State. lie is now encaged In >ho me roan tile business at Okolotia, has farming interests In that cnmntu ii'y | and is a Ant-go stockholder in a pi-".: ! ' porous b:-nk in an Arkunsn.e town.' | Mr. Cnpps says that wt'i'e th i' Pi wc evil long since Invnd. d Ho* s'-< J Pen of Ark msas in which ho lives, i the insect Is doing the cotton crop I there very little dathatro. us tI farmers principally tdaht a variety I of cotton which grown ntoi-? than "'X 1 feet in height and movt of the work .of the weevil Is chip"?at !?? ?o|? of the stalk, sa > i "tr the farmer the Iron-, lie of cntthii out the top. 1*1. .T Ward of pe'rol . M oh. 1?-ft for l;K homo sifter ci'^ndiii rv 1 r? f <\v ?lny?5 In Wort Mi1! with 1?? Ihsither. \\\ \V. War !. Mr. Wsir.l is i niiinaitor of si ! :.- nta'inj* evi-ihI li?linvnt in L>> troll whieh siiii'dlrs , lunrhrw for tlie employ < y of Hi Foul automobile win' nml oilier i in.In? I rifil pl;mts ill ihn* eity. \ v li i I in Fort Mill li" 'rxjirrs.til "in |i"is" , j tlisit tlio rostsi ursmt'; si"ol 1111? rmi n torn Vi this n w < ii ' 'e I i K?'t blither prims for tii -it fonA Ihsi.iJ i illiiInr rooil selis in li.-tro't . :elty of nearly :i million people. "We | . supply Munis:imls nf Inne'i'-s ni neon I rarll liny to tile Win to is ,|l the Kn; d p'nn* for 2f> 'rents o-oli " snh! Mr j. | Wiinl. "The Inin-h Is i i;??*.? up el l four s:in?l\\ iiTe (ilher hum or hoqf. | . :i eut of pie silpl :i Mi'ck of eheese. For cents e\lr:? we mi >pt\ Until < > I ^ I ? -f?r ~y !88 \f m W ^ % m ^ \m ?= @ ' m g$ M fJ i III I PI - l? the THRE1 jWf ^ |>!? |;S RECO jifl ' ln var m BiggergMh in tor lj| ?*ggest aii van No needles I rew Records guaranteed I M|Wj Como in and p| YOUNG & ptot|4 uH m, I Y< ?- <?????? i il ! THE ROY i Trade Street. Hutchison Iiuih Desires the patronage of t year and will strive to deserv I before that ever since we ha\ Call and let us know your \ p?K)d will and continued patrc TJie cost of The Times i 8eml in Your i . FORT MILL, S. 0. bottle of coffee, containing enough to fill, three tea cups. We make 11 boht 2 cents profit on each bottle of this coffee, mid of course do not sell the lunches at a loss." r A number^ of Fort Mill men. principally veterans of the World war. 1 w ho sn.v service 'n Belgium and !'i!iiu-i'/ns members. of the Fort Milt l.;ght Infantry, which was disbanded i"?'M ti e return of the 2oth division I'-niii overseas, are making an effort o eaa're a ror*inmy of the Nat.< na I Buard in Kort Mill and alr? k1\* 'ho names of a considerable' cuml?< i* of voting men have been secured for membership In the comt>. iiv Tlo |ndupc;uentn now offered" h the f"dertil government for membership in the National CJunrd are said In ho considerably greater than t t?ev "-ere in the old organization. Both the h?en and ofTleers under the i. ? cre pn'd for attending .h-niv in' a fund of about $1,000 is sot aside annually for company | nutintcnanee. lids fund to be used In. the (Vccretion of the company. The] rpli;-tmrnt age is from' IS to \cirr. l'ersons who may be interi sled in promoting the organization of the company in Fort Mill are i|ii< te?| t.o '-,.0 Arthur C. I,vtle at 'b?> I. vile ilrnij store. *-? I'Mili/filC Pl.ANTS for Tall and' v inter heading. loo 35 cents, postp-'iit: 1 ooo.f_'.50. Telephone 125-15. .\lc llin Plant Farm, Fort Mill. S. C. 1 'ST. ST KAY FI > CHI <<T( "5KN i Mm my home Saturday white and Mai l- "'< inter. T.iheral reward for ri I 'm to A. It. Ferguson. un^ I The H< )0D FU e~" sQu Built uf RDS This bv icty I Practice 1 I Je Has me to change '.a play 1000 timet hear them j , 1 WOLFE lt a Hab t olna oj" S^jucoxAi* With ?? DUNG ?~ ! I AL CAFE ' I iing, - KOCK HILL .he people of Kort Mill this e it ;is we tried last year and re been in business, vishes and we will win your >nage. ; is only SI.75 a year. Subscription. j f$v / \ MRS. JOHN M. DEAD. J >e voted Wife ami Motlur IMes in Fort >1111 at Ak<< of 64. Mrs. Carrie llafner. wife of John A. Hufner and mother* of Mrs John M. Hutchinson. died at her home in Fort Mill last Thursday night, following a period of declining healtji which began al>out six uionths ago. Mrs. llafncr's illness was not regarded as serious, however. until ten days before her death. Sin- was C4 years of age and had spent iter entire I life ltt Bethcsdu'. i> no to the t'.nte she moved with Mr. Ilafnor ta I ert Mill fie years ago, Sin and Mr. llafner were married 10 y<ars ago. Mrs. Hafticr lied Itcen a ineinher of Cethesda Freshytei .an choreic far So years ami was a de\ >:<al if nsi'an, s.n Indulgent wife and mother and an excellent neighbor the strtnouneeMietti t>f death brought sorrow to timny throughout the eounty. llefore her marriage t<> Mr. Il.afticr. M us-, llafner was Miss Carrie livers, it mem bet of . .* well known Bet liesda township family of that name. Site wais a niece of tit- lot" Itollivor 1 vers, father of I ?r. W. It Ityers of Hook Iltll tin.I Messrs .1 M and ham Ityers of Kethosds township Mrs. I la fr et 's parents de d when she was a little girl She is survived liv Iff husband an I one ..aim! tor. Mrs. llafner was the mother of four daughters, all of wh^ur. are tleatl cxeept Mrs. Hutchinson i if I ii'li I :i I f ' i < v i I'OllMlli'lfit ::t ?hf m;c hi ?r MM! Itv tin' I'fV. V W I? Mf.sti.r <.f t!i> Klrst I'ffsliytc rinn < imrt'li. I took 1MI1. ami iV intciM"! if in it??tln'sila ri'sticli'i'v Kri?li\ :l't rttoon. )ffle of ARE DEA iCi isiness. | ?T< * i vde < i it ; -IP" Zj k WOLF m m mmmummmi g Save fVfoi Buying U oOO Pound i 1,000 INjiiml Prices without books, 70c p< O. T. THE TIMES FOR HOME NEWS *- '-^9jH^H2jBfl?29|j^^H \ Work and You Work Alone. New York Sun. Strike ?nd the world strikes with you. work and you work alone; our souls are ubluze with a Bolshevik craze, the wildest that ever was known. Groan and thre'll be a cho- v rus. smile and you make no hit; tor we've grown long hair and we . i preach despair, and show you a dally 1% tit. Spend and the wing will cheer you, save and you have no friend; for we throw our bucks to birds and ducks, and borrow from nil who'll lend. Knock and you'll be a winner, boost and you'll be a frost; for the old sane ways ?>f the pre-war days are now front the program lost. Strike and the world strikes with you. work and you work alone; for we'd rather yell and raise blue hell than strive for an honest bone. Hunt and you are it leader, toll and you are a nut; 'twas a hitter day when we pulled away front the old time work-day rut. Walt and there'll bo a blowup, watch and you'll see a slump, and the fads ami crimes of tltcst* crazy times will go to the nation's dump. The ferry across Catawba river between Kurt I ..awn anil Lancaster has been reopened fur trattle after IS months of suspended operation. It is at the site of the l?ancuster and Chester hriilKo. The Hat, which is controlled by means of a wire cable, has a capacity of six automobiles at one time. The r?.?td is very nooil on the Lancaster side of the river, but not sm itood on the Chester side, especially in wet weather. In fact, when the weather is wet. automobiles will do well not to fc.icet their chains. lfe | .E '1 UNG 1 ifx. i | E . I icy by ;e Books iooks, $0.00 i Book, $0.00 ?r 100 lbs; effective June 1 ^ < Gulp A. L, PARKS, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FUNERAL EQUIPMENT - MOTOR HEARSE FORT MILL, S. C. \ # I