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HEAVY FINE FOR SPEEDING. . Qccortlcr Ott I>?)s AsHssnHiitf^gninst Ckiutlc Chapman. * Kecorder Ott ' Mondi^- morning came down with a heavy hand on Clauile Chapman, against whom lie ussessed a line of $fiO or 30 days for violating, Sunday, July 18, tho speed ordinance passed by town council a few weeks uro. Chapman also was fined $25 for disorderly conduct on the streets of the town Monday, July 19. arid us In the other case was given the alternative of 30 days. The cases ' against Chapman were the (lrst heard by recorder Ott and for this reason and because the line laid In the speeding case, if conviction followed the hearing, was expected to establish a precedent which the recorder would follow In disposing of other speeding cases, the little court room at the police station wns crowded when the cases against Chapman were called, between 50 and 75 people being 'wedged into the 12 by 14 room. But those who expected to hear the defendant light the charges were dinppointod?he pleaded guilty in both cases and the lines were K1MBP New \ We have several pieces of i and dark, just what you will n yard - ? Also a new lot fancy f igured V yard ? - Ne\* Ginghams for children's sc yard ? Lad Lassie Suitings for the bo price yard - New Camisole Ribbons, yard-? Silk Underskirts, Jersey Silk top All shades of Taffeta and Messj yard - : Our Remnant CJlounter is alwa hams, Percale, Suitings, White ( most any kind of Remnants yoi ^Children's fancy Plaid Socks, 65 KIMBFt i ANNOUNCEMENTS. CI.EltK OF OOUltT. 1 hereby announce myHclf as a candi nine ior me ouice 01 uhtk <?i i ouri lor York County, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. WALKER it. LATIMER. 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for Clerk of the Court of York county, subject to the' choice of the Democratic voters in the primary election. K. ESS CLINTON. The Is authorized to un ? mounce T.j Jf. McMnckln of Klnn's, .Mountain tow.ushlp as a candidate for (Clerk of Court, su.bjoot to the action sif the Democratic primary election. STATE SENATE. 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for'the State Senate, subject to th& action of the voters at the Democratic primary. JOHN It. IIART. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. , 1 am a candidate for reelection to the House of Representatives of. South Carolina ,from York county^ and wish to sny- that 1 will appro-elate the support of the friends who have so loyally' supported inc In the; Piixt. My record Is open to tint, voters and if they see lit to return me to the House I promise to Rive them the host Her,vlce in my power -for another teim. W. It. BRADFORD. I hereby announce myself as a can dulate for reelection to the House or Representatives, subject to. iu:tion of the Deinpcrattc voters In the primary election. KMMF.TT \V. PIT RSI.BY. < FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself as a candidate for re-olection to the office of Sheriff of York Counly.1" rfutijoct to the choice of the Democratic voters In the prlmnry election. F. R, 9UINN. I hereby announce myself a can y promptly paid. < Chapman Is an automobile mechan-. . 1c who was employed at a local garage for some time up to a few weeks ago. He left town shortly after the warrant* for the arrest were sworn out and little had been seen of him here for several days. Sunday he came to town, however, and was arrested by Officer Potts and placed usder a $150 bond to appear for trinl Monday morning. Following the disposition of the cases against Chapman. Recorder Ott announced that he Intended td break up reckless motor driving on the streets of Fort Mill If heavy Ones had the desired effect. Officer Potts has been charged to keep a sharp lookout for speeders and to mako cases against all violntors of the speed ordinance. See "The Miracle Man" this afternoon. Tonlglit will lie crowded. JESSE L.HOWIE j General Contracting Eatimnte. Cheerfully Given pi i co c ? m:ii c r 'ELL'S I ^oiles. lew Striped Voiles, both light ieed for your August vacation, ? r?$1.50 4 ^ ? V oiles, all dark pretty patterns, - 85 cts hool dresses, large fancy plaids, 40 and 50 ct? i >ys' suits and blouses, special - ? 60 ct? $1.25 s, taffeta Ruffles --$7.50 aline Dress Silk, 36 inches wide, 1- $2.75 ys full of nice pieces of Gingjoods, Etc. You can find alV .-J j want- on this counter. > cent quality 50 cts tELL'S. dlilato for the rtllieo of Sheriff of Vork county, subject to the action of the voters in the Democratic primary. * J. ('Ah STEELE. FOR COUNTY SUPERVISOR I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the offlco of County Supervisor for York County, suhjeet to tho choice of the Democratic voters in the t>rimary election. HUGH O. BROWN. I hereby announce myself as a can..didatc for reelection as Supervisor of York county, subject to the choice of the Democratic voters in the primary election. TITOS. W. BOYD. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Supervisor of York county, subject to the rules of the primary elec U6n. CLEM P. GORDON. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for nomination as Supervisor *of York county, subject to the eholee of the Democratic voters In the primary eleetion. RORERT F. bKK, FOR SOLICITOR Thle friemls of J. K. Ilenry announce him as candidate for renominntion as Solicitor of the Sixth Judicial Circuit, subject to tho result of the Democratic primary. FOR MAGISTRATE. Tho Times is authorized to announce J. R. Halle as a candidate for the otnec of Magistrate for Fort Mill Township, subject to tho notion of the Democratic primary. 1 hereby announce myself n candi(or renomtnatlon for Magistrate or Fort Mill township. E. S. PARKS. I-ast dinner today to see "The Mlrnek' .Mali." Majestic. roBtrnttmot f John Skelto Comptroller ot ! I Says, under date of July S ! \ ... "Some do not ly significant fact that on .BANKS have at this time er of SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS, and that, if Board conld by waiving i deposits and notes only 1C unused lending power to BILLION DOLLARS." While these immense ble for speculative purpose the legitimate needs of th< of history that the Feder vented what would nave 1 country euer saw, in 1914 The knowledge that v banks of this great systei | sources are, in a proper an I ble for the uaee of our o. forting thought. If you are not alroa benefits that come from strong, growing bank, we i ! join us. | First Natii Capital and Surplus ... > T. ;H. SPHAI J. U S Pit ATT. V. Pres. & Cash. '! OSMf>ND HAltnrcU. Vice Presldcn Transfei 1 am prepared tc service, with splendi at reasonable rates. Phone 104 I The J. B. | HEAVY and FAP> I HARD1 | FEEDSTUFF :: ALL h IF WE HAVEN* WANT WE' ? - * - ** i > > < > ?? ii "The J. & > i > < I r ? ice leam i All the choice quantity will be out delay by The Candy H. CARRQS, 8,f0fttinLt,8.0. - n Williams 1 the Currency list? I appreciate the immense- | ir FEDERAL RESERVE I an unusual lending pow- I AND FIFTY MILLION | occasion required, the | reserve requirements on | ) per cent, increase the | TWO AND ONE-HALF | amounts are not availa- | ss, they are available for | j country. It is a matter tal Reserve system pre- ? been the worst panic the I ire are one of the member t n, and that its great re- | d legitimate way, availa- $ ustomerB, is a very com- % X dy sharing in the many % a connection with this I invite you to come in and $ anal Rantr ! iruui t/uiuv j $ 50,000.00 | rr. President. W. T. BAH RON, Asst. Cash. % t. IT. AUDREY. Teller. X Service i give you prompt id new Haynes Car N. N. JORDAN Mills Co. i t i i i > ? ? ICY GROCERIES, ! WARE, ;: 'S, SEEDS of 3NDS, T WHAT YOU i: LL GET IT, i; < <) < 1 ? < > Mills Co. < <' < or Picnics flavors in any delivered withKitchen Proprietor. \ Rexa R REXALL means king of all under this name whether they s toilet preparations or other m< very highest quality of material) gredients put together in the most up-to-date daylight laborat satisfaction. See following guarantee is | "The Uultcd Drug Company and preparation gunruntce it to give so back to the store where you beught longs to you und wc want you ; to hi What more liberal guarant? See us regarding your drug II Lytle Drug ! THE REX A LI | Bread - Rock I Is the BEST and ; Fifteen cents buy * Bread 1,6 t Cheese 7 Ham 6 + Steak 2 ^ Eggs 2 t Eat twice as muc t cut down your li | The body needs Protei + drates, Fats and Water, i 4 nn 1 v fnnd nnntuininnp nil < ^ *WW VVUVMAUAUg ail U1 I EAT MORE | Rock Hill Ste i ROCK HII 1 Big Summer ? ? You are losing money if f Big Summer Ooods Sale. L01 | Dry Goods, Slippers, Underw | Etc. Come and see what we | SPECL % Four spools, 150 yards, Coats' oi (Not over 8 to < I Seven bars Octagon Soap, large ? (Not over 7 to 1 Pure fine granulated Cane Sugar ^ $3.50 Carhartt Overalls, per pair % Lots of other values in our s j TheCasi I S. A. LEE and T. F. The Increased Co N()TK THK niFFKKKNCK, IX (H?ST SIX YKAKK Alio AND V Framing, per 1,000 feet Carpenters, per hour laborers, per hour Flooring, per 1,000 feet Shingles, per 1,000 I*nths, per 1,000 Nails, per keg Brick, per 1,000, laid lteady mixed paint, per gallon Linseed oil. per gallon Cement, per barrel Plaster, per square yard Limp, per barrel HAVE YOU INCH EARED TIIE I FRTY Dt'HIXO THE PAST FEW YE. IF NOT. IX THE EVENT OF A Fl LOSER, AS YOU COULD NOT RE PI ANYTHlNti LIKE WHAT IT COST I X DON'T PUT S El J. L. SPI FIRE IN SI - 1i emedies and all preparations put up ire medicinal ^preparations, archandise, are made of the 3 obtainable, the finest inmost scientific way, in the Dries and guaranteed to give >rinted on every package: I the iltexnll Store selling this B ittsfnctlon. If It does not. go fl It mid get your money. It he tive It." J ?e could vou have? store needs, i Comp'y L STORE. Hill - Bread | cheapest food. s food value in * OO Calories * SO Calories z 00 Calories 80 Calories 55 Calories 4 h BREAD and I ving expenses. n8, Minerals, Carbohy- ? Lnd good BREAD is the 4 these elements. 1 BREAD I am Bakery j -L, S. C. | i Goods Sale | | you do not come to our + ts of Bargains for you in ear, Hosiery, Hats, Caps, <v > have. ALS | r Clark's Thread 25c t customer.) Z size 50c T customer.) . rior nnnnH 'V . ? , $2.98 itore. Come in. I i Store, I I LYTLE, Mgrs. ? st of Building. OF I.AllOll AND M Vl l ltl AI.S I'll AT IT IS TODAY. 1014 1020 . . . J1S.00 $ 4S.00 40 .00 20 .4 5 . 20.00 110.00 3.50 10.00 2.50 Hi 50 2.50 7.50 IS.00 45.00 1.75 4.50 1 r. - ., u 1.76 4 7f. 30 1.00 90 2.35 NNI'IIAXCK OX YOl'lt IMtOl?\?tN7 ikk voir wori.D iik a iif.ayy ,\< F. A Ittll.MNO TODAY IHIK 1014. IT OFF. K - j *ATT, 1RANCE.