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wr , mUf THEFORTMILLTIMES Democratic?Published Thursdays. W. R. Bradford and J. J. Dalies Publishers. W. R. Bradford, Editor and Mgr. Mil ,lm* fcWW BUOMl Subscription Ratw:' ??no Year . ..fl.25 Six Months % 65 The Times invites contributions on live subjects but does not agree to publish more than 200 words on any subject. The right is reserved to edit every communication ..submitted for publication. .. . On application to the publishers, advertising rates are made known'to those interested. Telephone, local and long distance. No. 112. . Entered at the postofflcc at l?'ort Mill, S. C.. as mail matter of the second clnss. THURSDAY, AUGUST 12. 1920. Congressman Mason of Illinois Is of the opinion, so he suys, perhaps because lie .wanted to get his name on the press wires, that the Irish sympathizers in America will "all have to vote for Harding." Perhaps they will, and perhaps they won't. The Irish sympathizers in tliis country arc not herded in a pen like so many cattle to lie delivered by any man who may have appointed himself spokesman for them. We imagine that quite as many Amerlmino ,uk.. l'.? ..1. the socalled Irish republic become a P republic in (act will be found voting for fox next November as for 1 larding. The heavy rains of the last few days demonstrate in the most forcible way tho need of good roads throughout the county. Motor tralllc over the country roads was almost impossible tl?e lirst of the week. Kittle as one may think of it, the condition of the loads cost the county thousands of dollars. Farmers were, unable in many instances to bring their perishable produce to market, finding it wellnigh impossible to drive their cars through the mud, and consequently sustaining considerable loss in the aggregate. Merchants and other business men also suffered loss from the condition of the roads. York couniy has an act, passed at the 1 !> 19 session of the General Assembly. providing for the issuance of township bonds for road purposes, but unfortunately only two townships In the county have improved upon the opportunity the net affords to secure good roads, and in only one of these townships have there been any roads constructed from the sale of township bonds. Hut one of these days the people are going to tire of tho.mipl tax and then good roads- will b< built, if not by bond Issues, otherwise The matter could'quickly be brought. iii a inaii i?y a number or influential men in each township cooperating to,, Inlluenco the- voters to provide the funds for road construction. Fleeted to the United States sennti for the second time, in 1!?14, carrying al. save three counties in the State over Ills Republican opponent, after receiving nearly 00,000 majority ovet tiis opponent for the Democratic nomination the same year, Tlios. P. Gori now goes down to defeat under a heavy vote cast for Scott Ferris as tht party candidate in the Novembei election. A number of reasons ari given for the defeat of tlie blind senator, he himself claiming that it was due to the harvest season which kept many farmers away from tin polls; but the most likely reason is found in his opposition to President Wilson's policies generally but particularly his vote against the league of nations. "1 ran a handicap race atul lost," the senator says. Kxactly. There are other Congress candidates i nnipg for reelection this year who a o are carrying the added weight in h. ndieap races. Over in Georgln lloke Smith is up for reelection and there is the possibility that his handicap will also prove his undoing. Smith's war record is little hotter than Core's; tint at that there is little-to chose between Smith and the candidates who are opposing him for the Democratic nomination. Tom Watson i." .-in iimiT, iiiiii in i no iihii'mi in (,ije SouIh. I>ut is oven loss dependable than Smith, if that lie possible, and Cooper apparently Is a liquor candidate. The one hope for Ocoi'Kia to he creditably represented in.the United States senate seems to bo Coventor Horsey. It i: thought ttiat Horsey eould deroat Smith. Watson and Cooper if he made an aggressive campaign, hut the governor seems reluctant to enter the race and it begins to look as if Smith will continue to lie in position to do the State and nation more harm thun good. Xo Carnivals In County. > An'act of the t.eneral Assembly. provides that hereafter it'shall he unlawful for any carnival or tent show of a like nature, or traveling show exhibiting under tent,' to exhibit in York county, and no license shall he granted to any carnival company or other like exhibition In the county. The county fair association may permit carnivals and other like shows during fair week within- the Inelosure of the grounds of the fair association, however. Circuses it" exempt froui the provisions of the act. A maximum penalty of $500 or three months is provided for violation of tnc act Hundreds hhw "Tim Miracle Man" yesterday. .More Imitdrtals coming today. I.. r i ^ Wan * ?\* TP A r * i ? w.f ? 4 The State Deps plans an intensive c?a lishment of classes fo old during the montl We want to esta in every school distri< Any teacher int< INA N. Supervisor / McConnellsvi A First Ch Grocery St< Our experience of in the Grocery Busi how to buy goods < our customers get knowledge. Your ited and appreciate O. O" j Announ 1 ^'Our .new buildin 1 pleted and we wish v are now equipped to ? of Automobile Painti We also make Seat C ? # t Curtains and Si^ns. j Pyramid I ! ROCK H I Overhead Hridge battery Wr1 I H J Repairs, kind, or >* 4 ? r1 > " s FORT MILL MMB ted-?-a jr HERS / Lrtment' of Education mpaign for the estabr adults over 14 years 1 of August. blish a Lay-by School zt in York County. srested write? .ASHE \dult Schools ille - - S. C. ISS ore _ _ - .1 . over tniriy years in ess has taught us of first quality and the benefit of this patronage is solic?d. 03STH1S icement < i; is now about com- I to announce that we i Jo the highest grade <f ng and Top Building. | overs, Cushions, Side | 'aint Shop i ILL, S. C. ?) Look for the Sign. <> * > n Ps? Jaftery for Your Car and it will give "punch" Jin and "pep" to your starlit ing system. The space saving "Unit Seal" conjction gives extra plate surface ence greater capacity per unit 'eight and volume. This means It-in durability and power. Let show you your "Extbe" Bat1 explain its special features, ittery testing, filling or expert advice come to our bC" Service Station irvice is free to all battery users. the prompt and satisfactory i any make of battery at the ice. sk Hill Battery Co. treet, - ROCK HILL, S. C, S, fO&T UtLL, S. 0. shoes shoes! I am goinjc to itny In tlie Slioc husliH'si, and If iKHM'st prlct* and lioncst dealing. coupled with pnnI InxM'st SIMM's, npiM-al to yon, thru I i fiol that I mnlt your patronage. 1 ant sure Unit you cannot buy tlir samr Slioc cbcwlirrv at anything like lite prlrr I ask. Call In to see ine when you need Shoes. r. m. hood The Klght Price Slioc Man. FORT MILL. South Carolina DR. A. I OXT , DENTIST Office hours, 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. (Dr. Spratt's office) Belk Building, Fort Mill, S. C. JOIN Join the throng o this store where (> treatment a policy. You will always possible price. Fort Mil G. rpnr? T i nc Lu Women ofttimcs take get started?they wan There's a lesson for 111 Think of "the last cha PAT If you think The Times worth the money, $1.25 a year, your subscription will be appreciated. ' I.Hst chaiHv today to hi**' "Tlie Miracle Man." MuJt'hUc. FALL TURN11 Every home shoi fall garden containii We have just recer ment of the famous nip Seed and woul to fill your orders. LJiiinhinnnn'n nl nutuimidUii 0 rl Phone No. 91 THE THROI f thrifty people who trade i QUALITY is a principle : receive the hest Quality 1 C-! a v/w^v/i iaxi yj 1 W. STARNES,Manager. AST CHAP a peck at the ending of a st< t to know "The End" at the he en in clothes-buying in that. pter" when you buy your Sum TERSOl JOB PRIIM AT THE TIMES OFFICE - * i P SEED uld have a ? ig Turnips, ved a shipBuists Turbe pleased larmacy, NIG ocularly with \ m?l courteous sit tlio lowest tore, ? TER 1 >ry he fore t hey ttinniiij;. liier Suit; what ay at the beginning tearly as important at they cost you in d. Schloss altimore Clothes >t the lowest priced \ in the world on a ?st basis. hen the service test died thev cost !#?? so-called "chea p" i; they have style; lave the reputation iird of a century for during qualities that me only from costly onfined to he Better Clothiers | SI'S I * ITING - PHONE 112