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? ;' '. ' ' ' ' . . Hare of Democratic Victory Tho Democrats have a bptter chance to win the coming presidential election by two to one than they had four years ago with Woodrow Wilson, in the opinion of Samuel H. Kodgcrs, 1 director of census and a pretty fair political prognostieutor. Mr. Rodger a points out thut the Democratic party has put more constructive laws on tho books than any other administration and has done more for mankind. "All we have to do Is to let the people know what the Democratic party has accomplished and what It still stunds for," said Mr. ltodgcrs. "We have enacted more constructive I'KiBiiuiuii iiiiiu any omcr puriy in the history of the; government und these laws have l?een In the Interest of the masses anil not a few of the privileged class. The Democratic party stands for progress and a square deal to every man. "The Itcpuhllcans have been in control of both branches of ("oratress for more than two years and what have they done? Absolutely nothing but talk. They have not attempted to reduce the war taxes or to enact any other legislation of a constructive nature." KIMBK New V We have several pieces of n and dark, just what you will n< yard - Also a new lot fancy f igured- V< yard ? New Ginghams for children's scl ^ yard Lad Lassie Suitings for the bo; price yhrd New Camisole Ribbons, yard Silk Underskirts, Jersey Silk topf All shades of Taffeta and Messa yard Our Remnant Counter is alway hams, Percale, Suitings, White C most any kind of Remnants you Children's fancy Plaid Socks, 65 KISVSBR ANNOUNCEMENTS. /Jjp^CLEIiK OF COURT. 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for the oftice ??f Clerk of Court for York County, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. WALKER R. LATIMER. i I hereby announce mvself as a eatali date vfor Clhrk of the Court of York i county, subject to the choice of th< , Democratic voters in the primary elec& tio?. . ' F. ESS CLINTON. T!?e Times is authorized to an nou.ei ?T. E. McMaokln or Kings 1 .Mountain township as a candidate foi \Tjerk Of t'ourt, suojeet to the action 1 * lie the; Dcmocrutle primary election. ' (*i-4L - / ??~ / STATE SENATE. 1 hereby announce myself as a candi- , date for the State Senate, subject to tho fiction of the voters at the Demo- . cratie primary. JOHN R. HART. J poit UKPUB8KNTATIVK. f ?-< /V I am n candidate for reelection to , V f*4*' llousc of Representatives ol , . -Vouth Carolina frpm York county, and wish to say thiii I will 'appro^UWclnto the support of the friends who havo so icy ally supported me in tl?c past. My record is open to the voters and if they sec tit to return me to 1 the House I promise to give them the 1 best service in my power for another . " term. W. R. BRADFORD. < > I hereby announee myself as a can didnte for reelection to the House or ReprcHcntatlves. subject to the action of the Democratic voters in the primary election. BMMETT W. PURSI.EY. FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce rriyself as a candidate for re-election to the office of 1 Sheriff of Y'ork County. Subject to the choice of the Domocrntlc voters In the primary election. 1 F. K. QUINN. I heroby announce myself n can- 1 SHOES SHOES] j I am e?liiK to nl?y In the Shoe ,, liasltu<SH, mid If honest prices and 1 honest dealing, <xiu|*led with good 1 Iftonest Shoes, appeal to you, thru I 1 feel that I merit your patronage. ,1 I am sun1 tluit you eiuinot buy the ^ same Shoe elsewhere at anything like J the price I ask. \ fall In to see me when you need 1 KIhh-S. t R. M. HOOD | The ltight l*rlee Shoe Man. 4 TOUT MILL., - South Carolina i / j 1. j CELL'S | % i I i roiles. | icw Striped Voiles, both light + ecd for your August vacation, t $1.50 > ailes, all dark pretty patterns, ^ - --85cts f f rool dresses, large fancy plaids, * . . - 40 and 50 cts ^ ys' suits and blouses, special 1 - 60 cts t ? - 7 $1.25 t i, taffeta Ruffles $7.50 ? line Dress Silk, 36 inches wide, - - ? $2.75 'S full of nice pieces of Gingioods, Etc. You can find al- ~ want on this counter. a cent qyiality-' 50 cts [ELL'S, j * t ???????????? . illdatc for the otlicc of Sheriff of York county, subject to the action of the voters in the Democratic pri iimry. J. CAL STKKLK. L I 4 Kolt COlTNTV SUI'KltVIStHi I hereby announce myself as a uiulhlutc for the office of County T Supervisor for York County, subject # o the choice of the Democratic L litters in tiic primary election. HITCH I G. Itltnwx. t I hereby announce myself as a can iiilate for reelection as Supervisor of T York county, subject to the choice of L the Democrats voters in the primary election. TllOft. W. lloYD. A I hereby announce myself as a can- + lidatc for the Democratic nomination 1 for Supervisor of York county, sub- z ieet to the rules of the primary elec- A ion. CI.KM K. r.uUPON, i I hereby announce myself :is n can- j i lidatc for nomination as Supervisor . if York county, subject to tin* choice ^ ill the I)emncrntic voters in the prtinary election. / KOHKUT F. I.KK. F? > H SOIjIC1T? >11 Thle friends of J. K. Henry announce him as candidate for renomination as Solicitor of the Sixth Judicial Circuit, subject to the result J if the Democratic primary. ? FOIt MAGISTRATE. The Times is authorized to an- f pounce J. U. Ilaile as a candidate for Iho office of Magistrate for Fort | Mill Township, subject to the action . ^ of the Democratic primary. I hereby announco myself a c.Tndlclato for renominatlon for Magistrate of Fort Mill township. E. S. PARKS. If you want hom>2 news, you will find it only in The Times. FORT MILL TIMES t ' ' " i John Skeltoi L [ Comptroller ot Says, under date of July 3 * ... "Some do not i ly significant fact that oui BANKS have at this time a | er of SEVEN HUNDRED I DOLLARS, and that, if Board could by waiving r< deposits and notes only 10 unused lending power to | BILLION DOLLARS." ; While thos% immense ? ble for speculative purposes the legitimate needs of the of history that the Federa vented what would nave b country euer saw, in 1914. The knowledge that w< banks of this great system sources are, in a proper and ble for the uses of our cu forting thought. If you are not alroad benefits that come from j strong, growing bank, we in join us. First Natic Capital and Surplus ... T. P. SIMtATT .1 P. SIMtATT. V. I'res. A fash < >SM < >M > liA IHUPt. Vit-e I'rc.shUnt T ransfer I am prepared to ervice, with splendic it reasonable rates. Phone 104 The J. B, J T TT-? A T rx T < r-? A Ti ric/V V Y and rA.IN( HARD^ FEEDSTUFF^ ALL K1 IF WE HA VENT WANT WEI The J. B. Ice Ceam f( Ml the choice i juantity will be >ut delay by The Candy H. CARRUS, 1 i % . , FORT MILL, S. 0. n Williams the Currency 1st? Appreciate the immenser FEDERAL RESERVE .n unusual lending powAND FIFTY MILLION occasion required, the i sserve requirements on per cent, increase the TWO AND ONE-HALF Amounts are not availa- ; ?, they arc available for country. It is a mattor .1 Reserve system pre- ! een the worst panic the 3 are one of the member , and that its great re- \ legitimate way, availa- ; stomers, is a very comy sharing in the many fi connection with this vitc you to conic in and inal Bank $ 50,000.00 : PrvsitU'iit. W. T. I!A I! I!< i.\. Asst. I'asli. .v. 11'. Akl H.tKY, TolU-r. * Service give you prompt i new Haynes Car N. N. JORDAN Mills Co. \ 2Y GROCERIES, * TARE, ] 5, SEEDS of i [ND5. ! - WHAT YOU \ L GET IT. \ Mills Co. i )r Picnics Flavors in any delivered withKitchen Proprietor. / ; v f v-'? f 9 * " A A'' *' 1 Rexall Rer l REXALL means king of all and ; > under this name whether they are n > toilet preparations or other mercha > very highest quality of materials obt gredients put together in the most \ most up-to-date daylight laboratories satisfaction. > Tee following guarantee is print* "The Uuited l>rug Company nml the ' preparation guarantee it to give satlsl'ac back to the store where you bought it ni longs to you ami we want you to have it, What more liberal guarantee co See us regarding your drug store I Lytle Drug C | THE REXALL ST mmmmmmm mmmm i ! Bread - Rock H j Is the BEST and ch< : Fifteen cents buys fc Bread 1,600 Cheese 750 Ham 600 ? Steak 2S0 ? Eggs 255 Eat twice as much B + cut down your livini ^ The body needs Proteins, ] i drates, Fats and Water. And { only food containing all of these I EAT MORE BF Rnr.k Hill Rtoan f iivvii VIUUII ; ROCK HILL, S | Sale Contini I Through I AT THE CASH , t | Come and see that we t woney on Shoes, Slipper all Suinnier (joods. ? 15ig line of Heavy and F; t Foodstuffs and llardwa your order?No. 8. rpi -a 4 : l He Uash I ; S. A. LKK and T. b\ LYTI ^ The Increased Cost c NOT 10 Till: MlTT.Kr.XO: l\ COST or Sl\ Y10.\ICS Alio AM) WHAT PraminR, per 1,000 foot . (*iir|M?ntor?. per hour Liliorrrs, per hour FlooriMR, per foot Shingles, per 1,000 I*utlis, per Nails, per ke? I'.riek. per 1,(100, laid Heady mixed paint, per gallon I,iiixeed oil, per gallon Cement, per barrel 1 'lastor, per square yard I,line, per barrel % ii.wr. ytn" incki:\sfi> tiif: insfk i'lity m kino tut. i*\st it:\v ykaiis? if not. in Tin: I'A'F.nt of a IIKF. Y i.osfic. as voir roi'i,i> not iu: ciack | anytiiino flftl-: what it cost in hill. l?on'T i'l't IT of H KK J. L. SPRA ' flhk in si'kan 1 j ? ' i i ? | nedies all preparations put up nedicinal 'preparations, mdise, are made of the ainable, the finest in; scientific way, in the and guaranteed to give ed on every package: lllexuU Store, selling this tlon. If It does not, go id get your money. It be uld vou have? i needs. Domp'y ORE. i J ill - Bread ! ' $ ^apest food. >od value in * Calories Calories Z Calories Calories 4 Calories 4 READ and | y expenses. M Minerals, Carbohy- ^ ^ood BREAD is the 4 ?elements. B F An * B i Bakery 1 I c- ' f ied ; i Week j [ STORE I can save you | s, Hosiery, and $ t % v*> iney (iroeeries, ? >i ? * ii*. i limit1 us z I Store, | I LE, Mgrs. ^ il Building. I. \IM >lt \NI> MXTIKIAI.S IT IS TODAY. nil r.?2o . *lx.*tii s 4x.i?n . . . .4 0 .U0 .20 .45 ... 30.00 110 00 ... 3.60 10.00 2.50 10.50 ... 2.50 7.60 ... 18.00 45.00 1 75 4.50 .7 5 2.60 1.75 4.76 .30 1.00 .00 2.36 \XC T. ON vol K l?KOI?4>l will I.I) HP. A I1KAVY A HI II.DIXi TODAY POIC 'F. TT, ;e. - 4