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PIXEVILLE NEWS NOTES. Items of Interest From Across the line on the North Carolina Side. Pinevllle. N. C., July 28.?Many Pineville people and others In this section were greatly distressed last Thursday to hear of the death In a hospital In Gastonia early that mornIng of Mrs. Ross Ratchford of Belmont, who Kuccumbed to a short Illness. Mrs. Ratchford was Miss Mary Spencer before her marriage to Mr. Ratchford nhout two years ago and up to that time had spent her entire life here at the home of her parents. She was about 85 years ol age und Is survived by her husband, her mother, Mrs. J. H. Speieer; one sister, Mrs. J. B. Denl of Pinevllle, and one brother, Earle Spencer of Wilmington, all of whom were at her bedside when the end came. Mrs. Ratchford's father was the late J. II. Spencer, who tiled alibut ten years ago. The interment was In Belmont Friday. There have been a considerable number of accessions to the Plnevltle churches as a result of the revival which closed here Sunday night, after running through two weeks. Pr. W. W. Orr of Charlotte, pastor of Eust Avenue tabernacle (A. it. P.). did the principal part of the preaching and his sermons are believed to have made n lasting impression. They were heard by large audiences, made up not only of Plnevllle people, but many others as well, who came from nearby communities in this county and across the line in South Carolina. The meeting was held in a large tent nnd a feature of the services was the singing. Plnevllle people were greatly disappointed a few days ago when the census bureau announced that the township showed a decrease in population for the last ten years of several hundred as compared with the figures for 1900 to 1910. Plnevllle township is not the only section of Mecklenburg which the census bureau credits with a loss during the last decade, however, one or two other mwnsmps aiso naviPK (four imrKwnril. Charlotte's Krowth. to some extent nt least seems to have come ahout at the expense of other sections of the county, more than half the population KIMBF For Ladies a Bit? Sale of Ladies' and Children Waists. All shades, includinj Beautiful new Voiles, light and da _ figured, per yard New drop stitch Silk Hose, white Silk Underskirts, all colors, Jerse PHP 90-inch Half Linen Sheeting, yar< New Curtain Goods, yard We have a good many Remnants for School Dresses, Boys' Bio Come in and let us show you aro headquarters. We will he pi KIMBff Summer Toi v Southern 4 TO MOUNTAIN AND KRAHHORF 1?I'CKI> Tickets on sale daily at all sta i return limit October 3Int. 1930. Stop-over prlvlleRe* allowed. For further information, rail o S. H. ? lMstriot I *a t COIiUM 1 of Mecklenburg now being included 4 In that city. < NGood rains have fallen In this sec- 1 tlon during the last ten days and the promise now Is for better crops than j the farmers hoped for a few weeks j ago. The cotton crop Is up to the < average for this time of year, but the j diought which ended with the recent J rains did considerable damage to corn. Thus lar the farmers of this section j scent to have given little thought to { the approach of the boll wevll, which I is permanently established less than ; 75 miles from here In South Carolina d and In sections -of this State. < 4 Heat Kills $40,000 Hog. * Word has been received at the office < of the Poland China Journal in Kan- 1 sas City of the death a few days ago ^ of The Yankee, a Poland China boar. * owned by W. H. Ellsworth & Song of j Cloldfield, la. The hog was purchased | in April for $40,000 from Williams < Urothers, Vllllsca, la., a record price | for the individual sale of a hog. The ^ cause of the animal's death has not j been definitely determined, but it is j believed to have resulted from the j hot weather. The Yankee was known j by breeders of Poland China hogs in 1 all sections of the country. 4 SPECIAL NOTICES, i LOST-?From buggy early Thursday \ morning between heme of Mr. Sam ^ Armstrong, two miles east of town, and Fort Mill blue serge man'e Coat. ^ Flnderwill be suitably rewarded by i returning 10 i nc linen omce. j KOIl SAKE?One brand new Ford < Touring Oar, selfstarter; never been ^ used. It. T. Fewell, care Peoples Trust <j Co., Hock Hill, S. C. | KOK SAKE?One pair of black <i Hearse Horses. ('an be used any- j where. Also one large Black Hearse " and one smaller one. Benson for 4 selling: putting In all motor equip- j incnt. Will sacrifice. Hock Hill Fur- 2 niture Co., Hock 11 ill, S. C. j JERSEY COWS?Two Jersey Cows ? with young calves. J. J. Bailes. See 4 J. F. Moore at Marjibell Farm. J CELL'S ^ i t i 4 i m nd Children 's Middies; Georgette and Silk X flesh and white. rk patterns; striped, checked and 85c, $1.25 and hlnok *1 7S ?? ? y top, taffeta ruffles $7.50 l $2.00 ; 50c left from our bijr sale suitable uses. Shirts, Etc. und and make our store your eared to see you. 1 tELL'S. iirist Tickets ; IA Railway HKSOHT POINTS AT (JHKATI-Y RF- ' IAIIFX lions until September :toth. wtth llnnl ( ( n T*ocnl Ticket Apent. or write to: AcLean HRenger Agml, MA, S. C. I FORT MILL TIMES, ? | Educcatioi Savins I My Dear Mr. Dunlap: I Please allow t many,, many times for > your Bank has shown me > of overdeveloped indej I suaded my father, much > ment, to let me barroi > bank to finance my fir I ses. I have paid bad I all by myself, and alt t would have swelled my t I do not regret having I really it has been an L I wouldn't take world! L Afain, thank [ Sincer I ? ' The above letter spei have the determination to help. $UCC BEGINS WITH O! [ AND ENDS W The National I Rock Hi! Cash Capital of $300,000.00 THE ROY/ Trade Street. Hutchison Buildii Desires the patronage of th year and will strive to deserve before that ever since we have Call and let us know your wi good will and continued patron Two Remarka WIT] E-B 12-20 Ti E-B Tract! At FARMINGI Date?!*:25 P. M., Mny 20th. to 1:3 0 I \cres I'lowcil?1*5.8 acres, *5 1-2 to 7 1-: minutes. Nine?15 bourse, 4 4 minutes (not inch: ters which hiul slipped during thi Fuel Consumption?Approximately 2 rb I >11 added?0. Mater added?0. Hold?Clover, rye as a cover crop; 2 full of moisture; heavy, inter mi stack bottom choked plow sev< 24 HOUR TRACTOR I At COLUMB I Mite?1:45 P. M., June 7th to 4:4 5 ] Acres riouttl?24.72 acres, 7 1-2 to 8 rime?24 hours (less 30 minutes for a strainer in pipe line as one ta nk Fuel Consumption?54 Radons of ken. (HI ndded?0. Field?Old pasture unplowed for 27 ycr Post |>er Acre?About 35 rents for f uc Bailes Lui ' FORT All 1.1 PET MILL, S. C. ~ I n, i is and I Service, j t < > s. c. | July, 1920 $ me io thank you f the great kindness f i, Due to a case ' Dendence, I per- T i against his judg- t r a sum from your v lal college expen- " i every cent now, ? hough the amount c savings account, % l borrowed it? 4 experience that 4 3 for, 4 you. 4 ely yours, 4 iks for itself. If you ! win, you can get the ?$$ : NE DOLLAR * ITH TWO I t n _ i_ jnion BanK, : 11, s. c. I "Absolutely Safe." \L CAFE npr, - ROCK HILL e people of Fort Mill this it as we tried last year and been in business, ishes and we will win your age. ble Records a actors and >r Plows >ALE, N. J. ?. M., May 21 at. 2 inches (loop, one acre every i>6 ding 20 minutes for adjusting coule night). lions of kerosene pel* acre, large trees In mi?l?lle of field; soil M<.?? uhn< r.-.. I . 1.... ..!> "V.,t m.wnv.c. . .U..J IMUII.IIIH, II >ral times; broke one broak-pin. DEMONSTRATION US, N. J. P. M., June xih. inches deep. d just ing coulters and cleaning: fuel of kerosene was extremely dirty.) senc or 2.1 gallons per acre. ?rs, grass 12 inches deep. 1 and oil. nber Co, r., s. c. ? Use Checks A bank check is a receipt, a safeguard, a convenience, a proof of credit, a business necessity, a prime factor in industria ciency. USE CHECKS Open a checking account HERE and be assured of safety and service. THE SAVINGS BAN of Fort Mill. I W. B. MEACHAM, J. H. McMURRAY, W. B. MFAC President Vice-President Cashl | 1 Slippers are Che ? \\ At the Gash Stor I ; We are giving a SPECIAL DISCOUNT o CENT on all LOW CUT SHOES for Men, Li i Children, and we have them in black and da V/e can save you money and all we ask ; is to come and see us. Satisfaction guaran i The Cash Stor | S. A. LEE and T. F. LYTLE, Mgrs. I Quality Linked With Economy That's why our GROCERY ] NESS continues to grow from i to month. Our patrons may always <! ; upon receiving here the he ' "good things to eat." B. C. FERGUSOl i : Bread -- Rock Hill -- B I Is the BEST and cheapest fc ; Fifteen cents buys food valu< Bread 1,600 Calories Cheese 750 Calories Ham BOO Calories Steak. 280 Calories 1+ Eggs 255 Calories jjj Eat twice as much BREAD? \f cut down your living expen j ? The body needs Proteins, Minerals, C drates, Fats and Water. And good BREA I only food containing all of these elements. ; * EAT MORE BREAD 1 Rock Hil! Steam Bak I ROCK HILL, S. C. S 4 t I S 4 si 1 effi?.V IK HAM, Jr., er i ' I ap i e. | 4 f 25 PER idics and > > rk tan. you to do ? teed. ? e> i t i iu:siIllOlltll ('J)Oll(l St in N. read : )od. 5 in and ? ses. Jarbohy- ^ D is the ? :ery | 1