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SHORT ITEMS OF NEWS PICKED UP ABOUT TOWN Mrs. T. S. Kirkpatrlck Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Allen J. Graham, in Greenville. Mrs. J. L. Sprutt Is spending some time with her sister, Mrs. P. L Stough, In Cornelius, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Kpps of Tampa. Fla., are guests at the home of Mr. IOpps' father. Hon. S. II. Kpps. Sr., in the God Hill community. Misses Annie Keo Patterson and Sue Khyne. Moffat Klrkpatrlck and J. H. McMurray, Jr.. were guests Sunday of Miss Est ha McMurray. \V. O. Griffin, formerly manager of the Cooperative store, has accepted a position as salesman for tKe Cash store. Miss Laura Cross returned to Fort Mill Friday afternoon from n visit of several days to friends in Spencer, N. C. Mrs. L. J. Mnssey and children returned home Saturday, after spending the greater part of last week with relatives in Morganton, N. C. Misses Lowell and Clyda Lawrence of Florence are expected to come to Fort Mill today for a visit of several weeks at the home of their sister, Mrs. F. R. Ardrey. Mrs. 10tile Thompson of T^nncastcr. Mrs. J. T. McGregor and children of ITuntsvllle, Ala., and Price D. Culp are guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Boyd. C. S. Link returned to Fort Mill Monday ntorning after accompanying Mrs. Link to Pendletdn. where she is visiting relatives for several days. The first home-raised watermelons of the season were brought to town from the country one day last week and sold on the local market. It was noted that the melons were small in size hut hulked hlg In price. Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Ardrey and children returned Tuesday evening from a motor trip to Chimney Hock, K f U'hnrn Ihn,. sin guests sit 0110 of the mountain hotels. Tho annual picnic of Philadelphia Methodist Sunday school proved a pleasant occasion Wednesday for the membership of the Sunday school. The picnic was held near the home of W. II. Jones. Inability of the contractors to secure bricklayers has delayed the work on the auditorium of the graded school to such tin extent that It now seems doubtful whether the building will be completed in time for use when the fall session of the school opens September 1. Mrs. George Fish and her daughter, Miss Dorothy ltergstrom, left Fort Mill Monday evening for an extended visit to relatives in Dorchester and Orompton. II. T. Mrs. Fish and Miss Uergstrom also will \islt friends in Providence, It. I., and Hoston before returning home. Fort Mill friends of Frank I.ewis of Greenville, formerly connected with the otllec force of the Fort Mill Manufacturing company, were pleased to see him in town a few days ago. Mr. Dew Is is now secretary for Allen J. Graham, cotton manufacturer. He was accompanied to Fort Mill by Zenas Grler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tt. F. Grler, who also is making his home in Greenville. J. A. WngstafT. for several months i-.Mii . uiiicor or i*or? mill, tondornl his roflfinntlon lo Mayor Ardrey Monday morning. The resignation was accepted and .Toe F. I.ce was appolntcd t?> fill the vacancy temporarily. It Is understood that the town council at its next regular meeting will elect a permanent oilleer. The salary provided for the officer is $12T> per month, and a citizen yesterday observed. "It is easy money." One hail inning, the first, cost th< Fort Mill team the hall game with North Charlotte Tuesday afternoon on the home grounds. 11. H. Ardrcy went in the box for the locals, hut two hits and n number of passes, netting the visitors three runs, proved his undoing and the burden was then taken up by A ml nil Ferguson, who went the balance of the route in good shape. The stick work of the locals was anything hut brilliant, however, and in the nine innings the best they could do was to put one man across. The children of the Junior Missionary society of the Fort Mill Presbyterian church enjoyed a picnic on the church grounds Tuesday afternoon. Numerous games dear to childhood To the Real 1 We wisli to announce llic forma I Ol' Crawford A Cork, for the purpo lies*, this firm to be a siinessor to a ipiircd ami In tbr process of baiull The lii-m will be coiu|s>scd of <> lurried on tin- business, and W. N. t business. furtiM'rlv l ???. ? "? *? F . v WI atm i% III, l?|| I It will l?o our aim to liuilil up a lM*4'urnti?, Mntlsfaotory ami frank iloa trust of tin* pulilio. No ImsiiMw too snuill or none t umlivlrioil attention. Wo will appro ituy or to soil. l/ook ovor our olTorlnirs can-full ploasuro in showing >ou any of our o place* Is-low prc\ailing prh-es. Kvcr i.-latixc prloos. ami oaii give terms o CRAWFOR REAL ESTAT OFFICK OVKH ST.\XI?.\KI> C KOCk II were played and late in the afternoon f lunch and Ice cream were served the | little folk. 1 CONSIDER JOINING YORK f Chester County Citizen* IMscuss An- | nexation Proposition 9 Chester Lantern. ? A meeting of citizens In the ex- I trerae northeastern section ol lands- ? ford township was held Monday at | Itowells In reference to annexing f he section east of Fishing Creek, in u Iandsford, and a small portion of ? llossvllld townships to York county. G Some 75 citizens of that section f were present and while they were fe apparently willing to sign the petl- * ?lon, which requires one-third of the S freehollers to call an election, the X sentiment was divided as to how they E would vote In the matter. A largo | number of them expressed them- f selves as being unwilling to leave 6 Chester county until the proposed * annexation had received further con- fe slderatlon. T Arthur G. Westbrook was chair- fe man of the meeting, and York county * ir'erists were represented by W. B. ? uriioon i>nnb uiii 4 T n..?tnn w *? noun ui ikvviv nui. a. vruoiviii fk at the suggestion of some of those fj oresent, gave nn explanation of how J the funds intrusted to the Chester fj lilKhway commission had been ex- u ponded in Improving "the roads of ?. Chester county, stating that the orlg- H innl plan to build 201 miles of road * with the bond issue of $450,000 hnd ? of necessity been decreased on no- ? count of the greatly increased ex- ? pense In doing the work. ? lie assured them that the Chester people regretted the proposed action, and suggested that the matter could bo adjusted later on. and I-andsford he provided with the amount originally allotted to her for road building before the plans of the commission hnd to be changed to conform with increased costs. H. K. Adams was present representing the Chester highway commission. Mr. Wilson, in the course of his remarks, told of a plan that tho people of Itoek Hill had in mind to form a new county with ltoek Hill i" the county seat and explained that this was one reason they sought additional territory in that section. He also stated that the citixens in a portion of the northeastern section of York county were plnnning to be annexed to Cherokee county. Mr Wilson had the petition ready and explained In detail the legal step-' necessary to secede from Chestc county. He made no promises as to what York county would do for till;; section in the way of Improved road ir otherwise. He suggested that in he event the election was favorable hat they need not become a part of 'atawbu township hut suggested that hey form their own township In orler not to assume any of the indcbt dncss of this township. Full Ticket for House. Yorkvllle Enquirer. At last there is out n full ticket for >.he house of representatives?Just four. and without any prejudice against anybody who might want to it nounce between now and the closing of the gates the Yorkvllle Enquirer begs to gay that it Is entirely satisfied with the situation a- it stands. Nlessrg. Pursley and Bradford ' re members of the house and Mr. Mitchell has been a member, lie would have been re-elected two yeuts ago without difficulty: but "to saw proper to step down and submit himself to the draft, which he could V have evaded without any trouble by g merely remaining a member of the 2 house. But he did not choose to do n that, and except for the armistice he ? would soon have been in service. Mr. E Oarothers. besides coming of tho right X kind of parents, has been through two ? years of school that makes good men ? better men. Mr. Pursley is seasoned f> \nd tried, and Mr. Bradford holds Gf rank in the house that is well worth * while to his constituents and county, g Thert are a great many people who f wou'd like to see Mr. Nunn go back AS cither to the house or senate; hut so ? far as the Yorkvllle Enquirer has in- ? formation he has not made up his g mind to re-enter the race. His ? friends are still working oq him. But J anyhow, from the present outlook. * York county will be satisfactorily rep- C resented ? S * Estate Public f ton of n iMirtiirrshJp mirier I lie name ? so of carrying on a real estntc bust- ? n> and all business lierelofore ne- | ill* by Ornn S. Crawford, ran S. Crawford, ?Ik) lias heretofore fork, nl one time in the real estate < I more recently of Durham. N. C. liermaiient business, tinaed on safe, lings, meriting the confidence and i*i Inrge but what will be given our elate your businc***, whether it is to j > In-fore you buy. Wo will tnko 4 lYi-rings. Ilavo listed some of the 4 <3 y piacp w offer In for sale. No simm'- 4 ? n any of them. 4 < <8 < D & CORK J EBROKERS r ?. PHONK 49 ILL, H. C. tOMIdLt rates, P6&T M ? 1 ?? I Youi I Pay for tl | Records a | Deliver th & That is just how c( Pathe is the one r will want to keep. Pay for the recorc ments for the phon as best suits your o1 is no other as good Phonograph?Suprei that you ever looke? graph?Supreme in tion and in musical r without doubt the I of its kind made toe I On Your Come in* rnake > Play them first on tl best and convince 1 the only phonograpl Youi THE CITY C, \ A CLEAN, COOL, CONVEIS ; TALK ANT for LADIES and C I Quick Service, Food of Bcj Polite attention. If you ai for SERVICE dine here. | Mrs. E. L. HUGHES, Pi The cost of The Times is onl} Send in Your Subseri m,, a. o. 'j&xmxz&mmvm mimmtmtmtmxmz .VfWVfWV^W!WW5di >ra? lii!y?^V5!Wi^v^?^vTW>n ig &: W( le first few rirl 1A/P will is genuine )nfident we are that the eal phonograph that you Js you select and the pay- P* lOgraph will be arranged 1 u wn convenience. I here [ as Pathe?the Supreme Six (?> me in every good quality if* 1 i A JEW d tor in a modern phonodesign and in construe0 S:i pphh'o ange?Supreme in tone? finest musical instrument I'ln> I or.l-s iiidI iay. ?. AI w :is soon ii Own Terms ' thin reason) s.-ipphiiv ur selection of records. :,, , s y,;j I'li'llHO 11 tie Pathe model you like A XI* Y yourself that the Pathe is Kl ixatA to buy. ig & w< FORT MILL, S. C. :l r TT 4hb *1 oave 'H< niiNT ui-s- til Buying iliNTLliMliN r| 5<>0 1'oil ll( <t Quality, *1 1,000 Poll re looking t I Price, without books,^7C i o. i oprietress. t , ?i.2r, ? the TIME! ption. FOli HOME NEW % ' jlfe | H SWt - ~ ^ j| >; ;< 1 So i ? t i i o> 1 A I kxcm'kivk al>- i .\t;t:s ix fELED PATHE j N'ooillos to t'hnnKe i vclcil I'lit ho. The lia 11 novcr weurs 1 rnutooil IjonRcr l.lfu ! s All Makes of Iteo- } plays them hotter. j ays Ueatly to I'lay is you slip on a roo- rjQJ in Tone hothe famous 1'athe to inoroaso or do- jjtS I m irr tiii: patiik ffi&x NO MOUI-: THAN Sj? >ICI?I \.\UV I'llON[>lfe | >ney by Ice Books I Hooks, $3.00 ltd Hook, $(>.00 Ic per 100 lbs; effective June 1 V r. Gulp ? A. La. PARKS, 3 FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FUNERAL E0U1PNENT - MOTOR HEARSE S FORT MILL, S. C.