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ft*. ' I . . mV " ' '-.v. ' * ';., .'V^.- > ?. , , THEFORT MILL TIMES Democratic?Published Thursdays. i W. R. Bradford and J. J. Bailee i 'Publishers. I W. R. Bradford. Editor and Mgr. | i The Times Invites contributions on livo subjects but does not agree to publish more than 200 words 011 any i subject. The right is reserved to edit very communication submitted for publication. i On application to the publishers, advertising rates are made known to those Interested. Telephone, local and long distance. No. 112. Entered at the postolllco at Fort 1 | Mill, S. C? as mull matter of the second class. fir? ? ? . -i THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1920. / : The suffragists do well to look further than Tennessee for ratltlea- ' tlon of the Susan D. Anthony ameiidirent. The supreme court of the United States Is not going to rape e ^constitution of Tennessee to accoinijnnodatu tho sulTragists or anybou) W else. f , , Thoro never was the good reason f tor the prejudice uguiusi Cuurlesiou J& that some of our statesmen and neui statesmen led many to believe a quarter of a century ago was justified by tne ullegeu attitude of Cliarleston toward most of the balance of tho Stule. Rut whatever the reason that prompted many in tne neyUuy of Tllluiuuism to oppose everything Chariest oiiian, it will not now puss current, if u Charleston ciusen offers for btalo otllee the ursi thing to do is to und out whether Ao is bettor lltted tor the oiik-o tliun his opponent, mid If ho Ih, tlio next thing to do is to volo for him. Charleston is un much u part ot South Carollnu us Columbia, Spurtunburg, Greenville or York' and the uiun who refuses to vote for u candidate simply because lie is from that city offers vloloneo to his own good Judgment. If Prank It. McNinch is the only citizen of Churlotte, with its bo.uuo population, qualified to till the olllee ot muyor of that eity, as one may t conclude from reading the comment ot the Charlotte News on his propo-, attion to resign from the olllee and ntako his home elsewhere, the sensible thing for the Charlotte people to do Is to ubolish the olhcu ot muyor. Whoro there is only one . man with the capacity to till a public ofttvo, the community Is bettei oft without that olllee. Nor shouhi the Mecklenburg members of tin I-eglslnturo ho Influenced by the suggestion qf The News that they pass a bill for tho benefit of Mayor McNinch increasing the salary of the Charlotte mayor to $7,600 a year. Tho Job isn't worth the money. So Car an report rocs Mayor McNlnch makes an acceptable head of the Charlotte government, but there are plenty more at home tike him. ami tho chances are that if he should resign the city would tlml another citizen to till the otllee quite as well as he is tilling it. In more than one instance the people of South Carolina have been fortunate in lucent years that nothing has happened to the governor to creato a vacancy to be lilted by the mu(cession of the lieutenant governor. Wo have gone along select tng our lieutenant governors without giving thought to the iioHsihilit> of tho governor quitting the otllee i n one reason or another and the vn- ; c-ney being tilled by the mn.t we chosen to he lieutenant govern01. When the governor goes into ttllco there Is no assurance inal he will live to till out his term or that he will not resign. This being true, tho same discrimination should he exorcised in the choice of the lieutenant governor that is applied in selecting the governor. No man too little to ho governor should lie elected lieutenant governor. In the I >0111ocratic primary to tie held ten days "hence the voters of the Shite should weigh carefully the fitness of tho candidates for lieutenant governor. One mistake made by many voters Who wish to choose the host man for public office Is that they support the candidate who makes lite most plausible campaign speech and otherwise appears to tic titteel for tho Otllee he is seeking. Those voters . would not knowingly vdtc for an | Incompetent, unworthy man, yet , many of them, taking the candidate ; for whnt he appears to ho rather I than for what ho Is, sometimes make mistakes tn voting that they would not make if thoy wore In possession of moro Information. Tho Times holds no brief for any candidate for lieutenant governor, hut It is decidedly of the opinion that one of the candidates now in tho raco for that office la much to ho preferred over his opponents. Tho fisticuff between two of tho candidates at tho York meeting a few days ago was an unfortunate Incident, hut not of enough Importance to intluenco any one tn voting for or ngnlnst either of tho participants. But above all. South Carolina should elect a self-rospeet? Ing gentleman to the office of lieutenant governor. Tho people have pot always chosen that sort of a man for the office because they did not have enough Information on Which to base a wise choice. -7<: W ' >7 - #1'..p ji \.F?? Xf ' r :W- '""j5;|fcV- ' V . '; )', ? '7" $.';'-f3F * NOTICE. I Notice Is hereby given thut the tallowing Managers of election and Polling Places of the \arlous precincts In. York Conty arc hereby Appointed and. established for the purpose of a Democratic priinury* to bo held on Tuesday, August 31st, 193%, as follows: Bethel?(J. M. Ford's Store)? Managers, It. K. Davis, M, E. Stan- i ton. It. O. Clinton. A. C. liarnett, ['lork. Betliony?(AlcCJill Bros. Store) ? Managers, \V. B. McGill.-J. J. Ilowe, Ltoyee I'laxlco. \V. II.,liowoll, Clerk. Blairsville ? (Bluirsville Schoolbouse)?Managers, \V. A. Mitchell, S. L. Blair, J. N. Kussell Bullock's Creek?(I*. B. Good's Store)?Managers, I.. L. Dowdle, T. J E. Blair. 11. Cranford. It. I,. Vinson. ! llerk. Clover?(P. II. Jackson's Shop) ? Managers, P. II. Jackson, T. P. Clinton. It. A. Jackson. J. P. SilTord. Clerk Catawba?J. K. Glasscock, W. II. White, G. A. Oety.s. Kbenestcr?(At Matthews' Store) ? Managers. B. H.' Matthews. P. It. 1 lack, K. I,. Currence. J. 1.. Taylor, i ,'lcrk. Pilhert?r( Brown ?V- I.ami Millhouse )? Managers. J c. l>i\on, Ton. Woods, P. C. Walker. Port Mill?Managers, J. It. Ilalle, Sr., W. M. Wilson. Pred Nin?s Porest Hill?i Pore-a Kill Schoolhouse)-?'Managers, J I >. It. Currence. I.? wis ltalrd, I?. P. Whisonant. N. <5. Hrandon, Clerk. Hickory Grove-?Managers, Pr. W. P. McGIII. S. C. Wilkerson. J. .v. AlCountm % P Housewives will alwa in addition to the sto< eeriesand Meats we ea tiling in COUNTRY 1 Ret us supply your tal .A, - O. vT< FORT MILL'S OL V'.N f I Announ Our new building plctcd and we wish t : arc now equipped to < of Automobile l'aintu ' We also make Seat la Curtains and Signs. Pyramid P ROCK HI ; Overhead Bridge I us % / For bn mlJ battery a V| ?B J Repairs,' kind. FORT Mm. TIMES, lison. J Hopewell?(Hopewell Schoolhouse) Managers. J. W. Smurr, J. N. Smtwi. , A W. T. Dowdlo. \ | Lessllo?(Lesslle Schopl house)? ] h Managers. J. T. .Spencer, T. F. Less- | C he, VV. L. Boyd. ti Me'connellsvllle?(McConnell's Old Store)?Managers, J. F. Ashe. J. O. L Moore, J. B. Brntton. C. E. Porcher, v Cerk. . t Newport ? (T. W. Jackson's n Store)?Managers. T. \V. Jackson, a IlarVe.v Atlklns, Ivey Hughes. New Zlon?(New Zlon Schoolhouse) ?Managers. W. A. Nichols, 11. J. J Good, W. Meek Smith. Ogden ?( Ogden Sehoolhouse)? Managers. W. 11. Dunlnp, I. vlilil, '.V. S. Perelval. Hook IBM No. 1 ? (WoHt Shle 1T. S Courthouse)?Managers, B. W. Creed, James N. Benton, O. S. Crawford. Hoek f 1111 No. (Ri,f=l Si.le IT. S. Court house) ? Managers. Hiram Hutchison, J. B. Creighton, J. W. Kn wltnson. Sharon?(At Sims' Drug Store) ? Managers, J. O. Hope, W. S. Love. " I'. It. Shannon f Smyrna?(Smyrna l>"tt-? Srore)? I Managers. S. 1,. Caldwll W. \V I Whiteside*. It. It. Whlteanles. S. M. Qulnn. Clerk. Tirznh?(P. E. Smith's Store)? Managers. J. W. Shlllinglaw. Roy M. Srnller, Thomna A. Campbell. York No. 1 ? ( Law Range >?Managers. It. Ij. Wilkerson, E. M. I>iekson.. J. W. Oolison. Marry Smith. Clerk. York No.' 2?(Itose Hotel)?Managers. J. I<. Moss, It. K. McFarlantl, V 'roduce ys find at this store, 4k of first class Groitv, t he best of everyMtODUCE. i>le wants. ONES DEST GROCERY cement I I i ? is now about com- | 0 announce that we | Jo the highest grade ? 1g and Top Building. J >vers, (Cushions, Side | 'aint Shop I LL, S. C. | Look for the Sign. % 1 is? lattery for Your Car *v and it will give "punch" W and "pep" toyourstarting system. The space saving "Unit Seal" conction gives extra plate surface (nee greater capacity per unit ?ight and volume. This means t-in durability and power. Let how you your "]Extt>e" Batexplain its special features, ttery testing, filling or expert idvice come to our )C" Service Station rvlee is free to all Ira ttery users, the prompt and satisfactory any make of battery at the ce. k Hill Battery Co. ! reel. ROCK HI1X, S. C. ? I FORT MILL, S. C. . M.WIlllford. J. Brown Noll. Clerk . The polls will open at 8 o'clock i. M., and close at 4 o'clock I*. M. In order to vote the party must iave his name regularly upon the :iub Holl of his precinct, and must uke the oath prescribed. The Australian ballot system will ic u?ed In this primary in Clubs rhero the enrollment cxcecla fifty 50). * Instructions as to this method if voting will be given by the managers at the polls. J. A. MAllKiN, County Chairman. tttcsti? ?j. ii. i ri# ferret i\ ry. JESSE L.HOWIE General Contracting Eatimato Clicerfully Given Phone 168 Fort Mill, S. C. DR. A. I OT"T , DENTIST Office hours, 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. . (Dr. Spruit's office) llelk Huiliting, Fort Mill, S. C. JOIN Join the throng o this store where (j treatment a policy. You will always possible price. Fort Mil G. THE L Women ofttimcs take get started?they wan There's a lesson for m liunk or tlie last cha PAT If you think The Times worth the money, $1.75 a year, your tubscription will be appreciated. You will get much Couhty news by reading The Times. ~ t ? """ i ' . i FALL TUF Every home fall garden cont We have just r ment of the fair nip Seed and v to fill your ord< Hutchinson's Phone TUB? TUE m wm a e f thrifty people who 1 [UALITY is a prim receive the best (Jo wmamamkim 1 Cooperative W. STARNES,Manager. AST CHI a peck at the cudiiii; o t to know "The liiut" at en in clothes-inlying 111 pter" when you huy yoi TERSi i JOB PR AT THE TIMES OFFI \ *'-V ^ ' \ v ? ii .1 ; . , - j,' :nip seed should have a ** aining T urnips. eceived a shipious Buists Turr/\i 11 v-v ?-v 1 ?-? .? ?. - j I UUi LJC j^JICcl^Cd ^rs. i Pharmacy, No. 91 IOHO raile regularly with i 'iple and courteous ality at, the lowest < e Store, I I , iPTER | I a story before they the hei>inniiiK. that. lir Siiininer Suit; what you p. y at the beginning isn't nearly as important as whr.t th^y cost you in j the end. I * / Schloss Eialtimore Clothes are not the lowest priced I clothes in the world on a i first-cost basis, ' Cut when the lervkeleit is applied they cost Me**;y I than so-called "chea#^/ 'I clothes; they have style; I uj jjj I they have the reputatibn J j of a third of a centuty for j the enduring qualities that can come only from costly v >, U .. . I tailoring. . < fc. *', | g&J Confined to the Better ' Clothiers i ON'S 1 IINTING CE - - PHONE 112 M %